Machine Learning and Neural Networks - page 7


Convolutional Neural Networks Explained (CNN Visualized)

Convolutional Neural Networks Explained (CNN Visualized)

The video explains convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and their structure for image recognition, using the example of number recognition.

The first hidden layer, the convolutional layer, applies kernels or feature detectors to transform the input pixels and highlight features, such as edges, corners, and shapes, leading to multiple feature maps that undergo a non-linearity function.

The newly produced feature maps are used as inputs for the next hidden layer, a pooling layer, that reduces the dimensions of the feature maps and helps build further abstractions towards the output by retaining significant information. The pooling layer reduces overfitting while speeding up calculation through downsampling feature maps. The second component of CNN is the classifier, which consists of fully connected layers that use high-level features abstracted from the input to correctly classify images.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the video introduces convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and their structure for image recognition, using the example of number recognition. The video explains that images in digital devices are stored as matrices of pixel values, and every matrix is a channel or a component of the image. The first hidden layer, the convolutional layer, applies kernels or feature detectors to transform the input pixels and highlight features, such as edges, corners, and shapes, leading to multiple feature maps that undergo a non-linearity function to adapt to real-world data. The newly produced feature maps are used as inputs for the next hidden layer, a pooling layer, that reduces the dimensions of the feature maps and helps build further abstractions towards the output by retaining significant information.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video covers the features and functionality of the pooling layer in convolutional neural networks (CNN). Pooling is a process that reduces overfitting while speeding up calculation through downsampling feature maps. In max pooling, a kernel is slid across input feature maps, and the largest pixel value in that area is saved to a new output map. The feature maps obtained typically retain important information from the convolutional layer while still allowing for lower spatial resolution. This section also covers the second component of CNN: the classifier, which consists of fully connected layers that use the high-level features abstracted from the input to correctly classify images.
Convolutional Neural Networks Explained (CNN Visualized)
Convolutional Neural Networks Explained (CNN Visualized)
  • 2020.12.19
This video was made possible by Brilliant. Be one of the first 200 people to sign up with this link and get 20% off your premium subscription with Brilliant....

Why do Convolutional Neural Networks work so well?

Why do Convolutional Neural Networks work so well?

The success of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) lies in their use of low-dimensional inputs, making them easily trainable with just tens of thousands of labeled examples.

Success is also achieved through the use of convolutional layers that output only small amounts of useful information due to the compressibility of patches of pixels that exist in the real world but not necessarily in artificially rearranged images. Although CNNs are used to perform various image processing tasks, their success cannot be fully attributed to their learning ability, since both humans and neural networks cannot learn from high dimensional data. Instead, hard-coded spatial structures in their architecture must exist before training in order to "see" the world.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the video explains how machine learning models work through curve fitting, which involves finding a function that passes as close as possible to a collection of points. However, describing an image would require a high-dimensional point, where each coordinate represents a particular pixel intensity. This presents a problem because the input space of all 32x32 images is 3,072 dimensions, and to densely fill that space, one would need to label approximately 9^3072 images, a number significantly larger than the number of particles in the universe. The video also notes that classifying images into two categories, as in the previous example, would still not require densely filling the space.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video explains how high dimensional inputs, such as images, present a challenge in training neural networks. The solution lies in using low dimensional inputs, such as a 3x3 pixel patch of an image, and allowing the neural network to learn from several patches so that it can consider larger regions of the original input. Through successive layers, the neural network can eventually look at the entire image and make accurate predictions. This approach is called a convolutional neural network and can achieve a test accuracy rate of 95.3% on the CIFAR10 dataset.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, it is explained how the convolutional neural network (CNN) works so well. These networks have low-dimensional inputs, which make them easily trainable with just tens of thousands of labeled examples. Whilst common practice demands hundreds or even thousands of numbers to be outputted by a layer, this is not the reality. As neural networks start with small random weights and learn by making small changes to capture more useful information from the input, neural networks reveal that not all the output numbers contain useful information. Therefore, convolutional layers are not strict in its compression because layers output only small amounts of useful information. This is due to the compressibility of patches of pixels that exist in the natural world but may not exist in artificially rearranged images.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, it is explained that although convolutional neural networks are used to perform various image processing tasks, their success cannot be fully attributed to their learning ability. It is not feasible for both humans and neural networks to learn from high dimensional data. While humans are inherently equipped with knowledge about how the world works from birth, convolutional neural networks require hard-coded spatial structure in their architecture before training begins to be able to "see" the world, without having to learn from data.
Why do Convolutional Neural Networks work so well?
Why do Convolutional Neural Networks work so well?
  • 2022.10.29
While deep learning has existed since the 1970s, it wasn't until 2010 that deep learning exploded in popularity, to the point that deep neural networks are n...

