Product page are not saving gif as animated image. - page 2

Fernando Carreiro #:

Yes! In the message I send to an admin, I requested they comment here. Let's wait and see.


GIF problem will be fixed soon. You'll be able to add them normally.
Alexey Petrov #:
GIF problem will be fixed soon. You'll be able to add them normally.

Thanks for the response Alexey, good to know will be fixed soon, but soon can be 1 week, 1 month or 1 year, do you have a general estimation when Its going to be fixed? 

Italo Santana Gomes #:

Thanks for the response Alexey, good to know will be fixed soon, but soon can be 1 week, 1 month or 1 year, do you have a general estimation when Its going to be fixed? 

Please try now

Alexey Petrov #:

Please try now

Now its perfect, thank you very much Alexey for the efficiency and fast fixing, have an awsome day.

Alexey Petrov #:

Please try now

Alexey, I also notice that inside the mt4 terminal when people click in market and choose a product and click on the tab "screenshots" the gifs there also does not work, I don't know if this is recent or if always was that way, any thoughts?


Hello @Italo Santana Gomes

I uploaded gif to one of my products. They are not played automatically on the product page, and yours are fantastic as they are automatically playing. Any recommendations?


Italo Santana Gomes
Italo Santana Gomes
  • 2023.05.04
Trader's profile
Haidar, Lionel Haj Ali #:

Hello @Italo Santana Gomes

I uploaded gif to one of my products. They are not played automatically on the product page, and yours are fantastic as they are automatically playing. Any recommendations?



if you are searching for the same answer as I did, make sure your gif has an exact 720 pixels of width, and it works perfectly ;) 



Alexey Petrov #:

Please try now

Hi Alexey,

It's still not working as it should. 

I uploaded GIFs instead of static screenshots to my two latest product publications, and they are not played automatically on the product page, while this works on other product pages.

Reducing it to 720px width as suggested above can't be the real solution. Please fix that for all allowed sizes.

Thanks in advance


Still.. same?
GIFs to market products won't play automatically, unless user press directly to image?
width 720x height 704x
width  1107x height 1080x
same, won't autoplay

<a href="" onclick="ScreenshotClick(this); return false;" target="_blank">
              <img src="" class="" onload="this.className='';" onerror="this.className='blank-image';">
<a href="" onclick="ScreenshotClick(this); return false;" target="_blank">
              <img src="" class="" onload="this.className='';" onerror="this.className='blank-image';">

first one is working, second is not(for some reason preview.jpg is added)

first one is working, second is not(for some reason preview.jpg is added)