How to distribute calculations over multiple cores? - page 3

Lorentzos Roussos #:have you installed anything other than the tester agent to get your cpu listed in the open cl devices ?

No, it's a normal standard MetaTrader running in portable mode (build 3661). That screenshot was from the Options (Ctrl-O).

Show us a screenshot of your Options (Ctrl-O) for the OpenCL tab.

Fernando Carreiro #:

No, it's a normal standard MetaTrader running in portable mode (build 3661). That screenshot was from the Options (Ctrl-O).

Show us a screenshot of your Options (Ctrl-O) for the OpenCL tab.

hmm , same

Lorentzos Roussos #: hmm , same

Seems that your CPU does not support OpenCL (probably because it does not have an integrated graphics). But you can still use your NVIDIA GPU.

Fernando Carreiro #:

Seems that your CPU does not support OpenCL (probably because it does not have an integrated graphics). But you can still use your NVIDIA GPU.

but your cpu-graphics is listed separately than your cpu

Lorentzos Roussos #: but your cpu-graphics is listed separately than your cpu

I guess it depends on whether the CPU supports OpenCL or not ... OpenCL™ Runtimes for Intel® Processors

Fernando Carreiro #:

That is because the "busy" flag would cause a pause between processing each subsequent event, allowing the operating system to switch out the thread.

However, when you remove the "busy" flag, the event processing becomes contagious without a pause in between event handling and the operating system no longer switches it out and gives it priority to continue processing on the same physical thread.

Are we talking about the "usebusy" input from the posted code in #7 ?

Because this variable false or true is doing nothing. So I don't understand your comment.



I had to : 

  1. download intel BaseKit
  2. download the open CL runtime
  3. i had also installed this as a first attempt , i don't know if it's important

And it registered them . Thanks Fernando

what a cute weak cpu  😊

the rating is how much "juice" you get when you squeeze or something ?