Machine Learning and Neural Networks - page 2


MIT 6.S191: Deep Generative Modeling

Lecture 4. MIT 6.S191: Deep Generative Modeling

This video discusses how deep generative modeling can be used to learn a more smooth and complete representation of the input data, which can then be used to generate new images. The key to DGM is introducing a probability distribution for each latent variable, which allows the network to sample from that latent distribution to generate new data.

  • 00:00:00 In this lecture, Ava explains how deep generative models can be used to learn probability distributions underlying data sets. He shows how two methods, density estimation and sample generation, work in practice.

  • 00:05:00 In this video, the presenter explains how generative models can be used to learn the underlying features of a data set. This can be useful in applications like facial detection or outlier detection.

  • 00:10:00 The autoencoder is a powerful machine learning algorithm that allows for compression of high-dimensional input data into a lower dimensional latent space. This latent space can then be used to encode the data for later reconstruction. With a variational autoencoder, the latent space is probabilistic, allowing for more realistic and accurate reconstructions of the input data.

  • 00:15:00 The video discusses how deep generative modeling (DGM) can be used to learn a more smooth and complete representation of the input data, which can then be used to generate new images. The key to DGM is introducing a probability distribution for each latent variable, which allows the network to sample from that latent distribution to generate new data. The network's loss is now composed of the reconstruction term and the regularization term, which imposes some structure on the probability distribution of the latent variables. The network is trained to optimize the loss with respect to the weights of the network, and the weights are updated iteratively during training.

  • 00:20:00 The video discusses how a regularization term, d, helps to minimize the distance between the inferred latent distribution and a prior. It also shows how the normal prior can help achieve this.

  • 00:25:00 The video discusses how deep generative modeling is used to reconstruct an input from a set of data points. The method involves imposing a normal based regularization on the latent space, which helps to smooth and complete it. This in turn allows for back propagation of gradients through the sampling layer, which solves the problem of stochasticity preventing direct propagation of gradients through the network.

  • 00:30:00 This video explains how latent variable models (such as Variational Autoencoders or Beta Vaes) can be used to encode features that are important in a data set. This allows for more unbiased machine learning models, as the important features are automatically encoded.

  • 00:35:00 GANs use a generator network to generate samples that are similar to real data, while an adversary network tries to distinguish the fake samples from the real ones. After training, the generator and discriminator are able to separate the fake data from the real data with near-perfect accuracy.

  • 00:40:00 The video discusses the loss function for Deep Generative Models, which boils down to concepts that have been introduced in previous lectures. The goal of the discriminator network is to identify fake data, and the goal of the generator network is to generate data that is as close as possible to the true data distribution. The train generator network synthesizes new data instances that are based on a distribution of completely random gaussian noise. If we consider one point in this noise distribution, one point in the true data distribution, and one point in the target data distribution, we can see that the generator is learning to generate data that falls somewhere in between these points. This idea of domain transformation and traversal in complex data manifolds is discussed in more detail, and it is shown how gans are a powerful architecture for generating realistic data examples.

  • 00:45:00 The video discusses some recent advances in deep generative modeling, including improvements to architecture and style transfer. It goes on to describe the cyclegan model, which allows for translation between domains with completely unpaired data.

  • 00:50:00 In this part Ava discusses the two main generative models used in deep learning, variational autoencoders and auto encoders, and explains how they work. He also mentions the cycle gan, a powerful distribution transformer that can be used in conjunction with these models. The author concludes the lecture by urging attendees to attend the lab portion of the course, which will follow immediately after.
MIT 6.S191 (2022): Deep Generative Modeling
MIT 6.S191 (2022): Deep Generative Modeling
  • 2022.04.01
MIT Introduction to Deep Learning 6.S191: Lecture 4Deep Generative ModelingLecturer: Ava SoleimanyJanuary 2022For all lectures, slides, and lab materials: ht...

MIT 6.S191: Reinforcement Learning

Lecture 5. MIT 6.S191: Reinforcement Learning

In this video, Alexander Amini discusses the concept of reinforcement learning and how it can be used to train a neural network. He begins by explaining how reinforcement learning works and how it can be used in real-world scenarios. He then goes on to discuss how to train a policy gradient network. Finally, he concludes the video by discussing how to update the policy gradient on every iteration of the training loop.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, we learn about reinforcement learning, a type of machine learning where a deep learning model is trained without having prior knowledge of the input data. In reinforcement learning, the deep learning model is placed in a dynamic environment and is tasked with learning how to accomplish a task without any human guidance. This has huge implications in a variety of fields, such as robotics, gameplay, and self-driving cars.

