Print true

Say, I have this code
bool A = true;
Print (A); 
The print output is 1
How to get it to print true, instead?

Ching Soon Lim: Say, I have this code "

bool A = true;
Print (A); 
The print output is 1. How to get it to print true, instead?

From your question, you are using MQL4 and not MQL5. Use ...

#property strict

in your code so that it uses the more modern and more strict MQL4+.


Please don't post randomly in any section.

Your question is not related to the section you posted. MT4/mql4 has it's own section on the forum.

I will move your topic to the correct section later, please don't create an other topic.


Next time, please insert your code properly by useing the CODE button (Alt-S).

Code button in editor