Machine Learning and Neural Networks - page 37


Deep learning 1: Backpropagation for tensors, Convolutional Neural Networks (MLVU2019)

7 Deep learning 1: Backpropagation for tensors, Convolutional Neural Networks (MLVU2019)

This first part of the video on deep learning and backpropagation covers several topics, including the basics of a deep learning framework, tensors, the backpropagation algorithm, and the vanishing gradient problem. The speaker explains how neural networks can be implemented using a sequence of linear algebra operations, and how the backpropagation algorithm can be used to define a model as a composition of functions. The video also covers how to compute derivatives using matrix operations, and explores solutions to the vanishing gradient problem, such as weight initialization and the use of ReLU as an activation function. Finally, the video touches upon mini-batch gradient descent and various optimizers that can be utilized in a complex neural network.

This second part covers a range of topics related to deep learning, including optimization algorithms and regularization techniques. Adam optimization is explained as a popular algorithm for deep learning, while L1 and L2 regularization are explored as methods for preventing overfitting. The potential of neural networks in image processing is also discussed, with convolutional neural networks highlighted as a powerful tool for image recognition tasks. The video also delves into the workings of these networks and how they build up features to recognize complex images, as well as the concept of end-to-end learning as a way to overcome the limitations of chaining together multiple modules.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video on deep learning, the speaker begins by reviewing concepts discussed in the previous session, such as neural networks and how they are organized in layers. They then discuss how neural networks are essentially just a series of linear algebra steps, with occasional non-linear functions like the sigmoid function. This is important because it simplifies the process of implementing a neural network and allows for more efficient training. The speaker also notes that neural networks fell out of favor for a time because they were difficult to train, but in the next section, they will look at how back propagation helps overcome this challenge.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video outlines the basics of a deep learning system or framework, which requires an understanding of tensor matrix calculus and revisiting the backpropagation algorithm. The speaker emphasizes that despite the neural network baggage associated with deep learning, it's not that special as it's just a sequence of linear algebra operations. The first step in developing a general framework for neural networks is to define the operations efficiently and simply so that it's easy to train them effectively. Moreover, by making use of graphical processing units or video cards, things become approximately 20 times faster due to their effectiveness at matrix multiplication. Finally, the video outlines the rest of the topics that are to be covered in the lecture series, which includes convolution layers, autoencoders, and a discussion on philosophical aspects of deep learning.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses tensors, a data structure used to store a bunch of numbers that can be used in deep learning. Tensors are used to store datasets and have to have the same data type for all elements, usually containing floating-point numbers. The speaker explains how to store an image in a three-tensor which is a stack of three grayscale images, one for each color channel, and how to store a dataset of images in a four tensor by adding another index that iterates over the images in the data set. Finally, the speaker explains that functions or operations in deep learning are just like in programming language, but with tensors as inputs and outputs, and that the backward computation, which calculates the local gradient, is also implemented along with the forward computation.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video discusses the backpropagation algorithm and how it can be used to define a neural network model as a composition of functions. The gradient over the whole network is computed as the product of all the local gradients of every function, and backpropagation is used to propagate the loss throughout the entire computation graph. The video explains that there are two ways to define the computation graph - lazy and eager execution - and while lazy execution is straightforward, it's not ideal for debugging or research. Eager execution is currently the default in frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow, as it allows the user to define the computation graph by performing computations, making it easier to debug and change the model during training.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the computation graph and how it is built using scalar variables. He then provides an example of how a neural network can be implemented within a framework using a computation graph. The loss value is computed over the neural network and the back propagation process is initiated from the loss value to obtain the gradient over the parameters of the network. Once the gradient is obtained, one step of gradient descent can be performed by subtracting a little bit of the gradient from the value.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses two important aspects of backpropagation for deep learning systems: handling multiple computation paths and working with tensors. The speaker introduces the multivariate chain rule for handling diamonds in a computation graph where multiple paths lead to the same value. Additionally, the speaker explains the importance of working with tensors in backpropagation, where all intermediate values are tensors instead of scalar values. The goal is to work out derivatives in terms of matrix operations, allowing for faster computation. The speaker demonstrates how to take the derivative of a vector with respect to a matrix using a simple example of a function that outputs a scalar whose input is a vector, making the function as simple as possible by looking at the dot product.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to calculate derivatives of tensors using examples of a vector and a matrix. The first example shows that the derivative of a scalar with respect to a vector is just a vector of numbers, which is the gradient. Then, the second example demonstrates that the derivative of a vector with respect to a matrix is just a matrix. The speaker highlights that taking all the possible values and arranging them into a matrix results in the original matrix P.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker explains how taking the derivative of a function gives us a matrix of possible scalar derivatives for vector inputs and outputs, and a tensor of derivatives for higher-order inputs/outputs. However, computing these intermediate values can be difficult and complicated especially when dealing with a vector/matrix combination. To simplify this process, we can accumulate the product by computing each derivative sequentially from left to right, rather than dealing with these intermediate values. The speaker explains how the backward implementation of a function takes in the derivative of the loss with respect to its output as an input.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to compute a value in terms of matrix computations by removing the intermediate products. They must compute the derivative over all inputs with respect to all inputs and use the multivariate chain rule in which it tells the computation path to go by and sums up the results. Even if K is a tensor or a high-level tensor, they need to derive each element and add up the total which may be inefficient to compute that way, hence they extract the elements of the matrix multiplication to a dot product of the ith row of W-times-X with X dot product of the Ith row of W with X. Eventually, at the end of each forward and backward pass, they optimize each tracking sequence to match the given target variable by minimizing the result from the loss function.

  • 00:45:00 In this section of the video about deep learning and backpropagation, the speaker discusses how to compute derivatives using multivariate chain rule and matrix operations. The derivatives for each element of the weight matrix W can be computed, and the local gradient for W is derived using the outer product of the two vectors. The same process can be followed for the other inputs. The forward computation of the linear layer is computed using WX + B, and the backward computation can be achieved by computing the gradients of the loss with respect to W, X, and B using matrix multiplication. However, the speaker notes that most deep learning systems already have the backward function implemented, so it is not necessary for users to compute it themselves.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker explains that the vanishing gradient problem was the biggest setback for deep learning in the 90s. They examine the issue with weight initializations, as weights should not be too large or small, or else the activation functions will not work effectively, resulting in the outputs always being zero. The solution is to initialize the network's weights using random orthogonal values or samples from a uniform distribution between two positive values, ensuring that the eigenvalues are one. This guarantees that the mean and variance of the output stay the same, and therefore, the network can learn effectively.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, the video discusses the problems that arise when using sigmoid functions for deep learning networks, such as the vanishing gradient problem, in which gradients become increasingly small and the network does not learn. Instead, the video suggests using ReLU as a simpler activation function, which has an identity function of 1 across inputs bigger than zero and a zero derivative otherwise, so the gradient does not decay. The video also introduces mini-batch gradient descent as an in-between version of regular and stochastic gradient descent, which computes the loss with respect to a small batch, allowing for randomness and parallel processing. However, the video warns that there is a trade-off between larger batch sizes--which utilize GPU memory and run more quickly--and smaller batches, which are more effective for producing optimal results. Lastly, the video touches upon various optimizers that utilize the concept of gradient descent, but adjust slightly to account for the different gradients that can arise in a complex neural network.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the instructor covers three methods for dealing with very small local minima and smoothing out rough loss surfaces: momentum, Nesterov momentum, and Adam. The basic intuition behind momentum is to treat gradients as a force - similar to gravity - and navigation of the loss surface by treating the model as a boulder rolling down a hill. With Nesterov momentum, a small insight is added such that the momentum step can be applied first, and then the gradient can be computed. Adam incorporates this idea together with the idea that every parameter in a model has its own loss surface and preferences for how aggressively it should move in a certain direction, so an average gradient is estimated per dimension in the model space and updates are scaled accordingly. An exponential moving average is taken for both the gradient and the variance, which allows for a kind of influence from the previous gradient that adds to the mean.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, the video discusses optimizers and regularizers in deep learning. Adam is explained as an optimization algorithm that is a slight adaptation to gradient descent that works well in deep learning. It has multiple hyperparameters, and the default settings work well. Regularizers are then discussed as a technique for preventing overfitting in big models with a lot of room to memorize data. L2 regularization involves adding a hyperparameter multiplied by the length of the weight tensor vector to the loss, which encourages the system to prefer models with smaller weights. L1 regularization also follows this idea but calculates the distance using the L1 norm of the tensor vector, giving the loss surface corners. The L1 regularizer prefers sparse solutions where the system can remove connections that have zero impact on the output.

  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains the concept of regularization in deep learning, which is the technique used to prevent overfitting of models. Regularization helps to ensure that the model generalizes well to unseen data. L1 and L2 are two popular types of regularization used in deep learning. L2 regularization pulls models towards the origin and prevents weights from getting too large, while L1 regularization produces a groove along the edges. Dropout is also discussed, which involves randomly disabling hidden nodes during training and forcing every node to take into account multiple sources of information. Finally, the speaker highlights the achievements of deep learning, including a single neural network that consumes images and produces text.

  • 01:15:00 In this section, the video discusses various image processing techniques using neural networks. One interesting technique is style transfer where a neural network can transform a photograph using the style of a given painting. Image-to-image translation is another technique where a network learns to generate missing pieces of an image based on training with desaturated or edge-detected images. Convolutional layers help to make the network more efficient by sharing weights and reducing the parameter space, which is particularly important for processing images. Overall, the video highlights the incredible potential of neural networks in image processing, but emphasizes the importance of carefully designing the architecture based on domain knowledge to achieve the best results.

  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker explains how convolutional neural networks work, which is a type of feedforward artificial neural network that is commonly used for image recognition and classification tasks. The key idea behind these networks is to limit the number of parameters by using shared weights and reducing the resolution of the image by using a max-pooling layer. They consist of a series of fully-connected layers that are followed by one or more convolution layers, which use a sliding window called a kernel to filter the input image and generate the output image with modified channels. By chaining together these convolution and max-pooling layers and adding some fully-connected layers, a basic image classification network can be created that produces highly accurate results.

  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses visualizing what a convolutional neural network is actually doing by looking at nodes high up in the network to see what kind of input triggers a high response. The first layer of the network mostly responds to edge detection while the next layer assembles the individual edges into features. This process continues, progressively building up representations and ending with whole faces. To further explore how the neural network works, the speaker describes optimizing the input to cause a specific neuron to activate, resulting in abstract art-like images. By examining these images, the speaker is able to determine which features the neuron is responding to, such as bird-like features or dogs. Finally, the speaker explains that a major difference between traditional machine learning and deep learning is the idea of end-to-end learning, where a pipeline is not necessary and the network can analyze newspapers, for example, and perform natural language processing without a multi-stage process.

  • 01:30:00 In this section, the speaker explains the limitation of chaining together multiple modules that have high accuracy when performing machine learning tasks. The accumulative errors from each module can create a noisy input for following modules which significantly decreases the accuracy of the overall system. End-to-end learning is then introduced as a solution to deal with this problem. Instead of isolating the training for each module, the entire pipeline is trained as a whole to learn from raw data end-to-end using a gradient descent method. This makes the approach more flexible and allows the deep learning system to solve a broader range of problems.
7 Deep learning 1: Backpropagation for tensors, Convolutional Neural Networks (MLVU2019)
7 Deep learning 1: Backpropagation for tensors, Convolutional Neural Networks (MLVU2019)
  • 2019.02.27
slides: materials: https://mlvu.github.ioThis lecture builds on the explanation of backp...

8 Probability 2: Maximum Likelihood, Gaussian Mixture Models and Expectation Maximization (MLVU2019)

8 Probability 2: Maximum Likelihood, Gaussian Mixture Models and Expectation Maximization (MLVU2019)

This section of the video centered on probability models for density estimation using maximum likelihood estimation, normal distributions, Gaussian Mixture Models, and Expectation Maximization Algorithm. The speaker explained the Maximum Likelihood principle and showed its application in selecting the best probability model. They explored Normal distributions, explained the difference between probability and probability density functions, and introduced Gaussian Mixture models. The speaker also discussed the method of sampling from a univariate and multivariate normal distribution, and how the Gaussian Mixture Model helps identify different clusters within a population. Additionally, the Expectation Maximization algorithm was introduced to fit Gaussian Mixture Models to datasets. The speaker also explained how to formalize the Expectation Maximization approach using Q function approximation and proved that it converges to a local optimum.

