Problem setting investor password at MT4



I am logged into MT4 desktop version, and want to set an investor password. 

I follow the instructions:  Tools/Options/change password - and fill in main-password for confirmation + choose an investor password that contains 2small letters 2big letters 2 numbers, I also try to add other signs that are not alphanumerical. 

Can someone please help me to troubleshoot this issue.

Kind regards, Per

Per.Goalie: I am logged into MT4 desktop version, and want to set an investor password. I follow the instructions:  Tools/Options/change password - and fill in main-password for confirmation + choose an investor password that contains 2small letters 2big letters 2 numbers, I also try to add other signs that are not alphanumerical.  Can someone please help me to troubleshoot this issue.

I don't think all brokers allow other types of characters. Try to use at least 8 alphanumeric characters, mixing upper and low case characters. For example ... "Ek65f0208b"

Fernando Carreiro #:

I don't think all brokers allow other types of characters. Try to use at least 8 alphanumeric characters, mixing upper and low case characters. For example ... "Ek65f0208b"

Thanks Fernando for explaining. I tried your suggestion, but it did not work. 

The reason could be that the account holder is not me but my prop firm. 

Prop firm allows me to connect my account to MyFXBook to show friends the good result, and it is not safe to use master password to MyFXBook, so to protect the account investor password would be needed. 

Now the question is: Can an account holder disable the opportunity to set investor passwords? If so, then it would be better if MT4 wrote an error message: Investor password is not allowed on this account, please contact account holder. 

But I thought that MT4 was the master place to go, and if you have access to MT4 with master password, you have access to everything. 

I will ask prop firms support, but I am not sure they know how the investor password setting works. So if you know if account holder can disable investor password opportunity, please tell me :) 

KR, Per

Per.Goalie #:

Thanks Fernando for explaining. I tried your suggestion, but it did not work. 

The reason could be that the account holder is not me but my prop firm. 

Prop firm allows me to connect my account to MyFXBook to show friends the good result, and it is not safe to use master password to MyFXBook, so to protect the account investor password would be needed. 

Now the question is: Can an account holder disable the opportunity to set investor passwords? If so, then it would be better if MT4 wrote an error message: Investor password is not allowed on this account, please contact account holder. 

But I thought that MT4 was the master place to go, and if you have access to MT4 with master password, you have access to everything. 

I will ask prop firms support, but I am not sure they know how the investor password setting works. So if you know if account holder can disable investor password opportunity, please tell me :) 

KR, Per

Is that not obvious? Did you not read the Prop Firm rules?

Prop firms do not allow investor access to their accounts and don't allow Signals to be made from their accounts!

Are you sure they allow you to use MyFXBook? I don't think so. It is against most Prop Firm rules.