Can A.I. Be Taught The Difference Between Right and Wrong? [4K] | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | Spark

Can A.I. Be Taught The Difference Between Right and Wrong? [4K] | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | Spark

The video discusses the current state and potential of AI and robotics, covering topics such as deep learning, robot capabilities, potential impact in various industries, ethics, emotional intelligence, and limitations.

While AI has transitioned seamlessly into various fields, experts still believe that humans are necessary to handle unexpected situations and ethical dilemmas. The fear of weaponizing robots and AI's potential to develop without human control are also discussed. However, AI's potential for creativity and emotional intelligence, as demonstrated by Yumi, is something to look forward to in the future. The key challenge is to gain public trust in AI's reliability and safety as its integration becomes increasingly vital in our society.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the video explains that artificial intelligence (AI) and its counterpart, robotics, are not the enemies that films have made us believe. Problems once solved only by humans are now managed by AI, which seems to have transitioned seamlessly into different fields, such as mobile phones, streaming TV, social media apps, and GPS maps. The video also explains that AI technology derives from studying and imitating how the brain works. The neural network is the computer equivalent of how the human brain operates, and the neurons in the network are responsible for adding the inputs and outputs. Furthermore, machine learning, the science of making computers learn from data they analyze, has become a driving force for change in different industries like finance, healthcare, online retail, and tax accounting, to name a few.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video discusses how machine learning is constantly improving, with a lot of current research focused on improving its effectiveness and efficiency. Machine learning algorithms are only part of the process, as they don't include data preparation, modeling of problems, or translation of computer solutions to real solutions. Deep learning refers to a particular neural network or machine learning algorithm that has played itself millions and millions of times to learn the best strategies. AI can be used in marketing, such as websites recommending specific items by analyzing buying history, but there is a difference between automation and true AI creativity. The video also touches on the potential dangers of freely available social data and the possibility of using AI for robotics.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the interviewees discuss the current state of robots and AI, noting that while deep learning can help accelerate their learning process, they still lack basic abilities such as differentiating between objects, like apples and pears. The Hollywood portrayal of robots, while interesting, is largely unrealistic based on their current abilities. However, the desire to make humanoid robots may prove practical, as the world is already built for humans and may be easier for robots with human-like abilities to navigate. The potential for AI to take over more mundane human tasks, such as cooking and folding laundry, raises questions about whether they can collaborate meaningfully with humans.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video discusses the advancements in robotics, particularly in the integration of different components such as vision, mobility, and manipulation capabilities. The focus of robotics is shifting from a more controlled environment to more open spaces where robots need to work with humans, furniture, and various obstacles. While current robots can walk and move through complicated terrains, they lack the vision system and manipulation abilities of humans. However, recent technology developed by companies like Boston Dynamics has resulted in robots that are more agile and capable, which is putting pressure on designers to improve algorithms and artificial intelligence. The video raises the question of whether robots could autonomously take action in emergency situations, but notes that current robot capabilities have limitations in physically disrupted environments.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, experts discuss the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in various areas, such as medicine and surgery. While AI can be used to analyze medical data and possibly improve treatment, experts believe a human doctor is still necessary in case of unexpected events or errors. Additionally, a thorny issue is whether AI can be taught the complexities of human morals and ethical standards, which are necessary in certain professions such as medicine. Researchers are studying how to teach machines to reason like philosophers from hundreds of years ago, but this remains a challenging task.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, experts discuss the ethical dilemmas that arise when AI is tasked with making difficult decisions such as whether to prioritize the safety of the car driver or that of a pedestrian in an accident. The potential implications and complexities of programming ethical considerations, such as determining the least bad outcome in a situation, into AI systems are explored. Furthermore, people are naturally hesitant to embrace AI due to concerns over safety and potential malfunctions. However, technological breakthroughs are pushing society towards greater incorporation of AI, even in vital areas like air traffic control, but the challenge lies in gaining public trust through safety and reliability.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the video explores the fear of weaponizing robots and lethal autonomous weapons. There are concerns that robots equipped with autonomous killing capabilities could cause indiscriminate slaughter without any human oversight. However, some argue that robots could actually behave better in war scenarios compared to humans who are emotional and can commit atrocities. Nonetheless, there is a movement towards limiting or banning lethal autonomous weapons, and the military is interested in various aspects of robotic technology, such as unmanned fighter jets and tanks. The video also highlights the importance of AI understanding human emotions if it is to work positively with humans.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the importance of emotional intelligence in robots is discussed, with the ability to read and signal emotional states becoming increasingly necessary for smooth interactions between humans and AI. However, identifying and interpreting certain facial expressions can be difficult due to cultural and personal differences. Additionally, the production and affordability of robots for homes is still uncertain despite their technical feasibility, and it may take another 50 years for robots to transition from automation and number-crunching to creativity and ingenuity. The speaker mentions their fascination with programming and the initial belief that AI could lead to retirement, but this has not been achieved after 20 years.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the discussion centers around the limitations of AI and its potential for becoming like humans, achieving self-awareness and emotional sentience. The focus is on explainability, the need to understand how the decisions made by AI are arrived at, and retaining human control of it. The debate over whether computers should be designed to have consciousness, self-awareness, emotional sentience, and the capacity to acquire wisdom is discussed, and the idea of a general artificial intelligence that can function like a human is explored, and despite its potential, there is still a long way to go before AI can achieve it.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker addresses the concern of AI developing on its own without human control. He argues that computers are tools and they will do as they are told, so this scenario can be avoided with proper design. The video then explores the idea of whether AI can mimic or be taught human creativity, blurring the lines between human and machine. An example of a highly flexible and artistic machine called Yumi is shown, demonstrating the potential for AI to go beyond simple tasks and perform more complex actions.
Can A.I. Be Taught The Difference Between Right and Wrong? [4K] | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | Spark
Can A.I. Be Taught The Difference Between Right and Wrong? [4K] | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | Spark
  • 2022.04.20
Hollywood movies have made us wary of Artificial Intelligence, or A.I. But chances are we have all already made contact with Artificial Intelligence and didn...

