i'll refer you to these codes that pass validation but i think the traded instruments input is the real holdback.
The tester will expect your ea to trade on the symbol it is on . So , you will either have it do so if its on tester mode , but , then , you kill the "demo test" ability for your users, or,
you will have a special provision if this input is blank to trade on the symbol is on ,the blank input will be the default -to pass the test- and you will have to make efforts to explain to your users that they need to load a specific config .
Either way you lose the demo test running on the optimal set without any changes by the user.
Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
there are no trading operations
Lorentzos Roussos, 2023.03.08 23:14
No trading operations validation completed with errors mt4
I'm attaching the source code with SafeMarketTrade and SafePendingTrade functions .
Both have passed validation , whether on market trades or pending order trades .
Tailor to your needs of course .
The code includes 2 examples .
AHH.. yes mate!! thank you.. you are right.. I will try to upload, with pairs field in blank.. so tester works on that
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I'm having trouble loading an EA onto the Metatrader marketplace MT4. The EA in question is Multipairs, fully configurable, and I can't seem to get it to pass the strategy tester. I've tried several times without success and I'm starting to get frustrated. NOT WORKING WITH THE SYMBOL THAT YOU PLACE THE EA.
Has anyone else had this problem? Is there anything I can do to fix it? I would like to be able to change the program but if I can't load the EA onto the marketplace, I don't know what other option I have.
Any help you can offer would be much appreciated. Thank you.
ahh:. METATRADER team doesnt offer me a solution and the EA I think its very realiable :(