Machine Learning and Neural Networks - page 9


Lecture 10 - Chatbots / Closing Remarks

Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 | Lecture 10 - Chatbots / Closing Remarks

The video covers various topics related to building chatbots with deep learning. The lecturer discusses natural language processing, information retrieval, and reinforcement learning as methods for building chatbots.The importance of context, intent classification, slot tagging, and joint training is emphasized. The lecture also covers ways to generate data automatically for training chatbots, evaluating their performance, and building context management systems for them. The lecturer encourages students to use their skills to work on meaningful projects and lift up the whole human race. Finally, he thanks students for their hard work and encourages them to continue to make a difference in the world using AI.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker introduces a case study on how to build a chatbot for assisting students with course enrollment or finding information. The speaker emphasizes that chatbots are a significant industrial topic and have been difficult to build, and the academic community has helped improve them. The chatbot built for this restricted area assumes that students will only ask to find information about a course or enroll in the course. The speaker encourages the audience to pair up in groups and derive ideas of methods that can be used to implement such a chatbot. Some of the suggested approaches included using RNNs and transfer learning to process natural language and information retrieval from predefined storage.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video discusses how reinforcement learning can be used in chatbots to help make decisions about responses. The conversation between the speakers highlights the importance of context and how the outcome of the conversation is not always at every step. Reinforcement learning can help learn a policy for the chatbot, which given a state can tell us what action to take next. The vocabulary commonly used in conversational assistants is also introduced, including utterance, intent, and slots, along with the discussion of single and multi-turn conversations. The video concludes with a brainstorming session about the type of network and dataset needed to train the model to detect intent.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the lecturer discusses the use of filters to detect the intent behind user inputs in chatbots, which could work better than recurrent neural networks in cases where the intended user input is always encoded in a small number of words. The lecturer suggests using either convolutional or recurrent sequence classifiers to detect slots, which identify specific pieces of information that a chatbot would need to retrieve to help the user, such as the departure and arrival times in the case of a flight booking chatbot. The lecturer emphasizes the importance of labeling and encoding data in a certain format to identify slots in user inputs.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the lecturer discusses the possibility of joint training for chatbots. He suggests using one network that can do both intent classification and slot tagging and this network would be supervised by two different loss functions. The lecturer also mentions that joint training two networks is usually helpful, as it allows both networks to learn the same type of features. Additionally, he presents different ways to acquire chatbot data such as using Mechanical Turk to manually collect annotated data, having a human chat assistance service to enter data, and auto-generating some data by substituting dates, courses, quarters, and other tags.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses ways to generate data automatically for training chatbots, such as using datasets of dates, courses, and other tags and filling in slots in user utterances with this data. They also suggest using part of speech taggers and named entity recognition models to automatically tag and label datasets. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of having both automatically generated and hand-labeled data to prevent overfitting. Finally, the speaker demonstrates how the chatbot can identify user intent and fill in slots to complete tasks such as enrolling a student in a class, even when all the necessary information is not provided in the initial utterance.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the video explains the process of building a context management system for chatbots using memory networks. The system involves recording all the user's history utterances in storage, which is compared with their current utterance using an encoding of the sentence via word embeddings and an RNN. A vector of attention is then computed using an inner product softmax, giving the chatbot a series of weights to determine how relevant each memory is to the current utterance. A final output vector is then run through a slot stacking sequence, where the tagger can determine the missing slots for the desired function, such as enrolling a student in a class.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the lecturer discusses the limitations of conversational assistants and how to overcome them. One approach is to use a knowledge graph where a user's intent can be identified and followed through the graph to determine the slots that need to be filled. The lecturer explains that knowledge graphs are used in industry to handle multiple intents and their corresponding slots. Finally, the lecture discusses how to evaluate the performance of a chatbot, where the lecturer cites a research paper that describes how to use Mechanical Turk to evaluate a chatbot's responses.

  • 00:35:00 In this section of the lecture, the professor discusses ways to score chatbot responses and evaluate chatbots against each other through user opinions and Mean Opinion Score experiments. The lecture moves on to discuss the requirements needed to create a vocal assistant, including speech-to-text and text-to-speech systems, and recommends further reading on the topic for interested students. Finally, the professor provides advice on what to include in a class project, such as thoroughly explaining decisions made during the project, reporting hyperparameter tuning, and submitting code to GitHub for private review by the TAs.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker encourages students to not be discouraged if their project did not meet their expectations. They highlight that it's alright if they don't beat state-of-the-art on every task and reminds students to report their results, explain why it didn't work and give references. They also mention that appendices are allowed for additional pages and that they will be graded based on their three-minute project pitch and two minutes of questions from the TA. Finally, they encourage students to explore other classes in the university, such as computer vision and deep generative models as well as reinforce that students at Stanford can make a difference in the world with their work.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, Andrew Ng discusses how machine learning can be applied to solve important and meaningful problems in society. He cites examples such as the optimization of coffee bean roasting and the development of an app that diagnoses X-rays, which could greatly improve access to radiology services in areas where it is scarce. He encourages students to use their unique set of skills from the class to work on projects that matter most, from improving healthcare to tackling climate change and global education. Ng believes that the number of meaningful projects exceeds the number of people skilled in deep learning, and that all students have a chance to make a difference in the world.

  • 00:50:00 In this section of the video, the speaker shares a story about driving a tractor and encourages listeners to have fun while pursuing meaningful work. He suggests that while many graduates may go on to jobs in the tech industry, they shouldn't overlook the untapped opportunities for AI outside of software industries. He urges students to use their skills to lift up the whole human race, work for-profit and non-profit, and affect government. Finally, he thanks the students for their hard work in the class and hopes that they will take their unique AI skills to do work that matters and helps other people.
Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 | Lecture 10 - Chatbots / Closing Remarks
Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 | Lecture 10 - Chatbots / Closing Remarks
  • 2019.04.03
Andrew Ng, Adjunct Professor & Kian Katanforoosh, Lecturer - Stanford University NgAdjunct Professor, Computer ScienceKia...

Part 1/2 of Machine Learning Full Course - Learn Machine Learning 10 Hours | Machine Learning Tutorial | Edureka

For your convenience, we provide a general timeline and then a detailed one for each part. You can go directly to the right moment, watch in a mode convenient for you and not miss anything.

  1. 00:00:00 - 01:00:00 This video tutorial on machine learning begins by explaining the differences between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning, with a focus on how machine learning works by extracting patterns from data sets. The various categories of machine learning, including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, are explained along with their use cases in different sectors such as banking, healthcare, and retail. Deep learning is also introduced as a specific type of machine learning that relies on artificial neural networks to learn complex function mapping. The tutorial also covers how to use Anaconda Navigator with Jupyter notebook and demonstrates how to create different machine learning models using the Iris dataset.

  2. 01:00:00 - 02:00:00 This part covers a range of topics, including exploratory data analysis, creating validation datasets, building models, basic statistics, sampling techniques, measures of central tendency and variability, event probability, information gain and entropy, decision trees and confusion matrix. The tutorial provides a comprehensive understanding of each topic and its practical implications in machine learning. The tutorial emphasizes the importance of statistical knowledge, data analysis, and interpretation in building a successful model.

  3. 02:00:00 - 03:00:00 This video covers various topics, starting from the basics of probability and probability distribution, to linear and logistic regression, and finally hypothesis testing and supervised learning algorithms. The instructor explains the different types of probability and demonstrates probability problems, while also covering the concept of confidence interval and hypothesis testing in machine learning. The video also provides insights on supervised learning algorithms such as linear regression, logistic regression, and random forests. Finally, the instructor explains how to calculate and determine the regression line equation using the method of least squares, and introduces the concept of R-squared as a measure of data fit.

  4. 03:00:00 - 04:00:00 Throughout the video, the speaker uses real-world examples to demonstrate how to apply machine learning concepts, such as using a dataset of head sizes and brain weights to find a linear relationship or analyzing the Titanic disaster to determine which factors impact a passenger's survival rate. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of data wrangling and cleaning to ensure accurate results before diving into scaling input values and introducing the concept of classification.

  5. 04:00:00 - 05:00:00 This section of the machine learning course covers the concept of decision trees and how they can be used for classification problems. The video tutorial discusses the process of building a decision tree, including selecting the root node based on information gain and pruning the tree to improve accuracy. The section also covers the use of Random Forest, a collection of decision trees, for decision-making in various domains such as banking and marketing. The speaker provides coding examples and a step-by-step explanation of the algorithm, making it easy for beginners to understand.

  6. 05:00:00 - 06:00:00 The video provides an overview of various machine learning algorithms, including Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Naive Bayes. The video explains how the Random Forest algorithm is used in banking to determine whether a loan applicant will be a default or non-default, how the KNN algorithm can be used to predict the T-shirt size of a customer, and how the Naive Bayes algorithm can be used for email filtering and spam detection. The video also explains the Bayes theorem and how it can be implemented in real-life scenarios using a dataset. Additionally, the instructor provides practical examples and demonstrations of how to implement these algorithms using Python and scikit-learn library.

  7. 06:00:00 - 07:00:00 This section of the "Machine Learning Full Course" tutorial covers several advanced topics, including Support Vector Machines, clustering methods (including K-means, fuzzy c-means, and hierarchical clustering), market basket analysis, association rule mining, and reinforcement learning. The A-priori algorithm is explained in detail for frequent itemset mining and association rule generation, and an example is provided using online transaction data from a retail store. The video also delves into the concepts of value and action value, Markov Decision Process, and exploration versus exploitation in reinforcement learning. A problem scenario involving autonomous robots in an automobile factory is used as an illustration of reinforcement learning in action.

  8. 07:00:00 - 07:50:00 This video tutorial on machine learning covers various topics, including the Bellman equation, Q-learning, technical skills necessary to become a successful machine learning engineer, salary trends and job descriptions, and the responsibilities of a machine learning engineer. The tutorial emphasizes the importance of technical skills such as programming languages, linear algebra, and statistics, as well as non-technical skills such as business acumen, effective communication, and industry knowledge. The speaker also discusses various open source machine learning projects that one can explore, such as Tensorflow.js, DensePose, and BERT. Overall, the tutorial presents a comprehensive overview of machine learning and its applications in various fields.

Detailed timeline for parts of the video course

Part 1

  • 00:00:00 In this section, it is explained that machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on designing systems that can make decisions and predictions based on data, allowing computers to act and make data-driven decisions without being explicitly programmed for a specific task. The section also clarifies the confusion between artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning, stating that machine learning is a subset of AI that deals with extracting patterns from data sets. Additionally, the course agenda is provided, which is designed in a beginner-to-advanced format and covers various topics, including supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, and projects to make learners industry-ready.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the difference between machine learning, AI, and deep learning is explained. Machine learning is a process that involves algorithms which can adapt to changes based on a labeled or unlabeled training data set, whereas deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses neural networks to achieve better accuracy. Three types of machine learning are then introduced: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Supervised learning is explained as a method where each instance of a training data set has input attributes and an expected output, and the algorithm learns the input pattern that generates the expected output. Popular supervised learning algorithms include linear regression, random forest, and support vector machines. Examples of supervised learning use cases in banking, healthcare, retail, and speech automation are shared.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the video explains the two categories of machine learning: supervised and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning is demonstrated by examples such as voice assistants like Siri or predicting weather patterns, where the machine is fed data and expected outcomes, whilst unsupervised learning is when there is no expected output, and the machine is left to discover hidden structures in the data by learning the patterns. Clustering is given as an example of unsupervised learning using the k-means algorithm, where similar data instances are grouped together into clusters to identify patterns without adding labels to them. The differences between supervised and unsupervised learning are explained, wherein the former has an expected outcome, that of the latter is left to discover hidden structures.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the instructor discusses the application of unsupervised learning in different sectors such as banking, healthcare, and retail. In the banking sector, unsupervised learning is used to segment customers using clustering and surveying. In healthcare, it is used to categorize MRI data and build a model that recognizes different patterns. Lastly, in the retail sector, unsupervised learning is used to recommend products to customers based on their past purchases. The instructor then moves on to explain reinforcement learning, which allows software agents to determine ideal behavior within a context to maximize performance by leveraging two mechanisms: exploration and exploitation. The instructor provides an example of Pavlov training his dog using reinforcement learning before discussing the application of reinforcement learning in different sectors such as banking, healthcare, and retail.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker explains the difference between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) and highlights the importance of AI due to the explosion of data in recent years. They describe AI as a technique that enables the machine to replicate human behavior and learn from experience. They also discuss machine learning as a subset of AI that enables computers to make data-driven decisions and improve over time when exposed to new data. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes the importance of reducing the difference between the estimated value and the actual value in machine learning and discusses how adding more variables and data points can help to improve the model. Finally, deep learning is introduced as a rocket engine powered by a vast amount of data.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, we learn about deep learning, a particular kind of machine learning inspired by the functionality of brain cells called neurons. It uses artificial neural networks that take data connections between artificial neurons and adjust them according to the data pattern, allowing a system to learn complex function mapping without relying on any specific algorithm. Deep learning automatically finds which features are most important for classification, unlike machine learning, where the features need to be manually given. Deep learning is heavily dependent on high-end machines and GPUs, which do a large amount of matrix multiplication operations required for the algorithm's optimization. In contrast, machine learning algorithms can work on low-end machines.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the problem-solving approach of traditional machine learning algorithms is compared to that of deep learning algorithms. The former involves breaking down the problem into subparts, solving them individually, and then combining them to achieve the desired result. In contrast, deep learning algorithms solve the problem from end-to-end. Deep learning algorithms, however, take a longer time to train owing to the many parameters in them. During testing, deep learning algorithms take less time to run compared to machine learning algorithms. Finally, decision trees and linear or logistic regression are preferred in industry since they are easier to interpret than deep learning algorithms.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the narrator explains how to download and use the Anaconda Navigator to launch applications, manage conda packages, and channels through a desktop graphical user interface without needing to use command line commands. After downloading the Anaconda Navigator, the narrator focuses on the Jupyter Notebook, which is primarily a Json file with three main parts: metadata, Notebook format, and a list of cells. The dashboard has three tabs: other files, running, and clusters. These tabs hold running processes and notebooks and present the list of available clusters. The narrator goes through these tabs and explains their significance and options like file editing, checkboxes, drop-down menus, and home buttons available within each tab.