Jensen Huang — NVIDIA's CEO on the Next Generation of AI and MLOps

Jensen Huang — NVIDIA's CEO on the Next Generation of AI and MLOps

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang explains the company's history of focusing on machine learning, beginning with the acceleration of neural network models for the ImageNet competition. He discusses NVIDIA's full-stack computing type and its success in building a GPU that is universal for different applications. Huang predicts the growth of AI in chip manufacturing and design and the potential for deep learning algorithms to simulate climate change mitigation strategies. He also discusses the importance of MLOps and compares the refining process for machine learning to a factory. Lastly, Huang shares his excitement for the future of innovation and creativity in the virtual world.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the interview, Jensen Huang, the CEO and founder of NVIDIA, discusses how the company's focus on machine learning began. It started when research teams reached out to NVIDIA to help accelerate their neural network models to submit for ImageNet, a big competition. AlexNet's breakthrough in computer vision caught their attention, and they took a step back to consider the implications for the future of software, computer science, and computing. Huang attributes the company's success in staying dominant in this space to being interested in computer vision, realizing the profound implications for computer science, and questioning the implications for everything.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, Jensen Huang explains how the company was formed properly for accelerated computing and how it maintains its ubiquity in the market. The company is a full-stack computing type which requires a strong foundation in application acceleration with a mission in mind. The company has had experience in computer graphics, scientific computing and physics simulations, image processing and deep learning applications. Huang later talks about how the company prioritizes different needs between gamers, crypto miners, scientists, and individuals in deep learning, and how they try to build a GPU that is universal for all such applications.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, Jensen Huang discusses the future of AI and MLOps, mentioning the importance of adjusting the functionality to the market and bringing the best products for each use case. He doubts quantum computing will be generally useful in the next five years, but notes that advances in machine learning and deep learning have led to 1,000,000x improvements in many fields. He believes AI will be able to perform many tasks better than humans and predicts that we will see superhuman AIs in the coming years. Huang also highlights the importance of AI in chip manufacturing and design, stating that next-generation chips cannot be built without AI.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, NVIDIA CEO  discusses the company's contribution to democratizing scientific computing by allowing researchers around the world to use NVIDIA GPUs to conduct scientific research with powerful computation capabilities. He also talks about the democratization of computer science through artificial intelligence, which allows almost anyone to download a pre-trained model and achieve superhuman capabilities for their application domain. Additionally, he shares the company's initiatives to address concerns about climate change, such as building a digital twin called Earth-2, which mimics the climate of the earth.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, Jensen Huang discusses the potential for deep learning algorithms to assist in the creation of a full-scale digital twin of the Earth. This digital model could allow scientists and researchers to test mitigation and adaptation strategies to combat climate change and simulate the impact of carbon-absorbing technologies in the future. Huang attributes the possibility of this type of technology to the work of deep learning and the importance of staying curious and educated in the field. Additionally, Huang credits the success of NVIDIA to the creation of an environment that fosters incredible people doing their life's work and encourages tinkering at scale. While NVIDIA is commonly associated with gaming, Huang admits that he is not an avid gamer, but has enjoyed playing games like Battlefield with his teenage kids in the past.