Bug: 'typename' keyword gives compile errors if used for identifiers inside namespaces


We faced a problem with 'typename' keyword gives compile errors if used for identifiers defined inside namespaces.

See this example, it does not even compile

namespace myspace
   int x = 1;

void OnStart(void)
   Print( myspace::x );               // 1

   Print( typename(myspace::x) );     // does not compile unless line is commented-out  ('x' - undeclared identifier)

Edited: 'We' refers to me and @Dominik Christian Egert

Note: If an extra pair of parenthesis is added around the identifier, the problem is gone:

   Print( typename((myspace::x)) );  // int

We faced a problem with 'typename' keyword gives compile errors if used for identifiers defined inside namespaces.

See this example, it does not even compile

Edited: 'We' refers to me and @Dominik Christian Egert

Note: If an extra pair of parenthesis is added around the identifier, the problem is gone:

The fix with an enclosing bracet will not work on templated types...

template <typename T>
void func_type_id(T p_in, const int __line)
{ printf("line:%i  Type:%s", __line, typename((T))); }

Fails to compile

Dominik Christian Egert #:

The fix with an enclosing bracet will not work on templated types...

Fails to compile

Try typename((p_in))
I has been fixed.
Alain Verleyen #:
I has been fixed.

What build the fix?

I have checked build 3683: not fixed, with the same error.

Alain Verleyen #:
I has been fixed.

Great. Thank you for taking care.
Dominik Christian Egert #:

Great. Thank you for taking care.
You are welcome.