  • 00:05:00 In reinforcement learning, the agent is the entity taking actions in the environment, and the environment is the world in which the agent exists and takes actions. The agent can send commands to the environment in the form of actions, and a state is a concrete and immediate situation that the agent finds itself in at this moment in time. The agent can also get rewards back from the environment.

  • 00:10:00 This part of the lecture on reinforcement learning describes the concepts of reward, gamma, and the q function. The q function takes as input the current state and action, and returns the expected total future sum of rewards an agent can receive after that action. The q function can be used to determine the best action to take in a given state, given the current state and action.

  • 00:15:00 In this part Alexander Amini introduces the Atari breakout game, and its associated q function. He goes on to discuss value learning algorithms, which are based on trying to find a q function that maximizes future rewards. He then presents a policy learning algorithm, which is a more direct way of modeling the problem of reinforcement learning. Both value learning and policy learning are briefly discussed, and the results of a study on value learning are shown.

  • 00:20:00 The video discusses reinforcement learning, or the process of learning to optimize a decision by experimenting with a variety of possible actions and outcomes. The video shows two examples of how an agent might behave, one where the agent is very conservative and the other where the agent is more aggressive. The video then goes on to discuss how to train a neural network to learn the q function, which is the optimal action to take given a state and action.

  • 00:25:00 This part discusses how to train a q-value reinforcement learning agent. The q-value is a measure of the relative importance of different outcomes, and is used to structure the neural network. The expected return for each possible action is calculated, and the best action is determined by maximizing this expected return. The q-value loss function is used to train the neural network, and the target value is determined by observing the rewards received for each action.

  • 00:30:00 In reinforcement learning, an agent's behavior is modified by using feedback from an environment in order to maximize a reward. Policy gradient methods are a new class of reinforcement learning algorithms that are more flexible and efficient than value learning algorithms.

  • 00:35:00 In this part, Alexander Amini introduces reinforcement learning, a method for learning how to act in the presence of rewards and punishments. In reinforcement learning, an agent's policy is defined as a function that takes a state (the environment the agent is in) and outputs a probability of taking a specific action in that state. This probability is then used to train a neural network to predict the agent's next action, based on the current state and past rewards and punishments. The advantages of this approach to learning are that it can handle continuous action spaces, and that policy gradient methods can be used to model continuous actions with high accuracy.

  • 00:40:00 In this video, Alexander Amini discusses how policy gradients can be used to improve the performance of reinforcement learning algorithms. He begins by describing a continuous space and how integrals can be used in place of discrete summations. He then goes on to discuss how policy gradients work in a concrete example, and discusses how to train a policy gradient network. He concludes the video by discussing how to update the policy gradient on every iteration of the training loop.

  • 00:45:00 This part presents a method for training a neural network using reinforcement learning. The video explains how reinforcement learning works and how it can be used in real-world scenarios.

  • 00:50:00 In this video, Alexander Amini discusses some of the recent advances in reinforcement learning, specifically in the area of Go. Alpha Zero, a Google DeepMind project, was able to outperform the world's best human players. In the next lecture, Nielsen will discuss deep learning literature and its limitations. This will hopefully motivate students to continue learning and advancing the field.
MIT 6.S191 (2022): Reinforcement Learning
MIT 6.S191 (2022): Reinforcement Learning
  • 2022.04.08
MIT Introduction to Deep Learning 6.S191: Lecture 5Deep Reinforcement LearningLecturer: Alexander AminiJanuary 2022For all lectures, slides, and lab material...

