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Larry Fink - The Most Powerful Man in Finance | A Documentary

Larry Fink - The Most Powerful Man in Finance | A Documentary

The documentary "Larry Fink - The Most Powerful Man in Finance" provides a compelling exploration of Larry Fink's extraordinary ascent in the finance industry. It delves into the pivotal moments and strategies that propelled Fink to become one of the most influential figures on Wall Street. The film begins by tracing Fink's journey from his early days as a bond trader to his groundbreaking creation of mortgage-backed securities, which proved to be a lucrative endeavor, generating substantial fees for First Boston.

However, Fink faced a significant setback when a trading loss of a hundred million dollars forced him to leave the company. Undeterred, he set out to build his own financial empire, founding BlackRock, a company that would grow to become an unrivaled force in the industry. With over seven trillion dollars under direct management and an additional 20 trillion dollars through proprietary software, BlackRock emerged as a financial behemoth.

Central to Fink's success was his innovative approach to investment decisions, leveraging risk analytics, statistics, and algorithms. This cutting-edge methodology set BlackRock apart, establishing Fink as a visionary in the field. The documentary highlights Fink's relentless determination to reclaim his past glory, as he partnered with Steve Schwarzman to launch Blackstone Financial Management, a joint venture that received a pivotal five-million-dollar investment from Schwarzman. Fink's expertise in risk analytics and his pioneering use of statistical models and algorithms became the cornerstone of BlackRock's success.

As BlackRock grew, Fink recognized the value of restructuring problematic assets, cementing the company's reputation on Wall Street as the go-to entity for such situations. The documentary showcases BlackRock's pivotal role in the reevaluation of General Electric's portfolio, creating innovative derivative assets that enabled GE to recover the value of their assets with minimal loss. This event solidified BlackRock's standing as a leader in the financial industry, known for their expertise in restructuring existing securities into new ones, and establishing Fink as the go-to person for companies grappling with problematic assets.

Beyond his achievements in finance, the film explores Fink's passion for art and his belief in its value as an inflation hedge. It introduces Masterworks.io, an innovative platform that democratizes art investment by allowing individuals to invest in shares representing ownership of multi-million dollar paintings by renowned artists such as Banksy and Basquiat. The documentary also delves into BlackRock's remarkable growth over the years, with Fink's unwavering goal of making it the top asset manager in America.

Moreover, the film addresses the financial derivatives developed by Fink in the 1980s and their role in the market crisis of 2008. It underscores BlackRock's involvement in major deals during that period, shedding light on the company's significance in navigating the crisis and shaping the financial landscape.

The documentary emphasizes Fink's rise to becoming the new king of Wall Street in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. It illustrates how he seized the opportunity presented by the changing dynamics of social media and the emerging popularity of exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Fink's strategic acquisition of ETFs allowed smaller investors to easily engage in stock trading, and as a result, BlackRock now controls nearly half of the ETF market in America. This dominance has bestowed Fink with immense power to influence the US economy, making BlackRock a major shareholder in numerous public companies. The film sheds light on BlackRock's increasing involvement in corporate boards, as Fink urges companies to review their long-term strategies.

In summary, "Larry Fink - The Most Powerful Man in Finance" provides an illuminating narrative of Larry Fink's extraordinary journey in the finance industry. It chronicles his early successes, setbacks, and transformative contributions to the field, showcasing his unwavering determination and innovative mindset that propelled BlackRock to its unrivaled position in the financial world. The documentary further explores Fink's multifaceted interests, such as his passion for art and his belief in its value as an investment asset.

As the film progresses, it delves deeper into BlackRock's remarkable growth trajectory, underscoring Fink's unwavering commitment to making the company the leading asset manager in America. With a strategic focus on technological advancements and market trends, Fink capitalized on the ETF boom, recognizing the transformative potential of social media in shaping the finance sector.

The documentary emphasizes how BlackRock's strategic acquisitions of ETFs positioned the company as a major player, granting Fink significant influence over the US economy. With their substantial holdings and ownership stakes in numerous public companies, BlackRock has become a force to be reckoned with in corporate boardrooms across the nation. Fink's ability to leverage this power to request reviews of companies' long-term strategies further solidifies his status as the most powerful man in finance.

While the film highlights Fink's remarkable achievements, it also touches upon the challenges and controversies surrounding his unprecedented influence. Critics argue that BlackRock's immense power may pose potential risks to market stability and the broader economy. The documentary presents a balanced exploration of these perspectives, providing viewers with a comprehensive understanding of Fink's impact on the financial landscape.

Throughout the documentary, interviews with industry experts, colleagues, and associates provide valuable insights into Fink's leadership style, vision, and the factors that propelled him to the forefront of the finance industry. Viewers gain a deeper appreciation for Fink's analytical prowess, strategic thinking, and unwavering determination in the face of adversity.

The film concludes with an outlook on the future of finance and Fink's potential influence in shaping its trajectory. As BlackRock continues to expand its reach and influence, Fink's role as a key figure in the financial world is expected to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing landscape.

"Larry Fink - The Most Powerful Man in Finance" is a captivating documentary that chronicles Larry Fink's remarkable rise to prominence in the finance industry. It explores his groundbreaking contributions, strategic vision, and the enduring impact of BlackRock on the global financial landscape. The film provides a comprehensive exploration of Fink's journey, offering viewers a nuanced understanding of his achievements, controversies, and the implications of his unparalleled influence in shaping the world of finance.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, we learn about Larry Fink's rise in the finance industry, from his early days as a bond trader to his creation of mortgage-backed securities, which generated tens of millions of fees for First Boston. However, his success was short-lived when he suffered a hundred million trading loss in 1986, and was forced to leave the company. Despite this setback, Fink would go on to build BlackRock, the world's mightiest company, handling over seven trillion dollars in direct management and another 20 trillion through proprietary software.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, we learn about how Larry Fink, once seen as the untouchable, was determined to regain his past glory by starting his own business. Despite having a tarnished reputation, Fink met the legendary Steve Schwarzman, who invested $5 million to start a joint venture, Blackstone Financial Management. Fink used his expertise in risk analytics to make investment decisions using statistics and algorithms, an innovative idea at the time. However, he faced disappointment when he asked Schwarzman to give up some of Blackstone's ownership to attract more talented people, which was rejected.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, we see Larry Fink determined to sever ties with Blackstone by finding a buyer for their ownership. After PNC bank offered to buy out Blackstone's stake for hundreds of millions of dollars, Steve Schwarzman decides to sell the asset management business to PNC. This decision proves to be the biggest mistake in Schwarzman's career as BlackRock becomes a financial giant that dwarfs even Blackstone itself. Additionally, Fink's team works tirelessly to re-evaluate the portfolio of General Electric and create a new set of derivative assets, which leads to BlackRock helping GE recover the value of their assets with minimal loss. This event solidifies BlackRock's reputation on Wall Street, as they become known for restructuring existing securities into new ones, and becomes the guy to call for companies with problematic assets.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Larry Fink's passion for collecting art and his belief in art as a better inflation hedge than gold is discussed. Masterworks.io is also introduced as an innovative platform that allows anyone to invest in multi-million dollar paintings by famous artists like Banksy and Basquiat. The platform allows investors to invest in shares representing an investment in an art piece, and investors have already seen an annualized price appreciation of 32% from the sale of their Banksy painting. The documentary also delves into BlackRock's growth over the years, with Fink's goal of making it the number one asset manager in America. Finally, the financial derivatives that Fink helped develop in the 80s and the resulting crisis in the market are discussed, with BlackRock being part of practically every major deal during 2008.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, it is discussed how Larry Fink became the new king of Wall Street after the financial crisis of 2008 provided him with the perfect opportunity to strengthen his position in the finance sector. Fink realized that social media would fundamentally change the finance sector and capitalized on the ETF boom by acquiring ETFs, which allow smaller investors to easily invest in stocks. BlackRock, the company Fink founded and leads, now controls nearly half of the ETFs in America and has become the major shareholder in almost every public company out there, giving Fink immense power to influence the US economy. In addition, BlackRock is now becoming more involved in every company's board and is asking them to review their long-term strategies.
Larry Fink - The Most Powerful Man in Finance | A Documentary
Larry Fink - The Most Powerful Man in Finance | A Documentary
  • 2021.11.03
  • www.youtube.com
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 | Get priority access to invest in blue-chip art: https://mw-art.co/3q1MD64Meet the 10 Trillion Dollar Man, aka the King of Wall Stree...