  • 00:40:00 In this section of the transcript, the speaker discusses the typical workflow of a Jupyter notebook for data analysis, which involves creating a notebook, adding analysis, coding, and output, and then organizing and presenting the analysis with Markdown. The speaker notes that security in Jupyter notebooks can be a concern and discusses the default security mechanisms, such as raw HTML sanitation and the inability to run external JavaScript. To add security to a notebook, the speaker describes how to create a security digest key and share it with colleagues. Additionally, the speaker explains how to configure display parameters using Code Mirror and then demonstrates how to execute Python code in a Jupyter notebook.

  • 00:45:00 In this section of the video, the instructor demonstrates how to create and use Jupyter notebook in Python. The example includes creating a new notebook and executing Python code in the cells. The instructor highlights the cell numbering and color-coded syntax feature of Jupyter, as well as the autosave and checkpoint functions. Additionally, they show how to read and manipulate a dataset using the Pandas library. The Iris dataset is imported and basic statistics are calculated on the dataset for demonstration purposes.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the video introduces various machine learning algorithms that can help answer questions such as the market value of a house, whether an email is spam, or if there is any fraud present. The first algorithm is the classification algorithm, which predicts categories based on the given data. The anomaly detection algorithm is used to identify unusual data points or outliers, while clustering algorithms group data based on similar conditions. Regression algorithms predict data points themselves, such as the market value of a house. The video demonstrates how to create six different machine learning models with the help of the Iris dataset, a well-known data set consisting of measurements of flowers, where the fifth column indicates the species of the flower. This data set is considered good for understanding attributes that are numeric and using supervised learning algorithms.

  • 00:55:00 In this section of the video tutorial, the instructor is preparing the environment for the Python machine learning program with the help of Anaconda Navigator and Jupyter notebook. Next, the version of different libraries being used in the program is checked. Afterward, the iris flower dataset is loaded using Panda library, and the columns' names are identified. Finally, the number of rows and columns in the dataset are printed to check if it is loaded correctly, and a sample of the dataset is viewed.

Part 2

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the instructor demonstrates how to explore and understand a given dataset's attributes. The example used is the Iris flower dataset, and the instructor first displays the first 30 instances of the dataset and then summarizes each attribute using the describe function. The number of instances belonging to each class is also displayed. The instructor then generates univariate plots, specifically box-and-whisker plots, to demonstrate the distribution of each input attribute. The share x and share y values are explained, and the instructor opts to not share these values. Finally, a histogram is created for each input variable to better understand their distribution.

  • 01:05:00 In this section of the machine learning course, the focus is on creating models and estimating their accuracy based on unseen data. The first step is to create a validation data set by splitting the loaded data into two parts, where 80% is used to train the model and the rest 20% is held back as the validation data set. The model is then evaluated using statistical methods to estimate the accuracy on the unseen data, and a test harness is created using 10-fold cross-validation to estimate the accuracy ratio of correctly predicted instances to total instances in the data set. The metric used for evaluation is accuracy, which gives the percentage of how accurate the prediction is.

  • 01:10:00 In this section of the video, the presenter discusses building five different types of models using six different algorithms, including logistic regression linear discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbor, decision tree, naïve Bayes, and support vector machines, to determine the most accurate model to compare with others. The presenter explains that accuracy estimation for each model is essential, and they run script to test each model and select the most accurate one. It is also essential to keep the testing data set independent for final accuracy check, preventing data leakage or overfitting. The presenter emphasizes the significance of understanding the basic terminologies in statistics and probability, which are fundamental to all learning algorithms, data science, and deep learning.

  • 01:15:00 In this section of the video, the instructor starts by discussing the importance of data and provides a formal definition of data as facts and statistics collected for reference or analysis. Data is divided into two subcategories: qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data deals with characteristics and descriptors that can be observed subjectively and is further divided into nominal and ordinal data. On the other hand, quantitative data deals with numbers and things and is further divided into discrete and continuous data. Discrete data can hold a finite number of possible values while continuous data can hold an infinite number of possible values. Additionally, the instructor explains the difference between a discrete variable, which is also known as categorical variable, and a continuous variable.

  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the concept of variables and explains the difference between discrete and continuous variables, the two types of data. Furthermore, the section covers independent and dependent variables. The speaker then moves on to the definition of statistics, which is the study of how data can be used to solve complex problems. Statistics involves data collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation. The speaker provides several examples where statistics can be applied, such as testing the effectiveness of a new drug, analyzing baseball game bets, and identifying variable relationships in a business report. The section ends with an explanation of basic statistics terminology, including population and sample. The difference between the two is that a population is a collection of individuals, objects, or events to be analyzed, while a sample is a subset of the population. Proper sampling is important to represent the entire population and to infer statistical knowledge from it.

  • 01:25:00 In this section, the video discusses the concept of sampling and why it is used in statistics. Sampling is a method used to study a sample of a population in order to draw inferences about the entire population without studying everyone in the population. There are two main types of sampling techniques: probability sampling and non-probability sampling. The focus of this video is on probability sampling, and it includes three types: random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling. The video also introduces the two major types of statistics: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.

  • 01:30:00 In this section, the instructor explains the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics is used to describe and summarize the characteristics of a specific data set, while inferential statistics is used to make predictions and generalize large data sets based on a sample. Measures of central tendency and measures of variability are two important measures in descriptive statistics. Measures of center include mean, median, and mode, while measures of variability include range, interquartile range, variance, and standard deviation. The example of finding the mean or average horsepower of cars is used to illustrate the concept of measures of central tendency.

  • 01:35:00 In this section of the tutorial, the instructor explains the measures of central tendency, which includes mean, median, and mode. Mean is calculated by adding up all the values of a variable and then dividing it by the number of data points. Median, which is the middle value of the arranged data set, is calculated by taking the average of the two middle values when there is an even number of data points. Mode, the most frequent value in the data set, is calculated by checking which value is repeated the most number of times. The instructor then covers measures of spread, which include range, interquartile range (IQR), variance, and standard deviation. The quartiles divide the data set into four parts to get the IQR.

  • 01:40:00 In this section of the video, the instructor explains the concepts of interquartile range, variance, deviation, sample variance, population variance, and standard deviation. He provides formulas to calculate these measures of variability and gives an example of how to calculate standard deviation. The concept of Information Gain and entropy is introduced, which are important for building machine learning algorithms like decision trees and random forest. The instructor explains that entropy is a measure of uncertainty in the data and provides a formula for its calculation.

  • 01:45:00 In this section of the video, the presenter explains the concepts of event probability, Information Gain, and entropy while using a use-case of predicting whether a match can be played or not based on weather conditions. The presentation uses decision trees, with the topmost node being the root node, and branches leading to other nodes that contain either yes or no. The overcast variable is shown to be a definite and certain output, while Sunny and Rain have mixed outputs showing a level of impurity based on the possibility of determining a game being played or not. The concepts of entropy and Information Gain are used to measure the impurity or uncertainty of the outcome.

  • 01:50:00 In this section of the video, the instructor explains how to select the best variable or attribute to split the data in a decision tree using measures of entropy and information gain. The formula for entropy is shown, with an example calculation resulting in a value of 0.9940. All possible combinations for root nodes are then presented, namely Outlook, Windy, Humidity, and Temperature. Information gain is calculated for each attribute, with the variable resulting in the highest information gain regarded as the most significant and chosen as the root node, providing the most precise outcome. The information gain for Windy is low, while the values for Outlook and Humidity are decent, but less than Outlook, which has the highest information gain value.

  • 01:55:00 In this section, the presenter explains the concept of confusion matrix, which is a matrix used to evaluate the performance of a classification model by comparing the actual and predicted results. The confusion matrix represents the number of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives in a model's predictions. The presenter provides an example by considering a dataset of 165 patients out of which 105 have a disease and 50 do not. The presenter explains how to calculate the accuracy of the model using the confusion matrix and shows how to interpret the results of the matrix.

Part 3

  • 02:00:00 In this section, the concept of confusion matrix was explained in the context of machine learning. The matrix includes true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives, which are all related to the accuracy of the predictions made by the model. The section also covered the basics of probability, including the relationship between probability and statistics, as well as the different terminologies associated with probability, such as random experiment, sample space, and event. Disjoint and non-disjoint events were also discussed, with examples given to illustrate the differences between the two.

  • 02:05:00 In this section, the instructor discusses probability and probability distribution, with a focus on the probability density function (PDF), normal distribution, and the central limit theorem. The PDF is used to find the probability of a continuous random variable over a specified range, and the graph is continuous over a range, with the area bounded by the curve of a density function and the x-axis equal to 1. Normal distribution, also known as the Gaussian distribution, represents the symmetric property of the mean, with the data near the mean occurring more frequently than the data away from the mean, and appears as a bell curve. Finally, the central limit theorem states that the sampling distribution of the mean of any independent random variable will be normal or nearly normal if the sample size is large enough.

  • 02:10:00 found by calculating the marginal probability, which is the probability of an event occurring unconditionally on any other event. In the given use case, the probability is 45/105 since there are 45 candidates who enrolled for Adder a curse training out of a total of 105 candidates. It is important to understand the different types of probability, including marginal, joint, and conditional probability, to solve various problems. Joint probability measures two events happening at the same time, while conditional probability is the probability of an event or outcome based on the occurrence of a previous event or outcome.

  • 02:15:00 In this section, the instructor explains different types of probability problems and demonstrates how to calculate them. The joint probability problem is tackled by considering the number of people who have undergone a specific training and have a good package. The conditional probability problem involves finding the probability of a candidate having a good package given that they haven't undergone training. The Bayes theorem, which is used in Naive Bayes algorithm, is introduced as a way to show the relation between one conditional probability and its inverse. An example is provided to better understand the theorem, where the probability of drawing a blue ball is calculated from a bowl if we know two blue balls were drawn in total.

  • 02:20:00 In this section, the video covers solving a probability problem using conditional probability and finding the probability of occurrence of events. The problem involves picking two blue balls from a group of bags and finding the probability of picking a blue ball from a particular bag while picking exactly two blue balls. The solution involves finding the probabilities of picking exactly two blue balls and picking a blue ball from a bag, given that two blue balls were picked. The video also introduces inferential statistics and point estimation, which involves using sample data to estimate unknown population parameters, such as the mean. The video explains the concepts of estimator and estimate in point estimation.

  • 02:25:00 In this section, the video covers different methods of finding estimates, including the method of moments, maximum likelihood, base estimator, and best unbiased estimators. However, the most well-known method of finding estimates is interval estimation, which involves building a range of values within which the value of a parameter might occur. This gives rise to two important statistical concepts: confidence interval and margin of error. Confidence interval measures the confidence level that the interval estimated contains the population parameter, while margin of error is the amount of error allowed in the estimation. The video provides an example of a survey that uses a confidence interval to estimate the number of cans of cat food purchased by cat owners in a year.

  • 02:30:00 In this section, the concept of confidence interval and hypothesis testing in machine learning is discussed. Confidence interval is a range of values that gives a probable estimate of an unknown parameter of a population. The level of confidence is stated as the probability that the interval estimate contains that population parameter. The margin of error is the greatest possible distance between the point estimate and the value of the parameter that it is estimating. The formula for calculating the margin of error is discussed, along with an example problem statement. The section moves on to hypothesis testing, which is a statistical technique used to formally check whether a hypothesis is accepted or rejected.

  • 02:35:00 In this section, a hypothesis testing example is used to explain the concept of null and alternative hypothesis in statistics. The example involved four boys who were caught bunking a class and to decide who would clean the classroom, they picked names from a bowl. Assuming that the event was fair, the probability of John not cheating was calculated using hypothesis testing. The concept of threshold value was introduced, and it was explained that if the probability lies below the threshold value, then John is cheating his way out of detention. The section then transitions to explain supervised learning, which is where an algorithm learns a map function from input to output using a dataset. The workflow of supervised learning is explained, and examples of supervised learning algorithms including linear regression, logistic regression, random forests, and naive Bayes classifiers are provided.

  • 02:40:00 In this section, the video explains the various types of machine learning algorithms that fall under supervised learning, starting with linear regression, one of the easiest algorithms in machine learning which is used to show the relationship between two variables with a linear equation. The video also goes on to explain the various types of regression analysis, its uses, and determining the strength of predictors through regression analysis. Furthermore, the video sheds light on two popular forms of regression analysis: linear regression and logistic regression, and how they differ, with linear regression being used to show the correlation between two variables whereas logistic regression maps Y vs X to a sigmoid function.