This video covers the topics of Maximum Likelihood, Gaussian Mixture Models, and Expectation Maximization (EM). The speaker explains the EM algorithm, its proof, and why it converges. They also discuss the M-step, where they maximize L by choosing theta while keeping Q fixed. Fitting a Gaussian mixture model to data requires the use of the EM algorithm, and the speaker explains its applications such as clustering and exploratory analysis, and how it can be used for classification by fitting a Gaussian mixture model to each class. The video also mentions the upcoming lecture on fitting probability models to complicated neural networks.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, the speaker introduces the concept of using probabilistic models for density estimation by fitting probability distributions to data. They specifically focus on maximum likelihood estimation and apply it to four different models based on the normal distribution or Gaussian. The video also provides an example of using the maximum likelihood principle to determine which coin was used in a random 12-coin flip sequence, where one coin is bent and the other is straight. They then introduce the mixture of Gaussians model, which is a powerful but difficult model to fit using maximum likelihood, and dive into the expectation maximization algorithm as a way of fitting Gaussian mixture models.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the maximum likelihood principle is explained, which is used in model selection for machine learning. It involves fitting a model to observed data in order to select the model with the highest probability of giving that data. The logarithm of the likelihood is usually taken for simplicity, and it is a monotonic function that will not change where the function reaches its highest point. Normal distributions are also introduced, with the mean and variance or standard deviation as parameters, and they are used in various models including regression and multivariate normal distributions. Gaussian mixture models are also discussed as a combination of multiple normal distributions.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses different types of distributions and the importance of having a definite scale, which normal distributions provide. The speaker also addresses the difference between probability functions and probability density functions, emphasizing that individual events have a probability density, and probability is obtained by integrating over that density. The speaker then introduces the normal distribution formula and shows how it achieves the fundamental requirement of having a definite scale by decaying exponentially. The formula is further improved by adding a squared term that accelerates the decay even more.

  • 00:15:00 In this section of the video, the presenter explains how to create a probability density function of the normal distribution through rescaling and moving around a basic function. He shows how the inflection points can be used to put the probability mass where it is most needed and how to control the size of the scale, as well as how to move the function around to adjust the mean. Finally, he discusses maximum-likelihood estimation of parameters for creating a normal distribution from data.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses maximum likelihood estimation and its application in finding the highest point in a probability space. They present an objective to maximize the sum of the logarithm of the probabilities for the parameters of a 1D Gaussian distribution. They then take the derivative with respect to the mean and solve it for the maximum. They find that the maximum likelihood estimator for the mean of a normal distribution is just the mean of the data, and the same approach can be applied to finding the standard deviation for all these functions. The speaker also mentions the existence of an analytical solution for finding the optimum.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the video discusses the assumption of normality in least squares regression. The model assumes that the data is generated by adding a little bit of noise to a line, and the probability distribution of the data can be thought of as a normal distribution. To maximize the likelihood of the linear model's parameters, they must maximize the probability of Y given X, W, and B. By filling in this equation and working out the logarithm, the normalizing portion disappears, and the remaining function is similar to the least squares objective function. The multivariate distribution is also discussed, with the mean at the origin and the probability density decaying exponentially as the distance increases.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of a linear transformation to move a unit circle, which contains most of the probability mass of a normalized bell curve, around in space to fit the data. The linear transformation defines a matrix and a vector T, which is applied to the unit circle that is normalized first so that the total volume under the curve is calculated and divided by it. Applying this transformation stretches out the circle in a certain direction and blows up the probability density. To correct for this, the determinant of the matrix is divided by the blown-up volume to get the probability density of a specific point under the transformed Gaussian.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the method of sampling from a non-standard univariate normal distribution with a given mean and sigma. To do this, one can sample x from the standard normal distribution, multiply it by the variance, and add the mean to get a sample from the desired distribution. Similarly, sampling from a multivariate normal distribution with a given mean and sigma involves decomposing the sigma, sampling from the standard distribution, and applying a linear transformation. The speaker also introduces the concept of a Gaussian mixture model, which will be the focus of the discussion after the break. The speaker uses an example of grade distributions to illustrate the concept of different populations within a sample.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the Gaussian Mixture Model and how it can help identify different clusters within a population. By creating three separate normal distributions with different weights and scaling, the resulting probability density function will have three peaks or modes. To fit this model to the data, the maximum likelihood objective is used to determine the best Gaussian mixture model parameters. While the gradient can be useful in some cases, it is not easy to work with due to the sum inside the logarithm. Instead, the expectation maximization algorithm is used, which is similar to the k-means clustering algorithm, to find the optimal clustering of the data.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the video discusses the use of Gaussian mixture models, which is essentially a hidden variable model that involves sampling a random value set and using it to sample a value X from different components with their respective weights. However, the problem is that only the X values are observed and the Z values are hidden. The solution is to use the Expectation Maximization (EML) algorithm, which iterates the process of making a random guess for the components, assigning soft responsibilities to each point, fitting distributions to the data subsets, and inferring the distribution on the set values given the X values. Through this iterative process, the algorithm can estimate the model parameters and maximize the likelihood of the data.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the video discusses the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, which is used to fit Gaussian mixture models to datasets, where some points are more important than others. The algorithm works by first assigning soft responsibilities to each point, meaning each point has some portion of responsibility from each component. These responsibilities are then used to fit a Gaussian model to the weighted dataset, where the mean and variance are calculated using weighted means and variances. The process iterates through expectation and maximization steps until a good fit is achieved. The video shows a visualization of this process, demonstrating how the model shifts towards the more important points until a good fit is found.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the formalization of the intuitive nature of expectation maximization and how to prove that it converges to a local optimum. By using Q functions as approximations of the true likelihood, the likelihood function can be decomposed into two terms: the KL divergence and the L function, which measures how good the approximation is. By taking the logarithm of these terms, the speaker shows that the L function can be computed by subtracting the logarithm of the approximated Q set from the logarithm of the likelihood function set given the optimal parameters. This decomposition is useful for understanding and proving the convergence of the expectation maximization approach.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the proof of the EM algorithm and why it converges. It is shown that by rearranging the joint distribution and conditional distribution, the expectation of the logarithm of x given theta can be written as a constant with respect to Q. Then, the speaker explains how to redefine the EM algorithm in terms of the KL divergence and choosing the cue given some data and arbitrary theta to make the KL divergence 0 while keeping data fixed, which leads to L covering the entire space and the maximum likelihood being achieved.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker explains the M-step, where they maximize L by choosing theta to maximize L while keeping Q fixed. They explain how this step leads to an increase in the likelihood and why E/M iteration constantly increases the likelihood. The speaker also explains how they can work the M-step into a maximization objective and derive maximum likelihood estimators for the expectation maximization algorithm. They discuss the applications of this technique, such as clustering and exploratory analysis, and how it can be used for classification by fitting a Gaussian mixture model to each class.

  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses Gaussian mixture models and how they can take many shapes, making them much more powerful than normal distributions. Fitting a Gaussian mixture model to data requires the use of the expectation maximization algorithm, as there is no analytical closed form solution for the maximum likelihood fit. However, once the model is fitted, it can be used in various ways, such as using the base classifier to classify new points based on their probability density. In the next lecture, the speaker plans on discussing hidden variable models in neural networks and how to fit probability models to complicated neural networks.
8 Probability 2: Maximum Likelihood, Gaussian Mixture Models and Expectation Maximization (MLVU2019)
8 Probability 2: Maximum Likelihood, Gaussian Mixture Models and Expectation Maximization (MLVU2019)
  • 2019.03.01
slides: materials: https://mlvu.github.ioWe return to the subject of probability,...

Lecture 9 Deep Learning 2: Generative models, GANs, Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) (MLVU2019)

9 Deep Learning 2: Generative models, GANs, Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) (MLVU2019)

The video covers various topics related to deep learning, including split data for deep learning projects, transfer learning, and a focus on generative models. The speaker explores the concept of using neural networks to generate random outcomes and probability distributions, explaining different methods of training generators such as generative adversarial networks and autoencoders. They also delve into GANs, conditional GANs, steganography, and auto-encoders' importance in various machine learning applications such as data manipulation and dimensionality reduction. The speaker discusses manipulating data in the latent space for high-level manipulations of data without much labeled data and the need for an alternative approach like variational auto-encoders.

This second part of the video explores variational autoencoders (VAEs), a type of generative model aimed at addressing the issue of mode collapse often seen with other models. Two neural networks are used to encode input into latent space and decode it back to input space, allowing for optimization of both encoding and decoding. The speaker breaks down the loss function into a KL divergence term and an expected log likelihood term, which can be used to optimize the network. The challenges of maximizing an expectation in VAEs are explained, and the reparameterization trick is discussed as a way to overcome this issue. The speaker compares VAEs to other techniques such as GANs and PCA, concluding that while VAEs are more powerful, they are also more difficult to train.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker reminds the audience to split their data into training and test sets before looking at the data, as once it has been seen it cannot be unseen. For those working on deep learning projects, they suggest using transfer learning to create powerful models without expensive training, by using a pre-trained network from companies like Google and adding their own layers on top. This is a good option for those without access to big machines with big GPUs. Additionally, the speaker advises checking the rubric for the project to ensure that all important aspects are covered for an easy pass mark.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video discusses deep learning for generative modeling, where a neural network is trained to produce a probability distribution from which new things can be sampled, such as images or bits of language. The first step is to build a neural network called a generator that can produce these new things. An example is shown of a neural network that was trained to generate images of people that don't actually exist. The video then goes on to explain the two ways of training generators, which are generative adversarial networks and autoencoders, with a focus on variational autoencoders as a more principled approach.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to use neural networks to generate random outcomes and probability distributions. There are two ways to do this: by feeding the network some input and interpreting its output as the mean and Sigma of a multivariate normal distribution, or by sampling random inputs from a standard multivariate normal distribution and feeding them through a neural network to observe the output. The latter approach can produce highly complex and interesting probability distributions, as shown by the speaker's experiment with a two-layer neural network that transformed a multivariate normal distribution into a non-normal distribution with a complex shape. This approach can be used to model highly complex distributions such as human faces.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the instructor explains the training steps for generative models and the issues it may face, such as mode collapse. One naive approach to fitting the probability distribution that a neural network represents to a dataset is through backpropagation, using the distance between generated and original images as a loss. However, this approach often fails and causes all modes of the dataset to collapse to one mode. The instructor then presents two examples of generative models that have worked well: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs). The instructor explains the history behind Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which inspired GANs, and how they work through two networks competing with each other to improve the generated images. VAEs, on the other hand, have an encoder network that compresses the original image into a probability distribution and a decoder network that generates a new image from that distribution.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses a technique used to optimize the input to generate images that match a certain output neuron, leading to the emergence of adversarial examples, which are fake images that the network can be fooled into thinking are something else entirely. This technique was initially a blow to the neural network community, but it led to the development of an ad hoc learning algorithm where adversarial examples are generated and added to the dataset as negative examples. This approach, however, was not entirely efficient, so an end-to-end solution called Vanilla GANs was developed, which is a basic approach that the speaker uses to illustrate three other ways of building on top of the framework to create impressive examples.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the presenters explain how GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) work. GANs are comprised of two neural networks, a generator which produces outputs, and a discriminator which is an image classifier that determines which of the outputs are fake. The objective of training a gan is to allow the generator network to create increasingly more realistic results. As the presenter explains, the generator and discriminator work like two-person zero-sum game, with each network trying to outsmart the other. The generator is responsible for trying to create fake outputs that fool the discriminator, and the discriminator's job is to catch these fake outputs. The presenters explain that after training, the outputs of the GAN will be a combination of the target input and randomness.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses conditional GANs, which aim to combine the ability to generate data with control over the output. Unlike normal GANs, which generate outputs without any control, conditional GANs take an input that controls the output, making them useful for datasets with multiple labels. The speaker also discusses the cycle GAN, which uses two generators to map two unpaired bags of images and adds a cycle consistency loss term to ensure that if an image is mapped back and forth, the original image is obtained. This allows for the generation of additional images that would be otherwise costly to create.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker explains the concept of steganography, which is hiding a code in plain sight, and how it relates to generative models like GANs and VAEs that hide one image within another. The goal of these models is to make it so the discriminator cannot tell that one image is hidden within another. The speaker shows examples of how these models can transform images into different styles, such as turning a photograph into a Monet painting. The speaker also talks about the style GAN, which generates hyper-realistic images of people, and how it works by feeding the latent vector through a deconvolutional neural network that generates images from low-level to high-level semantic properties.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses a model that allows for control over the details of generated images by feeding random noise into the network at each layer. This method lessens the workload on the latent vector and also allows for the generation of unique images. The speaker demonstrates this technique by altering the light and vector at specific points during the generation process, resulting in images with specific characteristics chosen at each level. This model presents a level of control that extends beyond simply generating hyper-realistic faces.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses what can be done once a generator is created. One of the techniques is called interpolation, which involves taking two points from the multivariate distribution space and drawing a line between them, picking out evenly spaced points, and feeding them through the generator, allowing a view of the gradual transformation from one output to the next. This can be done on a grid of equally spaced points to map corners to arbitrary points in the lighting space, creating an interpolation grid. These latent spaces are laid out usually in spherical topologies, which means that to do interpolation, we also need to move through this spherical region, known as spherical interpolation. Finally, to do data manipulation or dimensionality reduction, one needs to map into the latent space, which requires using autoencoders to map from output to latent space.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses auto-encoders and their importance in various machine learning applications such as data manipulation and dimensionality reduction. Auto-encoders are neural networks that help to map data from input to latent space and back to the output. The network's bottleneck architecture allows it to learn and reproduce the input's features in a more compressed form. Once trained, the network can produce a clustering of latent codes in a two-dimensional space, which lay out high-level semantic features such as a smiling face as a cluster in the space.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses manipulating data in the latent space to do high-level manipulations of the data without needing much labeled data. They show a simple algorithm to make someone smile using encoded pictures that are manipulated in the latent space and then decoded. The speaker also discusses the limitations of auto-encoders and the need for an alternative approach like the variational auto-encoder (VAE), which forces a decoder to decode points near the original input but not quite the same to ensure proper interpolation in the space.