Steve Schwarzman - The Most Powerful Man on Wall Street | A Documentary

Steve Schwarzman - The Most Powerful Man on Wall Street | A Documentary

Steve Schwarzman, the founder of Blackstone, emerges as an ambitious and tenacious individual throughout his life's journey, as explored in the documentary. The film portrays Schwarzman's relentless pursuit of success, from his early aspirations to turn his family's furniture store into a national brand to his establishment of Blackstone, a financial institution that would become an influential force on Wall Street.

The documentary highlights Schwarzman's ability to overcome challenges and setbacks, exemplified by his departure from Lehman Brothers due to a toxic work culture. Undeterred, he embarked on a new venture with his former boss, Pete Peterson, raising an extraordinary $1 billion for their first-time fund, a feat unheard of at the time. This demonstrated Schwarzman's unwavering determination to make a mark in the private equity industry.

Blackstone's initial investment in U.S. Steel proved to be a resounding success, yielding a quadrupling of equity in just four years. However, the film also sheds light on the importance of failure in shaping Schwarzman's approach to decision-making. The investment in Edgecombe resulted in a significant loss, prompting Schwarzman to implement a robust system that would prevent similar missteps in the future.

Schwarzman's emphasis on managing failure and learning from it becomes a recurring theme in the documentary. He acknowledges that setbacks are inevitable in the finance industry but underscores the importance of confronting and embracing them rather than denying their existence. This approach, combined with meticulous planning and persistence, has been instrumental in Blackstone's continued growth and success.

The film delves into Blackstone's expansion into the real estate market, with particular focus on their strategic acquisition of Equity Office, a significant player in the office property sector. Schwarzman's foresight and quick decision-making enabled Blackstone to outbid competitors and secure the deal. However, recognizing the potential risk, Schwarzman promptly sold half of the company on the same day, exemplifying his aversion to unnecessary exposure.

The documentary also highlights Blackstone's remarkable performance under Schwarzman's leadership, surpassing the scale and influence of Lehman Brothers. The firm's private equity investments and real estate groups have consistently delivered impressive returns, averaging 23 percent and 30 percent per year, respectively.

Throughout the film, interviews with industry experts, colleagues, and Schwarzman himself provide valuable insights into his leadership style, mindset, and the factors that have propelled him to the pinnacle of the finance industry. Schwarzman's ambition, resilience, and calculated approach to risk-taking emerge as defining characteristics that have shaped his path to success.

"Steve Schwarzman: Building a Financial Empire" is a captivating documentary that traces the extraordinary journey of an ambitious individual who defied the odds to establish Blackstone, a financial institution of immense influence. The film portrays Schwarzman's unwavering determination, ability to learn from failures, and strategic decision-making, which have propelled Blackstone's growth and solidified his position as a prominent figure in the finance world.

  • 00:00:00 From his teenage years working in his family's furniture store, where he dreamed of turning it into a national brand, to his current status as founder of Blackstone, one of the most influential financial institutions on Wall Street, Schwartzman has always sought to make something work, no matter how big or small. His drive and determination are born out of his DNA, and he has always looked for opportunities to create and build, always asking himself how big something can be and how powerful his ideas can be.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, we learn about Steve Schwarzman's early days at Yale and how he became a member of the exclusive Skull and Bones society. Armed with a prestigious degree and invaluable social connections, he knew he was destined for success. Schwarzman quickly adapted to the high-pressure culture of Wall Street and excelled at his job, raising nearly $100 million for his clients in a few short years. He secured his partner status at Lehman Brothers at the age of 35 after orchestrating a deal worth $488 million, but eventually had to leave due to a toxic work culture. Despite setbacks, he remained determined to become a titan on Wall Street.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, Steve Schwarzman finds himself in a difficult situation after a trading position goes wrong and results in the net worth of his firm plummeting. Faced with the possibility that someone may figure out the situation, Schwarzman starts a coup and successfully ousts his boss before selling Lehman Brothers to American Express and leaving with millions of dollars. Schwarzman then decides to start his own business with his previous boss, Pete Peterson. They eventually decide to step into the private equity industry after deciding it was a pretty easy way to make money. Despite being rejected by 350-450 investors and enduring countless rejections, they finally raised $100 million from Prudential's chief investment officer, Garnett Keith.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, we learn about Steve Schwarzman's journey in starting Blackstone, a private equity firm that would become one of the biggest players in the industry. Schwarzman raised an unprecedented $1 billion for the company's first-time fund, but failure was not an option, and their first investment would be the deal-breaker. Blackstone purchased U.S. Steel, which recorded an annualized return of 130% and quadrupled their equity in just four years, proving to be a great success. However, finance is a fragile business, and the investment in Edgecombe left Blackstone humiliated and yielded a loss of over $300 million. Schwarzman vows to never make the same mistakes again and implements a robust decision-making system to prevent future failures.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, Steve Schwarzman, co-founder of Blackstone, talks about the importance of managing failure and learning from it instead of pretending that it didn't happen. He believes that Blackstone has created value for the companies it invests in and has an incredible track record that fueled the firm's growth. To continue their expansion, Blackstone moved into the real estate market and had an insight that put it one step ahead of the market. Schwarzman decided to act quickly and bid on Equity Office, a real estate investment company that owns hundreds of office properties. They won the deal by offering an all-cash final bid of $55.5 dollars per share, sealing the deal for Blackstone. However, realizing that he may have overpaid and put his investment at risk, Schwarzman decided to sell half of the company on the same day that they bought it, showing his aversion to risk.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, we learn about the impressive growth and success of Blackstone under the leadership of its chairman and CEO, Steve Schwarzman. Blackstone has raised billions of dollars and is now larger than Lehman Brothers ever was. The firm has had impressive returns on private equity investments and real estate groups, averaging 23 percent and 30 percent per year, respectively. Schwarzman also shares advice for those looking to succeed, stressing the importance of careful planning and persistence.
Steve Schwarzman - The Most Powerful Man on Wall Street | A Documentary
Steve Schwarzman - The Most Powerful Man on Wall Street | A Documentary
  • 2021.05.13
  • www.youtube.com
Building a $500 billion company from scratch, Steve Schwarzman is perhaps the most powerful man on Wall Street. In this documentary, we learn how Schwarzman ...