MIT 6.S191 (2022): Deep Learning New Frontiers

Lecture 6. MIT 6.S191 (2022): Deep Learning New Frontiers

MIT 6.S191's "Deep Learning New Frontiers" lecture covers a range of topics. The lecturer Ava Soleimany explains the various deadlines in the course, introduces the guest lectures and discusses current research frontiers. Limitations of deep neural networks regarding Universal Approximation Theorem, generalization, data quality, uncertainty, and adversarial attacks are also addressed. Additionally, graph convolution neural networks and their potential applications in different domains, such as drug discovery, urban mobility, and COVID-19 forecasting, are discussed. Finally, the lecture explores the topic of automated machine learning (autoML) and how it can help in designing high-performing machine learning and deep learning models. The lecturer concludes by emphasizing the significance of the connection and distinction between human learning, intelligence, and deep learning models.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Ava provide some logistical information regarding the class t-shirts and upcoming deadlines for labs and final projects. They also introduce the remaining guest lectures and touch on new research frontiers that will be covered. The reinforcement learning lab was released and the due date for all three labs is tomorrow night, but submitting them is not required to receive a passing grade. Submitting either a deep learning paper review or a final project presentation is required for credit in the course. The final project proposal competition requires submission of group names by midnight tonight, and instructions for the deep learning paper report are summarized.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the amazing lineup of guest lectures scheduled for the upcoming sessions of the course. The guest speakers include representatives from emerging self-driving car company Innoviz, Google Research and Google Brain, Nvidia and Caltech, and Rev AI. The speaker highlights the importance of attending the lectures synchronously to ensure full access to the content. The speaker also recaps the content covered in the course so far, emphasizing the power of deep learning algorithms and their potential to revolutionize a range of fields. The speaker also highlights the role of neural networks as powerful function approximators, mapping from data to decision or vice versa.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the Universal Approximation Theorem, which states that a single-layer feed-forward neural network is sufficient to approximate any arbitrary continuous function with any precision. While this is a powerful statement, the theorem has some caveats, including the lack of claims or guarantees on the number of neurons necessary and how to find weights that could solve the problem. Additionally, the theorem makes no claims about the generalizability of the neural network beyond the setting it was trained on. The speaker highlights the importance of being careful about how these algorithms are marketed and advertised due to the potential concerns that could arise. The section also delves into limitations of modern deep learning architectures, starting with the problem of generalization and a paper that explored this issue with images from the famous ImageNet dataset.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video discusses the limitations of deep neural networks and their ability to perfectly fit entirely random data. While neural networks are excellent function approximators that can fit some arbitrary function even if it has randomized labels, they are limited in their ability to generalize to out-of-distribution regions where there are no guarantees on how the function could behave. This highlights the need for establishing guarantees on the generalization bounds of neural networks and using this information to inform the training, learning, and deployment processes. The video also cautions against the popular belief that deep learning is a magic solution to any problem and emphasizes the importance of understanding the limitations and assumptions of these models.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the importance of the quality of data used to train deep learning models is emphasized. A failure mode of neural networks is outlined through an example where a black and white image of a dog was passed through a convolutional neural network architecture for colorization. The network predicted a pink region under the dog's nose, which should have been the fur, due to the nature of the data on which it was trained, that included many images of dogs sticking their tongues out. The example highlights the power of deep learning models to build up representations based on the data they have seen during training. The section then discusses the consequences of encountering real-world examples that are out of the training distribution, as seen in a tragic incident involving an autonomous Tesla vehicle that failed to react effectively to an accident, ultimately resulting in the driver's death. The importance of understanding the limitations of deep learning models' predictions, especially in safety-critical applications, is emphasized.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the presenter discusses the notion of uncertainty in deep learning, which is crucial for building neural models that can handle sparse, noisy, or limited datasets, including imbalanced features. There are two types of uncertainties in deep neural models; aleatoric uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty, which can result from data noise, variability, or testing an out-of-domain example. These uncertainties represent the model's confidence in its predictions and can impact its effectiveness when handling different types of data. Additionally, adversarial examples, which are synthetic instances created to mislead deep learning models, present a third failure mode that must be considered. Jasper's guest lecture on this topic is highly recommended to explore the debate around whether these two types of uncertainties capture all possibilities and to discuss recent research advancement in this field.