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses variational autoencoders (VAEs), which are a type of generative model that allows the model to focus on the points in between the data and ensures that data is centered at the origin and has uncorrelated variance in every direction. The Maximum Likelihood Principle is used to fit the model to the data, and a neural network is used to approximate the true posterior. Mode collapse is still an issue, as there is no mapping from X to Zed, but VAEs offer a better solution than previous models.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, we learn about generative models and how they can suffer from mode collapse, where similar outputs are produced for different inputs. To address this, we can use variational autoencoders (VAEs), which use two neural networks to encode input to a distribution in latent space and decode the latent space distribution to a distribution in input space. We can use the decomposition of the log probability of the input to get a lower bound for the actual probability, which can be used as the loss function. This allows us to optimize the neural networks for both encoding and decoding, which helps to alleviate the mode collapse issue.

  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to rewrite the L function into something that can be used in deep learning systems. The goal is to maximize a lower bound on the likelihood, and by minimizing the negative L, we can push up the likelihood as much as possible. The speaker breaks down the top part of the fraction using the definition of conditional probability and simplifies it to a sum of expectations, which becomes the KL divergence and the expected log likelihood. These terms can be computed and used as a loss function in the deep learning system. The KL term pulls the set vectors towards the origin and thickens them towards a hypersphere around the origin, while the other term requires taking an expectation, making it a bit more challenging to implement.

  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the challenges of maximizing an expectation in the context of the Variational Autoencoder (VAE). The speaker explains that they approximate the expectation by taking a sample and computing the logarithm of the probability density for each sample, then taking the average. They set L to 1 to keep things simple. However, they note that their method becomes stuck at the sampling step, which is not differentiable. To solve this issue, they incorporate the reparameterization trick, which allows them to implement the sampling step as part of their neural network. This leads to the development of the Variational Encoder, which is a principled approach to training a generator that is more straightforward to implement.

  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker explains the difference between a generative model called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs). While GANs offer a mapping from the latent space to the data space, VAEs work the other way around from the data space to the latent space and back to the data space. VAEs offer interpolation between elements of the data, including language and discrete data, and they work better than GANs in generating discrete variables. The speaker gives an example of how VAEs can use a smile vector, an existing paper, and the subtract sunglasses vector to perform the malefactor experiment. The speaker concludes that VAEs offer a direct approach from first principles, but GANs are more suitable for images.

  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker compares Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) to Principle Component Analysis (PCA), stating that both techniques are used for dimensionality reduction and mapping data to a standardized distribution, but VAEs are more powerful and can do more things. However, training VAEs is much more difficult as it requires gradient descent while PCA can find an analytical solution. Additionally, PCA often provides meaningful dimensions based on the data, such as a smiling dimension for faces, whereas the dimensions produced by VAEs don't usually have any meaning unless a specific semantic feature is targeted.
9 Deep Learning 2: Generative models, GANs, Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) (MLVU2019)
9 Deep Learning 2: Generative models, GANs, Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) (MLVU2019)
  • 2019.03.05
slides: materials: https://mlvu.github.ioToday we discuss neural networks that can ge...

Lecture 10 Tree Models and Ensembles: Decision Trees, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting (MLVU2019)

10 Tree Models and Ensembles: Decision Trees, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting (MLVU2019)

This first part of the video introduces decision trees, a popular machine learning model used for classification and regression, which work by segmenting the instance space and choosing a class for each segment. The video also discusses how decision trees can be trained using information gain and how pruning can help mitigate overfitting. The speaker emphasizes the importance of splitting data into training, validation, and test sets to ensure fairness across models. Additionally, the video discusses ensemble learning, where multiple decision trees or other models are trained and combined to address issues such as high variance and instability. Boosting is also introduced as a model ensemble technique, which involves sequentially training classifiers and re-weighting the data to improve the ensemble. Finally, the Adaboost algorithm is explained, which selects classifiers that minimize a loss function to improve the ensemble.

This second part of the video covers various tree models and ensembles, including AdaBoost and gradient boosting. AdaBoost is a popular boosting method for classification models that weights instances of data based on the performance of the classifier. Gradient boosting involves initializing a model with a constant function, computing residuals, fitting a new model to the labeled residuals, and adding it to the ensemble. The speaker explains the differences between gradient boosting and AdaBoost and notes that ensembles are not used much in research as they can confound results. Additionally, bagging reduces variance and boosting reduces bias.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, the presenter introduces three machine learning models and modal ensembles, which is a popular approach in production and competitions such as Kaggle. The approach combines the basic idea of decision tree learning, a classification model or regression model, and the ensemble method, which trains lots of models and combines them to make the model stronger. The presenter also explains that decision trees work on both numeric and categorical features; they are primarily used for categorical features. The section ends by introducing a dataset about movies, which will be used to demonstrate the decision tree model.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video discusses how decision trees work and how they can be trained using data sets. The process of decision tree learning involves finding a good feature to split on, extending the tree step by step, and creating subsets of the data. The splits are determined by creating the least uniform distribution of class labels within each subset. An example is given for a data set on movie ratings and genres, where splitting on ratings does not yield a good distribution of classes, but splitting on genre does.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the video explains how decision trees work by segmenting the instance space and choosing a particular class for each segment. The tree expands by selecting new splits for each leaf, but it does not make sense to split twice on the same categoric feature in a path from the root to the leaf. The stop conditions are when all the inputs or all the outputs are the same, and non-uniformity is determined by the distribution of classes among the segments. This can be difficult for three or more classes since the proportion of each class must be considered.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker explains how entropy can be used as a measure of uniformity of a distribution and how to calculate the information gain of a feature in decision tree classification. Entropy is a measure of how uniform a distribution is, with a uniform distribution having a higher entropy. The speaker demonstrates this with two distributions and uses the formula for entropy to show that the uniform distribution has an entropy of two bits, while the non-uniform distribution has much lower entropy due to its increased efficiency in transmitting information with shorter codes. Conditional entropy, which is just an entropy that is conditioned on something, is also explained, and the information gain of a feature is calculated by taking the generic entropy before seeing the feature minus the entropy after seeing the feature.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the process of splitting the tree using features with the highest information gain is explained in detail. The algorithm starts with an unlabeled leaf and loops until all leaves are labeled. For each unlabeled leaf with the segment, the algorithm checks the stop condition, which could be running out of features or all instances having the same class. If the stop condition is not met, the leaf is split on the feature with the highest information gain. The threshold for numeric features is chosen to maximize the information gain, and a decision tree classifier with numeric features can have a more complicated decision boundary due to the possibility of splitting on the same feature multiple times with different thresholds.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the problem of overfitting when using big and complex decision trees. They explain how training accuracy can increase with the maximum size of the tree, but the accuracy on test or validation data can decrease massively. To address this issue, the speaker introduces the concept of pruning and how it helps in mitigating overfitting. They also emphasize the importance of splitting data into training, validation, and test sets for hyper parameter selection and model search to ensure fairness across models. Finally, the speaker notes that tools like SK Learn automatically withhold some training data during the training process to do pruning.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker talks about regression trees, which are used when the target label is not a class, but instead a numerical value. The basic principles are the same as with decision trees, but there are a few differences to note. Firstly, in regression trees, the leaves are labeled with numbers instead of classes. The mean or median is often used to label instances in the segment. Secondly, instead of entropy, variance is used to determine which feature to split on at each step, which maximizes the information gained. The speaker also discusses a generalization hierarchy for the model space, where the most generalizing model is a constant function, and adding more splits increases the complexity of the model.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses decision trees and regression trees as models and their limitations such as high variance and instability issues. The solution to these problems is to train multiple decision trees and combine them into an ensemble, which is a popular technique. The goal of ensemble learning is to solve the bias and variance tradeoff, where bias is a structural problem, and variance is the spread out of models' errors. Ensemble learning helps to solve these problems, and combining decision trees with other models is possible. The analogy of grading student projects with a rubric is used to explain high bias and low variance.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the problem of bias and variance in machine learning and how bootstrapping can help address this issue. Due to the limited dataset available, it can be difficult to determine whether the observed distance from the target is due to high bias or high variance. Bootstrapping addresses this by simulating the process of sampling from another dataset through resampling the original dataset with replacement to create a new sample dataset. By analyzing the cumulative density function of the empirical distribution, it becomes clear that resampling from the original dataset approximates sampling from the original data distribution, enabling the detection of high variance by creating different datasets to train on.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the video explains Bootstrap aggregating or Bagging, which involves resampling the data set and training multiple models on each resample data set. The models are then combined by taking their majority vote to classify new data, and the method reduces variability, but it does not reduce bias. Moreover, the video discusses boosting, which helps in boosting a weak model family together to achieve lower bias. Boosting involves adding a little column called weight to the data set which indicates how important each feature is at a specific point in the learning process. The general idea of boosting is to start with some classifier, M0, which could be anything - a linear classifier, a constant model, or one that outputs a majority class.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the concept of boosting as a model ensemble technique is introduced. Boosting involves sequentially training classifiers, and re-weighting the data by increasing weight for the instances that the previous classifiers get wrong and decreasing weight for the instances that they get right. Classifiers are given weight based on how important they are in improving the ensemble, and the final ensemble is a sum of all the models trained with their respective weights. AdaBoost is a more principled approach to boosting and involves defining an error function to minimize, and using weighted training data. The error function is used to determine the weight given to each model in the ensemble.

  • 00:55:00 In this section of the video, the speaker explains the loss function used in Adaboost and how it is minimized in order to select the next classifier to be added to the ensemble. He describes how, for each instance in the dataset, the error is calculated by taking the exponential of the difference between the target label and the predicted label, and shows how this error is summed over the entire dataset to give the error of the current ensemble. The speaker then explains how this error is further simplified into a new function that can be minimized by selecting the next classifier to minimize the sum of weights of incorrectly classified instances, which is the only part of the equation that can be influenced by the choice of classifier. Overall, the Adaboost algorithm works by iteratively selecting classifiers that minimize this loss function, effectively increasing the weight of misclassified instances and reducing the frequency of misclassifications in future iterations.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker explains the AdaBoost algorithm, which is a popular boosting method for classification models. To create an ensemble, the algorithm starts with a particular classifier, and weights are computed for each instance of data according to how the classifier performed on that instance. A new classifier is trained to minimize the weight sum of the incorrect classifications, and this new classifier is given a weight, which is computed by taking the exponential of the error and then finding the value of a that minimizes the total error. This process is repeated for a set number of steps, and the final model in the ensemble is the result. The speaker also explains the difference between boosting and bagging, and introduces gradient boosting, which is a variant of boosting designed for regression models.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the basic idea of gradient boosting, which involves initializing a model with the constant function and computing the residuals of the ensemble so far. Then, a new model is fit to the data set labeled with residuals instead of the original labels, which is added to the ensemble weighted by a value gamma. The model can be written down recursively as M3 = M2 + another model, expanding the sum slowly. It is called gradient boosting because it involves computing the gradient on a super overfitting model for the sum of squared errors loss function, which is just the difference between the model output and the target output, or the residual gradient.