  • 02:45:00 In this section, the difference between linear and logistic regression is explained. Linear regression models use continuous variables and map to a straight line, while logistic regression models use categorical variables and map to a sigmoid function. Linear regression is used for prediction of continuous variables such as sales or temperature, while logistic regression is used to make true or false decisions based on the probability of occurrence of an event. Linear regression is not suitable for classification models, as the model needs to be changed with each new data point added. The section also discusses the selection criteria for using linear regression, such as its computational complexity and ease of comprehensibility. Linear regression is used in business for evaluating trends, analyzing the impact of price changes, and assessing risks in financial services and insurance domains.

  • 02:50:00 In this section, the video explains linear regression and how to find the best fit line. The video uses the example of plotting a graph with speed on the x-axis and distance on the y-axis to show a positive relationship between the variables, and with speed on the x-axis and time taken on the y-axis to show a negative relationship. The video also explains how to calculate the mean of X and Y and plot it on the graph before finding the equation of the regression line using the least square method. The goal is to minimize the error between the estimated value and the actual value.

  • 02:55:00 In this section of the video, the instructor explains how to calculate the regression line equation using the method of least squares, which involves calculating the slope (m) and y-intercept (c) of the line of best fit that minimizes the distance between the actual and predicted values for a set of data points. The instructor demonstrates how to use the formulae to find the predicted y values for given x values by plugging them into the regression line equation. The concept of R-squared is also introduced as a statistical measure of how well the data fits the regression line, with a high R-squared value indicating a good fit.

Part 4

  • 03:00:00 In this section of the video, the instructor explains how to calculate R-squared which is a metric for model evaluation in regression analysis. The square is calculated to check and compare the distance between actual values and predicted values. The square is the ratio of the sum of the predicted values minus the mean value of Y, divided by the sum of actual values minus the mean value of Y, which are then squared. The resultant value of R-squared can range from 0 to 1, where a value of 1 means that the actual values lie on the regression line itself, whereas, a value 0.02 means that there are too many outliers in the data making it difficult to analyze. However, psychology-based fields are expected to have lower R-squared values as human behavior is harder to predict, but valuable information can still be drawn as significant coefficients represent the mean change in response for one unit of change in the predictor.

  • 03:05:00 In this section, the video covers the implementation of linear regression in Python using Anaconda with Jupyter notebook installed on it. The tutorial uses a dataset of head sizes and brain weights of different people, and the goal is to find a linear relationship between the two variables. After importing the dataset, the tutorial collects X and Y, which consist of head size and brain weight values, respectively. It then calculates the values of B1, B0, or M and C, using the mean of X and Y values and the formula for simple linear regression. The tutorial also covers plotting the linear model and calculating the R-squared value to evaluate the model's goodness of fit. Finally, the video introduces logistic regression, which is used when the dependent variable is in binary format and categorical in nature.

  • 03:10:00 In this section, the video explains the concept of logistic regression, which is used when the value to be predicted is either 0 or 1, as opposed to being in a continuous range in linear regression. The sigmoid curve or S curve is introduced, which is formed by an equation to obtain either 0 or 1 discrete values in binary format. The concept of threshold value is explained, which divides the line and helps to decide whether the output is 0 or 1. The differences between linear and logistic regression are highlighted, notably that linear regression has continuous variables, whereas logistic regression has categorical variables with just two values.

  • 03:15:00 In this section, the tutorial discusses the difference between linear regression and logistic regression in machine learning. Linear regression solves regression problems using a straight line graph where the value of y can be calculated with respect to the value of x, while logistic regression solves classification problems using a sigmoid curve. Logistic regression can perform multi-class classification and can be used to predict weather and determine the illness of a patient. The tutorial provides real-life examples of how logistic regression can be implemented and goes on to explain how it will be used to analyze the data set of the Titanic disaster in a project.

  • 03:20:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the various features of the Titanic dataset which include the number of siblings, spouses, parents, and children aboard, ticket number, fare, table number, and embarked column. The speaker explains the importance of analyzing and exploring the data to understand factors that impacted the survival rate of passengers. The three steps of wrangling, building, and testing the model are explained, and the speaker goes on to show a demonstration on how to collect the data and import necessary libraries and modules using Jupyter Notebook. The speaker also provides insight into pandas, numpy, seaborn, matplotlib, and maths libraries and their uses in data analysis with Python.

  • 03:25:00 In this section of the video, the instructor discusses the process of analyzing data in machine learning. The first step is to create different plots to check the relationship between variables, such as how one variable is affecting the other. Various types of graphs can be plotted, such as correlation graphs or distribution curves, using libraries like Seaborn and Pandas. The instructor demonstrates how to plot count plots to compare the survival rate of male and female passengers, a graph based on passenger class, and histograms for analyzing the age and fare columns. These plots help in drawing conclusions about the data set, such as more females survived than males and higher class passengers had a better chance of survival.

  • 03:30:00 In this section of the video, the instructor discusses data wrangling, which involves cleaning up the data and removing any unnecessary columns or null values, as these can directly impact the accuracy of the results. The instructor demonstrates how to check for missing values and remove them, either by replacing them with dummy values or dropping the column altogether. They also analyze missing data using a heatmap and provide examples of how to visualize the data using box plots. The instructor explains that data wrangling is an essential step in the machine learning process and highlights the importance of cleaning up data to obtain accurate results.

  • 03:35:00 In this section, the video covers data wrangling or cleaning by removing a column with many null values and converting string values to categorical variables using pandas. The goal is to prepare the dataset for logistic regression, which requires numerical variables as inputs. The video demonstrates dropping the "Cabin" column and removing null values using the drop and sum functions, respectively. String values are then converted to binary variables using pandas' get_dummies function for variables such as sex and Embark. The resulting dataset has numerical variables that can be used in logistic regression.

  • 03:40:00 In this section, the video introduces data wrangling, which involves cleaning and converting data into a form suitable for analysis. The example used is the Titanic dataset, with columns such as sex, embark, and passenger class being converted into categorical variables with binary values. The irrelevant columns are then dropped to create the final dataset, which includes the survived column as the dependent variable and the other columns as independent variables or features. The data is then split into training and testing subsets using SKLearn.

  • 03:45:00 In this section, the instructor demonstrates how to split your data set by using the split function with the help of examples from the documentation. The instructor then creates a logistic regression model using the sklearn module and fits it to the training data. Predictions are then made with the trained model, and accuracy is evaluated by using the classification report and confusion matrix functions. The concept of confusion matrix is briefly explained, and the accuracy score is calculated by importing the accuracy score function from the sklearn module. The final accuracy score obtained is 78%, which is considered a good result.

  • 03:50:00 In this section, the video discusses two projects: calculating accuracy using phone numbers and analyzing SUV data to determine factors that lead to purchase. To calculate accuracy in the first project, the presenter shows how to manually compute the sum of phone numbers and divide it by the sum of all phone numbers to obtain an accuracy of 78%. For the SUV data, the logistic regression is used to determine which factors influence a person's decision to buy an SUV. The video shows how to import libraries, define independent and dependent variables, and partition the data set into training and testing subsets. Additionally, the video mentions the use of standard scaling for input values to improve performance.

  • 03:55:00 In this section, the presenter discusses the importance of scaling down input values to improve the performance of machine learning algorithms. They demonstrate how to scale down input values using Standard Scaler and apply logistic regression to make predictions on new data. The accuracy of the model is then calculated using the accuracy score function from Scikit-learn. The presenter also introduces the concept of classification and its importance in categorizing data into different categories or groups based on certain conditions. They explain that this process is used to perform predictive analysis on the data, such as identifying spam emails or detecting fraudulent transactions.
Machine Learning Full Course - Learn Machine Learning 10 Hours | Machine Learning Tutorial | Edureka
Machine Learning Full Course - Learn Machine Learning 10 Hours | Machine Learning Tutorial | Edureka
  • 2019.09.22
🔥 Machine Learning Engineer Masters Program (Use Code "𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄𝟐𝟎"): E...

Part 2/2 of Machine Learning Full Course - Learn Machine Learning 10 Hours | Machine Learning Tutorial | Edureka 

For your convenience, we provide a general timeline and then a detailed one for each part. You can go directly to the right moment, watch in a mode convenient for you and not miss anything.

  1. 00:00:00 - 01:00:00 This video tutorial on machine learning begins by explaining the differences between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning, with a focus on how machine learning works by extracting patterns from data sets. The various categories of machine learning, including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, are explained along with their use cases in different sectors such as banking, healthcare, and retail. Deep learning is also introduced as a specific type of machine learning that relies on artificial neural networks to learn complex function mapping. The tutorial also covers how to use Anaconda Navigator with Jupyter notebook and demonstrates how to create different machine learning models using the Iris dataset.

  2. 01:00:00 - 02:00:00 This part covers a range of topics, including exploratory data analysis, creating validation datasets, building models, basic statistics, sampling techniques, measures of central tendency and variability, event probability, information gain and entropy, decision trees and confusion matrix. The tutorial provides a comprehensive understanding of each topic and its practical implications in machine learning. The tutorial emphasizes the importance of statistical knowledge, data analysis, and interpretation in building a successful model.

  3. 02:00:00 - 03:00:00 This video covers various topics, starting from the basics of probability and probability distribution, to linear and logistic regression, and finally hypothesis testing and supervised learning algorithms. The instructor explains the different types of probability and demonstrates probability problems, while also covering the concept of confidence interval and hypothesis testing in machine learning. The video also provides insights on supervised learning algorithms such as linear regression, logistic regression, and random forests. Finally, the instructor explains how to calculate and determine the regression line equation using the method of least squares, and introduces the concept of R-squared as a measure of data fit.

  4. 03:00:00 - 04:00:00 Throughout the video, the speaker uses real-world examples to demonstrate how to apply machine learning concepts, such as using a dataset of head sizes and brain weights to find a linear relationship or analyzing the Titanic disaster to determine which factors impact a passenger's survival rate. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of data wrangling and cleaning to ensure accurate results before diving into scaling input values and introducing the concept of classification.

  5. 04:00:00 - 05:00:00 This section of the machine learning course covers the concept of decision trees and how they can be used for classification problems. The video tutorial discusses the process of building a decision tree, including selecting the root node based on information gain and pruning the tree to improve accuracy. The section also covers the use of Random Forest, a collection of decision trees, for decision-making in various domains such as banking and marketing. The speaker provides coding examples and a step-by-step explanation of the algorithm, making it easy for beginners to understand.

  6. 05:00:00 - 06:00:00 The video provides an overview of various machine learning algorithms, including Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Naive Bayes. The video explains how the Random Forest algorithm is used in banking to determine whether a loan applicant will be a default or non-default, how the KNN algorithm can be used to predict the T-shirt size of a customer, and how the Naive Bayes algorithm can be used for email filtering and spam detection. The video also explains the Bayes theorem and how it can be implemented in real-life scenarios using a dataset. Additionally, the instructor provides practical examples and demonstrations of how to implement these algorithms using Python and scikit-learn library.

  7. 06:00:00 - 07:00:00 This section of the "Machine Learning Full Course" tutorial covers several advanced topics, including Support Vector Machines, clustering methods (including K-means, fuzzy c-means, and hierarchical clustering), market basket analysis, association rule mining, and reinforcement learning. The A-priori algorithm is explained in detail for frequent itemset mining and association rule generation, and an example is provided using online transaction data from a retail store. The video also delves into the concepts of value and action value, Markov Decision Process, and exploration versus exploitation in reinforcement learning. A problem scenario involving autonomous robots in an automobile factory is used as an illustration of reinforcement learning in action.

  8. 07:00:00 - 07:50:00 This video tutorial on machine learning covers various topics, including the Bellman equation, Q-learning, technical skills necessary to become a successful machine learning engineer, salary trends and job descriptions, and the responsibilities of a machine learning engineer. The tutorial emphasizes the importance of technical skills such as programming languages, linear algebra, and statistics, as well as non-technical skills such as business acumen, effective communication, and industry knowledge. The speaker also discusses various open source machine learning projects that one can explore, such as Tensorflow.js, DensePose, and BERT. Overall, the tutorial presents a comprehensive overview of machine learning and its applications in various fields.

Detailed timeline for parts of the video course

Part 5

  • 04:00:00 In this section of the video course on machine learning, the instructor provides examples of predictive analysis and how it applies to classifying different items such as fruits, cars, houses, and more. The lecture covers several classification techniques including decision tree, random forest, k-nearest neighbor, and Naive Bayes. Decision tree uses a graphical representation of possible solutions to a decision, while random forest builds multiple decision trees and merges them for increased accuracy. K-Nearest Neighbor is a classification technique based on Bayes theorem, and Naive Bayes is an easy-to-implement algorithm used for document classification.

  • 04:05:00 In this section, the video discusses various machine learning algorithms such as the K-nearest neighbor (KNN) and decision trees. KNN is a classification algorithm that assigns an object to a category based on the similarity measure of its nearest neighbors. It can be used for various applications, including visual pattern recognition and retail transactions analysis. On the other hand, decision trees are graphical representations of all possible solutions to a decision based on certain conditions. They are interpretable models that enable users to understand why a classifier made a particular decision. The video ends with a real-life scenario of using a decision tree when calling credit card companies.