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, Jensen Huang discusses the company's supply chain and its dependency on AI. Huang talks about the complexity of the DGX computer, the most complex and heaviest computer being built today, and how a single component failure can cause delays in shipping. He emphasizes the importance of keeping up with the demand of AI manufacturing because it produces refined intelligence. Huang also talks about his evolution as a leader and shares some of the leadership techniques he used in the past, such as tapeout bonuses, which he now sees as unnecessary and de-motivational.

  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, Jensen Huang, the CEO of NVIDIA, shares his unusual approach to one-on-ones with his team. He prefers to communicate with the entire team to ensure everyone is on the same page rather than rely on things being translated through a chain of individuals. He believes that being transparent with knowledge and information puts it in the hands of more people, and while it can make
    him more vulnerable and attract more criticism, he sees it as a way to refine his ideas and make more informed decisions. Jensen also talks about his approach to leadership, stating that his behavior and way of tackling problems remain consistent regardless of the company's stock performance. As a public company, he acknowledges the outside pressure to succeed, but he believes that if they are clear in expressing their vision and why they're doing something, people are willing to give it a shot.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, Jensen Huang discusses the next phase of AI and MLOps. He explains that while the company has invented the technology of intelligence in several domains, it is now important to translate this intelligence into valuable skills such as driving autonomous vehicles, customer service, and radiology. He also talks about how the next era of AI will involve learning the laws of physics and the creation of a virtual world that obeys these laws, which was the goal behind the development of Omniverse. This physically-based platform aims to connect artificial intelligence to the physical world and build a digital twin, offering the potential for a profound impact on the future.

  • 00:40:00 In this section of the video, Jensen Huang talks about how his company intends to create an application framework for people who are building applications, so they can build applications for the next era of AI. He explains one of the application frameworks he is excited about that is a virtual robot with computer vision, speech AI, and the ability to understand language. It has great potential for things like virtual hospitals, factories, and entertainment, but Jensen clarifies that the metaverse will be enjoyed largely on 2D displays. Jensen talks about multi-modality AI, self-supervised learning approaches that are multi-modality that will take perception to a new level, zero-shot learning, and graph neural networks that allow processing of graphs in the same framework as deep learning pipelines. Lastly, he shares his excitement for the future of innovation and creativity in the virtual world, what people call the metaverse.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, Jensen Huang, the CEO of NVIDIA, discusses the challenges companies face in harnessing the power of deep learning and machine learning to write software. He emphasizes the vital importance of methods, process, and tools, also known as MLOps, and compares the refining process for machine learning to a factory. Huang recognizes the significance of companies like the one hosting the interview for making this possible and helping researchers develop and validate their neural network models.
Jensen Huang — NVIDIA's CEO on the Next Generation of AI and MLOps
Jensen Huang — NVIDIA's CEO on the Next Generation of AI and MLOps
  • 2022.03.03
Jensen Huang is founder and CEO of NVIDIA, whose GPUs sit at the heart of the majority of machine learning models today.Jensen shares the story behind NVIDIA...