The Legends of Investing video provides a comprehensive account of Warren Buffett's remarkable journey, starting from his childhood and unveiling his path to becoming one of the most renowned investors and businessmen in history. The documentary emphasizes how Buffett's early life experiences and ventures foreshadowed his exceptional financial acumen.

From an early age, Buffett demonstrated a keen interest in business, fueled by his father's introduction to investing. His first investment in City Service shares at the age of 11 taught him valuable lessons about patience and the importance of long-term thinking. As a high school student, Buffett engaged in various entrepreneurial endeavors, such as a paper route, magazine sales, and acquiring used pinball machines for placement in barber shops. Additionally, he ventured into farming, leasing land and sharing the profits with a tenant farmer. Even with his growing financial success, Buffett chose to live modestly in the YMCA and dedicate hours to reading, a habit he maintained throughout his life.

Buffett's academic journey led him to the University of Nebraska, where he pursued a degree in Business Administration. While attending university, he continued working and honed his investing style through extensive reading. One of the most influential learning experiences for Buffett was attending Benjamin Graham's classes at Columbia Business School. Although he initially aspired to work on Wall Street, the guidance of his father and Graham led him to join his father's brokerage firm in Omaha. Buffett recognized the importance of public speaking and invested in a Dale Carnegie course, which proved invaluable to his future success.

The documentary delves into Buffett's personal life, highlighting his meeting with his first wife, Suzy, and the establishment of his own partnership. Buffett's obsession with the concept of compound interest became increasingly evident during this time. He managed a substantial amount of capital and eventually merged all his partnerships into one, forming Buffett Partnership Limited. It was during this period that he began collaborating with Charlie Munger, a close friend and long-term business partner. Their partnership led them to acquire stocks in Berkshire Hathaway, despite later discovering the owner's deceptive intentions. Buffett persevered and eventually took control of the company, a pivotal moment in his career.

Buffett's signature investing strategy revolves around identifying companies with a competitive advantage, referred to as a "moat." The documentary explores his acquisition of Sees Candy in 1971, a significant investment that marked Berkshire Hathaway's shift away from textiles. Additionally, Buffett's involvement in the insurance business through Berkshire Hathaway played a vital role in the company's success. The substantial growth of Berkshire Hathaway's float to over $100 billion provided the company with a significant interest-free loan. Throughout the 1980s, Buffett made astute investments, including the purchase of Nebraska Furniture Mart and shares in Coca-Cola.

The documentary delves into the challenges Buffett faced in the 1990s, particularly during the dot-com bubble. While many investors succumbed to the allure of the bubble, Buffett adhered to his long-term approach and steered clear of speculative investments. Although his share prices initially dipped, Buffett's commitment to finding businesses with strong moats paid off. His investment in Verisign, which held exclusive rights to the dot-com domain, proved successful. Furthermore, during the financial crisis of 2007-2008, Buffett utilized his cash reserves to make lucrative deals at discounted prices, resulting in substantial profits exceeding ten billion dollars between 2008 and 2011. His investment in Bank of America, where a five billion dollar investment in warrants translated into a stake worth nineteen billion dollars, solidified his reputation as a respected figure in the finance world.

The documentary emphasizes that Buffett's principles and integrity extend beyond his investment decisions. Despite his immense wealth, he maintains a humble lifestyle and dedicates a significant portion of his resources to philanthropy. Buffett firmly believes that building a reputation takes years of consistent integrity, but it can be shattered in mere moments. Therefore, he remains committed to charitable causes and urges other individuals with substantial means to follow suit.

Warren Buffett's legacy will undoubtedly be etched in the annals of history as one of the greatest investors and businessmen of all time. His humble and generous nature, coupled with his deep understanding and enjoyment of the investment game, have endeared him to people around the world. Beyond his financial achievements, Buffett's unwavering principles and philanthropic endeavors have left an indelible mark on society.

As the Legends of Investing video concludes, viewers are left with a profound appreciation for Warren Buffett's remarkable journey. From his childhood investments to the formation of his own partnership and the subsequent success of Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett's story is a testament to the power of perseverance, long-term thinking, and ethical decision-making.

In the grand tapestry of the investing world, Warren Buffett's narrative shines as a beacon of wisdom and inspiration. His sage advice, such as investing in businesses with a competitive advantage and maintaining integrity in both personal and professional realms, will continue to guide and influence generations of investors to come.

The Legends of Investing video stands as a testament to Warren Buffett's enduring legacy, reminding us that true greatness extends beyond financial success. It resides in the values we uphold, the impact we have on others, and the generous spirit with which we navigate the world. Warren Buffett embodies these qualities, leaving an indelible mark on the investing landscape and inspiring future generations to approach finance and life itself with humility, integrity, and a genuine love for the game.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, we learn about Warren Buffett's upbringing and early ventures, which indicate the beginnings of his financial acumen. Buffett was born in Omaha in 1930, and his father was a stockbroker who introduced him to investing at an early age. He demonstrated an appreciation for business from a young age, with a particular interest in collecting and selling items for profit. At age 11, he made his first investment in shares of City Service, which taught him important lessons in patience and not rushing into decisions for small profits. As a high school student, Buffett started Stableboy Selections with a friend, using mathematical odds to create horse-racing tip sheets.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, we learn about Warren Buffett's early entrepreneurship ventures, including his paper route, selling magazines, and buying used pinball machines to place in barber shops. He also purchased a 40-acre farm, hired a tenant farmer, and shared the profits. Despite his financial success, he chose to live in the YMCA and read books for hours a day while attending the University of Nebraska. After earning his degree in Business Administration, he continued to work as a circulation manager and read extensively to develop his investing style. Buffett credits Benjamin Graham's classes at Columbia Business School as one of his most influential learning experiences. Even though he wanted to work straight on Wall Street, his father and Graham convinced him to work at his father's brokerage firm in Omaha. He took a Dale Carnegie public speaking course, which he credits as one of his most important investments.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, we learn about how Buffett met his first wife Suzy, started his own partnership, and became increasingly obsessed with the concept of compound interest. He began managing around $300,000 and by 1962, the partnership was worth 7.2 million dollars before merging all partnerships into one, forming Buffett partnership limited. Charlie Munger, a longtime friend and business partner of Buffett's, came into the picture in 1962 when they started buying stocks in Berkshire Hathaway together. Despite learning later that Seabury Stanton, the owner of Berkshire Hathaway at the time, intended to play tricks on him, Buffett held on to his shares and eventually took over the company.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, we learn about Warren Buffett's trademark moves in investing in companies that have a competitive advantage, also known as a "moat", and his involvement in the insurance business through Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett's acquisition of Sees Candy in 1971 for $25 million in cash was a significant investment for the company and a move away from textiles. The involvement in the insurance industry also proved vital to Berkshire's success as the company's float grew to over $100 billion, giving the company a significant interest-free loan. Buffett also made wise investments throughout the 80s, including his purchase of Nebraska Furniture Mart and shares in Coca-Cola.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, we learn about how Buffett became a billionaire in 1990 and how the 90s brought about a new challenge for him where the lure of the dot-com bubble was too tempting for most investors, but Buffett stuck to his long-term approach and steered clear. While many people during this time thought that Buffett had lost his touch, he eventually recovered from a dip in share prices as the bubble burst. Buffett's approach of finding businesses with a strong moat eventually paid off with his investment in Verisign, which holds the exclusive rights to the dot-com domain. He was also able to use his cash during the financial crisis of 2007-2008 to make deals at a large discount and made over ten billion dollars in profit between 2008 and 2011. Buffett's investment in Bank of America is seen as genius as a five billion dollar investment in warrants was able to be exercised for a stake worth nineteen billion dollars, making him one of the most respected people in America and around the world.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, it is highlighted that Warren Buffett's principles and integrity extend to both his investment decisions and his private life. Despite his immense wealth, he lives a humble lifestyle and devotes the vast majority of his wealth to those in need through philanthropy. Buffet believes that building a reputation takes 20 years and can be ruined in just five minutes, and as such, he has dedicated himself to charitable causes and pressing others of great means to do the same. In the history books, Warren Buffett's reputation will be remembered as one of the greatest investors and businessmen of all time, a humble and generous man who understood and enjoyed the game.
  • 2018.09.19
  • www.youtube.com
In this video we look at Warren Buffetts background, how he got started in the markets, his investment philosophy and some of his biggest investing deals. Go...



