Is there any function to calculate Standard Deviation in MQL5


Dear All

Is there any function available in MQL5 to calculate 'standard deviation'?

I could not find one in MathFunctions list.

For some reason, I will not prefer to use iStd indicator.


Anil Varma:

Dear All

Is there any function available in MQL5 to calculate 'standard deviation'?

I could not find one in MathFunctions list.

For some reason, I will not prefer to use iStd indicator.


No. You should create it yourself or order freelance.
Anil Varma:

Dear All

Is there any function available in MQL5 to calculate 'standard deviation'?

I could not find one in MathFunctions list.

For some reason, I will not prefer to use iStd indicator.


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Carl Schreiber #:

Learn to search!

@Carl Schreiber Thanks a lot Carl.

However, I have discovered to integrate Python with MT5 and StdDeviation function of Python can be used.

Now struggling to connect Jupyter Notebook with MT5 :)

Yashar Seyyedin #:
No. You should create it yourself or order freelance.
@Yashar Seyyedin Thanks a lot Yashar 
Yashar Seyyedin #:
No. You should create it yourself or order freelance.

@Yashar Seyyedin

FYI ...

There is MathStandardDeviation() inside \\Includes\\Math\\Stat\\Math.mqh file.


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Anil Varma: Is there any function available in MQL5 to calculate 'standard deviation'?

I could not find one in MathFunctions list.

It's not hard to do it yourself.

Not tested, not compiled, just typed.
void calculate_ma_std(double& sma, double& std, 
                      const double& values[], int iBeg=0, int iEnd=EMPTY){
   if(iEnd == EMPTY) iEnd=ArraySize(values);
   // Standard deviation - //
   // SMA = 1/n sum(X)
   // Std = Sqrt[1/n sum{(x-sma)^2}] = Sqrt[1/n Sum(x^2)-(1/n Sum(x))^2]
   double   sumX  = 0.0, sumX2   = 0.0;   int length = iEnd - iBeg;
   while(--iEnd >= iBeg){
      double    v = values[iEnd];   sumX += v; sumX2 += v * v;
   sma   = sumX / length,
   std   = MathSqrt(sumX2/length - sma*sma);
Not tested, not compiled, just typed.