OpenAI CEO, CTO on risks and how AI will reshape society

OpenAI CEO, CTO on risks and how AI will reshape society

OpenAI CEO and CTO Sam Altman tells ABC News’ Rebecca Jarvis that AI will reshape society and acknowledges the risks: “I think people should be happy that we are a l...discuss the potential impact of AI on society, stressing the need for responsible development that aligns with human values and avoids negative consequences such as eliminating jobs or increasing racial bias.

They assert that although AI has potential dangers, not using this technology could be more dangerous. The CEOs also highlight the importance of human control and public input in defining guard rails for AI, as well as the potential for AI to revolutionize education and provide personalized learning for every student. While acknowledging the risks associated with AI, they express optimism about its potential benefits in areas like healthcare and education.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, he discusses the potential impact of artificial intelligence on society, both positive and negative. He believes that the collective power and creativity of humanity will determine what AI will change in one, five or ten years. Although the potential for good is great, there is also a huge number of unknowns that could turn out badly for society. Hence, he stresses the importance of getting these products out into the world and making contact with reality. Although this technology could be very dangerous, not using this tech could be even more dangerous, he opines.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, Sam Altman discuss the importance of responsible AI development, acknowledging the potential for both good and harm. They stress the need for customization options that allow users to align AI behavior with their own values within certain bounds, as well as gathering public input on what these bounds should look like. The CEOs also acknowledge the potential for major negative consequences given the power of AI and hence the importance of building responsibly, while also highlighting the potential benefits in areas like healthcare and education. Finally, they discuss the crucial need for humans to remain in control of AI, particularly to guard against authoritarian governments attempting to exploit the technology, and caution users to be aware of the hallucinations problem that can arise when models confidently state entirely made-up facts.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, he discuss the question of whether AI creates more truth or more untruth in the world. They mention that the models that they create should be thought of as reasoning engines and not fact databases, and that they are a tool for humans and can amplify their abilities. However, they do acknowledge that AI could eliminate millions of current jobs, increase racial bias and misinformation, and create machines that are smarter than all of humanity combined, which could have terrible consequences. They stress the importance of acknowledging these downsides and avoiding them while pushing in the direction of the upsides, such as curing diseases and educating every child. They also mention the need for society as a whole to come together and define guard rails for AI.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Sam Altman discuss the risks of AI and how it will impact society. They acknowledge the uncertainty regarding the impact of AI on elections and how it can be used to manipulate information, but they also highlight that the technology can be controlled, turned off, or the rules can be changed. They state that there will be several things that people used to do on Google that Touch GPT will change, but it is a fundamentally different kind of product. While the CEO agrees with Elon Musk on the importance of the AI system telling the truth, they have different opinions on how AI should go. They also emphasized the need for thoughtful policy and government attention to navigate the risks of AI, and the importance of integrating it into education while avoiding increasing cheating or laziness among students.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, Sam Altman discuss the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on education. They believe that AI has the ability to revolutionize education by providing great individual learning for every student. The chat GPT technology is currently being used in a primitive way by some students, but as companies create dedicated platforms for this kind of learning, it will become more advanced, making students smarter and more capable than we can imagine. However, this puts pressure on teachers, who may have to figure out how to evaluate essays written with the help of chat GPT, but it can also help them supplement learning in new ways, like acting as a Socratic method educator.
OpenAI CEO, CTO on risks and how AI will reshape society
OpenAI CEO, CTO on risks and how AI will reshape society
  • 2023.03.17
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman tells ABC News’ Rebecca Jarvis that AI will reshape society and acknowledges the risks: “I think people should be happy that we are a l...

