Irresponsible Sellers


To protect the interests of purchasers and upkeeping a healthy environment for MQL5, I wish to recommend a move to establish a regulating mechanism of restricting sellers from taking products off the shelves (Market):

Some black-sheep sellers chose to remove products from the market when they realize that live performances of the products do not live up to the sale description and negative criticism start flooding in. In bids of not letting adverse comments affect the sales of other products, they first remove the live signals, when the performance continue going south, they remove the product off the shelve entirely.

Criteria of being deemed irresponsible:

1) Taking off products, either for sale or rent (EA, Utilities, Indicator etc) within or less than x months (suggest x=3) from the date of entering the market.

2) Free products NOT to be counted, as they are offered out of goodwill for sharing, although some coders do use free product as advertising tools.

Actions to be considered:

1) Full automatic refund : Return money to buyers for purchase of such product by default procedure. 

2) Warning to be served to the violating sellers

3) Warning of violations more than 3 times, the sellers should be barred from MQL5 market.

Why Is MQL5 Market the Best Place for Selling Trading Strategies and Technical Indicators
Why Is MQL5 Market the Best Place for Selling Trading Strategies and Technical Indicators
  • Market provides Expert Advisors developers with the already formed market consisting of thousands of potential customers. This is the best place for selling trading robots and technical indicators!

To protect the interests of purchasers and upkeeping a healthy environment for MQL5, I wish to recommend a move to establish a regulating mechanism of restricting sellers from taking products off the shelves (Market):


1. You know that the purchasers can continue to use the Market products even if this Market products were removed from the Market.
And you are proposing to keep the "bad products" on the Market to keep the healty environment?
This is totally wrong proposal.
The Market should be clearn from "bad products" because the Market is the showcase where the people are selecting the products for them to buy or to download.

2. "to protect the interests of purchasers" ? - It is illegal scheme which you are proposing with it. Because  according to your proposal:
the purchasers will not be responsible for their decision about to buy some products ... the other people/company/Market will be respobsible for that ...

Example: if I lose 100 dollars on the street and I will ask you to give me this 100 dollars ... what will you do?
It is same: the purchasers made a decision to buy something for money, and you proposed that they should not be responsibly for their decision?
Very bad (illegal) proposal from you.


About my personal experience -  I am posting it all the time on the forum during the many many years
(it is about Market products but it is same for the Signals and for Freelance as well):

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Sergey Golubev, 2021.01.14 09:18

  • If you bought the product from your friend or from your relative or from very active users on this forum so you can fix anything related with the sellers who are responsible about what they are selling (and because you both know each other for the long time).
  • But if you bought something from "anyone" just because you have a lot of money so - sorry:
    it is your risk, and this risk can not be turned to anyone else.


I am posting this suggestion all the time on the forum. It is related to the Signals, the Market, and to the Freelance as well - 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Sergey Golubev, 2020.01.16 06:35

There is one rule which some people follow:
subscribe to the signal or create an order in Freelance or purchase the product from the user/seller/coder/provider you know in person or you know by activity on the forum.

Because if you purchased something so I may ask:
"Do you know the seller in person, or you are familiar with him on this forum?"
If you say: "Not" so it will be very strange case for me ...

Just my optinion.


There are a lot of professional and honest users/coders on the forum, and some of them are very active on this forum helping to the other people and replying on the forum posts/requests.

Always choose the person you know in this forum (who is very active here), and you will have less problems with anything.

Just my opinion sorry (because I am not a coder, and I am using Freelance and Market as well).