  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains how gradient boosting works by telling a model to follow the gradient in the prediction space. Gradient boosting allows for the replacement of the loss function with another loss function, such as the L1 loss instead of the L2 loss. By taking the derivative of the loss value with respect to the model output and applying the chain rule, one can compute the sine of the residuals instead of the residuals themselves and train the next classifier in the ensemble to predict the sine of the residual. This method allows for optimization of different loss functions in gradient boosting.

  • 01:15:00 In this section, the differences between gradient boosting and ADA boost are explained. In gradient boosting, each model fits the pseudo residuals of the previous model, while in ADA boost, each new model fits a re-weighted dataset based on the performance of the previous model. Gradient boosting works better for models that don't optimize a loss function and don't work through calculus-inspired learning methods. Stacking, on the other hand, is a simple technique that combines the judgments of several models into one output. This technique is used to get an extra boost in performance after you have trained a handful of models and want to combine them into an even better model.

  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker explains that ensembles, while giving an edge over individual models, are not used much in research as models need to be tested in isolation to compare them without any boosting which can confound results. Moreover, ensembles can be expensive when used with huge neural networks, and hence are mostly used with tiny models like decision stamps or small decision trees. The speaker also reiterates that bagging reduces variants and boosting reduces biases.
10 Tree Models and Ensembles: Decision Trees, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting (MLVU2019)
10 Tree Models and Ensembles: Decision Trees, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting (MLVU2019)
  • 2019.03.09
ERRATA: In slide 55, W_i and W_c are the wrong way around in the definition of a_t.slides: mater...

Lecture 11 Sequential Data: Markov Models, Word Embeddings and LSTMs

11 Sequential Data: Markov Models, Word Embeddings and LSTMs

In this video, the speaker discusses the different types of sequential data encountered in machine learning, such as numeric or symbolic data arranged in time or sequence. They introduce Markov models, word embeddings, and LSTMs as models for tackling these problems. The video outlines the process of training and predicting with sequential data, including the concept of validation and training on data that occurred before the specific thing being tested on. Additionally, the speaker explains how to model sequences with neural networks, including how to handle sequences of different lengths and time modeling, and the process of training a recurrent neural network using back propagation through time. Finally, the video covers aspects of sequence to label classification, which can be improved with Markov models when recurrent neural networks forget things quickly.

The video covers a range of topics related to sequential data processing, including Markov models and their limitations, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and their advantages, using LSTMs for text and image generation, teacher forcing techniques, and image captioning. The speaker provides detailed explanations of the LSTM structure and the various gates it contains, as well as how to train and sample from these networks for tasks such as Shakespearean text generation and image captioning. The importance of using embedding layers to improve word-level LSTMs is also discussed, along with the spectrum of methods available for sequence processing - from simpler models to more powerful ones like LSTMs.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of participating in the National Student Survey for computer science students, as the turnout has been low. Next, the speaker announces that there will be no homework next week, as it will be replaced by practice exams. The speaker assures viewers that the difficult part of the course is over, and the remaining lectures will be less complicated. The topic of this lecture is sequential data, and the speaker introduces Markov models, word embeddings, and LSTMs as models for tackling such problems.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the different types of sequential data that might be encountered in machine learning, such as numeric or symbolic data arranged in time or sequence. The data can have different dimensions, such as one-dimensional or two-dimensional, depending on the nature of the problem. For example, language data can be viewed as one-dimensional with each word being a discrete value, or as two-dimensional with a post-text part of speech tag. The speaker also mentions possible machine learning tasks such as classification or prediction, depending on the type and dimension of the data.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to use machine learning models to predict the next value of a sequence given previous values in a single sequence setting by turning the data into a table with features for the previous values and a target value. They suggest using a regression learner like linear regression or regression tree to train a model, but caution that it's important to split the data into training, validation, and test sets with a walk-forward validation process to ensure that the model is only trained on past data and tested on future data, which is what happens in real-world use cases.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses different methods for training and predicting with sequential data. They emphasize the importance of validation and training on data that occurred before the specific thing being tested on. They introduce the Markov model as a probabilistic model for word-level modeling and explain how to break down the joint probability distribution of multiple random variables using the chain rule of probability. They show how to decompose the sentence "Congratulations, you have won a prize" into a joint probability distribution over six random variables, which are six separate random variables and decompose the joint probability distribution into a product of conditional distributions of the words conditioned on the words that precede it.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to work out the probability of a sentence by decomposing it into a product of conditional probabilities. Using log probabilities is recommended to avoid under flows as the probability of a particular word can get very low, especially with a large vocabulary, so it is better to take the logarithm instead. The ideal language model should include not only grammatical rules but also common sense reasoning and physics, but for now, the speaker uses the Markov assumption, which assumes that the probability of a word depends only on its last two words. We can estimate these probabilities by counting how many times they occur in a large dataset of language known as a corpus.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the video discusses how Markov models and conditional probabilities can be used to create a language model that generates text. The Markov model allows for the calculation of probabilities for a sequence of words, which can be used for text generation through sequential sampling. This technique, though it has its limitations, allows language models to be tested for their capability and accuracy. Furthermore, the Markov model can be used for classification, which is done through a Bayesian classifier that models the words with a language model, conditioned on spam or ham, to infer a probability that an email is spam.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speakers discussed Markov models, which are used to model sequence data by estimating the probability of a sequence given a class, and then using Bayes rule to get class probabilities. A zero-order Markov model can be used for spam, but for other tasks, a higher-order model might be better. However, Markov models treat words as atomic symbols and do not consider the fact that some words have similar meanings. To address this, embedding models can be used to assign each object (in this case, words) a weight vector that models the similarities between the objects. This is done by learning the parameters or values in these vectors to compute latent factors, similar to encoding images in vector representations.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the distributional hypothesis is introduced, which states that words occurring near similar words can often mean the same thing. The word embedding algorithm is then discussed as an application of this hypothesis to compute an embedding. Before applying the algorithm, a representation of the words is needed, which is a neural network with a one-hot vector for every word, allowing for a very simple neural network where the vocabulary is mapped to an output of 300 for the embedding space. The bottom part of the model is used as an encoding for the embedding space, and while some researchers believe it is a lookup table, it is essentially the same thing as a mapping from a one-hot vector to an embedding.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the lecturer discusses the concept of word embeddings, a method in which a discrete object such as a word is represented as a dense vector. The embeddings are trained by creating a matrix of a linear mapping of the embeddings, which can then be used to find a probability distribution on the context of the words. He gives an example of how subtracting the embedding for "man" from "woman" creates a direction in which things become more feminine, and how this direction can be used to compute word vectors for other words such as "queen". The lecturer explains how these embeddings can be used as a starting point for larger neural networks for machine learning, and how a vast number of word embeddings trained on huge amounts of text data can be downloaded from Google's open source model library for use in other projects.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to model sequences with neural networks, including how to handle sequences of different lengths and how to model time. One approach is to use a recurrent connection, in which a hidden layer takes in the previous hidden layer to allow for a cycle in the network. This allows the network to operate on sequences of different lengths, and sequences can be fed in one at a time to obtain a sequence output. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of padding sequences to make them the same length for batching and training with neural networks.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the process of training a recurrent neural network using back propagation through time is explained. The challenge is in back propagating through the recurrent layer as the hidden layer keeps changing. One way to solve this is by unrolling the network so that the recurrent connection goes from the previous copy of the network to the next copy. The resulting network is treated as a big feedforward network with no recurrent connections, and the weights are updated through back propagation. This process of training is called sequence to sequence learning, where the input sequence is mapped to an output sequence.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker explains sequence to label in which the output label comes from a sequence data, such as band classification. However, it's not ideal to only use the last element of the sequence to predict the output, as it creates asymmetry and can lead to issues with gradient propagation. Instead, it's better to take the whole output of the sequence and average it, which lets the network consider every part of the input sequence, making it a better predictor of the label. Additionally, the speaker explains that labeled sequence can come in two ways, either by repeating the input label n times and feeding it into a neural network to produce output or initializing the end state with an input and giving the neural network 0 vectors to generate the sequence. However, this is not efficient, as recurrent neural networks tend to forget things quickly, which means that a Markov model might be a better choice for some cases.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the limitations of Markov models when it comes to memory, particularly in deciding which information is worth remembering. The solution is the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), which is a type of recurrent neural network that has several learn-about gates that decide which pieces of information to remember or forget. The gates contain two vectors of values between 0 and 1 or between -1 and 1, where the left value selects the part to add to memory, and the right value determines which information to retain, depending on how much the input information needs to be added and how much needs to be cancelled. In using the LSTM, information selected for memory is added continuously, which is conducive for retaining longer-term memories.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker explains the structure of the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network, which is a type of recurrent neural network built up of cells. The cells take input and provide output at each time step while passing along a value C (cell state) and a value Y (output) between time steps. The speaker breaks down the visual notation of the LSTM network and goes on to describe various gates, including the forget gate which reduces activation in the memory, and the input gate which decides which parts of the input to add to the memory. The final step involves deciding the output value, which occurs through another sigmoid-activated layer. The speaker highlights the advantage of using LSTM networks - there is no vanishing gradient along the spine or the conveyor belt of the network, which improves its efficiency.

  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to sample from LSTMs to build a character-level sequence generator. The output is a probability distribution on the next character based on the input history. The model learns to lay out stuff like commas, place new lines, and approximate iambic pentameter, which sounds Shakespearean if read out loud. The model is trained to sequence data at the character level instead of word level because it is more powerful, but it needs to be fed the whole sequence even if one is sampling only a few characters. The speaker cites an experiment where someone trained and tested a Shakespeare model that generated text that's impressive and quite Shakespearean, demonstrating that the model can learn syntax by editing a Wikipedia article, which includes links and certain markup texts.

  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of LS DMs in generating text, such as Wikipedia articles or Donald Trump tweets, through the training of the network on large amounts of data. They highlight the different modes that the LS DM can manifest in, such as HTML or XML, and mention that the network can even generate math that looks like high-level mathematics papers. Additionally, the speaker suggests using LS DMs to generate random outputs using a random vector fed into the network and an encoder/decoder network based on a variational outer encoder (VAE), which is further demonstrated through an example of music generated through a neural network trained on MIDI snippets.

  • 01:20:00 In this section, the presenter discusses how to model language using a teacher forcing technique where a sequential sampling predictive language model is combined with an outer encoder for a more complicated sequence. He goes on to demonstrate a model that uses teacher forcing called SketchRNN, which is used to model sketches that humans quickly draw of various subjects, such as cats and owls. The SketchRNN uses a variational sequence to sequence encoder that leads to a latent space, which is used to interpolate smoothly between different drawings of the same subject. Finally, the presenter shows how this same technique can be used to interpolate smoothly between human sentences, resulting in a pretty neat outcome.

  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the Image COCO dataset, which contains images from the dataset called ImageNet along with five human-written captions describing what is happening in the image. The speaker suggests a simple approach to the image captioning task is to download a pre-trained image classification model and take off the classification layer. The resulting mapping can then be fed to an LSTM to train the model to produce captions. The speaker also explains how to improve word-level LSTM by using an embedding layer, and the difference between LSTMs and Markov models. Finally, the speaker discusses the spectrum of methods that can be used for sequence processing, from powerful to simple.
11 Sequential Data: Markov Models, Word Embeddings and LSTMs
11 Sequential Data: Markov Models, Word Embeddings and LSTMs
  • 2019.03.12
slides: materials: https://mlvu.github.ioIn the last lectures, we will discuss variou...