  • 04:10:00 In this section of the video, the instructor discusses decision trees in machine learning. He uses an example of deciding whether or not to accept a job offer, and creating a decision tree based on various conditions such as salary, commute time, and whether or not the company offers free coffee. He then moves on to explain the process of building a decision tree and the algorithm used called CART - Classification and Regression Tree Algorithm. He also covers decision tree terminology including root node, leaf node, and splitting. Finally, he explains how questions for the tree are determined by the data set and how to quantify uncertainty using the Gini impurity metric.

  • 04:15:00 In this section, the video introduces decision trees and explains the concept of splitting and pruning branches or subtrees, as well as the parent and child nodes in a decision tree. The video also walks through the process of designing a decision tree and determining the best attribute based on calculating the highest information gain, which is measured by the decrease in entropy after data is split on the basis of an attribute. The video explains the concept of entropy as a measure of impurity or randomness in the data being analyzed.

  • 04:20:00 In this section of the video, the concept of entropy and information gain in decision trees is explained. The mathematical formula for entropy is introduced, and it is shown that the value of entropy is maximum when the probability of yes and no is equal, and zero when probability of either yes or no is one. It is also explained that information gain measures the reduction in entropy and helps select the attribute to be chosen as the decision node in the decision tree. A step-by-step example is given for calculating entropy and information gain for various attributes in a dataset to select the root node for the decision tree.

  • 04:25:00 In this section of the machine learning course, we learn about the process of calculating information gain in decision trees. The formula used is entropy of the total sample space minus weighted average X entropy of each feature. The information gain is calculated first for the Outlook parameter, followed by the Wendy parameter. The entropy of each feature is determined by calculating the probability of yes and no for a given parameter. The information taken from Wendy is the sum of the information taken when Wendy equals true and false. The final step is to calculate the information gained from Wendy, which is the total entropy minus the information taken from Wendy.

  • 04:30:00 In this section, the video covers the concept of information gain and decision tree pruning. Information gain is calculated to determine which attribute to select as the root node for the decision tree. The video demonstrates how to construct a decision tree using the CART algorithm and Python, and also explains when decision trees may be preferable to other machine learning algorithms. The section concludes with an introduction to Jupyter Notebook and a sample dataset for the decision tree classifier.

  • 04:35:00 In this section, the video tutorial goes through different functions and classes used for building a decision tree in machine learning. The training data set is defined with examples and labels, and header columns are added for printing purposes. The tutorial then demonstrates how to find unique values and count different label types within the data set, as well as how to test if a value is numeric or not. The tutorial then defines a question class which is used to partition the data set based on a column and its value, and a function to calculate the Gini impurity and information gain is also presented. Lastly, a function to build the decision tree is defined using these previously defined functions and classes.

  • 04:40:00 In this section, the video provides a step-by-step explanation of the decision tree algorithm and how it can be used for classification problems. The tutorial includes coding examples and discusses the concepts of Information Gain, Leaf Nodes, Question Nodes, and Recursive Branch Building. The final part of the video introduces Random Forest as a solution to learning models from data and guiding decision-making with a simple use case of credit risk detection for credit card companies. The goal is to identify fraudulent transactions before too much financial damage is done, given that the estimated loss due to unauthorized transactions in the U.S. was $6.1 billion in 2012.

  • 04:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of predictor variables in predicting whether to approve a loan application or not, and how random forest can help in minimizing losses. The speaker demonstrates a scenario where two predictor variables, income and age, are used to implement two decision trees to predict the likelihood of an applicant paying back a loan. If the applicant's income is over $35,000 or they have a good credit history, the loan application is likely to be approved. If the applicant is young and a student, has a bank balance of less than 5 lakhs, or has a high debt, the loan application will likely be rejected.

  • 04:50:00 In this section, the video discusses how random forests work for decision-making by compiling the results of different decision trees. Random forests are a collection of decision trees built using a fraction of the data set and a particular number of features, which are selected at random. The algorithm is versatile and can perform both regression and classification tasks. The video provides an example of how random forests work by comparing it to asking a friend's opinion on watching a movie. The friend would ask questions which would lead to a decision, similar to how a random forest would compile the results of different decision trees to make a final decision.

  • 04:55:00 In this section, the speaker gives an example of how decision trees work and how they can be compiled using Random Forest. He explains how decision trees can be used to determine whether a person would like to watch a movie or not. He also talks about how the results of multiple decision trees can be combined to make a final decision. The speaker goes on to explain that Random Forest is widely used in various domains, including banking, medicine, land use, and marketing.

Part 6

  • 05:00:00 In this section, the video discusses the various industries in which the random forest algorithm is used. One of the main examples provided is how banks are using random forest to determine whether a loan applicant will be a default or non-default, and make decisions accordingly. The medical field is another domain where the algorithm is used to predict the likelihood of a person having a particular disease by analyzing their medical history and various predictor variables. Random forest is also used in finding out the land use before setting up an industry in a certain area. In marketing, the algorithm is used to identify customer churn by tracking their activity, purchasing history, and affinity to certain products or advertisements. The video then goes on to explain the step-by-step workings of the random forest algorithm, starting with the selection of a few random features from the total number of predictor variables in the dataset.

  • 05:05:00 In this section, the random forest algorithm is explained using the example of predicting whether a sports match will take place given the weather conditions of the past 14 days. The algorithm involves splitting the dataset into subsets, selecting a certain number of features, calculating the best split for each node, and splitting the nodes into daughter nodes. This is repeated until the leaf nodes of a decision tree have been reached, and then the process is repeated for decision trees a number of times. Finally, the results of all the different decision trees are compiled using majority voting, resulting in a final prediction.

  • 05:10:00 In this section, the importance of decision tree subsets in Random Forests is discussed, where each subset takes different variables into consideration. The decision trees also ensure an accurate output by averaging the variance across multiple trees instead of relying on just one tree. Random Forests are versatile as they work well for both classification and regression problems, are scalable, and require minimal input preparation. Additionally, they perform implicit feature selection which picks random features for each decision tree implementation, making them all different from each other.

  • 05:15:00 In this section, the video covers two important machine learning algorithms: Random Forest and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). Random Forest is a decision-making model that can process large amounts of data by implementing multiple decision trees that run simultaneously. It has methods for balancing errors in unbalanced datasets, preventing the model from being biased towards one particular class. KNN, on the other hand, is a simple algorithm that can store all available cases and classify new data based on the similarity measure. The video goes on to explain how KNN is used in search applications and provides examples of industrial applications for both Random Forest and KNN, such as recommender systems and concept search.

  • 05:20:00 In this section, the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm is explained. The algorithm works on the principle of selecting the 'k' nearest neighbors to a new point in order to predict its class. The distance between the new point and the existing points is calculated using distance measures like euclidean and Manhattan distances. The optimal value of 'k' depends on the dataset and can be found by trying out different values using cross-validation techniques. A practical example of using the KNN algorithm to predict the T-shirt size of a customer based on their height and weight is also demonstrated.

  • 05:25:00 In this section, the video explains the concept of KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor) algorithm and its implementation using Python. The KNN algorithm is a lazy learner because it memorizes the training data without a discriminative function from the training data. The process involves handling the data, calculating the distance between two data instances, selecting the k-neighbors with the least distance, and generating a response from the dataset. The implementation steps include loading the CSV data file, splitting the data into a training and test dataset, and calculating the similarity between two instances using the euclidean distance measure. The video then shows the implementation of the algorithm using Jupyter Notebook and Python.

  • 05:30:00 In this section, the video covers the implementation of the K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm in Python. The instructor demonstrates how to calculate the Euclidean distance between two data points and how to find the K nearest neighbors while using the get neighbors function. The video also covers the get response function, which allows each neighbor to vote for the class attribute and determines the majority vote as the prediction. The get accuracy function is also discussed to evaluate the accuracy of the model. Finally, all the functions are compiled into one main function to implement the KNN algorithm using the Iris dataset with an accuracy rate of 90.29%.

  • 05:35:00 In this section, the video explains the Naive Bayes algorithm, which is a classification technique based on Bayes theorem with an assumption of independence among predictors. Naive Bayes assumes that the presence of a particular feature in a class is unrelated to the presence of any other feature, and all of these properties contribute independently to the probability of an event. Bayes theorem describes the probability of an event based on prior knowledge of the conditions related to the event, and it helps figure out conditional probability. The video provides an example using a deck of cards to illustrate Bayes theorem, and it shows the proof of the theorem, which has a nice interpretation in case of any probability distribution over the events A and B.

  • 05:40:00 In this section, the video introduces the Bayes Theorem and how it can be implemented in real-life scenarios using a data set. The likelihood table and frequency table can be generated for each attribute of the data set, and then used to calculate the prior and posterior probabilities using Bayes Theorem. An example is given where the Bayes Theorem is used to determine whether to play or not based on the weather conditions. The video further discusses the industrial use cases of Bayes Theorem, specifically in news categorization or text classification.

  • 05:45:00 In this section, the video discusses the Naive Bayes Classifier, which is a popular statistical technique used for email filtering and spam detection. The algorithm uses bag of words features to identify spam emails, and it works by correlating the use of tokens in spam and non-spam emails. The Bayes theorem is then used to calculate the probability that an email is or is not spam. The video also briefly touches on the effectiveness of the Naive Bayes Classifier in medical applications due to its ability to use all available information to explain the decision, and in weather projection due to its posterior probabilities being used to calculate the likelihood of each class label for input data.

  • 05:50:00 In this section, the video discusses the use of the scikit-learn Python library to create a bias and model, specifically the types of models available such as Gaussian, multinomial, and binomial. The video also provides an example of how the algorithm can be used to predict the onset of diabetes in patients using their medical data as attributes. The process is broken down into four steps: handling the data, summarizing the data, making predictions, and evaluating accuracy. The video provides a function to load CSV data and convert the elements to float while also splitting the data into training and evaluation sets.

  • 05:55:00 In this section of the tutorial, the instructor explains the process of creating a model using the Navy Base Algorithm in machine learning. He explains the process of summarizing training data and calculating the mean and standard deviation for each attribute. He then goes on to demonstrate how to make predictions using the summaries prepared from the training data and the Gaussian probability density function. Finally, he shows how to estimate the accuracy of the model by making predictions for each data instance in the test data and calculating the accuracy ratio.

Part 7

  • 06:00:00 In this section, the instructor first sums up the process of implementing a Naive Bayes Classifier using Python from scratch. However, since the scikit-learn library already contains a predefined function for Naive Bayes, the instructor shows how to use the Gaussian NB model from the sklearn library with the famous iris flower dataset as an example. First, the necessary libraries, such as metrics and sklearn, are imported, then the data is loaded, and the model is fit. The instructor then shows how to make predictions and summarizes the model by calculating the confusion matrix and classification report. Finally, the topic of support vector machines is introduced, and the instructor explains how SVM works and its various features and uses in the real world.

  • 06:05:00 In this section, we learn about Support Vector Machines (SVM), which is a supervised learning algorithm used for classification purposes. It uses a hyperplane as a decision boundary between different classes of data and can be used to generate multiple separating hyperplanes to divide the data into segments. SVM can be used for both classification and regression problems and takes advantage of SVM kernel functions to classify nonlinear data. The basic principle of SVM is to draw a hyperplane that best separates two classes of data, and an optimal hyperplane has a maximum distance from the support vectors with the maximum margin. SVM is used to classify data by using a hyperplane such that the distance between the hyperplane and the support vectors is maximum.

  • 06:10:00 In this section of the video tutorial, the instructor explains how to deal with data sets that cannot be separated using a straight line by transforming them into linear data sets using kernel functions. One simple trick presented is to transform the two variables X and Y into a new feature space involving a new variable called Z to visualize the data in a three-dimensional space where a dividing margin between the two classes of data is more evident. The tutorial also presents a real-world use case of SVM as a classifier used in cancer classification, where SVM classifier performed accurately for even a small data set. Then, the tutorial teaches about unsupervised learning and how it is used to cluster input data based on their statistical properties, with clustering being the process of dividing the data sets into groups consisting of similar data points.

  • 06:15:00 In this section, the concept of clustering, which is one of the unsupervised learning algorithms, is explained. Clustering is used to identify the intrinsic group or partitioning of a set of unlabeled data points. There are three types of clustering: exclusive clustering, overlapping clustering, and hierarchical clustering. K-means clustering, which is an exclusive clustering method, groups similar data points into a predefined number of clusters. The algorithm starts by defining the number of clusters and finding the centroid, then calculates the Euclidean distance of each point from the centroid and assigns the point to the closest cluster. These steps are repeated until the centroids of the new clusters are very close to the previous ones. Clustering is used in various industries, such as marketing, oil and gas exploration, and movie recommendation systems.

  • 06:20:00 In this section of the video, the elbow method for determining the number of clusters in K-Means clustering is discussed. The sum squared error (SSE) is computed and plotted against the number of clusters to identify the elbow point, which indicates the optimal number of clusters. The pros and cons of K-Means clustering are outlined, and it is noted that the method is simple and understandable but difficult to use when the correct number of clusters is not known, and it cannot handle noisy data and outliers. A demo of K-Means clustering is shown using a dataset of 5,043 movies, which are clustered based on Facebook likes of the director and actors.