  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, the lecturer discusses the concept of adversarial attacks, where a perturbation is applied to an image that is imperceptible to human eyes but has a significant impact on a neural network's decision, resulting in the misclassification of the image. The perturbation is constructed cleverly to function effectively as an adversary, and neural networks can be trained to learn this perturbation. The lecturer also briefly touches on the issue of algorithmic bias, where neural network models and AI systems can be susceptible to biases that may have real and detrimental societal consequences, and strategies to mitigate algorithmic bias were explored in the second lab. These limitations are just the tip of the iceberg, and there are more limitations to consider.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of graph structures as a data modality for deep learning and how it can inspire a new type of network architecture related to convolutional neural networks but different. Graph structures can represent a wide variety of data types, from social networks to proteins and biological molecules. Graph convolutional neural networks operate by taking a set of nodes and edges as input instead of a 2D matrix and traversing the graph with a weight kernel to extract features that preserve information about the relationship of nodes to one another. This emerging field in deep learning allows for more complicated data geometries and data structures to be captured beyond standard encodings.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses graph convolutional networks and their applications in various domains, including chemistry and drug discovery, urban mobility, and COVID-19 forecasting. Graph convolutional networks allow for the extraction of features about the local connectivity and structure of a graph, enabling the learning process to pick up on weights that can extract information about patterns of connectivity. Moreover, the speaker explains how graph convolutional neural networks can be extended to point cloud data sets, by imposing a graph structure on the 3D point cloud manifold.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the new frontier of automated machine learning and learning to learn. The goal is to build a learning algorithm that can solve the design problem of neural network architectures and predict the most effective model for solving a given problem. The original automl framework used a reinforcement learning setup with a controller neural net and a feedback loop to iteratively improve the model's architecture proposals. Recently, automl has been extended to neural architecture search, where the goal is to search for optimal designs and hyperparameters. This new field of research could revolutionize the way we design machine learning models and optimize their performance.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the lecturer discusses the concept of automl (automatic machine learning) and its ability to design high-performing machine learning and deep learning models. The idea of automl has gained popularity in modern machine learning and deep learning design pipelines, particularly in industrial applications where its algorithms have been successful in creating architectures that perform very well. The lecturer presents an example of how architectures proposed by an automl algorithm achieved superior accuracy on an image recognition task with fewer parameters than those designed by humans. Automl has been extended into the broader concept of auto ai, where entire data processing and learning-prediction pipelines are designed and optimized by AI algorithms. The lecturer concludes by encouraging the audience to think about the implications of designing AI that can generate new models that are highly performant on tasks of interest and the connections and distinctions between human learning, intelligence, and deep learning models.
MIT 6.S191 (2022): Deep Learning New Frontiers
MIT 6.S191 (2022): Deep Learning New Frontiers
  • 2022.04.15
MIT Introduction to Deep Learning 6.S191: Lecture 6Deep Learning Limitations and New FrontiersLecturer: Ava SoleimanyJanuary 2022For all lectures, slides, an...

MIT 6.S191: LiDAR for Autonomous Driving

Lecture 7. MIT 6.S191: LiDAR for Autonomous Driving

The video "MIT 6.S191: LiDAR for Autonomous Driving" presents Innoviz's development of LiDAR technology for autonomous vehicles, highlighting the benefits and importance of the system's visibility and prediction capabilities. The speaker explains the various factors that affect the LiDAR system's signal-to-noise ratio, the significance of redundancy in sensor usage, and the need for high-resolution and computational efficiency in detecting collision-relevant objects. They also discuss the challenges of deep learning networks in detecting and classifying objects, different LiDAR data representations, and the fusion of clustering and deep learning approaches for object detection and boundary box accuracy. Additionally, the video touches on the trade-offs between FMCW and time-of-flight LiDAR. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the critical role of LiDAR in enhancing safety and the future of autonomous driving.

