Trouble with Leverage Setting


Hello, when using Strategy Tester, my leverage shows the correct amount selected, but it doesn't seem to apply. 

Leverage states 1:1 when tester is launched.

For 212 lots @ $47, thats around $10k and margin should reflect that with 1:1.  Looks like its showing 5:1 for some reason.


1:1 in the strategy tester settings is the global leverage, you can still have symbol's specific settings.

Check the symbol's margin settings.

Alain Verleyen #:

1:1 in the strategy tester settings is the global leverage, you can still have symbol's specific settings.

Check the symbol's margin settings.

Gotcha, thanks, it looks like margin for #SOXX was .2 which is why I was getting that level. Is there any way to change that level for the strategy tester or do I have to create a custom symbol?

Michael Maher #:

Gotcha, thanks, it looks like margin for #SOXX was .2 which is why I was getting that level. Is there any way to change that level for the strategy tester or do I have to create a custom symbol?

Customize the settings