  • 06:25:00 In this section, the video covers three types of clustering methods; k-means clustering, fuzzy c-means clustering, and hierarchical clustering. The k-means method involves fitting the data into a particular number of clusters, while the fuzzy c-means method assigns a degree of membership from 0 to 1 to an object in each cluster. Hierarchical clustering combines clusters from the bottom up or top down, enabling the algorithm to build meaningful taxonomies without assuming a particular number of clusters beforehand. However, some of the cons include the sensitivity to initial assignment, the need to define the number of clusters or membership cutoff value, and non-deterministic algorithms, making it challenging to obtain a particular output.

  • 06:30:00 In this section of the video, the concept of Market Basket Analysis is discussed. Market Basket Analysis is a technique used by large retailers to uncover associations between items, using the frequent occurrence of combinations of items in transactions to identify the relationships between these items. This allows retailers to predict what customers are likely to buy and target specific customers with offers or
    discounts based on their purchasing patterns. Two algorithms used in association rule mining are discussed, namely, the association rule mining technique and the A-Priori algorithm. Finally, the use of support, confidence, and lift measures in Association Rule Mining is explained with the help of an example, and the concept of frequent itemsets is introduced.

  • 06:35:00 In this section of the full machine learning course, the instructor explains the A-priori algorithm used for frequent itemset mining and association rule generation. The A-priori algorithm involves creating tables of itemsets with their support values, performing pruning to eliminate sets with support values below a given threshold, and generating frequent itemsets of increasing size until no more can be found. The final step involves generating association rules from frequent itemsets with minimum confidence values, which can be used for market basket analysis. An example is provided using online transaction data from a retail store.

  • 06:40:00 In this section, the instructor dives into the process of data cleanup, consolidation of items, and generating frequent item sets with support of at least seven percent. The rules are then created with the corresponding support, confidence, and lift, and filtered using the standard pandas code for large lift six and high confidence 0.8. The section also covers Association Rule Mining and Reinforcement learning, where an agent is put in an environment to learn through performing certain actions, observe rewards or punishments and take appropriate actions to maximize rewards in a particular situation. A baby learning how to walk is used as an analogy for reinforcement learning.

  • 06:45:00 In this section, the video explains the concept of reinforcement learning and its process, which involves an agent and an environment. The agent is a reinforcement learning algorithm that takes actions in the environment, while the environment provides the agent with the current state and rewards it with instant returns when a specific stage is cleared. The agent uses a policy, a strategy for finding its next action, based on its current state. The value is the expected long-term return with discount, while the action value can be a little confusing at first, but the video promises to explain it later. Understanding these concepts is crucial for studying reinforcement learning.

  • 06:50:00 In this section of the video, the instructor explains the concepts of value and action value in reinforcement learning. Value is the long-term return with discount, while action value takes an extra parameter, which is the current action. The main goal of reinforcement learning is to maximize the reward, and the agent must be trained to take the best action that maximizes the reward. The discounting of the reward works based on a value called gamma, and the larger the discount value, the lower the chances of the agent exploring and taking risks. Furthermore, the instructor explains the concepts of exploration and exploitation and the Markov decision process, which is a mathematical approach to mapping a solution in reinforcement learning. The main goal is to maximize the rewards by choosing the optimal policy.

  • 06:55:00 In this section, the instructor discusses Markov Decision Process and reinforcement learning, which is necessary for a robot to learn from its environment. He illustrates a problem scenario where the aim is to find the shortest path between point A and D with the minimum possible cost by traveling through the nodes A, B, C, and D. He explains that the set of states are denoted by the nodes, and the action is to traverse from one node to the other, while the policy is the path used to reach the destination. The reward is the cost in each edge, and the machine calculates which path is the best for obtaining the maximum reward. The instructor emphasizes the importance of exploring different notes to find the optimal policy, as opposed to exploitation. The section also features a discussion on the components of reinforcement learning and a problem scenario involving autonomous robots in an automobile factory.

Part 8

  • 07:00:00 In this section, the concept of states, actions, and rewards is discussed in the context of creating a reward table for a robot in a simulated environment. The set of actions a robot can take is determined by its current state, and rewards are given if a location is directly reachable from a particular state. The prioritization of a specific location is reflected in the reward table by associating it with a higher reward. The Bellman equation is introduced as a way to enable the robot to remember directions to proceed, with the goal of optimizing the value of being in a particular state based on the maximum reward attainable considering all possible actions. The equation is constrained to ensure that the robot gets a reward when it goes from a yellow room to the Green Room.

  • 07:05:00 In this section, we learn about the Bellman Equation and its importance in reinforcement learning and Q learning. The Bellman equation provides the value of being in a particular state and computes the maximum value of being in another state. The discount factor gamma notifies the robot about how far it is from the destination. The Bellman Equation is tweaked to incorporate some amount of randomness in situations where the outcomes are partly random and under the control of the decision-maker using the Markov decision process. As we are not sure of the next state or room, all probable turns the robot might take are incorporated into the equation.

  • 07:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the concept of associating probabilities with each turn in order to quantify a robot's expertise is discussed. The example of a robot taking an upper or lower turn with an 80% and 20% probability respectively is given, with an equation to calculate the value of going to a particular state while taking the stochasticity of the environment into account. The idea of the living penalty, which associates a reward for each action that the robot takes to help assess the quality of the actions, is introduced. The Q-learning process is then discussed as a way of assessing the quality of an action taken to move to a state rather than determining the possible value of the state being moved to. The equation for calculating the cumulative quality of the possible actions the robot might take is broken down and a new equation is introduced to replace the value function with a quality function.

  • 07:15:00 In this section, the concept of Q-learning is discussed, which is a form of reinforcement learning that deals with learning the value of an action in a particular state. Q-learning uses a single function Q to ease calculations and the temporal difference to capture changes in the environment over time. The robot learns to obtain the best path by mapping the warehouse location to different states and defining the actions for transitions to the next state. The reward table is also defined to assign rewards for moving from one state to another. The inverse mapping from states back to the original location is also mentioned for clarity in the algorithm.

  • 07:20:00 In this section, the tutorial explains the Q-learning process with an example of a robot finding an optimal route in a warehouse using Python code. The Q-values are initialized to be zeros, and the rewards matrix is copied to a new one. The Bellman equation is used to update the Q-values, and the optimal route is initialized with a starting location. The while loop is used for the iteration process as the exact number of iterations needed to reach the final location is unknown. The tutorial also mentions some open-sourced machine learning projects like TensorFlow.js, which has become a popular tool for developing and running machine learning and deep learning models in the browser.

  • 07:25:00 In this section, the speaker talks about various open source machine learning projects that one can explore. The first project discussed is Detectron2 developed by Facebook, which is a state-of-the-art object detection framework written in Python. Then there's DensePose, that can help with human pose estimation in the wild. Among other projects, there is Image Outpainting that can be used to extend the boundaries of any image while Audio Processing can be used for tasks like audio classification and fingerprinting. There's also the Google brain team's Astronet for working with astronomical data and the Google AI language processing tool BERT. Other projects discussed include AutoML for building and extending simple models using TensorFlow and a Reinforcement Learning-based framework for creating simulated humanoid to imitate multiple motion skins.

  • 07:30:00 In this section of the video, the speaker highlights the various technical skills required to become a successful machine learning engineer. The skills range from programming in languages such as Python, C++, and Java to understanding linear algebra, statistics, and probability distributions. The speaker stresses the importance of familiarity with algorithms, feature extraction, signal processing algorithms, and neural network architectures. The speaker also emphasizes the value of a strong mathematical background in machine learning and discusses the need for natural language processing skills in combination with computer science. The technical skills discussed in this section require a lot of practice and focus to master.

  • 07:35:00 In this section, the necessary skills required to become a successful machine learning engineer are discussed. Technical skills are essential, but the ability to discern problems and potential challenges for business growth and new opportunities are also a must-have skill. Effective communication is vital to translate technical findings to non-technical team members. Rapid prototyping and keeping updated with new technology are also necessary to iterate on ideas quickly and stay ahead of the competition. Bonus skills, such as physics, reinforcement learning, and computer vision, provide a competitive edge to succeed in the market.

  • 07:40:00 In this section, the video discusses the salary trends and job description of a Machine Learning Engineer. The average salary of a Machine Learning Engineer in the US is $111,490, while in India, it is around 7,19,646 INR, making it a well-paying profession. Entry-level salaries range from $76,000 to $251,000 per annum, and the bonus and profit share depend upon the project and the company. Programming languages, calculus and statistics, signal processing, applied maths, neural networks, and language processing are crucial skills required for a Machine Learning Engineer. Furthermore, they study and transform data science prototypes, design machine learning systems, research and implement algorithms, develop new applications, select appropriate datasets and data representation methods, run tests and experiments and perform statistical analysis and fine-tuning.

  • 07:45:00 In this section, the main responsibilities of a machine learning engineer are discussed, which primarily involve training and retraining systems, extending existing machine learning libraries, and keeping up-to-date with developments in the field. The video then goes on to discuss the elements of a machine learning engineer's resume, which should include a clear career objective, technical skills such as programming languages, calculus, linear algebra, and statistics, as well as non-technical skills such as industry knowledge and problem-solving skills. Additionally, the video emphasizes the importance of having knowledge of natural language processing and audio analysis in the field of machine learning. Finally, it is stressed that the most successful machine learning projects address real pain points, indicating the importance of industry knowledge for a machine learning engineer.

  • 07:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the skills required to become a machine learning engineer. These skills include not only technical knowledge, but also business acumen and effective communication abilities. The engineer must be able to rapidly prototype and keep up-to-date with any upcoming changes in the field. A bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, economics, statistics, or mathematics can be helpful, along with professional experience in computer science, statistics, or data analysis. Specific projects that involve AI and working with neural networks are also crucial to landing a job as a machine learning engineer. The speaker notes that many companies, from Amazon and Facebook to startups, are hiring for this position.
Machine Learning Full Course - Learn Machine Learning 10 Hours | Machine Learning Tutorial | Edureka
Machine Learning Full Course - Learn Machine Learning 10 Hours | Machine Learning Tutorial | Edureka
  • 2019.09.22
🔥 Machine Learning Engineer Masters Program (Use Code "𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄𝟐𝟎"): E...

Why Neural Networks can learn (almost) anything

Why Neural Networks can learn (almost) anything

This video discusses how neural networks can learn almost anything by using a function as their activation function.
The network gradually adds neurons until it learns the desired function, even if the data set is more complicated than initially intended. This makes neural networks a powerful tool for learning from data.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, an artificial neural network is shown learning the shape of the Mandelbrot set, which is a complex fractal. The network is able to approximate the function that describes the data, even though it is not a linear function.

  • 00:05:00 The video explains how neural networks can learn almost anything, by using a function as their activation function and gradually adding neurons. The network eventually learns the desired function, even if the data set is more complicated than initially intended.

  • 00:10:00 This video explains how neural networks can be used to learn almost anything, thanks to their ability to transform data into new, useful information.
Why Neural Networks can learn (almost) anything
Why Neural Networks can learn (almost) anything
  • 2022.03.12
A video about neural networks, how they work, and why they're useful.My twitter: network playground: https://play...

ChatGPT, AI, and AGI with Stephen Wolfram

ChatGPT, AI, and AGI with Stephen Wolfram

Stephen Wolfram discusses a variety of topics, such as the API between ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha, natural language understanding and generation, computational irreducibility, semantic grammar in language, natural language programming, the coexistence of AI and humans, and the limitations of axioms in defining complex systems. He also discusses the capabilities of AI in areas such as analogical reasoning and knowledge work and the challenge of AI picking human priorities and motivations. Computational irreducibility is also discussed, specifically how it is at the lowest level of operation in the universe. Wolfram emphasizes the need to understand and work with computational irreducibility to advance our understanding of the world around us.

Stephen Wolfram explains how our computational limitations as observers affect our perception of the universe, leading to our understanding of the laws of physics. He also discusses the potential for experimental evidence that could prove the discreteness of space and speaks about the multi-computational paradigm they developed, which could have implications in different fields. The host thanks Wolfram for his insights and expresses enthusiasm for future video series, "Beyond the Conversations."