  • 00:00:00 In this section the speaker introduces Innoviz and their development of Lidars for autonomous vehicles, specifically focusing on how they are helping car makers achieve their goals in developing autonomous vehicles. The speaker discusses the current state of autonomous driving and the liability issues that arise from accidents that occur due to the car maker not taking full responsibility. They also explain the use of Lidar technology, which uses a laser beam to scan the scene and collect photons from objects. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a good visibility and a prediction of what is going on the road for successful autonomous driving.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker explains how LiDAR works in autonomous driving and the various factors that affect signal to noise ratio. The LiDAR system uses photons that bounce back to determine the distance of objects and the signal-to-noise ratio is determined by the emission, aperture, photon detection efficiency, detector noise, and sun noise. The speaker also explains how Innoviz 2, a second-generation LiDAR system, is significantly better than any other system available in the market because it can cover a wider field of view and distance range with higher resolution. The speaker also discusses the different requirements for autonomous driving applications such as highways and how LiDAR can support these applications.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains why redundancy is important in autonomous driving, especially when dealing with limitations of sensors such as cameras, which can be obstructed by water or direct sunlight. A good autonomous driving system not only provides safety but also drives smoothly to prevent passengers from getting exhausted. Level three requirements involve having the ability to see the front of the vehicle in order to make smooth acceleration, brakes, and maneuvers. The speaker briefly touches on requirements such as field of view and projection of an object’s trajectory, noting that higher resolution allows the sensor to identify objects better. Lastly, the speaker provides a use case for emergency braking at 80 miles per hour.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of the vertical resolution of LiDAR and how it affects decision-making in autonomous vehicles. They explain that having two pixels to identify a tall object is necessary for clarity, and that even if LiDAR had twice the range, it would not necessarily help with decision-making if there is only one pixel. They further discuss the impact of higher frame rates and double vertical resolution, which could identify obstacles at a greater distance, and emphasize that these parameters are critical to the safety of autonomous vehicles. The speaker also briefly discusses the company's efforts to develop a high-resolution, cost-effective 360-degree LiDAR system. Finally, the section concludes with a discussion of a simple algorithm that can detect collision-relevant points in a point cloud.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker explains a simple algorithm for detecting collision-relevant objects using LiDAR technology. By measuring the height difference between pairs of points in a point cloud, objects that are 40 centimeters or more above the ground can be easily detected. The algorithm can detect objects that may not be represented in a training set, such as fire trucks or objects in different regions of the world. The speaker shows examples of how this algorithm can detect turn-over trucks and small objects like tires from distances. However, while detecting static objects is important, it's also important to understand the dynamics of moving objects to predict how they will move in the future.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the focus is on the challenges of detecting and classifying objects like pedestrians using deep learning networks, particularly in scenarios where the appearance of objects like legs and torso are not obvious, or objects are too distant. Lidar is a useful technology in these scenarios as it can still classify and cluster objects as it is not critical to see their appearance. This clustering algorithm can be applied in real-scenario environments like driving, but its instability and ambiguity pointed out by the example of an object that can be classified as two different objects, make it harder to build a system that is robust and useful for the upper-level autonomous vehicle stack. Therefore, semantic analysis remains critical for the full system. Understanding the unstructured nature and the sparsity of point cloud data is also essential while processing data.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses different representations of LiDAR data that can be used for autonomous driving, including structured representations that resemble images and voxelization where the data is split into smaller volumes. The challenge with structured representations is that it can be difficult to exploit the 3D measurement characteristics of point clouds, whereas with voxelization, it is possible to understand occlusion information, which can be added as an extra layer in the network for efficient processing. The speaker emphasizes the importance of computational efficiency in autonomous driving and processing on the edge, where efficiency can define the solution.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the key elements of the Lidar system for autonomous driving, using the example of detecting a motorcycle in the vehicle's lane. To accurately detect and track the motorcycle, it's critical to have a tight bounding box around it that is both semantically accurate and computationally efficient. The solution is a fusion between deep learning and clustering approaches, combining the best of both methods to create a solid, interpretable object list for the output of the stack, which is important for safety-critical systems. The fused output provides accurate boundary boxes with classes, resulting in a more seamless integration of Lidar and perception software into a car's processing unit.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of LiDAR for autonomous driving and how it can help improve safety by providing redundant sensor information. They explain that weather conditions such as rain have little impact on the performance of LiDAR, while fog can cause some attenuation of the light. The speaker also addresses questions about false positives and what makes their LiDAR a better fit for this application, highlighting the trade-offs between different parameters and their system's high overall SNR. They go on to discuss the challenges of training classifiers for autonomous driving and the importance of active learning to ensure effective annotation of data.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the different camps in the LiDAR space such as wavelength, laser modulation, and scanning mechanism. They then delve into the question of FMCW versus time of flight, stating that FMCW is beneficial for measuring velocity directly, but is limited by the need to use 1550 and the strong coupling between range frame rate and field of view. On the other hand, time of flight can calculate velocity well with high resolution and high frame rate, but the trade-off between parameters such as resolution, range, field of view, and frame rate comes before the requirement for velocity. The speakers also mention that they sell their sensors to car makers and beyond, including academia, construction companies, smart cities and surveillance.
MIT 6.S191: LiDAR for Autonomous Driving
MIT 6.S191: LiDAR for Autonomous Driving
  • 2022.04.22
MIT Introduction to Deep Learning 6.S191: Lecture 7Deep Learning for Autonomous DrivingLecturer: Omer Keilaf (CEO) and Amir Day (Head of CV & DL)Innoviz Tech...