Neural Networks are Decision Trees (w/ Alexander Mattick)

Neural Networks are Decision Trees (w/ Alexander Mattick)

Neural Networks are Decision Trees are a type of machine learning algorithm that is suited for problems that have well-defined statistics. They are especially good at learning on tabular data, which is a type of data that is easy to store and understand.
In this video, Alexander Mattick from the University of Cambridge discusses a recent paper published on Neural Networks and Decision Trees.

  • 00:00:00 The paper discusses how to represent a neural network as a set of splines, which can be thought of as regions of linear transformation with bias. The paper was published in 2018.

  • 00:05:00 Neural networks are a type of machine learning model that can be used to analyze data. Decision trees are a type of machine learning model that can be used to make decisions, but they are limited in their ability to interpret neural networks.

  • 00:10:00 Neural networks are a type of machine learning algorithm that can be used to make predictions based on data. Neural networks are composed of a number of interconnected nodes, or "neurons," which are designed to learn from data to make predictions. The size of the neural network determines how deep the decision tree can be, and the wider the neural network, the more difficult it becomes to accurately make predictions.

  • 00:15:00 This video explains that neural networks are different from decision trees in that decision trees have to work with a family of functions that we now have to do optimal splits for, whereas neural networks can just work with a few functions and hope for the best. This difference makes neural networks easier to use and allows them to be more effective in some cases, but it also means that they aren't always as optimal.

  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the idea that neural networks can be viewed as decision trees, and that the decision tree representation is advantageous in terms of computational complexity. The paper also has experimental results that suggest this to be the case.

  • 00:25:00 In this video, Alexander Mattick explains that neural networks are actually decision trees, which are a type of machine learning algorithm that is suited for problems that have well-defined statistics. He goes on to say that decision trees are especially good at learning on tabular data, which is a type of data that is easy to store and understand.

  • 00:30:00 In this video, Alexander Mattick from the University of Cambridge discusses a recent paper published on Neural Networks and Decision Trees. Neural Networks are Decision Trees (NNDTs) models that are similar to classifiers that are pre-trained on large datasets. NNDTs extract many different features from data, whereas classifiers that are pre-trained on large datasets only extract a few features. NNDTs are also more efficient than classifiers that are pre-trained on large datasets in terms of the amount of data they can handle.
Neural Networks are Decision Trees (w/ Alexander Mattick)
Neural Networks are Decision Trees (w/ Alexander Mattick)
  • 2022.10.21
#neuralnetworks #machinelearning #ai Alexander Mattick joins me to discuss the paper "Neural Networks are Decision Trees", which has generated a lot of hype ...

This is a game changer! (AlphaTensor by DeepMind explained)

This is a game changer! (AlphaTensor by DeepMind explained)

AlphaTensor is a new algorithm that can speed up matrix multiplication by decomposing it into a lower rank tensor. This is a breakthrough in matrix multiplication that can potentially save a lot of time and energy.
This video explains how AlphaTensor, a tool developed by Google's DeepMind, could be a game changer in the field of artificial intelligence.

  • 00:00:00 AlphaTensor is a new system that speeds up Matrix multiplication, which is at the foundation of many scientific fields. This could make the world a better place, as Matrix multiplication is essential in many areas of science.

  • 00:05:00 AlphaTensor is a game changer because it is faster to compute additions between two matrices than to multiply them. This is a big advantage on modern processors, as most of the time is spent on multiplying numbers, instead of doing the additions.

  • 00:10:00 It allows for faster matrix multiplication. The explanation shows how the speed up is possible due to the fact that we only care about the number of multiplications, and that the algorithm can be found by decomposing the tensor into its component matrices.

  • 00:15:00 AlphaTensor is a tool created by DeepMind that can be used to decompose a matrix into individual components, allowing for faster matrix multiplication.

  • 00:20:00 It is a decomposition algorithm that can be applied to three-dimensional tensors. It is based on the product of three vectors, and can be applied to tensors of any rank.