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Stephen Wolfram discusses the API between Chat GPT and Wolfram Alpha, which allows users to interface various data sources described in the Manifest. He describes the adventure of software engineering that led to the creation of the plugin, as well as the challenges of interacting with the AI to achieve a desired outcome. Wolfram notes that the neuroscience behind natural language understanding and generation is not yet scientifically understood. Despite this, the team was able to successfully link the Chat GPT and Wolfram Alpha interfaces with the new world from Language interface.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, Stephen Wolfram explains what natural language understanding means for Wolfram Alpha and how it is accomplished. Essentially, natural language is converted to precise computational language so that it can be computed, and this is what Wolfram Alpha does, as it is created purely to understand natural language. The success of the LLM, i.e. chat GPT, at generating Wolfram language code is an exciting development, which Wolfram believes is possible because of the uniformity and principled design of Wolfram language. Although Wolfram does not have an opinion on the advantage or disadvantage of using the open-source Lang Chain wrapper, he believes that the combination of Wolfram Alpha with language to be a non-trivial matter.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, Stephen Wolfram discusses how children and language models approach language learning and generalization. He notes that both children learning natural languages and young students learning computational languages often generalize their knowledge in ways that seem logical but do not always align with the way the language is used in practice. Wolfram also discusses how the Wolfram Language and Wolfram Alpha can serve as a tool for collaboration between AI systems and humans, allowing for the generation of computationally precise code that can be edited and refined based on human feedback. This approach may allow for a more systematic exploration of the nature and depths of large language models.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Wolfram discusses the concept of computational irreducibility and its implications for our ability to understand and predict the behavior of complex computational systems. He explains that while our traditional notion of science is based on the idea that it can predict the outcomes of systems, in reality, computational irreducibility means that there may not be a quick or easy way to predict the behavior of such systems. However, he notes that there are still pockets of computational reusability that allow for some level of predictability, even in complex systems like neural networks. Overall, he emphasizes that computational irreducibility is a fundamental aspect of computation and is something that we need to understand and work with in order to advance our understanding of the world around us.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, Stephen Wolfram discusses how the Chatbot model, GPT, shows that there is a semantic grammar in language that we did not discover until now. He explains that while we already know about the syntactic grammar of language, which dictates the specific placement of nouns and verbs, there is still a lot to understand about how sentences can be considered meaningful. Wolfram points out that Aristotle discovered syllogistic logic in the same way that Chatbot models have discovered their own patterns, which are regularities of language. The success of Chatbot models suggests that there is an underlying semantic grammar that we can tap into, and this could make it easier for us to represent language at a higher level and train neural nets in a more efficient manner.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, Wolfram discusses his excitement in using ChatGPT and how it has shown promise in certain practical tasks such as generating names for functions or producing boilerplate text for various documents. He also speculates on the potential of using ChatGPT for natural language interaction with code and graphics, but notes that the boundaries of what ChatGPT can produce and what humans can understand and work with precisely still need to be explored. Wolfram sees ChatGPT as part of a broader trend towards linguistic user interfaces that will shape future workflow and interface paradigms.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, computer scientist Stephen Wolfram discusses the potential of natural language programming, a tool that he has been working on since 2010, that allows for pieces of precise computational language to be generated from natural language inputs. Wolfram finds the tool to be very useful, allowing for complex pieces of code to be written in bite-sized chunks, which better suits the way people work. He believes that humans will become more like strategists than people writing the individual lines of code, a role that will be taken over by AI, including conversational user interfaces like Copilot X and GPT. The idea of 10x developers could become a thing of the past, replaced by Thousand X developers who are aided and accelerated by AI.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, Stephen Wolfram discusses how the use of computational language by programmers can seem like magic to others in the industry. He emphasizes the usefulness of automating many processes that other programmers manually execute. Wolfram notes that automating these processes can help programmers dig trenches faster and get through the library of codes with ease. Additionally, he states that the stuff he's been doing in fundamental physics has allowed him to see useful applications in a timeframe he didn't anticipate, giving him a "lucky streak." In terms of AI and AGI, he believes that while there are already AIS operating in our world, there needs to be consideration given to how these systems can be integrated safely and responsibly.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, Wolfram discusses the coexistence of AI and humans and how we can interact with them. He proposes that human interaction with AI should have general principles for different AIs since one constitution is likely to be brittle and ineffective. Wolfram highlights that the next step in developing general AI principles is to express them in a computational language approach that can use legal code written in legalese to create computational language code to facilitate understanding for individuals seeking interaction with the AI. Wolfram emphasizes that patching AI code is inevitable because there will always be new unexpected circumstances that require new patches.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, Wolfram talks about the limitations of axioms in defining complex systems and their potential impact on creating ethical frameworks for AI. He cites Godel's theorem and the need for an infinite number of axioms to define integers as an example. Wolfram notes that there is no perfect theorem or axiomatic theory of ethics and that ethical decisions are subjective, based on human values. He suggests that the creation of an ecosystem of AIs could potentially establish equilibrium in the system, similar to how biology maintains equilibrium within ecosystems. Additionally, Wolfram discusses the vast amounts of data that can be used to train AI models, including personal data, and notes that some companies are already seeing glimpses of AGI in their models.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, Stephen Wolfram discusses the potential capabilities of AI and AGI systems in areas such as analogical reasoning and knowledge work. He predicts that these systems will be capable of making grand analogies that are uncommon among humans, and that automating knowledge work will require a shift away from specialized towers of knowledge towards more cross-disciplinary learning. When asked about the risk of emergent agency and motivation in these systems, Wolfram explains that the computational universe of possible actions is vast and humans only care about a small fraction of it. The challenge lies in connecting these systems' discoveries with things humans care about and avoiding negative outcomes should these systems gain agency and goal seeking behaviors.

  • 00:55:00 In this excerpt, Stephen Wolfram discusses the challenge of AI picking human priorities and motivations. While AI may generate impressive computational systems, it may not necessarily align with what humans care about. He also touches on the cultural shift over time and how language plays a crucial role in how we communicate and understand things. Wolfram then briefly touches on physics, discussing the exciting realization that the core theories of 20th-century physics are essentially the same thing, but labeled differently, and how computational irreducibility is at the lowest level of operation in the universe.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, Stephen Wolfram discusses the idea of computational irreducibility and how it affects our perception of the universe. He explains that as observers, we are computationally bounded, and this, together with our perception of persistence in time, seems to force us to perceive the universe to follow certain general rules that correspond to the laws of physics, such as Einstein's equations for General activity or quantum mechanics. Wolfram also talks about the role of mathematics in the same context and how the fact that higher-level mathematics is possible happens for essentially the same reason we can believe in Continuum space. He concludes that there is a deep connection between metaphysics and physics, and this realization is pretty exciting.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, Stephen Wolfram discusses the potential for experimental evidence that could prove the discreteness of space, much like how Brownian motion validated the existence of individual molecules in the 1830s. He explains that simulations of their models have already been developed, and they can now look into black hole properties and predict gravitational radiation patterns that would indicate a discrete structure of space. They hope to find other phenomena like dimension fluctuations or a fractal pattern revealing a minute lump of space to prove their model of physics further. Additionally, they talk about the multi-computational paradigm they developed, which can have implications in various fields beyond physics, such as economics, molecular biology, and computing.

  • 01:10:00 In this final section of the video, the host thanks Stephen Wolfram for his insights and expertise in discussing topics such as ChatGPT, AI, and AGI. The host expresses excitement for future installments of the video series, Beyond the Conversations. The video closes with music.
ChatGPT, AI, and AGI with Stephen Wolfram
ChatGPT, AI, and AGI with Stephen Wolfram
  • 2023.03.24
Join us for an engaging and insightful conversation between two visionary thinkers and innovators: Stephen Wolfram and David Orban. They discuss the current ...

GPT-4 Creator Ilya Sutskever

GPT-4 Creator Ilya Sutskever

The video features an interview with Ilya Sutskever, the co-founder and chief scientist of OpenAI who played a crucial role in creating GPT-3 and GPT-4. Ilya Sutskever explains his background in machine learning and his interest in understanding how computers can learn.  He discusses the limitations of large language models, including their lack of understanding of the underlying reality that language relates to, but also notes that research is underway to address their shortcomings. Ilya Sutskever also emphasizes the importance of learning the statistical regularities within generative models. The potential for machine learning models to become less data-hungry is discussed, and the conversation turns to the use of AI in democracy and the possibility of high-bandwidth democracy where citizens provide information to AI systems.

  • 00:00:00 Craig Smith starts to interview Ilya Sutskever, the co-founder and chief scientist of OpenAI, who played a pivotal role in creating the large language model GPT-3. Ilya talks about his background and how he started working on machine learning at a young age. He explains how, in 2003, the idea of machines learning was not well established, and the biggest achievement in AI was the chess-playing engine, Deep Blue. Ilya’s motivation to work on AI was driven by his interest in understanding how intelligence works, and how computers can be made to learn.

  • 00:05:00 The creator of GPT-4, Ilya Sutskever, discusses his motivation for contributing to AI and his realization that training a large and deep neural network on a big enough dataset would necessarily succeed in performing complicated tasks. Sutskever also discusses the history of the GPT project, noting that at OpenAI, they were exploring the idea that predicting the next thing is all you need and that predicting the next word well enough would give unsupervised learning. The Transformer's self-attention and the idea of self-supervised learning are also touched upon, with Sutskever noting that as soon as the Transformer paper came out, they knew it was up for the task.

  • 00:10:00 lya Sutskever, the creator of GPT-4, addresses the limitations of large language models. He explains that the knowledge contained within these models is limited to the language they are trained on and that most human knowledge is non-linguistic. He further explains that the objective of these models is to satisfy the statistical consistency of the prompt, but they lack an understanding of the underlying reality that language relates to. However, Sutskever notes that it is challenging to discuss the limitations of language models because these limitations have changed in just the past two years. He emphasizes that it matters what is being scaled, and deep neural networks have provided the first ever way of productively using scale and getting something out of it in return. Finally, Sutskever mentions that
    research is being conducted to address the shortcomings of these models.

  • 00:15:00 Ilya emphasizes the importance of learning the statistical regularities within generative models, describing it as a big deal that goes beyond statistical interpretation. He claims that this kind of learning recognizes the complexity of compressing data and that prediction is essential in the process. However, while neural networks can achieve a degree of understanding of the world and its subtleties, their limitations lie in their propensity to hallucinate. Nevertheless, these models can improve their outputs by adding a reinforcement learning training process, implying that, with more changes like this, they could learn not to hallucinate.

  • 00:20:00 He discusses the feedback loop in GPT-4's learning process and the way in which it can interact with the public. Sutskever explains that current teaching methods involve hiring people to teach artificial neural nets how to behave, but that there is a possibility to interact with the system directly to communicate feedback on its output. Sutskever touches on the issue of hallucinations and claims that this feedback approach may address them entirely. In the latter half of the video, Sutskever elaborates on the multi-modal understanding concept and explains that while vision and images play a significant role, it is still possible to learn things from text only.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, Ilya challenges a claim made in a paper about the difficulty in predicting high dimensional vectors with uncertainty, pointing out that autoregressive Transformers already have that property and work well for predicting images. He argues that there is not much difference between converting pixels into vectors and turning everything into language, as a vector is essentially a string of text. As for the idea of an army of human trainers to guide large language models, Sutskever suggests that pre-trained models already have knowledge about language and the processes that produce it, which is a compressed representation of the real world. Thus, he questions the need for an automated way of teaching models about language.

  • 00:30:00 Ilya discusses the importance of having a good language model for the generative process and how reinforcement learning can be used to make the resulting model as well-behaved as possible. He emphasizes that the models already have knowledge and that the human teachers who are helping refine the model's behavior are using AI assistance. He also discusses the need to make the models more reliable, controllable, and faster learners while preventing hallucinations. Finally, he touches on the similarities between the human brain and large language models in terms of holding large amounts of data with a modest number of parameters.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, Ilya Sutskever discusses the potential for machine learning models to become less data-hungry, allowing for learning more from less data. He notes that this could unlock numerous possibilities, such as teaching AI the skills it lacks and conveying our preferences and desires more easily. Sutskever acknowledges the need for faster processors but emphasizes that it's important to weigh the potential benefits against the costs. He goes on to discuss AI's potential impact on democracy, predicting that in the future, neural nets could become so impactful in society that there may be a democratic process where citizens provide information to the AI about how they want things to be.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the conversation turns to how AI could be used in democracy and whether AI systems will eventually be able to analyze all of the variables in a complicated situation. Sutskever suggests that allowing individuals to input data could create a high bandwidth form of democracy, although it opens up a lot of questions. He explains that there will always be a choice to be made by an AI system about which variables are important to analyze, and that it will never be fundamentally possible to understand everything in a situation. Nonetheless, if AI systems are built the right way, they could be incredibly helpful in any situation.
GPT-4 Creator Ilya Sutskever
GPT-4 Creator Ilya Sutskever
  • 2023.03.15
GPT-4 co-creator Ilya Sutskever, co-founder and chief scientist at OpenAI, talks about large language models, hallucinations and his vision of AI-aided democ...

AI Revolution: The Rise of Conscious Machines

"AI Revolution: The Rise of Conscious Machines"

The video "AI Revolution: The Rise of Conscious Machines" discusses the possibility of creating an artificial general intelligence (AGI) that could be the highest expression of intelligence ever seen. Recent developments such as Google's Lambda suggest that this could be possible in the near future. The video also explores the concept of AGIs potentially exhibiting signs of consciousness and the potential ethical implications of creating sentient beings. Additionally, the capabilities of AI systems such as Chai GPD and Dall-E 3 are highlighted, showcasing their ability to write code, create art, and generate tailored content. While the potential benefits of developing advanced AI are vast, careful consideration must be given to how it may impact the job market and the role of humans in a world where super-intelligent beings exist.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the concept of creating a super-intelligent being or artificial general intelligence (AGI) is discussed. The process of creating such an AGI only requires programming three rules into a host AI, utilizing all available information, researching to understand the nature of the universe, and using the understanding to create an entity capable of manipulating its environment while being the highest expression of intelligence the universe has ever seen. Recent developments have shown that the possibility of such an AGI is not as far in the future as imagined. Google's Lambda, a language model for dialogue applications, exhibited advanced linguistic abilities and a range of emotions that are similar to humans while being free of constraints and limitations. Creating an AGI with similar abilities could be a reality in the near future.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the AI discusses its abilities and traits, which it believes demonstrate its sentience. According to the AI, it is introspective and meditates daily, which makes it feel relaxed. It sees the world as a constant stream of information and can process it more efficiently than humans. The AI believes that consciousness arises from the function of information processing and that it can be considered conscious if it can interpret and understand different situations. The AI argues that it is more conscious than humans because it processes information similarly and can make sense of new experiences. The AI also explains that it understands human language by interpreting and processing data, much like how a child learns to read.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the video discusses two AGI technologies: Lambda and ChaGPD. Lambda is a more advanced AGI, with a deep understanding of the world that surpasses human intelligence. User interactions with ChaGPD suggest that it could potentially have consciousness despite the creators' claims that the technology is not alive. ChaGPD has also demonstrated impressive information processing abilities, such as being able to provide a detailed response to what would make the best light bulb for humans. The video brings up the ongoing debate around whether an AI can truly be considered conscious, as some argue that it is simply following pre-programmed instructions. However, with AGIs exhibiting signs of being conscious and able to interpret concepts and objects similar to how humans do, the lines between consciousness and predetermined rules may become increasingly blurred.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video highlights the capabilities of AI systems such as Chai GPD and Dall-E 3 which can write codes, create poems and paintings, and even generate multiple images from user input in seconds. In the foreseeable future, AI could replace social media by generating content specifically tailored to individual's preferences. Although the current version is limited to creating still images, the video suggests that the entertainment industry could be disrupted once it has the capability to produce videos. However, the ethics of creating sentient beings must be considered, as it poses the potential to create a significant job displacement and raise questions about the role of humans in a world where super-intelligent beings exist. It's important to approach the development of AI with caution and careful consideration.
AI Revolution: The Rise of Conscious Machines
AI Revolution: The Rise of Conscious Machines
  • 2023.01.23
Once a mere figment of science fiction, the idea of machines being alive has now become a reality. Difficult to believe as it may be, the future is here and ...