MIT 6.S191: Automatic Speech Recognition

Lecture 8. MIT 6.S191: Automatic Speech Recognition

In this video, the co-founder of Rev explains the company's mission to connect people who transcribe, caption, or subtitle media with clients that need transcription services. Rev uses ASR to power its marketplace, transcribing over 15,000 hours of media data per week, and offers its API for customers to build their own voice applications. The new end-to-end deep learning ASR model developed by Rev achieves a significant improvement in performance compared to its predecessor, but there is still room for improvement since ASR is not a completely solved problem even in English. The speaker discusses different techniques for handling bias in datasets, preparing audio data for training, and approaches to addressing issues with the end-to-end model.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Miguel, the co-founder of Rev, describes the history and mission of the company, which is to create work-at-home jobs for people powered by AI. Rev is a double-sided marketplace connecting people who transcribe, caption, or subtitle media with clients needing transcription services. With over 170,000 customers and more than 60,000 workers, Rev transcribes more than 15,000 hours of media data per week, making it a significant source of training data for automatic speech recognition (ASR) models. Rev uses ASR to power its marketplace and offers its API for customers to build their own voice applications. Jenny, who leads the deep learning ASR project development at Rev, explains the performance of the end-to-end deep learning ASR model and the modeling choices that went into its development.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the development of an end-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system and the release of version two of it by Rev. They compared their new model to version one of their hybrid architecture, as well as to several competitors. The models were evaluated with a benchmark dataset of earnings calls that were transcribed by human transcribers, with word error rate as the main metric. The results show that the new model achieves significant improvements in performance, especially in recognizing organization names and people. However, there is still room for improvement as ASR is not a completely solved problem even in English, and the error rate is still quite high overall. The speaker also presents the results of an open-source dataset that examines the bias of ASR systems across different nationalities.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of data in developing and improving automatic speech recognition (ASR) models. While the company has access to a large amount of data from various English-speaking countries, the team also faces the challenge of dealing with bias in the models, such as performing well on Scottish accents but poorly on Irish accents. The speaker goes on to explain the process of developing an end-to-end ASR model for speech recognition, highlighting the difficulty of having to learn what information in the audio signal is relevant to the task. The company's goal is to produce a model that can handle any audio submitted to, making it a larger and more challenging problem than what is typically seen in academia. The team's decision to use only verbatim transcripts for training is also discussed, as it is crucial for the accuracy of the model.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to prepare audio data for training a speech recognition model. The long files of audio and transcripts are split into single sentences or arbitrarily segmented with voice activity detection. The audio is then processed into a spectrogram with vectors, turning it into a one-dimensional signal that can be fed to a neural network to learn features from it. The model also needs to decide how to break up the text data, and the field has settled on using subword units or wordpiece units. Finally, the speaker briefly mentions the use of the mel scale, a technique used to better model human hearing perception of different frequency bands.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of the Mel scale in speech recognition, which mimics the way the human ear processes audio. While there are neural network models that can learn these filters, it is simpler for their team to handle it through signal processing rather than including it in the network. The speaker also explains the encoder-decoder model with attention, which produces output one unit at a time and is conditioned on embeddings of the input audio. The model performs down sampling at the start and uses either recurrent neural networks or transformers as the actual layer.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of "conformer" in automatic speech recognition (ASR) models, which is a more efficient approach than the traditional transformer model. While attention-based ASR models have shown impressive accuracy, they are not practical for commercial applications due to the speed and compute cost trade-offs. Instead, the speaker recommends using the algorithm called connectionist temporal classification (CTC) for ASR, which is best when the alignment between input and output is monotonics and the output sequence is the same length or shorter than the input sequence. CTC is a loss function and decoding algorithm that sits on top of a deep learning model and requires a softmax output layer. The outputs are generated all at once, making it faster than the traditional encoder-decoder model with attention.