12 Matrix models: Recommender systems, PCA and Graph convolutions

12 Matrix models: Recommender systems, PCA and Graph convolutions

In the first part of the video, the speaker discusses matrix models and their applications in recommender systems, which can be used for product recommendations, news stories, and social networks. Recommender systems rely on explicit and implicit feedback as well as side information, and can be manipulated to spread false information if not designed properly. Matrix factorization is a common method for predicting ratings based on user behavior, with the optimization problem of finding U and M matrices to make UTM as close as possible to R solved through squared error methods and computing the Frobenius norm. The speaker also discusses methods for optimizing this problem using gradient descent and explains the gradient update rule for collaborative filtering. Furthermore, the speaker covers five ways to improve the matrix factorization model, including controlling user and movie bias, using implicit likes, and incorporating site information. Lastly, the speaker discusses the power of matrix factorization in the classic machine learning setting, extensions of PCA in matrix factorization, and the usefulness of graph models in storing data.

The second part of the video presents various matrix models for recommender systems, including graph convolutions for node classification and link prediction. Graph convolutions mix node embeddings by multiplying the adjacency matrix with the original embeddings, but this approach has limitations in representing large social graphs. Traditional validation methods don't work for mixed feature models used in recommendation systems, so transductive learning is needed, where only training set labels are withheld, but not the features. Additionally, modeling time and ratings data requires taking timestamp data and transductive learning into account. The video concludes with a summary of the lecture and a preview of the following discussion on reinforcement learning.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the concept of matrix models, which are different approaches to analyzing data sets that are best viewed as matrices. The models that will be discussed share the characteristic of dealing with data sets as matrices. The lecture focuses on recommender systems, which are typically implemented through matrix factorization, and the winning model for the Netflix competition is discussed. The lecture also briefly touches on principal component analysis and graph models before concluding with a discussion on validation.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker explains three forms of data that can be used in recommendation systems: explicit feedback, implicit feedback, and side information. Explicit feedback is when the user is asked to rate a specific item, which is very valuable but relatively rare. Implicit feedback can be gathered by looking at what the user is doing, such as pageviews, wishlists, or even mouse movements. Side information is not information about the pairing between users and movies, but information about users themselves and movies, such as length, actors, and directors. The speaker notes that recommendation systems are useful for various settings, including product recommendations (e.g., Amazon), news stories (e.g., Google News), and social networks (e.g., Twitter and YouTube).

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses recommender systems and their vulnerabilities. Recommender systems are used to suggest content to specific users, but they can be manipulated to spread false information. The speaker notes that any situation with two sets of things and a relationship between them can be considered a recommendation paradigm. For example, recipes and ingredients or politicians and voting laws. The problem with recommender systems is incomplete data, as not every user rates every movie. The speaker suggests using embedding models to assign each user and movie a vector and learning the values of those vectors based on a loss function in order to predict the missing data.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker describes matrix factorization as a way of representing users and movies in a model with the goal of predicting movie ratings based on user behavior. The model assigns a vector to each user and to each movie, which are then multiplied together in a big matrix. Using a dot product, the speaker explains how the model predicts a value between minus infinity and positive infinity, with higher values indicating that the user is more likely to like the movie. The model's categories tend to reinforce shallow assumptions about user behavior, and while not particularly refined, the model can still offer reliable predictions. Through matrix factorization, a matrix is decomposed into two smaller matrices, with one matrix embedding users and the other embedding movies, and their dot product representing the predictions.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the presenter explains the optimization problem of finding U and M matrices to make UTM as close as possible to R. This is done by using the squared error method and computing the Frobenius norm. However, the problem is that there are often missing values in the rating matrix. To solve this problem, the loss function is computed only over the elements of R for which the rating is known in the training set, instead of all elements of R. The presenter also discusses the two methods for optimizing this problem, which are alternating optimization and gradient descent. The gradient descent method is more flexible and easier to add to your model.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker explains the gradient update rule for the collaborative filtering technique with matrix factorization. He defines the error matrix and explains the process of taking derivatives of the loss function with respect to the parameters. Then, he demonstrates how the gradient update rule is used to update the values of user and movie embeddings. The update rule involves computing the dot product between the row and column of the error matrix and the respective embedding matrix and adding it to the parameter being updated.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker explains the logic behind the dot product prediction function in recommender systems and how it can be trained using stochastic gradient descent. The problem of only having positive ratings and how to solve it through negative sampling is also discussed. The speaker then delves into two ways to solve the non-negative matrix factorization problem, which yields some interpretable dimensions for movies, similar to the concept of a latent space in PCA.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses five ways to improve the matrix factorization model for movie recommendations. Firstly, she explains how controlling user and movie bias can be incorporated into the model through adding learned scalar parameters. Secondly, the gold star or cold start problem is addressed by using implicit likes such as browsing behavior to create a second user embedding. Thirdly, the model can be regularized to avoid overfitting by adding a penalty term to the loss function. Fourthly, principal component analysis (PCA) can be applied to reduce the dimensionality of user and movie embeddings. Lastly, the speaker talks about how graph convolutions can be used to incorporate information about movie genres and cast into the model.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to add implicit information and site information to recommender systems. For implicit information, the system sums up all movie embeddings that a user has liked and adds it to their existing embeddings. Similarly, for site information, features of a user are encoded into a categorical data and their corresponding embeddings are summed up to create the third embedding vector. The speaker also notes that time can impact the ratings, so controlling for time is necessary for good predictions. This can be done by chunking the embeddings into discrete time periods and learning different embeddings for each period. The section concludes with a summary of matrix factorization and biases for recommender systems.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the power of matrix factorization in recommender systems and how it can be applied in the classic machine learning setting. By taking a matrix of feature columns and instance rows, matrix factorization through backpropagation or other training methods can create a low-dimensional representation of an instance that can be recovered by multiplying it with a C vector C matrix. This is similar to dimensionality reduction techniques like principle component analysis (PCA), but can be made equivalent to PCA by assuming that the columns of C are linearly independent, resulting in a constrained minimization problem.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the presenter discusses PCA and its extensions in matrix factorization. They explain that PCA can be used for incomplete data by maximizing the reconstruction only over the known values of the data. By doing this, it allows for low dimensional representation, or embedding, of the data that can be used for classification or regression. The extension of sparse PCA is also introduced, which uses the L1 regularizer to enforce sparsity and make parameter interpretation easier. The presenter then goes on to explain how different loss values can be applied to the matrix factorization problem, such as binary cross-entropy for binary data, and shows how these methods can produce better embeddings for the data. The section concludes with an introduction to graph models as a useful form of data.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the flexibility of graphs in storing data, such as social networks, protein interactions, traffic networks, and knowledge graphs. The speaker then proposes the idea of using machine learning models that can consume graphs, specifically for link prediction and node classification tasks, which can be seen as similar to recommendation problems. The speaker introduces the concept of node embeddings and discusses the graph convolutional neural network as a way to look deeper into the graph and extend the basic embedding.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker explains how graph convolutions work in recommender systems. Graph convolutions assign a random dimensional embedding to each node in the graph, which can be interpreted as assigning a random color for visualization purposes. The intuition behind graph convolutions is that they mix these embeddings, allowing for pulling information from the node's neighbors into its own embedding. After several steps of mixing, all nodes will eventually have the same representation, which represents the overall graph. To mix node embeddings, the adjacency matrix is multiplied with the original embeddings, which gives new embeddings where each node embedding represents the sum of its neighbors plus itself. The embeddings need to be normalized to ensure values don't blow up.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to use graph convolutions for node classification and link prediction. For node classification, a simple graph is assigned an embedding for each node, and one graph convolution is applied to create new embeddings based on neighboring nodes. Then, another convolution is applied to map the embeddings to two dimensions for classification. For link prediction, node embeddings are produced through multiple layers of graph convolutions, and a matrix factorization model is used on top of these embeddings. Gradients are then used to backpropagate through the original graph convolutions for link prediction based on deeper graph structure.

  • 01:10:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the challenges of graph convolutions, which involves representing a social graph in a way that is selective and not overly inclusive. Due to the small world property of social graphs, representing the entire graph in each node's representation is problematic, and traditional graph convolutions do not effectively filter out unnecessary information. Additionally, training must be done in full batch, which may reduce performance. The speaker proposes graph attention as a more selective approach, but it is still an area of active research. The speaker also notes that validation for graph convolution models is challenging and requires deviating from standard machine learning validation methods.

  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker explains that traditional training test validation methods do not work for mixed feature approaches such as those used in recommendation systems, as withholding either user features or movie features results in a loss of embeddings. Instead, transductive learning is needed, where only training set labels are withheld, but not the features. This approach is significant when training embedding models, where the whole vocabulary must be known beforehand. However, withholding random ratings or links can still be done for the remaining data to be used for training and testing. Finally, the speaker notes that classification in node ID labeling can still be done using the whole graph.

  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the challenge of modeling time and ratings in a dataset, where the timestamp data and transductive learning must be taken into account. They explain that it's important to have no training data from the future, and that the test set should be in the future of the training set. Additionally, the speaker summarizes the lecture, highlighting the use of matrix factorization to solve the abstract task of recommendation and the generalization of recommendation using graph models and graph convolutions. The section ends with a preview of the following lecture on reinforcement learning.
12 Matrix models: Recommender systems, PCA and Graph convolutions
12 Matrix models: Recommender systems, PCA and Graph convolutions
  • 2019.03.15
slides: materials: https://mlvu.github.ioToday we discuss a variety of models that benefit fr...

13 Reinforcement Learning: Policy Gradients, Q Learning, AlphaGo, AlphaStar (MLVU2019)

13 Reinforcement Learning: Policy Gradients, Q Learning, AlphaGo, AlphaStar (MLVU2019)

The video provides an introduction to reinforcement learning and its fundamental components, discussing examples like the robotic pole balancing car and the tic-tac-toe game. The speaker delves into the challenges of reinforcement learning, including non-differentiable functions, the delay in receiving rewards, and the credit assignment problem. The credit assignment problem is addressed through techniques like random search, policy gradients, and Q-learning, where the speaker explains each algorithm, its benefits, and its limitations. The Q-learning algorithm is discussed in greater detail, with an explanation of how it works using a big table of numbers to represent Q-values. The presentation concludes with an explanation of how deep Q-learning and AlphaGo have revolutionized the field of reinforcement learning.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the instructor introduces the topic of reinforcement learning and explains how it differs from offline learning. Reinforcement learning involves modeling an agent that interacts with a world and learns in real-time from the feedback it receives. The example of a robot vacuum cleaner in an unknown environment is used to illustrate this concept. The instructor also mentions three algorithms for solving the task of reinforcement learning, namely random search, policy gradients, and Q-learning. The discussion then shifts to recent developments in reinforcement learning, with a focus on AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and the ongoing quest to beat the world's top human player in StarCraft II through the use of AI.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the lecturer explains the basic framework of reinforcement learning, which involves an environment, a model, and a learner. The model takes actions and receives immediate rewards and changes its state accordingly, while the learner updates the model on the fly. The lecturer introduces simple examples like the vacuum cleaner problem, tic-tac-toe, and control problems to illustrate how reinforcement learning works. In tic-tac-toe and vacuum cleaner problems, rewards are only given when the model reaches a final state, while the control problems involve learning how to control a robot or machine in an automated environment.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses reinforcement learning in the context of a robotic pole-balancing car, which is a classic problem of control in the field. The objective is to keep the car upright, which is done with a simple physics engine or a physical robot. The system uses a sparse reward, where the only reward given is if the cart falls off the rail or if the pole ends up vertical. The learning goal is to maximize the reward by avoiding this penalty as long as possible. The speaker then showcases a demonstration of a remote-controlled helicopter that was trained using reinforcement learning to perform stunts, starting with supervised learning and adding auxiliary goals and reward shaping.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how reinforcement learning changed the game of deep learning. He points out that before AlphaGo, researchers used Atari games to get algorithms to learn from pixels. They created a neural network called deep reinforcement learning that enabled the system to learn to play many different games. This is a powerful concept because researchers used a deep neural network to learn the mappings from states to actions, which we call a policy. There are three main problems with reinforcement learning: non-differentiable loss, the credit assignment problem, and exploration versus exploitation.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the challenges of reinforcement learning, including the issue of non-differentiable functions within the environment and the balance between exploration and exploitation. The delay in receiving the actual reward from the environment is another problem, as it requires the recognition of which previous actions contributed to the final result. The speaker also provides an example of the challenge encountered in learning to drive a car, where the immediate reward for braking can lead to a wrong association with a subsequent crash. The solution requires distributing the reward over previous actions and learning which ones led to either positive or negative outcomes.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the video introduces the credit assignment problem in reinforcement learning, which involves determining the weights for a neural network that will maximize reward while interacting with the world. The video explains how a reward function, state transitions, and a policy can determine the environment for the neural network. It presents three approaches to solving this problem, beginning with the simplest one - random search. The concept of population-based black box optimization methods is also introduced, with an example of a successful application of this method to an Atari game called "Frostbite".