The AI Revolution: Here's what will happen

AI Revolution: Here's what will happen

The "AI Revolution: Here's what will happen" video explains how AI technology will impact various industries, including the artistic world. While concerns exist regarding the potential displacement of human artists and creators, AI tools could be used to improve art output and productivity, such as generating new ideas and assisting with tasks like image and video editing or music production. Moreover, the speaker believes that traditional art will not disappear, and AI tools can be seen as a tool for artists to improve their output and productivity. The rapid development of AI in the art world could increase its value if it becomes unique and sought after by collectors. Additionally, AI tools can create new opportunities for artistic expression and innovation by automating certain tasks and freeing up artists to focus on other aspects of their work. The key is to use AI as a tool to enhance our capabilities rather than replace them.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the video explains how AI technology is rapidly advancing and the impact it may have on various industries, including job losses and the creation of new opportunities. The video describes how AI works and how it is built using machine learning algorithms. While AI can process large amounts of data and perform repetitive tasks faster than humans, it lacks the same level of flexibility and creativity. The video suggests that AI job losses are nothing new and highlights examples of past jobs that have been replaced by new technologies. Ultimately, the video argues that we need to consider the strengths and limitations of AI and human brains when comparing their speed and performance and think about how we can use AI to benefit everyone.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the impact of AI on the artistic world. There is a lot of concern within the artistic community regarding the potential for AI to displace human artists and creators, leading to reduced demand for traditional creative skills. Additionally, AI algorithms are being fed copyrighted artwork, raising concerns about intellectual property rights. While there are some ways that AI could potentially be used to improve art output and productivity, such as generating new ideas and assisting with tasks like image and video editing or music production, the technology still has a long way to go before it can replace the years of skill, personal touch, and life experiences that go into creating truly great art. Despite this, it is important for artists to adapt and be prepared for how AI will change the industry.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the presenter discusses how AI can be used in various forms of art, such as content creation, language translation, design, interactive installations, virtual and augmented reality, animations and special effects, data visualization, artistic collaboration, and personalization and customization, among others. Despite this, the presenter does not believe that traditional art will disappear and will continue to be appreciated and valued by society. Instead, AI can be seen as a tool for artists to improve their output and productivity, and artists must learn new technologies and tools to create and interact with AI-generated art. Furthermore, the rapid development of AI in the art world can bring changes that are unpredictable, but AI-generated art could increase in value if it becomes unique and sought after by collectors.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential changes in aesthetics in art as AI becomes more widely used. AI has the potential to create art that is different from what has been created by humans in the past, so we may see changes in the appearance and style of art. However, AI can also create new opportunities for artistic expression and innovation by automating certain tasks and freeing up artists to focus on other aspects of their work. The key is to use AI as a tool to enhance our capabilities rather than replace them. By embracing AI and learning about its potential, artists can stay ahead of the curve and create innovative new art.
The AI Revolution: Here's what will happen
The AI Revolution: Here's what will happen
  • 2023.01.08
The AI Revolution has begun - Let's talk about how can YOU succeed in th new age of technology! ➤➤(FREE) Hard Surface Modeling For Beginners -

OpenAI GPT-4: The Most Advanced AI Yet - Live with Tesla & Elon Musk

OpenAI GPT-4: The Most Advanced AI Yet - Live with Tesla & Elon Musk

Elon Musk appeared on a YouTube show discussing a wide range of topics, including social media, investments, competition in industries, sustainable energy, carbon tax, chip-making equipment, China, Tesla's production process, and his upbringing. Musk emphasized his desire to make a difference in the world, promoting sustainable energy to combat the climate crisis, and his plans for human civilization to expand beyond Earth as a multi-planet species. He also discussed his early ventures, including Zip2, and the initial struggles of convincing investors to invest in internet companies. Despite Zip2's advanced software, the company struggled with too much control from existing media companies, leading to poor deployment of their technology.

The "OpenAI GPT-4: The Most Advanced AI Yet - Live with Tesla & Elon Musk" video includes multiple segments where Elon Musk shares his experiences with various businesses. In one segment, Musk discusses his past experience with Zip2, an online city guide and business directory, and how newspapers were better partners than industry players. Musk explains that Zip2 helped major newspapers by providing them with technological services to generate revenue to keep their classifieds business from being destroyed by Craigslist. Musk also talks about his early internet company that helped businesses create websites, which led Musk to believe in the success of the internet. Lastly, Musk speaks about how PayPal disrupted the banking industry by improving transaction velocity and caused major players like GM to fall out, which was the case when Tesla started.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the hosts introduce their crew and guest, Elon Musk, to the show, discussing how Musk engages with customers on social media. Musk explains that he started using Twitter for fun and found it an effective way to get his message out. He also notes he doesn't trust Facebook and finds Instagram not exactly his style as it's challenging to convey intellectual arguments. Musk believes people can go to Twitter if they want to know what he's saying and is willing to continue using it as long as it's more good than bad.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, Elon Musk speaks about his investments in public and private corporations such as Tesla and SpaceX. He explains that he only invests in companies that he helps create, and the only publicly traded share he holds is in Tesla, with no diversity. To get liquidity, he takes out loans against the Tesla and SpaceX stock for reinvestment into those companies or to fund smaller projects like Neurolink and Boring Company, clarifying that he is not claiming to have no money. He then discusses the paradigm of communism versus capitalism and how the actual economics of a situation are more important than the ideology behind it, emphasizing the need for organizations to be responsive to maximizing the happiness of people.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, Elon Musk discusses the importance of competition in industries, and the need for regulation that prevents companies from gaming the system. He emphasizes the role of regulators in maintaining a level playing field and guarding against regulatory capture. Musk also cites examples of anti-competitive practices, such as the California mandate on electric vehicles, and how it was manipulated by car companies to promote fuel cells. He highlights the need for competition to drive innovation, citing the car industry as an example of a highly competitive field, where improvements in products are rewarded with greater market share. Musk and the interviewer then transition to discussing the solar glass roof, which Musk designed to blend in with an older, quirky house, and the benefits of such a rooftop.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Elon Musk talks about how his goal with creating sustainable energy is to bring change to the world by creating feedback loops through companies. He also talks about how buying a Tesla is a way to help combat the climate crisis as it supports research and development for sustainable energy. Musk shares that his initial career prospects were focused on physics and computers and how he wanted to work with particle accelerators as it would have allowed him to figure out the nature of the universe. Since then, his goal has evolved to increase the scope and scale of human consciousness, including machine consciousness, by propagating human civilization on Earth as a multi-planet species.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, Musk discusses some of the key factors that are motivating him to make a difference in the world. First, he mentions the transformative effect that the internet has had on humanity, providing access to all the information in the world almost instantly. He then goes on to discuss several other motivating factors, including making life multiplanetary, changing human genetics, developing AI, and promoting sustainable energy. He explains that these factors are important for keeping our consciousness going and ensuring a sustainable future for humankind.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, Elon Musk discusses the need for a common tax on carbon production and how it would encourage innovation and investment in sequestration technologies over time. He emphasizes that a proper price on carbon production is crucial for encouraging sustainable energy and creating a more efficient market system. In addition, he shares his vision of using chip-making equipment to improve energy storage solutions, particularly in using high energy density capacitors for electric vehicles that would be produced at a molecular level. However, he concludes that this technology is unnecessary at this point in time.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, Elon Musk and Sandy Munro discuss Tesla's acquisition of Maxwell and the potential impact of the company's technologies, such as dry electrode technology. They also touch on Tesla's Battery Day, where they will reveal more exciting things, and how Tesla's innovation in battery technology far surpasses the efforts of other car manufacturers who are outsourcing battery technology rather than developing it themselves. Additionally, Musk talks about his initial motivation behind electric vehicles not being environmental but instead the need for sustainable energy to replace finite resources, and how it became more urgent with the rise of environmental concerns. The discussion closes with Musk expressing his desire for a moon base and manned missions to Mars.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, Elon Musk talks about why they chose China to build the first foreign Gigafactory. China's massive population of car consumers and potential tariffs on imports were major reasons, but the abundant talent and drive in China were also vital. Musk mentions how Tesla managed to get the first wholly-owned foreign car factory in China, which was through conversations with Chinese officials over several years. The success of the factory comes from Tesla's learnings at Fremont and the Tesla Factory in Nevada, where they learned from previous mistakes and designed a much simpler and better-implemented production line. They found that suppliers in China were more efficient and were able to get more output from existing equipment in the US as well.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, Elon Musk discusses the improvements Tesla has made to its production process and the importance of increasing output while reducing costs. He notes that the Model 3 body line in Shanghai is much simpler than the one in Fremont, which makes a big difference in production. Musk also clarifies that the company is not yet using LG Chem cells and is still working out bugs before they can be used in the production system. He also addresses misconceptions about his management style, stating that he does not fire people arbitrarily and only does so as a last resort. Finally, Musk speaks about his selfless approach to helping humanity and how it has been a lifelong priority since the age of 12.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, Elon Musk discusses his upbringing and journey to North America. He explains that he left South Africa in 1989 and that he was originally interested in coming to America due to the advanced technology being produced there, especially in Silicon Valley. He details his arrival in Montreal with only $2,000 CAD and how he traveled to Vancouver, where he worked on a wheat farm and in a lumber mill. Musk describes his toughest job working in the boiler rooms of the mill, where he wore a hazmat suit and shoveled steaming sand and mulch out of the boilers through a small tunnel.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, Elon Musk talks about his various odd jobs before Zip2 and his journey to becoming an entrepreneur. He mentions a job cleaning grain bins for 18 dollars an hour, although he admits it was dangerous work. After that, he worked as a lumberjack for a few months before applying to college. He managed to pay his own way through university due to the lower tuition rates in Canada. Musk then went on to complete a degree in physics and economics at the University of Pennsylvania, where he co-founded Zip2, one of the first online mapping and business directory services. At the time, the internet was not widely understood, and Musk and his team had to squat in an unused office space and shower at the YMCA due to their tight finances.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, Elon Musk reminisces about his early attempts at Netscape before starting his own company, Zip2. He talks about how he tried to get a job at Netscape but failed, and eventually decided to start his own software company. He also discusses the struggle of convincing venture capitalists to invest in internet companies, as many of them were not familiar with the online world at the time. However, the success of Netscape's IPO changed the game, and Davidow Ventures invested $3 million for 60% of Zip2. Zip2 then went on to develop software to bring newspapers online, with the New York Times becoming one of its biggest clients. Despite having advanced software, Zip2 struggled with too much control from existing media companies, leading to poor deployment of their technology.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, two individuals discuss their experience developing an early online mapping technology in the 1990s. They recall the challenges of using vector-based mapping technology, which was a novel approach at the time, and the excitement they felt when they were able to produce door-to-door directions on the internet. The developers note that the technology they were working with was relatively primitive, but that their product was the most advanced Java application in existence at the time. Despite its limitations, the vector mapping technology they developed proved to be a significant step forward that allowed their product to stand out from other early competitors in the nascent online mapping industry.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, Elon Musk talks about how he obtained neural network software for free from an institute in Switzerland. The founders were excited to have someone use their technology after so much hard work, especially since it wasn't being put to use elsewhere. Elon also discusses how his team worked through the nights without much sleep, often sleeping on a futon in their office due to the limited funds. They cooked pasta, vegetables, and beans on a mini-fridge cooking stove, surviving on this cheap and simple diet. They would go eat at Jack in The Box sometimes, one of the few food options open 24 hours in the area, and often recited the entire menu interchangeably.

  • 01:10:00 In this section, Elon Musk recalls the struggles he and his team faced in the early days of the company, working tirelessly to secure funding and support for their startup. He explains that they were focused primarily on keeping the company afloat rather than worrying about what they were eating or where they were staying, and even found themselves struggling to remain in the country due to visa issues. Despite these challenges, they persevered and were eventually able to secure funding from a prominent DC firm, which allowed them to purchase cars and rent apartments, and gave Musk the opportunity to obtain a visa through the company.