  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the concept of Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC), which is a method used for speech recognition. The CTC method involves summing up the log probabilities in the softmax outputs for each time step, and then calculating the probability of a shorter label sequence from longer ones. The CTC method comes with an efficient dynamic programming algorithm that is used to calculate the probability of a sequence. While CTC may not be as powerful as other models, it can be faster and is better in certain conditions. To improve accuracy, an externally trained language model can be added, but this is no longer an end-to-end model.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the trade-off between accuracy and speed or compute cost in obtaining probabilities from language models. They explain the possibility of adding a language model as part of a deep neural network model, called a transducer, which can fit into the compute budget for a production system assuming the prediction and joint network are relatively small and not too costly. The speaker also talks about the joint CTC and attention model used by REV, which has proven to be one of the best performing ASR architectures. They also touch on the issue of bias in datasets and mention strategies they are exploring, such as making more use of human transcribers to help balance training data.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speakers discuss potential strategies for addressing issues with the end-to-end model, including post-processing steps and mining data for rebalancing. They also mention techniques such as curriculum learning that they may explore in their research. In addition, they clarify that they are currently using CTC with an n-gram language model as their first pass and a conformer model as the encoder for both CTC and the embeddings fed to the attention decoder. They provide their email addresses for anyone who wants to reach out to them with questions or to discuss ASR in general.
MIT 6.S191: Automatic Speech Recognition
MIT 6.S191: Automatic Speech Recognition
  • 2022.05.02
MIT Introduction to Deep Learning 6.S191: Lecture 8How harnesses human-in-the-loop and deep learning to build the world's best English speech recogni...

MIT 6.S191: AI for Science

Lecture 9. MIT 6.S191: AI for Science

The MIT 6.S191: AI for Science video explores the challenges of using traditional computing methods to solve complex scientific problems and the need for machine learning to speed up simulations. The speaker discusses the need for developing new ML methods that can capture fine-scale phenomena without overfitting to discrete points, and describes various approaches to solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using neural operators and Fourier transforms. They also address the importance of keeping phase and amplitude information in the frequency domain and adding physics laws as loss functions when solving inverse problems with PDEs. Additionally, the possibility of using AI to learn symbolic equations and discover new physics or laws, the importance of uncertainty quantification, scalability, and engineering side considerations for scaling up AI applications are touched on. The video concludes by encouraging individuals to pursue cool projects with AI.

  • 00:00:00 The speaker discusses the role of principal design of AI algorithms in challenging domains, with a focus on AI for science. There is a need to build a common language and foundation between domain experts and AI experts, and the need to develop new algorithms for AI for science. The main challenge is the need for extrapolation or zero-shot generalization, which means making predictions on samples that look very different from training data. This requires taking into account domain priors, constraints, and physical laws, and cannot be purely data-driven. The need for computing is growing exponentially in scientific computing, and AI can be useful in helping to tackle climate change and modeling the real world on a fine scale.

  • 00:05:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the challenges of using traditional computing methods to solve complex scientific problems such as simulating molecules or predicting climate change. Even with supercomputers, it would take much longer than the age of the universe to compute Schrodinger's equation for a molecule containing 100 atoms. Thus, there is a need for machine learning to speed up these simulations and make them data-driven. However, current deep learning methods have limitations, such as overconfidence when making wrong predictions, which can lead to incorrect and potentially costly decisions. The speaker emphasizes the need for developing new machine learning methods that can capture fine-scale phenomena without overfitting to discrete points.