  • 00:25:00 It allows for easier decomposition of tensors. This can be useful in solving problems with vectors and matrices.

  • 00:30:00 It can speed up matrix multiplication by decomposing it into a lower rank tensor. This is a breakthrough in matrix multiplication that can potentially save a lot of time and energy.

  • 00:35:00 AlphaTensor is a game changer because it allows for more efficient training of reinforcement learning algorithms. AlphaTensor is a more refined version of the Torso neural network architecture, and it can be used to optimize a policy for a given action space.

  • 00:40:00 AlphaTensor is a game-changer because it allows for efficient, low-rank Monte Carlo tree search to be used to find the first step in a game of chess. This algorithm is used to learn how to play the game and make predictions about future moves. In addition, supervised learning is used to provide feedback to the network about which moves to take.

  • 00:45:00 AlphaTensor is a new algorithm from DeepMind that is able to outperform the best known algorithms for Matrix Multiplication and Decomposition on modern GPUs and TPUs.

  • 00:50:00 The AlphaTensor algorithm by DeepMind was found to be faster on certain hardware than other algorithms, and can help to improve the efficiency of computer programs.

  • 00:55:00 This video explains how AlphaTensor, a tool developed by Google's DeepMind, could be a game changer in the field of artificial intelligence.
This is a game changer! (AlphaTensor by DeepMind explained)
This is a game changer! (AlphaTensor by DeepMind explained)
  • 2022.10.07
#alphatensor #deepmind #ai Matrix multiplication is the most used mathematical operation in all of science and engineering. Speeding this up has massive cons...

Google’s AI Sentience: How Close Are We Really? | Tech News Briefing Podcast | Wall Street Journal

Google’s AI Sentience: How Close Are We Really? | Tech News Briefing Podcast | Wall Street Journal

The controversy over whether Google's AI system, Lambda, could become sentient is discussed in this segment. While experts have dismissed the idea, there are concerns about the perception that it could happen and the potential dangers posed by policymakers and regulations. The discussion highlights that there is more focus on the consequences of AI systems being hyper-competent and discriminating or manipulating, rather than the harm that could come from them simply not working properly.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the Wall Street Journal's Karen Howe discusses how companies are split between practical and ambitious uses for artificial intelligence (AI), with many investing in AI technology that aims to create a super intelligence that can ultimately do everything better than humans. The AI community is divided on this issue, with some experts warning about the dangers of overestimating the capabilities of language generation systems and trusting these systems far more than they should be trusted. In 2017, Facebook's AI system mistranslated "good morning" in Arabic to "hurt them" in English and "attack them" in Hebrew, leading to the arrest of a Palestinian man. Meanwhile, another Google engineer believed that an experimental chatbot had become sentient, a claim that is dismissed by most experts.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video discusses the controversy surrounding the idea that Google's AI system, Lambda, could potentially become sentient due to an experiment conducted by a mystic priest. Although Google, as well as the scientific community, have stated that AI systems are not sentient, the perception that they can become sentient has spread widely, leading to potential dangers for policymakers and regulations. The conversation has focused on the harms that come from AI systems being hyper-competent and discriminating or manipulating, but not on the harms that come from AI systems just not working.
Google’s AI Sentience: How Close Are We Really? | Tech News Briefing Podcast | WSJ
Google’s AI Sentience: How Close Are We Really? | Tech News Briefing Podcast | WSJ
  • 2022.07.05
A recent incident involving a now-suspended Google engineer has sparked debate about artificial intelligence and whether it could become sentient. WSJ report...

The Neural Network, A Visual Introduction | Visualizing Deep Learning, Chapter 1

The Neural Network, A Visual Introduction | Visualizing Deep Learning, Chapter 1

The video provides a clear visual introduction to the basic structure and concepts of a neural network, including artificial neurons, activation functions, weight matrices, and bias vectors.
It demonstrates the use of a neural network to find patterns in data, determining boundary lines and complex decision boundaries in datasets. The importance of the activation function is also highlighted, as it helps to tackle more complicated decision boundaries and classify data.
The video concludes by recognizing the support of deep learning pioneers and exploring what a trained neural network looks like.