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the lecturer discusses reinforcement learning and different techniques used for the credit assignment problem. They recommend starting with random search as a baseline approach, which works well for some simple games. However, more complex methods such as policy gradients and Q-learning are popular for deeper reinforcement learning pipelines. Policy gradient seeks to assign rewards to each step of a trajectory in a sequence, based on the total reward at the end. While this may seem counterintuitive, it averages out over multiple trajectories and works well for situations where part of the deep learning pipeline is not differentiable.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the concept of policy gradients and how they can be used to optimize the expected ultimate reward through the estimation of gradients is discussed. The algorithm involves estimating the gradient by sampling a bunch of trajectories, following each of these actions through the rest of the pipeline, and multiplying the ultimate reward by the gradient of the logarithm of the probability of that action for each trajectory in the sample. This estimation of the gradient can then be used for further backpropagation. This algorithm has been used on AlphaGo and AlphaZero.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses Q-learning, which is a popular algorithm in reinforcement learning that is used to optimize the discounted reward. The discounted reward is the total reward that a policy will receive if it chooses specific actions in different states. Q-learning uses a recursive function to calculate the discounted reward for each state based on the policy's actions. The optimal policy that maximizes the discounted reward is then determined based on this calculation. The speaker uses a simple example of a vacuum-cleaner world to demonstrate how Q-learning works.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker explains the concept of an optimal policy and an optimal value function in reinforcement learning. The optimal policy leads to the maximum value for a particular state, while the optimal value function is the value function of that policy. However, these values are often difficult to compute. The speaker then introduces the Q-learning algorithm, which redefines the optimal policy and optimal value function in terms of a function called Q. Q is defined as the immediate reward multiplied by the discounted value of Q for the next state resulting from an action taken in the current state. The circular definition of Q allows for the possibility to make up a Q function and ask if it is optimal by filling in the values.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the method of solving recurrent equations by iteration as a way to find the optimal Q function for Q-learning. He simplifies the recurrence relation by using a scalar function and demonstrates that iterative computation can be used to find the stable state/solution. Similarly, for Q-learning, the initial Q function is randomly initialized, and then the recurrence relation is applied as a program, and the Q function gets updated based on the values provided by the recurrence relation. The Q function's values get updated after each interaction with the environment where a state, action, reward, or successor state is encountered, and the max value over each successor state is used to update the Q function.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, the Q learning algorithm is explained, which involves learning a big table of numbers to represent Q-values. The algorithm works by observing the immediate reward in each state and propagating it back to the starting state through repetition of the same trajectory. The state space is explored through epsilon-greedy exploration, a process where the best policy is followed with some small probability of randomly exploring a state. Deep Q learning is then introduced, which involves implementing a neural network to learn the Q-value function. Through backpropagation, the network is updated with information from observed immediate rewards and successor states. Finally, an explanation of how AlphaGo works is promised in the remaining 30 minutes of the video, following a recommendation of the documentary "AlphaGo".

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker explains the game of Go and dispels some common misconceptions about AlphaGo. While it is true that the game of Go has a high branching factor, it's not just the size of the tree that makes the game difficult. Looking deep into the tree to figure out the best move strategy is also a challenging aspect. The speaker also discusses old approaches to the game of Go, such as the minimax algorithm, which is used to enumerate all possible futures from the current state.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses Monte Carlo tree search, a method for exploring a game tree quickly and efficiently in order to approximate the minimax algorithm. This method involves doing rollouts, which randomly pick moves and estimates the value of the state in reinforcement learning terms. The speaker talks about how Monte Carlo tree search combines rollouts with keeping a memory of the local tree to build up promising regions of the tree without exploring the whole thing. The basic algorithm involves expanding nodes, doing rollouts, and back-propagating values to update probabilities of all the nodes followed to the leaf. This method works well and does not involve any machine learning or neural networks.

  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how AlphaGo and AlphaZero are examples of reinforcement learning applied to the game of Go. AlphaGo uses two neural networks, a policy network and a value network, to play Go. The policy network maps a state of the board to an action, and the value network maps the state to the likelihood of winning from that state. They use imitation learning to train these networks by learning from human games, and then improve through self-play using policy gradient reinforcement learning. During actual play, AlphaGo uses Monte Carlo tree search with the value and policy network to make its moves. AlphaZero is a newer version that does not use any human information, but rather builds its understanding of the game entirely through self-play. AlphaZero combines the policy and value networks into a single network, uses Monte Carlo tree search as a policy improvement operator, and adds residual connections with batch normalization to improve performance.

  • 01:15:00 In this section, the concept of a "two-headed monster" is discussed, where a network has a shared set of bottom layers that get gradients from both the policy and value outputs. During training, the MCTS principle is used as a policy improvement operator, such that they start with an initial policy, let it play against itself using MCTS, and observe the resulting policy as MCTS. This observed improvement step is then given as a training objective to the network. Additionally, a combination of residual connections and better normalization is used as a trick for the neural network, allowing for a gradual ease towards learning a deeper and deeper neural network which works very well, especially in combination with batch normalization.

  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of weight initialization and standardization of data for properly training deep reinforcement learning networks. The speaker suggests that initializing weights so that input is standardized with zero mean and variance one results in better-behaved gradients during backpropagation. Batch normalization is a useful layer in helping with this standardization since it looks at all the instances in the batch, computes the mean and standard deviation, and standardizes them. This can help speed up training and train much deeper networks; the speaker cites AlphaGo and AlphaZero's success in training using batch normalization.

  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the development of AlphaStar, DeepMind's latest breakthrough in machine learning applied to real-time strategy games. Unlike the game of Go, which had been considered “solved” by DeepMind's AlphaGo, StarCraft posed unique challenges for machine learning due to its diverse action space, imperfect information, and absence of a game tree. AlphaStar uses a combination of techniques including a transformer torso, deep LSDM core, pointer network, and multi-agent learning. While DeepMind has not yet published the details of how AlphaStar works, the demonstration of its abilities against world-level Starcraft players is impressive, representing the current state of the art in this field.

  • 01:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of transformers, which work like embeddings and enable neural networks to start learning relations between units. This is important because it allows the neural network to reason about the relations between particular units, e.g. for navigation in a game. The speaker then explains how reinforcement learning works in sequential sampling and how the auto-regressive policy head helps to create a more coherent and efficient sequence of actions. Finally, the speaker explains the concept of multi-agent learning and how it is used to prevent players from forgetting to beat easy strategies.

  • 01:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the controversy surrounding AlphaStar, an AI system developed by DeepMind to play the game StarCraft. AlphaStar was successful in defeating professional players of StarCraft, leading to debates about whether the AI system was actually showcasing human-like performance or exploiting abilities that humans do not have. One of the main advantages of AlphaStar was that it could see the whole board at once, unlike human players who have to constantly adjust the camera view. Additionally, although AlphaStar was capped at about 600 actions per minute, those actions were of higher quality than the actions of human players who could click up to 800 times per minute with a lot of noise. However, one weakness of AlphaStar was that it could not respond well to new strategies encountered during the game, which is a core problem of the system that could provide insight into cognition.
13 Reinforcement Learning: Policy Gradients, Q Learning, AlphaGo, AlphaStar (MLVU2019)
13 Reinforcement Learning: Policy Gradients, Q Learning, AlphaGo, AlphaStar (MLVU2019)
  • 2019.03.21
slides: materials: https://mlvu.github.ioToday we discuss the most generic ab...

14 Review: Inductive Bias, Algorithmic Bias, Social impact of machine learning (MLVU2019)

14 Review: Inductive Bias, Algorithmic Bias, Social impact of machine learning (MLVU2019)

This first part of the video provides a comprehensive review of machine learning topics, including loss functions, deep learning systems, inductive and algorithmic bias, and open problems in machine learning. The speaker emphasizes the importance of methodology and real-world use cases in the data science process, and provides tips for studying and overcoming procrastination. The speaker also discusses strategies for improving understanding of machine learning concepts and offers resources for further learning. Finally, the video highlights the problem of generalization in machine learning models and the importance of inductive biases in improving model performance.

The second part of the video discusses several issues related to machine learning, including inductive bias, algorithmic bias, and the social impact of machine learning. Inductive bias can be built into a neural network to solve causality, compositionality, and generalization problems. However, this approach also has limitations, including decreased robustness against unmodeled variables. Algorithmic bias can be perpetuated if machine learning models reinforce biases in data. This can be problematic in cases such as facial recognition algorithms failing to recognize people of color or algorithms used in the US judicial system that have biases towards black people. Responsible development of these systems is important to avoid perpetuating biases and promoting fairness in decision-making processes.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, the speaker provides a review of the topics covered throughout the machine learning course, including the basic recipe of machine learning which involves standard tasks such as classification or regression, choosing instances and features, choosing a model class and searching for a good model to fit the instances and features. The speaker highlights the importance of methodology and the idea of splitting off data into a training and a test set to avoid overusing the test set. He emphasizes the importance of keeping the real-world use case in mind and making decisions in the data science process that reflect that use case. The speaker also provides exam strategies and an outlook on the current state and future impact of machine learning.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses various loss functions that can be used in machine learning, starting with accuracy and its limitations. The logistic regression loss function is presented, which uses a sigmoid function to interpret the outputs of the model as probabilities over classes, and then optimizes those probabilities using maximum likelihood principle and cross-entropy loss. Other loss functions discussed include least squares, entropy, and soft margin SVM. Finally, the speaker introduces the algorithm of back propagation which is used to compute the gradient for complicated models by breaking them up into a composition of modules and using the chain rule to get a product of local derivatives.

  • 00:10:00 In this section of the video, the lecturer discusses the basics of deep learning systems and how to compute gradients over smooth differentiable functions using tensors. He also talks about hidden variable models and describes the expectation maximization algorithm to find distributions on hidden variables. The lecture then moves on to generator neural networks, which are hidden variable models containing neural networks. The lecturer discusses fitting the parameters through data using generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders. Finally, the lecture covers decision and regression tree models, as well as sequential data and models such as recurrent neural networks and Markov models.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses inductive and algorithmic bias in machine learning, suggesting that training data should always precede test data in time, and that cross-validation should be done using walk-forward cross-validation. The speaker then touches on recommender systems which use user and movie ratings as the only source of data, and how this matrix model is very informative of both users and movies. Finally, the speaker explains that reinforcement learning requires a trade-off between exploration and exploitation, and that convolutional neural networks with dropout do not constitute an exploration versus exploitation dilemma but is rather an online hyperparameter optimization technique.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker explains that when talking about complex topics, concepts are like a graph in our heads, but when explaining them, they become a sequence. To help reconstruct the higher level relations between concepts discussed, the speaker creates a mind map of search and models. Models are broken down into specific instances of neural networks, like linear regression, linear classification, and logistic regression, along with more complicated models like by J by Ganz and v AE. The speaker also discusses the different types of search methods, with gradient descent being the most generic and stochastic gradient descent and mini-batch gradient descent being specific variants. The speaker notes that mini-batch gradient descent is what is commonly used most of the time. Finally, the speaker discusses the different settings and ways of dealing with data, such as the basic setting of splitting into features, instances, and target values and the sequence setting of dealing with separate instances in a specific order.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the different types of data sets and tasks in machine learning such as sequence data, recommender systems, and online learning. They also talk about deep learning as a method that involves building a pipeline end-to-end without doing any manual feature extraction to avoid losing information. The speaker gives tips on some "tricks of the trade" and a review of all the abstract tasks and models discussed in the lectures. Lastly, the speaker provides tips for studying for the exam, which includes three categories of questions: recall, combination, and reasoning.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the lecturer discusses the three types of questions that students can expect on the upcoming exam: retention, combination, and application questions. He provides some tips to help students deal with procrastination, such as realizing that procrastination is caused by perfectionism and finding the smallest viable commitment to get started on a task. The lecturer also suggests creating a progress bar to track progress and avoid seeing the work as an endless task. Lastly, he reminds students not to be perfectionists.