Carl Icahn's journey from his humble beginnings in Queens to becoming one of the world's most successful investors is a testament to his unwavering focus, determination, and expertise in the options market. Despite facing challenges, Icahn's relentless pursuit of his goals propelled him to establish Icahn & Co, a firm that would become synonymous with his name and investment prowess.

While Icahn's reputation as a corporate raider may evoke mixed opinions, there is no denying the impact he made in the investment world. He adopted a bold and aggressive approach, taking significant positions in individual companies and leveraging his influence to advocate for specific changes aimed at maximizing shareholder value and driving up share prices. Although his tactics drew criticism, they were a manifestation of his investment philosophy, which revolved around identifying undervalued companies and utilizing his clout to instigate management changes.

One notable aspect of Icahn's investment strategy was his astute focus on macroeconomic factors. He recognized that the broader economic landscape played a crucial role in shaping investment opportunities. By closely monitoring market trends, global events, and variables from various asset classes, he sought to gain an edge in his decision-making process. This holistic approach allowed him to make informed investment choices and adapt swiftly to changing market conditions.

Icahn's investment style also reflected a short-term mindset. He typically held his investments for no more than 18 months, embracing an active trading approach rather than long-term buy-and-hold strategies. His portfolio management exhibited a remarkable level of concentration, with a significant portion of his holdings concentrated in just a few carefully selected stocks. This focused approach allowed him to allocate his resources strategically and maximize returns on his investments.

While Icahn's intense and assertive investing approach may not be suitable or feasible for all investors, there are valuable lessons that can be gleaned from his methodology. Investors can incorporate key elements of his investment philosophy, such as seeking undervalued companies with strong management, staying attuned to macroeconomic trends, and maintaining a disciplined and focused portfolio. By integrating these principles into their own investment assessments, individuals can enhance their decision-making processes and potentially achieve improved investment outcomes.

Carl Icahn's remarkable journey from his modest beginnings to becoming an investment legend serves as an inspiration to aspiring investors. His focus, determination, and expertise in the options market, coupled with his distinctive investment philosophy, have solidified his place in the annals of finance. Whether emulating his strategies or adapting them to suit individual circumstances, the principles derived from his approach can empower investors to navigate the complexities of the financial landscape with greater insight and confidence.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, we learn about Carl Icahn's background, how he grew up in a poor area of Queens, and the path that led him to become one of the most successful investors in the world. Despite being labeled as a nerd, Icahn was extremely studious and determined to achieve his goals, which included attending an Ivy League university and becoming the best at everything. He studied philosophy at Princeton University and won an award for his thesis before attending medical school, which he dropped out of, and eventually finding his way into Wall Street as a stockbroker. Icahn realized that the best opportunity for him lay in the options market, and he began working at Tesla Patrick & Co in 1963 as an options manager.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, we learn about Carl Icahn's foray into options trading, which led him to form Icahn & Co. Although the company mostly traded in options and risk arbitrage, it was Icahn's role as a corporate raider or activist investor that really earned him his reputation and extreme levels of wealth. His approach involved taking over large positions in single companies, gaining more voting rights, and pushing for specific changes that could increase share prices. While he gained a reputation as a corporate raider, some criticized his aggressive approach to takeovers. Icahn's approach to investing involved looking for undervalued companies and investing in them by pushing for changes in management.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the video discusses the investment philosophy of Carl Icahn and how it is possible for investors to emulate his approach to a certain extent. Icahn typically looks for companies that are potential value plays and have good management working on behalf of shareholders. He also tends to keep a close view on the macro environment and key significant variables from other asset classes. Icahn is more of a short-term minded investor or trader, with a typical holding period of no more than 18 months, and he likes to be very focused on his opportunities with more than 50% of his portfolio comprising of just three stocks at certain points in time. While Icahn's intense approach to investing may not be suitable for everyone due to a lack of capital, investors can still take key points from his investment philosophy and use them to enhance the way they assess investments.
  • 2017.09.26
  • www.youtube.com
Carl Icahn is one of the most successful and well known investors of all time. Some measures even show his performance to out-perform Warren Buffett. Go to ...



The video sheds light on the remarkable life and trading career of Jesse Livermore, a legendary figure whose trading system continues to hold relevance in today's market. Livermore's journey began at a remarkably young age, as he demonstrated his innate talent by earning $1,000 through trading at just 15 years old. Driven by his passion and aptitude for the financial markets, Livermore made the pivotal decision to dedicate himself fully to trading, leaving behind his conventional job.

Livermore's early successes were marked by significant profits against bucket shops, where he honed his skills and developed his own trading system. His astute observations and mastery of numbers served as the foundation of his approach. However, as the video reveals, Livermore's journey was not without its setbacks. Despite his remarkable accomplishments, he faced losses resulting from breaking his own rules and placing trust in others. It was during this phase of his career that he experienced a downturn in his fortune.

Yet, Livermore's story took an unexpected turn when he participated in a series of interviews that led to the creation of "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator," an iconic investment book that continues to captivate readers to this day. This literary endeavor not only allowed Livermore to regain his financial standing but also established him as a revered figure in the trading world. His keen insights and uncanny ability to anticipate market movements, including his correct anticipation of the 1929 crash, brought him immense wealth, estimated to be around $100 million. However, the subsequent loss of his fortune led to his third bankruptcy, a stark reminder of the challenges and risks inherent in the trading profession.

In the video, Livermore's trading rules and advice are also highlighted, providing valuable insights for aspiring traders. These include the importance of not placing unwarranted trust in one's opinion until the market confirms it, exercising patience and discipline instead of rushing to take profits, and avoiding wishful thinking when averaging losses. These principles, derived from Livermore's personal experiences and hard-earned wisdom, offer timeless guidance to traders navigating the dynamic world of financial markets.