  • 00:00:00 The creator introduces the concept of a neural network and its structure. The goal of a neural network is to find patterns in data, and it is a layered structure with an input layer, hidden layers, and output layer. The neural network consists of many neurons or circles, where the input layer consists of the pixel values of the image, and the output layer consists of the classified output. The creator explains that by training a neural network, we determine boundary lines to find where the input lies, and the output can be determined using heavyset wxb. The creator goes further to explain how adding extra dimensions to the problem increases the complexity of the perceptrons.

  • 00:05:00 The video covers the basics of artificial neurons and activation functions, including the Heaviside step function, sigmoid curve, and rectified linear unit (ReLU). The video also explains the concept of linearly separable datasets and how neural networks utilize activation functions to model complex decision boundaries. The concepts of weight matrices and bias vectors are introduced, along with the visualization of neural network transformations and linear transformations. Finally, the video demonstrates a neural network with two inputs, two outputs, and one hidden layer using randomized weights and biases.

  • 00:10:00 The video explores the importance of the activation function in helping to tackle more complicated decision boundaries through a 2D and 3D visual representation of a neural network. The video demonstrates how rotation, shearing, and scaling had been automatically done prior to the addition of a bias vector, and activation function (ReLU) helps to fold positive inputs and reveal a triangle-like shape with folds only in the first octant. The video also highlights the importance of neural networks in not just modeling functions but also classifying data through assigning a digit to one of the 10 values and choosing the highest values digit based on the final layer's values. The video concludes by crediting the support of deep learning pioneers and exploring what a trained neural network looks like.
The Neural Network, A Visual Introduction | Visualizing Deep Learning, Chapter 1
The Neural Network, A Visual Introduction | Visualizing Deep Learning, Chapter 1
  • 2020.08.23
A visual introduction to the structure of an artificial neural network. More to come!Support me on Patreon! Code: https://...

Visualizing Deep Learning 2. Why are neural networks so effective?

Visualizing Deep Learning 2. Why are neural networks so effective?

This video explores the effectiveness of neural networks, diving into the softmax function, decision boundaries, and input transformations. The video explains how the signoid function can be used to assign a probability to each output instead of the traditional argmax function.
It then demonstrates the use of the softmax function to cluster similar points and make them linearly separable during training. However, when moving outside the initial training region, the neural network extends the decision boundaries linearly, leading to inaccurate classifications.
The video also explains how the first neuron in a neural network can be translated into a plane equation for decision boundaries and demonstrates an interactive tool to visualize the transformation of handwritten digits through a neural network.

  • 00:00:00 The idea behind sigmoid can be used to smoothen out the Heaviside step function and assign a probability or a range of inputs to each output. This is particularly important when training a neural network as it ensures differentiability. In this example, the neural network has an input layer of two neurons and an output layer of five neurons. The hidden layer comprises 100 neurons using the relu activation function. The final layer uses softmax to assign the output of an x and y coordinate to be the maximum value of the five neurons. By using the argmax function, the index of the maximum value can be determined, making it easier to classify datasets.

  • 00:05:00 The video describes the softmax function, which takes in a vector of n elements as input and outputs a probability vector of n elements as output. During training, the neural network determines a set of weights and biases that make it classify the input data into five different spirals, which are separated by non-linear decision boundaries. By looking at the output space, the neural network clusters similar points, making them linearly separable. However, when moving outside the initial training region, the neural network extends the decision boundaries linearly, which results in inaccurate classifications. Finally, the video demonstrates how to visualize the probabilities for each color by graphing the output of the softmax function.

  • 00:10:00 The video explains the value of the first neuron in a neural network in terms of a plane equation, and how this translates into decision boundaries for classifying input data. The video then shows how the softmax function is used to represent each output value as a probability, with each color surface representing the maximum probability output for each corresponding class. Finally, the video shows an interactive tool for visualizing the transformation of handwritten digits through a neural network.
Why are neural networks so effective?
Why are neural networks so effective?
  • 2021.10.15
Visuals to demonstrate how a neural network classifies a set of data. Thanks for watching!Support me on Patreon! Code: htt...