  • 00:35:00 In this section of the video, the speaker provides tips on how to overcome procrastination and increase productivity. One technique he suggests is the Pomodoro Technique, which involves setting a timer for 25 minutes and working with extreme focus during that time period, followed by a five-minute break. He also suggests focusing on the lecture content for an exam and using practice exams to quickly prepare for an upcoming test. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of taking small, achievable steps towards a goal rather than striving for perfection all at once.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker shares strategies for improving understanding of machine learning concepts. Instead of reading everything thoroughly, he suggests making a quick pass to identify knowledge gaps, and then focusing on those specific areas. To aid in this process, he recommends creating a keyword list while learning, to refer to later for clarification. He also advises students to come up with their own exam questions to prioritize which topics to focus on, and suggests reading from multiple sources to gain different perspectives on the material. Finally, he recommends the Google Machine Learning Crash Course as a comprehensive resource for further learning.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the presenter discusses the open problems in machine learning, namely causality, compositionality, and generalization. Causality is a difficult problem for modern machine learning methods because correlation does not imply causation. To identify causation, intervention is necessary, which can be done through a reinforcement learning setting where experiments can be conducted. However, if experiments are not possible due to ethical or practical reasons, one can use background knowledge to inject into the model. The presenter also mentions drawing little graphs to model the possible causes in the world.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker speaks about inductive biases and algorithmic bias while exploring how to integrate human reasoning into machine learning models. They discuss how causality can be inferred and how background knowledge can be used to reason about correlations. They also discuss issues with compositionality and generalization in machine learning, especially observed in recurrent neural networks. The speaker concludes by stating our need to understand compounding effects to further advance machine learning.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the problem of generalization in machine learning models and how they tend to fall apart when tested on data that is even slightly different from their training data. The solution to this lies in thinking about the inductive bias, which refers to the implicit or explicit constraints placed on a model to bias it towards certain solutions in its model space. The speaker gives examples of different types of models and their inductive biases, highlighting how stronger inductive biases, such as those found in convolutional neural networks, can improve a model's ability to generalize.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the idea of inductive bias, which can be built into a neural network to help solve causality, compositionality, and generalization problems. By injecting background knowledge and building compositionality explicitly into the model, the network can learn to represent hundreds or thousands of digits, even if it has only seen digits up to a hundred. However, the more a model is constrained, the less robust it becomes against the things it did not model. Furthermore, the speaker envisions that machine learning will move towards more end-to-end learning systems, where machine learning will spread throughout the whole system, leading to something called differential programming or "software 2.0."

  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential for machine learning to become primitives in programming languages and how this could lead to larger and more predictable systems. The speaker also explores the impact of machine learning on creative arts, such as designing fonts, and suggests that machine learning could be used for intelligence augmentation, where machines enhance existing human processes like creativity and design. The concept of intelligent infrastructure is also introduced as a possible solution to concerns about the development of killer robots.

  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential dangers of language generators, such as GPT, which has the ability to produce coherent language and generate fake news at scale. The concern is that this type of technology could have a significant social impact, potentially influencing national discussions and elections by allowing individuals to manipulate content. Furthermore, the issue of algorithmic bias is also discussed, as machine learning models can reinforce biases in the data they are trained on, which can have negative consequences when put into production.

  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the issue of algorithmic bias, where machine learning algorithms can amplify biases that already exist in the data, rather than eliminating them. This can result in unintended consequences and harmful impacts on certain groups, as seen in examples such as facial recognition algorithms failing to recognize people of color and search engine results for CEO images being predominantly male. The speaker also highlights the importance of monitoring systems and being aware of the biases inherent in machine learning algorithms.

  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the issue of algorithmic bias in machine learning systems and the social impacts it can have. He explains the case of a machine learning system used to predict recidivism in the US judicial system that had biases towards black people, leading to incorrect predictions and perpetuating societal biases. He argues that even if the data used in these systems is accurate, reliance on machine learning to make decisions based on race can lead to racial profiling and perpetuate systemic biases. He cites a case in the Netherlands where racial profiling was normalized and accepted by the public. The speaker advocates for the ethical use of machine learning to avoid perpetuating biases and promoting fairness in decision-making processes.

  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the issue of racial profiling and how it relates to the misuse of probabilities. They explain the concept of the prosecutor's fallacy and how it can mistakenly assume that the probability of an outcome given a certain condition is the same as the probability of the condition given the outcome. The speaker argues that even if predictions are accurate, it does not necessarily mean that actions based on those predictions are just or moral. Additionally, they point out that certain attributes like ethnicity can still be inferred or correlated with other attributes, making it difficult to completely eliminate racial bias from machine learning systems. Finally, the speaker notes that while individuals should be held accountable for their own actions, it is fundamentally unfair to allow them to be penalized for the actions of others who share their attributes, which can have negative impacts like microaggressions or being unfairly targeted in situations like traffic stops.

  • 01:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential social impact of machine learning and the need for responsible development of these systems. With machine learning ruling many decisions, there is a new problem of relying on one flawed component at scale, and China's social credit system is an example. Politicians and humans are fine with the development of such systems, so there is a need for computer scientists, information scientists, and data scientists who are knowledgeable about these problems to build and develop these systems responsibly. The responsibility of building these systems falls on the students who are studying these fields, and the speaker wishes them good luck with their exams and final projects.
14 Review: Inductive Bias, Algorithmic Bias, Social impact of machine learning (MLVU2019)
14 Review: Inductive Bias, Algorithmic Bias, Social impact of machine learning (MLVU2019)
  • 2019.03.21
slides: materials: http://mlvu.github.ioThe final lecture. A review of everything we've learned...

Segment Images & Videos in Python using Segment Anything Model (SAM) | YOLOv5 | YOLOv8 and SAM

Segment Images & Videos in Python using Segment Anything Model (SAM) | YOLOv5 | YOLOv8 and SAM

This video introduces the Segment Anything Model (SAM), an AI model that can identify and extract objects from images and videos for various tasks. The SAM is trained on a huge dataset of 11 billion images and 1.1 billion masks and has strong performance in a variety of segmentation tasks. The video provides step-by-step instructions for using the SAM on a local system, including how to install necessary packages, download pre-trained model checkpoints, and perform segmentation on images and videos using Python. The video also demonstrates how to use the SAM with YOLOv5 or YOLOv8 to create bounding boxes around objects of interest. The SAM has potential applications in animation as well.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the video introduces the Segment Anything Model (SAM), a recently released AI model from Meta that can identify and extract objects from images and videos for various tasks. The SAM is trained on 11 billion images and 1.1 billion masks and has a strong zero-shot generalization on a variety of segmentation tasks. The video demonstrates how to use the SAM through a demo that allows users to upload an image and perform segmentation on the complete image or cut each object separately. Users can also draw bounding boxes, add masks and perform multi-masking. The SAM has potential applications in animation as well. The video also provides additional information about the SAM's architecture, data set availability, and frequently asked questions.

  • 00:05:00 In this section of the video, the presenter demonstrates how to use the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to create multi-masks for different objects in an image. The SAM has been trained on a dataset of 11 million images and 1.1 billion masks and has a strong performance on a variety of segmentation tasks. The presenter shows how to select an image, run the segmentation on the complete image, and then cut out the separate objects. The presenter also shows how to draw bounding boxes around objects, and how to download and distribute the resulting data. The video concludes with information about installing SAM and using it in Python, including with YOLOv5 and YOLOv8.

  • 00:10:00 In this section of the video, the presenter explains the requirements for running the segment anything model on a local system, including having a GPU and installing necessary packages such as Torch and Dodge Vision with CUDA support. They demonstrate how to clone the Segment Anything Model repository and install all required dependencies using pip. The video also covers how to convert a segmentation model to ONNX format and how to download the pre-trained model checkpoints for three different backbone sizes. The presenter then shows how to do segmentation on images and videos using the model. The video also includes detailed step-by-step instructions for each task, making it easy for viewers to follow along.

  • 00:15:00 In this section of the video, the presenter first imports all the required libraries, including Matplotlib to display input and output images in the Google app notebook. They then download sample images from their drive and show an example image of multiple people walking with buildings in the background. Next, they load a pre-trained model checkpoint with dash edge onto the Google app notebook and apply the segment anything model automatic mask generator to the images to segment them. The presenter provides points per side of the images that are used by the SMAM to scan the image and segment it based on the provided points. A prediction IOT threshold of 0.9 is set to increase the accuracy of the segmentation.

  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, the presenter demonstrates how to use the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to perform object segmentation on images and videos using Python. They demonstrate how to adjust the IU schedule to increase accuracy and reduce the amount of junk in the output. They apply the segmentation model to a sample image and show how it accurately segments the person, building, and tree. They then use the same model to segment a sample video by installing the meta segmentation package and downloading sample videos from Google Drive. The presenter then copies code from a GitHub repository and applies it to the video, effectively implementing the SAM on the video.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the Segment Anything Model (SAM) repository, which contains three different models with different backbone sizes, enabling users to define the model name and call the video they want to implement. The speaker then runs through the code required to integrate the SAM with YOLOv5 or YOLOv8, using existing packages and sample images. The speaker demonstrates how the SAM is used to perform segmentation on buildings, trees and cars, using color codes to denoise the output. The speaker also discusses the different segmentation model versions, indicating that each model has a different backbone size. The demonstration highlights the accuracy and speed of the smallest YOLOv8 Nano model.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker shows how they were able to use the Segment Anything Model (SAM) with YOLOv8 to perform segmentation and create bounding boxes around objects of interest. They demonstrate the capability of the model by showcasing a bounding box that surrounds a person and also does segmentation of their image. The speaker concludes the video tutorial by highlighting the integration of YOLOv8 with SAM and saying goodbye to viewers.
Segment Images & Videos in Python using Segment Anything Model (SAM) | YOLOv5 | YOLOv8 and SAM
Segment Images & Videos in Python using Segment Anything Model (SAM) | YOLOv5 | YOLOv8 and SAM
  • 2023.04.13
#SAM #segmentation #computervision #yolo #yolov8 #python #pytorch Segment Images & Videos in Python using Segment Anything Model (SAM) | YOLOv5 | YOLOv8 and ...

YOLOv8 Course - Real Time Object Detection Web Application using YOLOv8 and Flask - Webcam/IP Camera

YOLOv8 Course - Real Time Object Detection Web Application using YOLOv8 and Flask - Webcam/IP Camera

The YOLOv8 Course is a series of tutorials that guide viewers through creating a real-time object detection web application using YOLOv8 and Flask. The tutorials cover installation of necessary software such as Python and PyCharm, creating a virtual environment, installing packages, and testing object detection on images and webcams. The tutorials also cover converting output from tensors to integers, labeling the detected objects, and saving the output video with detections. Viewers are shown how to integrate YOLOv8 with Flask, and how to run the real-time object detection web application on both video and live webcam feeds.

In the second part of the video the presenter demonstrates how to create a web application using Flask and YOLOv8 for object detection on live webcam feeds and videos, in addition to showcasing the training and inference of a custom model for personal protective equipment detection. The web app has a home page, a video page, and a live webcam feed page, with CSS styling for each page, and the presenter walks through the HTML and Flask files used for the project. The video demonstrates the process of importing a dataset, preparing it for training YOLOv8 model, training the model, analyzing the results, and testing the model on demo videos. Overall, the video provides a comprehensive tutorial for developing and testing a real-time object detection web application.

The presenter also discusses changes made to a web application that uses the YOLOv8 model trained on a personal protective equipment (PPE) dataset. The changes include modifying the code to assign different colors to bounding boxes and label rectangles based on class names and setting a confidence score above 0.5 for bounding boxes and rectangles to appear. The presenter demonstrates successful detection of PPE items in a video and live webcam feed, marking the end of the course.

  • 00:00:00 The next step is to download and install Python and PyCharm Community Edition. The latest release of Python is not recommended as it may have errors and bug fixes. We can download the latest release of Python 3.8 version which is recommended. PyCharm Professional version offers a 30-day free trial, but the Community Edition is enough for the tutorial. Once we have downloaded and installed the necessary software, we can create an empty folder with any name of our choice, and then open it in PyCharm to start the project.