In conclusion, Jesse Livermore's life and trading career serve as an extraordinary source of inspiration and learning for traders across generations. His remarkable achievements, coupled with his notable setbacks, underscore the importance of adhering to trading rules and maintaining a disciplined approach. By embracing Livermore's timeless principles, aspiring traders can enhance their understanding of the markets and strive for success in their own trading endeavors.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, we learn about the life of Jesse Livermore, a legendary trader who has influenced countless professionals in the industry. Livermore's successes and pitfalls in trading make him an amazing person for traders to learn from. Despite trading over a century ago, Livermore's approach to trading remains relevant today. He used his love for numbers and observations to develop his trading system and started playing at bucket shops. At just 15 years old, he had made $1,000 from trading, and he decided to quit his day job to focus on trading full-time.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, we learn how Jesse Livermore made significant profits against the bucket shops using his own system, earning so much money that he was eventually banned from most of the shops. Livermore's system usually won around 70% of the time, but he would break his own rules, causing unnecessary losses. After accumulating $10,000 at the age of 20, his wealth reduced to $2,500 by the age of 21. He then went to New York to start trading legitimately, but his winning formula only worked for the bucket shops. During the panic of 1907, he famously earned $1 million in one day by shorting the market. Liv Moore's desire to live a luxurious lifestyle led him back to trading, but he suffered heavy losses by breaking his own rules and trusting others. He finally had to declare bankruptcy in 1915 and had to start trading again with just $500.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, we learn about how Livermore managed to earn his fortune back and pay off his debts. He took part in a series of interviews with Edwin Lefevre that led to the writing of the book "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator," which is still one of the most popular investment books of all time. Livermore moved to a new office to have more secrecy and speed, removed from Wall Street. He noticed certain patterns occurring in the market leading up to 1929, similar to those observed in the 1907 crash. Feeling confident about his hunch, he began opening short trades in anticipation of a huge negative movement, a successful move that made him worth around $100 million by the end of the crash. However, Livermore then lost his fortune rapidly, eventually declaring bankruptcy for the third time. His downfall was attributed to problems that many traders struggled with; he struggled to stick with his trading rules and system, and his personal life influenced his trading decisions, leading to many losses.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video shares some trading rules and advice from Jesse Livermore, a legendary trader. These rules include not trusting one's opinion until the market confirms it, not rushing to take profits, and avoiding wishful thinking when averaging losses. Livermore's approach is detailed in books recommended in the video's description. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to like and subscribe to the channel for more trading videos.
  • 2017.12.06
  • www.youtube.com
Jesse Livermore is one of the most iconic and influential traders of all time. He is often cited as the main inspiration for a lot of professional traders. T...

Carl Icahn - The Most Feared Man on Wall Street!

Carl Icahn - The Most Feared Man on Wall Street!

The video delves into the intriguing life of Carl Icahn, tracing his remarkable journey from his determined upbringing to his profound success on Wall Street. From the early stages of his career, Icahn showcased his integrity and commitment to his clients, positioning himself as an honest broker and rising to become one of the most accomplished options traders in the financial industry. However, it was his realization of the untapped potential in undervalued corporations and the importance of effective management that propelled him to even greater heights.

Amidst the backdrop of Icahn's illustrious career, the video highlights his ventures into strategic takeovers, beginning with his audacious move in acquiring a controlling position in a small appliance company in Japan. By discreetly accumulating a substantial stake, Icahn positioned himself as the largest shareholder and skillfully influenced the company's management to entertain acquisition offers. Through his shrewd maneuvering and rallying of shareholders, he orchestrated a profitable sale, reaping substantial gains and further solidifying his reputation as a formidable force in the corporate world.

The focus then shifts to Icahn's bold pursuit of TWA (Trans World Airlines), a company he believed to be undervalued with the potential for enhanced profitability through cost-cutting measures. However, his takeover of TWA was not without significant challenges. Faced with resistance from the management, Icahn engaged in a fierce battle, even encountering a counter-attack in the form of a friendly buyer. Despite the obstacles, he succeeded in gaining control of the company with the support of unions. Nevertheless, his strategic decisions to reduce salaries and shut down routes stirred controversy and fueled anger among the workforce. Despite the controversy, Icahn managed to generate returns and eventually took TWA private, reaping substantial financial rewards.

The video further explores Icahn's stature as the king of takeovers and his iconic status in the corporate landscape. Despite the successes, it sheds light on the bankruptcy filing of TWA in 1997, highlighting the inherent risks and complexities associated with such high-stakes endeavors. Undeterred by setbacks, Icahn capitalized on opportunities emerging from the 2008 housing crisis, making strategic acquisitions such as Netflix in 2003 and significant investments in Apple. With his formidable reputation, he wielded the power to influence stock prices merely by hinting at a potential takeover. While relishing victories, Icahn's toughest opponent lies on the horizon, poised to test his unwavering determination and strategic acumen.

The captivating narrative of Carl Icahn's life and career serves as an inspiration to ambitious individuals seeking success in the financial world. His unwavering commitment to integrity, combined with his ability to identify undervalued opportunities and leverage effective management changes, has propelled him to the forefront of the investment realm. Despite encountering obstacles and navigating complex situations, Icahn's fearless pursuit of financial gains and strategic dominance continues to shape his legacy. The upcoming challenges he faces only serve to emphasize the indomitable spirit and resilience that define his remarkable journey.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, we learn about Carl Icahn's upbringing and his determination to succeed. Despite his parents' refusal to send him to a private school, he becomes the top student in his high school and earns a scholarship to an elite institution. Although his parents cannot afford to pay for his expenses at Princeton, Icahn figures out a way to make money by playing poker. His graduate paper wins the best senior thesis of the year, and he becomes a successful stockbroker on Wall Street. Icahn's passion for critical thinking and independent reasoning is what sets him apart from others and makes him one of the most formidable investors on Wall Street.

  • 00:05:00 this section, we see how Carl Icahn went from being wiped out in the 1962 market crash to becoming a successful options broker. After joining Wall Street and losing all of his money in the bubble burst, Icahn finds his niche market in the options industry. He becomes the first honest broker, putting his clients' interests first and delivering more than what he promised. By accumulating a list of wealthy clients, he starts his own brokerage firm and builds the options business into the most profitable department at gruntal. Icahn's success leads him to invest his profits in arbitrage, where he could buy different convertible bonds and short the stocks against them, making a lot of money and doing real well with that eventually.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, we learn that Carl Icahn had branched into the arbitrage field, but then asked himself if he could apply the same approach to undervalued corporations. In 1960s, he observed that many companies no longer had shareholders and management working together towards a common goal. Poor management was often the reason for a company's undervaluation, and Icahn believed that the key to unlocking more value was in replacing the management, which is what he set out to do. His first target was a small appliance company in Japan, where he quietly acquired a controlling position worth $3 million to become the biggest shareholder. He then convinced the management to let the company be acquired before rallying shareholders to vote him as a board member, eventually leading to a buyer acquiring the company for $18 per share, and making a $2.7 million profit.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, we see Carl Icahn targeting TWA, believing it was undervalued and having strong cash flows that could be made profitable with cost-cutting measures. Icahn acquires 20 percent of equity and begins to face significant challenges to gain control of the company from management, which initiates a counter-attack, including fighting a white knight, a friendlier buyer. Icahn ultimately succeeds in taking over TWA with the support of unions, but it comes at a hidden cost. He has cut salaries and shut down routes, reducing the salaries of flight attendants, which generates anger. Nonetheless, Icahn generates returns, and with cash flow generated from the company, he takes it private and rewards himself with a lot of money.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, we learn about Carl Icahn, the king of takeovers who has built a fearsome personal brand in the corporate world. Although Icahn made hundreds of millions from TWA, the company filed for bankruptcy in 1997. After the 2008 housing crisis, Icahn went on a buying spree, purchasing Netflix in 2003, and investing heavily in Apple. With his reputation, he can raise stock prices just by pretending to take over a company, but enjoys winning more than anything else. However, he's about to face his toughest opponent.
Carl Icahn - The Most Feared Man on Wall Street!
Carl Icahn - The Most Feared Man on Wall Street!
  • 2021.09.14
  • www.youtube.com
Carl Icahn is the REAL Wolf of Wall Street! In this documentary, we tell the story of how a poor kid from Queens becomes the infamous King of corporate raidi...

