Showing -1.#Q on Detailed Reports

"Closed P/L" and "Floating P/L" are showing -1.#Q on my reports tonight. Any reason why?


- Vooch
Sometimes I get reports where "Closed P/L" and "Floating P/L" are showing up as blanks.

I'm using build 180.

- Vooch
I just checked. This problem starts in build 180.

Build 179 works.

- Vooch
> Sometimes I get reports where "Closed P/L" and "Floating P/L" are showing up as blanks.

I am STILL having a problem of NO INFORMATION appearing for Closed P/L and Floating P/L on the Detailed Reports in Build 181.
we cannot reproduce your problem, sorry. i hope we'll check it soon
we cannot reproduce your problem, sorry. i hope we'll check it soon

I have similar problem on my real account in Alpari.
Difference is that 2 fields "Closed P/L" and "Floating P/L" are empty.