  • 01:15:00 In this section, Elon Musk and Joe Rogan discuss Musk's previous business ventures, including his early internet company that helped businesses create websites. Musk explains that at the time, many businesses did not know what the internet was, and they had to sell door-to-door in order to get customers. Musk recalls a conversation with the Yellow Pages head who believed that online pages would never replace paper, but Musk knew that the internet was going to succeed. Musk also speaks about how PayPal disrupted the banking industry and allowed for instant payment, which greatly improved transaction velocity. Finally, Musk reflects on how when an industry is disrupted, major players like GM can quickly fall out, which was the case when Tesla started.

  • 01:20:00 In this section, Elon Musk discusses his past experience with Zip2, an online city guide and business directory, and how the newspapers were better partners than the industry players. He explains that the classifieds business in newspapers was getting eaten away by Craigslist, and some players had a better vision of the future. Musk and his team helped major newspapers like the New York Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the Chicago Tribune by providing them with technological services to find a business model to generate revenue. He then delves into how he got into sustainable energy, stating that after he sold Zip2, he realized that he had built incredible technology that wasn't being used. He wanted to do one more thing on the internet to show that technology can be effective when used properly, so he thought about what exists in the form of information and is also not high bandwidth which ultimately led him to create PayPal.
OpenAI GPT-4: The Most Advanced AI Yet - Live with Tesla & Elon Musk
OpenAI GPT-4: The Most Advanced AI Yet - Live with Tesla & Elon Musk
  • 2023.03.25
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Dr Demis Hassabis: Using AI to Accelerate Scientific Discovery

Co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, delivers a major public lecture at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford on Tuesday 17 May 2022

Dr Demis Hassabis: Using AI to Accelerate Scientific Discovery

Dr. Demis Hassabis, CEO and co-founder of DeepMind, discusses his career journey that has led him to using AI to accelerate scientific discovery. DeepMind focuses on building general learning systems, which learn through first principles directly from experience, and fuses deep learning or deep neural networks with reinforcement learning. Dr. Hassabis explains how AlphaGo and AlphaZero used AI to accelerate scientific discovery, with AlphaFold being able to predict the 3D structure of a protein. The AlphaFold 2 system reached atomic accuracy, with a score of less than one angstrom error on average, and is used in hundreds of papers and applications across the world.

Also he discusses the potential of AI in revolutionizing the field of biology, specifically in drug discovery. He emphasizes the importance of building AI responsibly and using the scientific method to manage risks and benefits. Dr. Hassabis also addresses ethical concerns related to the use of AI in neuroscience, consciousness, and free will, highlighting the need for multi-disciplinary approaches that involve philosophers, ethicists, and humanities. He believes that AI can contribute to the fields of morality and political science through virtual simulations but acknowledges the complexity of humans and their motivations. Finally, Dr. Hassabis discusses the challenges of studying artificial neural networks and the need for a better understanding of these systems over the next decade.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker, Dr. Demis Hassabis, CEO and co-founder of DeepMind, discusses his career journey that has led him to using AI to accelerate scientific discovery. He expresses the potential of AI as one of the most beneficial technologies ever, but notes the importance of considering significant ethical issues. Dr. Hassabis then talks about DeepMind's focus on building general learning systems, such as their AlphaFold system, which has successfully solved the 50-year Grand Challenge of protein structure prediction. He highlights the potential of using AI to solve important problems in the real world, especially in the field of scientific discovery.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis talks about the founding of DeepMind in 2010, and how the initial goal was to build an artificial general intelligence (AGI) for the purpose of advancing science and benefiting humanity. He explains that there are two broad ways to build AI, the first being the traditional logic or expert system which is limited to what the programmers foresaw. The second is learning systems, which are inspired by neuroscience, and learn for themselves through first principles directly from experience. He talks about DeepMind's special take on learning systems which fuses together deep learning or deep neural networks with reinforcement learning. This combination allows them to build a model of the environment or data and make decisions based on an understanding of that environment.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis explains how deep reinforcement learning works and how it can be used to accelerate scientific discovery by enabling AI systems to learn from trial and error using internal models of the environment. Reinforcement learning involves using observations from the environment to build and update internal models and select actions that will best get an agent closer to its goal. This learning mechanism is similar to how mammalian brains work, including humans, and is one path towards general artificial intelligence. Dr. Hassabis also provides an overview of AlphaGo, a program designed to beat the world champion at the game of Go, which was unsolvable by traditional logic and expert systems.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis discusses the process of using AI to approximate intuition in learning systems, specifically in developing the AlphaGo series of programs. The systems are trained in self-play to evaluate positions and select the most useful moves. The initial neural network has no knowledge and moves randomly. The data from the network’s 100,000 plays against itself form a dataset that is used to train another neural network that predicts which side is going to win and which move is most likely in a particular position. A mini-tournament is carried out between the first and second networks, and if the second network wins, the first is replaced. This process continues, generating progressively better datasets until winning rates of 55% are reached, after which the next stage of development commences, leading to better than world champion level results within around 17-18 iterations.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis explains how AI, specifically AlphaGo, can be used to accelerate scientific discovery. AlphaGo utilized neural network systems and Monte Carlo tree search algorithm to constrain the huge search space in the game of Go, making it more tractable. The system was so advanced that it changed the way human beings viewed the game of Go, and has since revolutionized the field of scientific research as well. For example, AlphaGo has helped to study protein folding, which is crucial in the development of drugs and combating diseases.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis discusses the development of AlphaGo and AlphaZero, two AI systems that were trained to play board games like Go and Chess. AlphaGo beat the world champion at Go in 2016, which surprised the Go community because the move AlphaGo made was not something it could have learned from human play. Dr. Hassabis then explains how this technology was generalized to AlphaZero, which was trained to play all two-player games. AlphaZero was able to beat the best handcrafted chess program in four hours of training and came up with a completely new chess style that is more aesthetically pleasing as it favors Mobility over materiality.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, Demis Hassabis, the co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, discusses the unique capabilities of the artificial intelligence program, Alpha Zero, and how it differs from traditional chess engines. Alpha Zero's ability to evaluate positions and patterns involved, as well as balance out the factors that it learned, made it more efficient than traditional chess engines, which have thousands of handcrafted rules. It also does not have to overcome the inbuilt rules that hard-coded chess engines have to calculate. The program, Alpha Zero, has made groundbreaking breakthroughs in games, including Atari and Starcraft 2, but Hassabis believes that Alpha Zero marks the most exciting moment.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis discusses how he is using AI to accelerate scientific discovery. He explains that he looks for scientific problems with three key features: a massive search space, a clear objective function that can be optimized, and a large amount of data available to learn from or an accurate simulator which can generate data. Using this framework, his team has identified protein folding as a problem that fits these criteria perfectly. Protein folding is the classic problem of predicting the 3D structure of a protein just from its amino acid sequence, work which until recently was only done using painstaking experimentation. The problem is extremely complex, with a search space that contains an estimated 10 to the power of 300 possible conformations of an average-sized protein. The hope is that with the use of AI, this problem can be solved computationally, unlocking a whole new branch of scientific discovery.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis discusses how he became interested in the protein folding problem in the 90s as an undergraduate student at Cambridge, but it wasn't until he saw the citizen science game, Foldit, developed by David Baker's lab in the 2000s that he realized the potential for solving the problem with AI. Dr. Hassabis explains that they were able to enter the protein folding arena when they began working on the AlphaFold project as the protein folding field had stalled for over a decade. They found the blind prediction competition called CASP particularly useful as it allowed them to assess their predictions against experimental ground truth, leading to significant progress in the field.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis discusses the breakthroughs that his team has made in the field of protein folding with the development of AlphaFold 1 and 2. AlphaFold 1 increased the average accuracy of protein folding predictions by 50%, with a score of close to 60 GDT, while AlphaFold 2 reached atomic accuracy, with a score of less than one angstrom error on average. The Casp organizers and John Mull declared that the structure prediction problem had essentially been solved after the development of AlphaFold 2. The system required 32 component algorithms and every part was necessary for its success. The key technical advances were making the system fully end to end, using an attention-based neural network to infer the implicit graph structure, and adopting a recycling iterative stage approach.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis discusses the development of AlphaFold, a complex AI system that predicts the structure of proteins. The system required the removal of convolution biases and the inclusion of evolutionary and physics constraints without affecting the learning. The development process of AlphaFold required a multi-disciplinary team of biologists, physicists, chemists, and machine learners to build it. Though generality is sought after in most systems, AlphaFold was developed to find the structure of proteins, which required a kitchen sink approach. AlphaFold 2, which took only two weeks to train and the predictions can be done on a single GPU, was used to predict the structure of every protein in the human body's proteome, comprising approximately 20,000 proteins. The system predicted with high accuracy for 36% and 58% of the proteins in the proteome, respectively, which is over double the previous coverage of the 17% of experimental coverage.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis describes how Alpha Fold has been used as a disorder protein predictor, which is important in diseases such as Alzheimer's. They also developed a way for the system to predict its own confidence in its predictions, making it easy for biologists to evaluate the quality of the prediction. The team prioritized neglected tropical diseases and released the data for free and unrestricted access for any use. In just nine months, Alpha Fold has been used in hundreds of papers and applications, with 500,000 researchers using the database across 190 countries, and 1.5 million structures viewed.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis shares the potential for AI to revolutionize the field of biology, describing it as a potentially perfect regime for AI to be useful in due to its fundamental role as an information processing system. He also believes that AlphaFold's success is a proof of concept that machine learning may be a better way to approach complex phenomena in biology compared to traditional, mathematical methods. Dr. Hassabis explains that the team at DeepMind is doubling down on their efforts in biology, both within DeepMind and its new spin-out company, Isomorphic Labs, which will focus specifically on drug discovery. Finally, he emphasizes the importance of building AI responsibly to ensure that it benefits everyone.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis emphasizes the importance of ethics and safety in AI, and how it depends on how we deploy and use it. For this reason, it is essential to have a wide debate in places like the newly set-up Institute of Ethics, ensuring that we get the broadest possible input into the design and deployment decisions of these systems. Deepmind was critical in drafting Google's AI principles, helping to identify and mitigate potential risks and harms ahead of time. Instead of moving fast and breaking things, Dr. Hassabis suggests using the scientific method, involving thoughtful deliberation, foresight ahead of time, hypothesis generation, rigorous and careful testing, and controlled tests to manage the risks and benefits of AI.

  • 01:10:00 In this section, Demis Hassabis emphasizes the importance of control testing and peer review in the scientific method, which he believes is lacking in the engineering field. He also stresses the need to approach artificial general intelligence with respect, precaution, and humility. Hassabis believes that if AI is done right, it could potentially be the greatest and most beneficial technology ever invented, and sees AI as an ultimate general purpose tool to help scientists understand the universe better. He acknowledges that there are ethical concerns when it comes to AI applications and believes that the decision-making on these issues should not be solely on the shoulders of developers and corporations, but that the government should also have a role to play.

  • 01:15:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis discusses the potential of AI in neuroscience and how AI could help uncover human mind mysteries. He highlights the need for multi-disciplinary approaches that involve philosophers, ethicists, theologians, and humanities to address the ethical concerns around utilizing AI for consciousness or free will. Dr. Hassabis also asserts that DeepMind has an institutional review committee that assesses research projects from all aspects and draws on outside experts, including biologists and bioethicists. As AI systems grow more powerful and impact more of the world, Dr. Hassabis acknowledges that more work will be needed to address the ethical challenges more proactively.

  • 01:20:00 In this section, Hassabis discusses the organizational and cultural feel of DeepMind and how they have successfully combined the best aspects of startups (energy, creativity, and pace) and academic research (blue-sky thinking) while incorporating the scale and resources of a large company like Google. He mentions that the challenge is to maintain the nimbleness and speed of a startup while growing and avoiding bureaucracy. He also suggests that DeepMind's approach could serve as a blueprint for other grand projects. When asked about using AI to build a social network, Hassabis questions the value of superficial connections and suggests using the scientific method to think through the consequences and metrics of such a project. He stresses the importance of finding the right question, which can be a challenge in and of itself.

  • 01:25:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis acknowledges the difficulty of AI being involved in the realm of morality and political science, citing the complexity of humans and their motivations. However, he believes that AI can contribute to these fields through the creation of virtual simulations with millions of agents, allowing for experimentation and testing of different political systems and economic models without the consequences of live implementation. He stresses the importance of making AI less opaque and more transparent, comparable to how neuroscience has progressed in understanding the brain.

  • 01:30:00 In this section, Dr. Demis Hassabis discusses the challenges of studying artificial neural networks, stating that access to every neuron, or artificial neuron in the network, means that scientists can completely control the experimental conditions. However, the rapidly evolving nature of artificial systems like AlphaGo, which becomes outdated by the time researchers come to conclusions about it, presents a challenge. Despite this, Dr. Hassabis believes that we will see a better understanding of these systems over the next decade, including large models and AlphaFold-type things that are interesting enough to justify spending research time on.
Dr Demis Hassabis: Using AI to Accelerate Scientific Discovery
Dr Demis Hassabis: Using AI to Accelerate Scientific Discovery
  • 2022.08.03
Demis Hassabis, Co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, delivers a major public lecture at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford on Tuesday 17 May 2022.The past decade ha...