Steve Cohen - America's Most Profitable Day Trader

Steve Cohen - America's Most Profitable Day Trader

Steve Cohen, a successful day trader hailing from a middle-class family in Long Island, captivates viewers with his extraordinary journey through the financial markets. Growing up amidst the disparities between his family's modest lifestyle and the opulence surrounding him, Cohen's innate talent for poker sets him on a path towards the world of finance. His initial foray into the industry begins at gruntal, a small brokerage firm, where he experiences his first taste of financial success.

However, Cohen's relentless pursuit of wealth leads him to realize that there are more lucrative opportunities in the financial markets. He becomes increasingly drawn to the stock market, relying on his gut instincts and intuition to navigate its unpredictable terrain. While his approach may resemble gambling to some, Cohen's uncanny ability to gauge stock market trends proves that he is more often right than wrong, solidifying his reputation as a skilled day trader.

During the mid-1980s, as the American stock market experiences a surge in mergers and acquisitions, Cohen seizes the moment and capitalizes on these events. By strategically building positions around takeovers and initial public offerings (IPOs), he amasses a staggering $10 million annually. However, the crash of 1987 shatters the market, and Cohen's group suffers significant losses, nearly halving their capital. Undeterred by this setback, Cohen yearns for new horizons beyond gruntal and decides to establish his own hedge fund, Sac.

Under his leadership, Sac flourishes and becomes a resounding success. Cohen's adherence to fundamental principles such as discipline, emotional detachment from trades, and effective risk management contribute to his continued triumphs in the financial markets. His ability to adapt and navigate the ever-changing landscape of finance solidifies his position as one of the most accomplished hedge fund managers of his time.

However, Cohen's journey encounters obstacles along the way. In 2012, he faces legal challenges when the SEC charges him with failure to supervise his employees. As a consequence, he is barred from managing outside money until 2018. This setback forces Cohen to seek alternative avenues for financial gain.

Despite the challenges, Cohen's resilience remains evident. He explores new strategies to rebuild his empire, including investing in other hedge funds. One such opportunity presents itself through Gabe Plotkin, an exceptional portfolio manager at Sachem Capital renowned for consistently outperforming the market. However, Plotkin's success faces an unexpected challenge on January 22, 2021, when a group of amateur traders collectively challenges the traditional hedge fund industry. While hedge funds continue to generate billions for their wealthy investors, Cohen's empire undergoes a significant transformation in the aftermath of the indictment, signifying a new chapter in his illustrious career.

The enthralling tale of Steve Cohen's ascent in the financial world serves as a testament to the relentless pursuit of success and the resilience required to overcome adversities. From his modest beginnings to his establishment as a powerhouse in the hedge fund industry, Cohen's journey captivates and inspires viewers. His innate ability to sense stock market trends, coupled with his unwavering dedication to disciplined trading and effective risk management, solidifies his status as a true maverick in the realm of finance. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are left eagerly anticipating the next chapter in Steve Cohen's extraordinary career.

  • 00:00:00 Steve Cohen is a successful day trader who grew up in a middle-class family in Long Island. Around him, he saw the life money can buy, but at home he saw the stark contrast between his family's living conditions and those of his grandparents. Steve's natural talent for poker led him to working at a small brokerage firm, gruntal, where he made his first real money. He soon realized there were easier ways to make money and began to focus on the financial market. Although he was still in college, Steve made his first big trade and soon became a successful trader. Although his method is similar to gambling, he has a gut feeling about the stock market and is more often right than wrong.

  • 00:05:00 Steve Cohen is a successful day trader who is known for his uncanny ability to sense stock market trends and make profitable trades. In the mid-1980s, the American stock market was dominated by mergers and acquisitions, and Cohen was making 10 million dollars a year by building positions around events such as takeovers and ipos. However, in 1987, the market crashed, causing his group to lose almost half of its capital. However, Cohen grew tired of gruntl and decided to start his own hedge fund, Sac, which was eventually successful. Some of the essential principles that he follows include being disciplined, not getting emotionally attached to one's trades, and being able to manage risk.

  • 00:10:00 Steve Cohen made billions during the late 1990s and early 2000s by trading stocks quickly and successfully. However, by 2012, he was one of the most successful hedge fund managers, with over $2 billion in assets. However, in 2014, he was charged by the SEC for hisfailure to supervise his employees and was banned from managing outside money until 2018.

  • 00:15:00 Steve Cohen's hedge fund empire was based on insider trading, but after being indicted, he has been forced to look for new ways to make money. One option is to invest in other hedge funds. Gabe Plotkin, a superstar portfolio manager at Sachem Capital, has consistently outperformed the market over the past years. However, his success will soon be challenged by a group of amateur traders on January 22, 2021. Hedge funds are still raking in billions for their wealthy investors, but Cohen's empire has largely fallen apart since the indictment.
Steve Cohen - America's Most Profitable Day Trader
Steve Cohen - America's Most Profitable Day Trader
  • 2021.07.02
  • www.youtube.com
From day trader to a billionaire! In this mini-documentary, we learn the story and the strategy of the infamous hedge fund billionaire Steve Cohen. Music Us...



The captivating video delves into the fascinating life and remarkable career of Ray Dalio, the visionary founder of Bridgewater Associates, unravelling his journey from a young boy with an interest in investing to his current status as one of the world's most successful investors. With a profound focus on Dalio's childhood and early fascination with the financial world, viewers gain insight into the formative experiences that shaped his path. Raised in Queens, Dalio's relationship with his mother was pivotal, and her passing at age 19 marked a turning point in his life. His bond with his father, a jazz musician, deepened after this loss. Dalio's inquisitive and independent nature led him to become a curious thinker, more inclined to learn through personal exploration than conventional schooling.

At the tender age of 12, Dalio's investment journey commenced during his time as a caddy at an exclusive golf club. Through the insights he gathered, he was able to triple his initial investment by purchasing shares in Northeast Airlines. This early triumph ignited a passion within him, and he diligently began amassing a collection of free annual reports from Fortune 500 companies, aided by coupons he diligently collected. However, the path to success proved arduous, as Dalio experienced significant setbacks and unexpected price declines between 1967 and 1969, teaching him valuable lessons about the realities of trading.

The video then explores Dalio's college years, where he pursued a finance major and discovered the transformative power of Transcendental Meditation, an influence he credits for much of his subsequent success. Additionally, it was during this period that Dalio became captivated by commodity futures, enticed by their potential for high returns and low margin requirements. After completing his studies, he gained invaluable experience in trading and risk control while working on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and at Merrill Lynch. Dalio's determination and expertise ultimately led him to establish his own firm, Bridgewater Associates, initially operating from his two-bedroom apartment. Initially focused on commodities sales, the firm evolved into a consultancy powerhouse, enabling Dalio to assist clients in managing their financial and market risks by leveraging his extensive knowledge and experience. His core belief in understanding the intricate cause-effect relationships underlying every facet of a business became the foundation for his ability to predict outcomes and make informed investment decisions.