  • 00:05:00 In this section of the YOLOv8 crash course, the instructor demonstrates how to create a new virtual environment in Pycharm and install the necessary packages for the project. The instructor shows how to create a new project, select the base interpreter, and install packages via the Package Manager window. They also show how to create a requirements.txt file to write down all the packages you would like to install from the command line. The video emphasizes the importance of installing the ultralytics package for object detection using YOLOv8.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the instructor shows how to install YOLOv8, which is the only version of YOLO that has its own package. By using pip install ultralytics, YOLOv8 can be installed, and if any changes need to be made to the detection or training script, the repository can be cloned. The instructor then uses YOLOv8 to detect objects in an image by importing the package and the YOLOv8 model, specifying the pre-trained weights file, and passing in the input image path. The results show the detected objects in the image.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video demonstrates how to test the YOLOv8 model on new images by adding them to the images folder and running the YOLO test script. After importing the cv2 library and adding a delay, the model produces quite impressive results detecting motorcycles and cars accurately. The video also addresses the issue of accuracy versus speed when using different YOLO models, and suggests using the YOLOv8x model for even more accurate results. The video then moves on to testing the YOLOv8 model on a webcam using a new directory.

  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, the presenter creates a new file called "". They import YOLOv8, CB2 and math, and set "cap" as equal to "CV2.videoCapture(0)", which will allow them to run YOLOv8 on their webcam. They calculate the frame rate and height by calling "cap.get(5)" and "cap.get(4)", respectively. They explain that they want to save the output video with detections, so they set the output file name as "output.avi" using CB2.VideoWriter(). They pass the frame rate and height to the function, and then set "modern" as equal to "YOLOv8". The presenter then tests whether their webcam is working fine by calling "CV2.imshow(‘image’, image)" and "CV2.waitKey(1)" on their image.

  • 00:25:00 In this section of the YOLOv8 Course, the presenter tests the webcam and checks if the output video is saved properly. He then proceeds to run the detections on the live web feed using the YOLOv8 model and saves the results in a variable named 'results'. The code looks through each of the individual bounding boxes to see the performance. Each bounding box has four coordinates- X1, Y1, X2, and Y2, which are converted into integer form from tensors for further processing and creation of bounding boxes around the detected object.

  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, the presenter covers how the output is being converted from tensors to integers and how a rectangle is created around each detected object using cv2.rectangle. The color and thickness of the bounding box are defined along with the starting and ending point for each detected object. The output of the application shows that the bounding boxes are being drawn perfectly fine around the detected objects. However, the presenter mentions the need for the label and confidence score to be displayed as well for each detected object. The confidence score is currently displayed in the form of tensors, but the presenter plans to convert it to an integer using mat.c.

  • 00:35:00 In this section of the video tutorial, the instructor shows the viewers how to add confidence scores to the detected objects, convert them to integers, and label them according to their class ID. The class ID is determined by the object's type, with 0 being a person, 1 a bicycle, and 2 a car. The instructor also demonstrates how to create a rectangle around the label and save the output detections to a file named output.avi. The viewers can see the live detections frame-by-frame, and the instructor shows them how to stop the process by clicking on the screen. The instructor also displays the output video file and confirms that the results are as expected. Finally, the instructor announces that in the next tutorial, they will run YOLOv8 on Windows and share the results.

  • 00:40:00 In this section of the YOLOv8 Course, the creator demonstrates how to perform object detection on a sample video using YOLOv8 pre-trained weights. The goal is to detect both bicycles and people, which are part of the COCO dataset. The creator shows how to run the script and redirect the folder to the designated video folder, then successfully detects bicycles, people, and other objects, like a traffic light. The creator then demonstrates that the output video with detections is saved in the selected folder, showing the bounding boxes around the detected objects with labels and confidence scores. The function video detection is created to contain all the code, and a file named last app dot Pi is created.

  • 00:45:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the steps needed to integrate YOLOv8 with Flask to create a real-time object detection web application. The first step is installing Flask, which is done using pip install. Next, the speaker imports necessary libraries and initializes Flask. Then, they create a function called generate frame that takes in the input video file path and generates the output with bounding boxes around detected objects. Finally, the speaker discusses encoding images as bytes and converting individual frames into a video using the delete keyboard. The end result is individual frames with bounding boxes around the detected object, labels, and confidence scores.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the video creator explains how to integrate YOLOv8 with Flask to create a real-time object detection web application. The video demonstrates encoding frames and converting the image into bytes, followed by looping on individual frames for detection and subsequent frame display. The video showcases replacing visual frames using means-type, while the content type is utilized for displaying subsequent frames. The video includes a demonstration where the video file is passed as the input for detection, resulting in boundary boxes around detected objects; in this scenario, people, bicycles, and traffic lights. The video concludes by stating the next tutorial will cover detection on live webcam feeds, thereby creating a Fly Fast API.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, the presenter demonstrates how to run the YOLOv8 real-time object detection web application on a live webcam feed. By changing the video path to 0 in the script, the program can be run on live webcam feed. A new URL is created and linked to the Flask application, allowing real-time object detection of live webcam feed. The presenter shows that the program can accurately detect objects such as a person, a bicycle, and a traffic light from the live feed. Additionally, the video path is changed back to the video URL and the program demonstrates its ability to detect objects in a video as well.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the video tutorial focuses on creating a complete HTML web page using HTML and CSS for the front-end design and Flask for the back-end. The web app consists of three different pages: a home page, a video page, and a live webcam feed page. The home page features a header, content, and a footer with sample results from different projects. The video page allows the user to upload a video and run YOLOv8 detections on that video. The live webcam feed page enables the user to do detections on the live webcam feed. The video also showcases the Flask app dot pile file and the three HTML pages.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, the video tutorial explains how to allow users to upload a video file to the object detection model by using Flask form. The tutorial uses validators to ensure that the user uploads the video file in the correct format (MP4 or .avi). The file path of the uploaded video file is stored in the file variable using class form. The tutorial also introduces the generate frames function that is used for detecting objects in the input video file. The input video file is saved in the static files folder, and the user can submit the video file for detections by clicking on the submit button.

  • 01:10:00 In this section of the YOLOv8 course, the focus is on the detection function which we have in the YOLO Dash video file. The video reduction function provides us with a direction and with the object detection, there are output bounding boxes around the detected objects with labels and confidence scores. The current frames are then converted into bytes, as required by Flask's input image or frames. The generate frame web function is called when we want to access or redirect to the webcam on the app, with a session dot clear removing input video files from the session storage, allowing the detection to happen on new videos or input files, not the previous ones. The upload file form instance is created, with the video file path saved in the session storage variable. The session storage is cleared afterward to ensure that the detection happens on the new videos, preventing the app from detecting on the previous videos or input files.

  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker explains the code and HTML files used in the YOLOv8 Course for Real-Time Object Detection in a Web Application using Flask and a Webcam/IP Camera. The speaker demonstrates how they saved the video part in session storage and called the video path to do the detections in the video. They also show the Flask app dot Pi file for the project. The HTML file consists of the language, title of the page, body, and headers with their properties, such as the background color, font family, text color, height, and other elements. Additionally, the speaker explains the purpose of border radius in creating a rounded rectangle shape.

  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker is demonstrating the main pages of the web application they've built. They start by showing the Dash front page URL that directs the user to the video feed page, where they can upload a video and have object detections happen. Then they show the UI.html page, where detections happen on live webcam feed. They also demonstrate the sample results page, showing three images they've saved and passed to the HTML. Lastly, they show the footer, which when clicked, redirects the user to their YouTube channel. Throughout the demonstration, the speaker shows the CSS styling they've used for each page.

  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker demonstrates the real-time object detection web application using YOLOv8 and Flask with a live webcam feed and video. CSS styling is added to the web page, and the speaker runs the Python class cap file to do the detections on the video as well as the live webcam feed. The user can input a video file as well to get the detections. The results are impressive as the YOLOv8 model is able to detect objects such as people, bicycles, traffic lights, etc., and create bounding boxes with the labels and confidence score. The speaker concludes by demonstrating that the detections on the live webcam feed are also working accurately.

  • 01:30:00 In this section of the video, the presenter showcases a Flask web application that can detect objects in both video and live webcam feeds using YOLOv8. The app has a home page, a video page with the ability to perform detections on any input video, and a live webcam feed page. The presenter then moves on to demonstrating how YOLOv8 can be used for personal protective equipment (PPE) detection using a dataset available on Roboflow, which consists of 3235 images with 7 different classes. The presenter renames the classes accordingly to reflect the actual objects being detected by YOLOv8, and the presenter then shows the dataset statistics, which includes an unbalanced class distribution. The split ratio used for the dataset is 70-20-10. Lastly, the presenter demonstrates how to import the YOLOv8 model into a Collab notebook.

  • 01:35:00 In this section of the YOLOv8 course, the instructor explains how to import the required libraries and check for access to GPU. The OS library is used to navigate to different files and the image library is used to display input/output images in the Google Colab notebook. The PPE data detection dataset is then imported from Roboflow and downloaded into the newly created 'data sets' folder. The YOLOv8 model is installed using pip install ultralytics and its functionality is then checked for installation and operation using import ultralytics.

  • 01:40:00 In this section of the video, the presenter shows how to download and prepare the PPE detection dataset for training a YOLOv8 model. The dataset consists of test and validation sets, as well as a data.yml file with class names for each object. After downloading and renaming the folder, the presenter uses the command line interface for local implementation of training, validation, and testing of the model. The training takes around three hours to complete, and the presenter shows the training results, including the best weights file and the 90th work last weights. The model was trained on seven different classes of PPE objects.

  • 01:45:00 In this section, the results of the YOLOv8 model training are analyzed, including the mean average precision and confusion matrix for each class. The training and validation losses are also examined, with the loss values continuously decreasing throughout the training process. The model predictions on validation batches are also shown, indicating that the model is working well. The best weights for the model are used to validate a custom order, with the mean average precision scores remaining strong. Finally, inference is run on an image to detect the label using the custom model. Overall, the YOLOv8 model appears to perform well in detecting various classes in real-time object detection.

  • 01:50:00 In this section, the video creator demonstrates how to run the YOLOv8 model on a test dataset of images and a demo video. The test dataset results are saved in the "prediction" file, and the creator displays the output for the first five images using the "ipython.display" package. The results show that the model can correctly detect objects such as protective boards, jackets, gloves, dust masks, protective handmaids, and helmets. The creator then downloads a demo video and passes it through the model, displaying the output that shows the model is able to detect protective jackets and handmaids. The video creator also mentions the advantage of using a GPU for training and prediction as it takes less time.

  • 01:55:00 In this section, the presenter tests the YOLOv8 model on demo videos to see how it performs. The model is able to detect the protective helmets and jackets, but not gloves. The presenter downloads the output demo videos and shows how the model performs on each of them. The model is able to detect the protective handmaids and jackets in all demo videos tested. The presenter then downloads the best weights file for the trained model on personal protective equipment and discusses how to integrate it with Flask for a real-time object detection web application.

  • 02:00:00 In this section, the presenter discusses the changes made to the code in the web application that uses the Yellow V8 model trained on a personal protective equipment (PPE) dataset. The PPE dataset has seven different classes, and their names are listed. The best weights file has been renamed to from Coco data set, which consists of 80 different classes. The presenter has added a feature to assign different colors to the bounding box and the label rectangle based on the class name. The presenter has set a limit for the confidence score and mentioned that the bounding box and rectangle will only appear if the score is above 0.5. The Flask and HTML files remain the same. Finally, the presenter shows the results of the video detection on the PPE dataset and a webcam. The application is successfully able to detect the PPE items in the video.

  • 02:05:00 In this section, the presenter demonstrates the successful detection capabilities of the YOLOv8 model in real-time using a live webcam feed. The model is able to accurately detect a person wearing a protective helmet and a dust mask, while discounting the absence of gloves and shields. The results are deemed as satisfying and marks the end of the course.
YOLOv8 Course - Real Time Object Detection Web Application using YOLOv8 and Flask - Webcam/IP Camera
YOLOv8 Course - Real Time Object Detection Web Application using YOLOv8 and Flask - Webcam/IP Camera
  • 2023.04.07
#objectdetection #yolov8 #yolo #computervision #opencv #flask #webapplicationdevelopment #computervision YOLOv8 Crash Course - Real Time Object Detection Web...