Intriguingly, the video highlights Dalio's adoption of a machine-like decision-making approach, relying on logical cause-effect relationships that he documented as principles to be consistently followed. By trusting these principles akin to a computer, Dalio often found himself ahead of the market, although some critics questioned his methods. His consulting work with prominent businesses such as McDonald's showcased his influential role in guiding significant decisions. For instance, his involvement in helping Lane Processing secure corn and soy futures to lock in costs played a pivotal role in the release of Chicken McNuggets, increasing the predictability of chicken prices. Nonetheless, Dalio experienced a humbling defeat when his prediction of a market depression failed to materialize. This setback prompted him to recognize the importance of conducting thorough historical research, a practice he diligently upholds to this day.

The video further highlights a critical juncture in Dalio's entrepreneurial journey when financial constraints forced him to dismiss all his employees and sell his possessions. While many might have abandoned their dreams and sought employment elsewhere, Dalio chose a different path. He embarked on a journey of self-improvement, embracing failures as valuable learning opportunities, and actively seeking out independent thinkers who could provide diverse perspectives. Gradually, he rebuilt his team and revitalized his company's success through the adoption of new technologies, principles, and the implementation of an idea meritocracy. Dalio's unwavering commitment to his principles, his cause-effect relationship approach, and his willingness to acknowledge and learn from his mistakes were instrumental in his subsequent triumphs within the market. As a testament to his extraordinary achievements, Ray Dalio earned a place among the top 100 most influential people and amassed an estimated net worth of $17 billion.

Beyond his financial accomplishments, the video emphasizes that Ray Dalio's legacy extends far beyond his investment prowess. He is also a dedicated philanthropist, wholeheartedly committed to giving back to society. Dalio has pledged to donate over half of his wealth to charitable causes during his lifetime, exemplifying his deeply held values and the importance he places on making a positive impact on the world.

Throughout the video, viewers are encouraged to explore previous episodes featuring other legendary traders and investors, with convenient links provided in the video description. By delving into the stories of these luminaries, individuals can gain valuable insights into the world of finance and broaden their understanding of the remarkable individuals who have shaped it. Furthermore, viewers are encouraged to engage with the content by liking, subscribing, and staying tuned for future updates, ensuring they remain connected to the wealth of knowledge and inspiration the video series offers.

In summary, the video comprehensively explores Ray Dalio's life and career, tracing his humble beginnings, his unwavering commitment to self-improvement, and his remarkable achievements in the financial industry. From his early experiences in investing to the founding of Bridgewater Associates, Dalio's journey exemplifies the power of logical decision-making, continuous learning, and the value of relationships. His philanthropic endeavors further exemplify his commitment to making a positive difference in the world. By sharing his story, the video provides a captivating and informative narrative that inspires viewers to embrace their passions, follow their principles, and strive for success while fostering a spirit of giving.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, we learn Ray Dalio's background and how he became interested in investing. He grew up in Queens and had a close relationship with his mother, who passed away when he was 19. His father was a jazz musician and they didn't have a close relationship until after his mother's death. Dalio describes himself as a curious and independent thinker who wasn't interested in school but enjoyed finding out things for himself. He started investing at 12 years old when he was caddying at an exclusive golf club and picked up tips. He got hooked after tripling his money from buying shares in Northeast Airlines and started collecting coupons for free annual reports from Fortune 500 companies to build his investment library. However, he learned the hard way that trading wasn't easy after experiencing big and unexpected price declines between 1967 and 1969.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, we learn about Ray Dalio's college experience where he majored in finance and took up Transcendental Meditation, which he attributes a lot of his success to. It was also in college where he learned about commodity futures, which he was drawn to because of their low margin requirements and potential for high returns. After college, he worked on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and at Merrill Lynch, where he gained valuable experience in trading and risk control. He eventually set up his own firm, Bridgewater Associates, from his two-bedroom apartment, which started as a commodities sales business but later turned into a consultancy firm where he would use his knowledge and experience to help clients manage their financial and market risks. He believed in understanding the cause-effect relationships in every detail of a business in order to predict outcomes and make informed investment decisions.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, we learn that Ray Dalio used a machine-like approach to prediction, based on logical cause-effect relationships, to make decisions that he trusted like a computer. He recorded his decision-making principles and followed them, and found that they often got ahead of the market, although some criticized his methods. Dalio made a name for himself consulting for businesses like McDonald's and played a key role in the release of Chicken McNuggets by helping Lane Processing lock in their costs with corn and soy futures, making the price of chicken more predictable. However, Dalio suffered a humbling defeat, in which he predicted a depression in the market that did not occur, but he learned the importance of conducting sound historical research, which he consistently does to this day.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, we see how Ray Dalio faced a challenge in his entrepreneurial venture when he had to dismiss all his employees and sell his own possessions due to lack of funds. He could have given up his dream and searched for a job but he decided to continue by improving himself through self-development, accepting and learning from failures, and finding other independent thinkers who could provide different opinions. He gradually built a new team and re-established his company's success with the use of new technology, principles, and idea meritocracy. His principles, cause-effect relationship approach, and willingness to accept being wrong contributed to his success in the market, making him one of the top 100 most influential people and worth an estimated $17 billion.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, it is highlighted that Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, is not only one of the most successful investors in the world but also a philanthropist who has pledged to donate more than half his wealth to charitable causes within his lifetime. Despite his success, Dalio has always valued people and relationships over his wealth and this has been a key factor in his achievements. Viewers are encouraged to check out previous episodes on other legendary traders and investors, with links provided in the video description, and to like, subscribe and stay tuned for more content.
  • 2018.03.22
  • www.youtube.com
Ray Dalio is the billionaire founder of Bridgewater Associates, one of the largest hedge funds in the world. He is one of the most talked about trading and i...



Paul Tudor Jones, a renowned global macro investor and trader, is highlighted in the video for his successful investment strategies and philanthropic endeavors. Born and raised in Tennessee, Jones developed an interest in economics and began trading during his time at the University of Virginia. He gained experience as a floor clerk, learning about trading decisions and execution. Eventually, he became an independent floor trader at the New York Cotton Exchange, achieving remarkable consistency and only experiencing one losing month between 1980 and 1984.

Jones's preferred investment approach revolves around futures markets and the utilization of techniques such as Elliot waves. Despite his impressive returns and apparent risk-taking, he considers himself a conservative investor, focusing on opportunities with highly skewed reward-risk ratios. His emphasis lies in understanding the macroeconomic and political landscape of different countries, conducting thorough research, and prioritizing self-protection. Jones advises traders to have a clear plan, shift their focus to managing losses, and allocate sufficient time for strategic planning.

Beyond his investment acumen, Jones's philanthropic efforts are highlighted. He founded the Robin Hood Foundation, which aims to combat poverty in New York, and is actively involved in supporting education for underprivileged children. This aspect of his life showcases his commitment to making a positive impact on society.

In summary, the video explores the life and investment strategies of Paul Tudor Jones. His successful career as a global macro investor is rooted in his conservative approach and meticulous research. Jones's dedication to philanthropy further exemplifies his commitment to giving back to the community. Traders can glean valuable insights from his tips, which emphasize risk management, planning, and continuous learning.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, we learn about the early life and trading career of Paul Tudor Jones. Raised in Tennessee, Jones studied economics at the University of Virginia where he began trading and learning about the markets. He worked as a floor clerk and it was there where he learned the ropes of house-made trading decisions and how to execute trades. From 1980 until 1984, he became an independent floor trader at the New York Cotton Exchange and experienced only one losing month. He later transitioned into money management founding the Tudor Futures Fund with $1.5 million under management. The fund has provided an average annual return of approximately 19% since the fund's inception and has been phenomenally consistent. He is most famous for successfully predicting the Black Monday crash of 1987 which gained him a lot of attention from investors.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, we learn that celebrated global macro investor and trader, Paul Tudor Jones, prefers to invest in futures markets and uses Elliot waves among other techniques. While it appears that he is a big risk taker in the phenomenal returns he gains and the large figures he speaks about, he claims he is the most conservative investor, looking for opportunities with tremendously skewed reward-risk ratios. Furthermore, he believes the key to trading success is to have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, even when trading in different asset classes, but believes in doing the least amount of risk possible with the most upside. He emphasizes the importance of having a grasp on the macroeconomic and political situations of countries, as well as doing research, as part of his investment philosophy. Jones enjoys his wealth but has also founded the Robin Hood Foundation, helping to target poverty in New York, and is involved in education for underprivileged children.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, Paul Tudor Jones offers some key tips for traders. He emphasizes the importance of being in control, always trading, and protecting oneself first and foremost. According to Jones, losing money should be the primary focus of investors, rather than pie-in-the-sky ideas on how much money they can make. He also emphasizes the need for relaxed concentration and turning off when necessary. Jones believes that one must have a clear script for the next week, month, year in order to succeed in the markets, and investing nine percent of one's time on this is essential.
  • 2017.08.23
  • www.youtube.com
In this video we look at Paul Tudor Jones’ background, how he got started in trading, his investment philosophy and some of his tips for traders.Go to https:...

$4 BILLION Profit - The Greatest Trade in History | Legends of Trading

$4 BILLION Profit - The Greatest Trade in History | Legends of Trading

The video tells the story of John Paulson, the founder of Paulson & Co, and his remarkable success in the subprime mortgage market during the financial crisis. Initially focusing on merger arbitrage, Paulson started his hedge fund with a modest $2 million. Paolo Pellegrini, a talented analyst, joined the company with hopes of turning his career around. However, after a year, Pellegrini was struggling to make progress.

Recognizing the risky lending boom and the impending housing market crash in the early 2000s, Paulson shifted his focus to subprime mortgage investing. Together with Pellegrini, he began shorting mortgage securitization and purchased credit default swaps as a form of protection. They learned from their earlier mistake of buying protection on easily refinanced mortgages and instead focused on more recent subprime mortgages that were less likely to be refinanced.

Paulson and his team developed a unique trading strategy, diversifying their trades by buying CD contracts, slices of mortgage bonds, and the ABX subprime mortgage index. Their unconventional approach attracted attention, and they raised significant funds for a new fund to capitalize on the impending market collapse. They also shorted shares of companies like New Century and prepared for the consequences of a crash.

As the financial crisis took hold, Paulson began offloading his positions, capitalizing on the market turmoil. By July 2008, he had exited most of his trades, resulting in massive profits. His credit hedge funds generated a profit of $10 billion from an initial investment of $1.2 billion. His other funds also achieved significant gains. Pellegrini, who had joined the company as a last-ditch effort, saw his personal cuts from the venture amount to $4 billion, making it the largest one-year payout in market history.

In summary, the video chronicles John Paulson's journey from modest beginnings to becoming a legendary investor. By recognizing the risks in the housing market and adopting a unique trading strategy, he was able to generate unprecedented profits during the financial crisis. Paulson's story serves as a testament to the importance of keen market analysis, innovative thinking, and seizing opportunities during times of crisis.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, we learn about John Paulson's humble beginnings in creating his hedge fund, Paulson & Co, which focused on merger arbitrage. After multiple rejections from potential clients, Paulson started the company with $2 million of his own money. Despite being considered unspectacular in comparison to competitors, Paulson had earned $2 billion under management 10 years later. Paolo Pellegrini, a 47-year-old analyst with a resume featuring some of the world's top investment banks, was hired at Paulson & Co as a last shot to make a successful career. Despite putting in long hours and analyzing international mergers, after a year, Pellegrini just wasn't making much progress and was becoming concerned about his position in the company.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, we learn about the risky lending boom in the early 2000s fueled by securitization, which enabled lenders to repackaged loans and shift risks to investors. As the Federal Reserve began to increase interest rates, Paulson became concerned about the borrowing levels and the potential crash of the housing market. He started looking for protection for his fund, and with the help of his colleague Pellegrini, he began to short mortgage securitization. This new strategy sparked a big change in direction for Paulson and Company, leading to the purchase of $100 million worth of credit default swaps, which cost only $1 million.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, we learn about how Paulson and his team decided to shift their focus towards subprime mortgage investing, which proved to be a vital change. They quickly realized that their previous mistake was due to buying protection on mortgages that had increased in value enough to be refinanced easily, which meant that the protection wouldn't pay out. Instead, they started buying more recent subprime mortgages that hadn't gone up in value to avoid refinancing. However, Pellegrini realized that this wouldn't be enough, and after analyzing the housing data, he concluded that the market was in a bubble that would eventually burst. Their research became the basis for their trades, and they began buying mortgage protection dirt cheap, as low as 1% annually, and raised money for a new fund to take advantage of what they discovered.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, we learn about Paulson's strategy to mix up their trades, which involved buying CD s contracts, slices of selected mortgage bonds, and the entire ABX subprime mortgage index. Their brokers were initially shocked that anyone would want to buy CD s contracts and tried to discourage them from doing so. However, by late 2006, Paulson had gained buzz, and they had seven hundred million dollars under management, which they spent on mortgage protection and launched a sister fund to keep making similar trades. They also broadened their trade and prepared for the consequences of a crash, shorting shares of companies like New Century. By February 2007, they had experienced their first big profit, gaining $1.25 billion in just one morning as a result of a five-point drop in the ABX index. Despite pressure to sell their CBS positions and avoid losing their gains, Paulson ignored everyone and held on, with the trick being to exit positions just in time to take a profit from the financial institutions that would inevitably be in trouble.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the transcript describes how Paulson began offloading his positions in buying CDs protection on major players, as the financial crisis was taking hold. The ABX index had crashed below 50 and investors were panicking. Despite complaints, Paulson maximized his profits and exited almost all of his trades by July 2008. His credit hedge funds had invested $1.2 billion and returned a profit of $10 billion, while his other funds also made gains of $10 billion. Pellegrini, who had joined Paulsen in desperation and as a last-ditch attempt to save his failing career, was now worth $175 million with personal cuts from the success of the venture being $4 billion, the largest one-year payout in market history.
$4 BILLION Profit - The Greatest Trade in History | Legends of Trading
$4 BILLION Profit - The Greatest Trade in History | Legends of Trading
  • 2020.05.11
  • www.youtube.com
This is the story of what has become known as the greatest trade ever. How one man went from being an obscure, unknown money manager to a legend of trading. ...