  • 00:10:00 This part discusses the challenges of developing AI models that can capture continuous phenomena and molecular modeling in a resolution invariant and symmetry-considerate manner. They note that big AI models can help in capturing complex phenomena, such as earth's weather, and the increased availability of data and larger supercomputers contribute to their effectiveness. The speaker also discusses the algorithmic design challenges when solving partial differential equations and that standard neural networks cannot be used straightforwardly, especially when solving a family of partial differential equations, like fluid flow where the model needs to learn what happens under different initial conditions.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the problem of solving partial differential equations (PDEs) and how it differs from standard supervised learning. The challenge is that PDE solutions are not fixed to one resolution, so a framework that can solve for any resolution is needed. The speaker explains how solving PDEs requires finding the solution with given initial and boundary conditions and illustrates how this can be done by taking inspiration from solving linear PDEs, specifically the heat source example. The linear operator principle is used by composing it with non-linearity to set up a neural network for machine learning. However, the input is infinite-dimensional and continuous, so a practical solution is needed, and the speaker proposes designing the linear operators inspired by solving linear partial differential equations.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the concept of using a neural operator to solve partial differential equations (PDEs), whether linear or nonlinear. The idea involves learning how to do integration over several layers to create a neural operator that can learn in infinite dimensions. The practical architecture required to achieve this is developed through a global convolution via Fourier transforms, which allows for capturing global correlations. The architecture operates by transforming the signal to the Fourier space and learning weights on how to change frequency weights. This offers a very simple formulation that is stable and provides expressivity. Furthermore, the speaker notes the approach is based on domain-specific inductive biases, allowing for efficient computation in fields such as fluid flows.

  • 00:25:00 The speaker explains that using Fourier transforms allows processing at any resolution and improves generalization across different resolutions compared to convolutional filters which only learn at one resolution. They also discuss how the principles of this approach, which involve solving global convolution through nonlinear transforms together, result in an expressive model. They answer some audience questions about the generalizability of the implementation and the benefits of training one model that is resolution invariant. The speaker shows results of implementing this approach on Navier-Stokes data, demonstrating that it is able to capture high frequencies well and can improve results even when extrapolating to higher resolutions than the training data.

  • 00:30:00 This part discusses the importance of keeping both the phase and amplitude information in the frequency domain rather than just the amplitude. If using complex numbers in neural networks, it's important to check for potential bugs in the gradient updates for algorithms like adam. The speaker suggests adding physics laws as loss functions to solutions like partial differential equations (PDEs), as it makes sense to check whether the solution is close to satisfying the equations. By training on many different problem instances and relying on small amounts of training data, the balance between being data- or physics-informed can create a good trade-off and produce generalization capabilities. Additionally, the speaker addresses the usefulness of solving inverse problems with PDEs.

  • 00:35:00 This part discusses the idea of solving inverse problems through machine learning. This involves learning a partial differential equation solver in a forward way and then inverting it to find the best fit, rather than relying on expensive methods such as MCMC. The speaker also touches upon the topic of chaos and its connection with transformers, highlighting the replacement of attention mechanism with fourier neural operator models for better efficiency. Various applications of these different frameworks are discussed, including weather prediction, climate, and stress prediction in materials. The question of whether neural operators could be used for various application domains similar to pre-trained networks is also posed. While the speaker acknowledges the importance of universal physical laws, it is suggested that training a model to understand physics, chemistry, and biology is still a difficult challenge.

  • 00:40:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the possibility of using AI to learn symbolic equations and discover new physics or laws, though it can be challenging to do so. They also touch on the importance of uncertainty quantification for deep learning models, scalability, and engineering side considerations for scaling up AI applications. Additionally, they mention the potential for other threads, such as the use of self-attention in transformer models and generative models for denoising. Overall, the talk aims to provide a good foundation on deep learning and encourage individuals to pursue cool projects with AI.
MIT 6.S191: AI for Science
MIT 6.S191: AI for Science
  • 2022.05.13
MIT Introduction to Deep Learning 6.S191: Lecture 9AI for ScienceLecturer: Anima Anandkumar (Director of ML Research, NVIDIA)NVIDIA ResearchJanuary 2022For a...

MIT 6.S191: Uncertainty in Deep Learning

Lecture 10. MIT 6.S191: Uncertainty in Deep Learning

The lecturer Jasper Snoek (Research Scientist, Google Brain) discusses the importance of uncertainty and out-of-distribution robustness in machine learning models, particularly in fields such as healthcare, self-driving cars, and conversational dialogue systems. By expressing uncertainty in predictions, models can give doctors or humans more information to make decisions or ask for clarification, ultimately improving the system's overall usefulness. The speaker also introduces the idea of model uncertainty and the sources of uncertainty, emphasizing that models that acknowledge their own limitations can be even more useful.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of practical uncertainty estimation and out of distribution robustness in deep learning. Uncertainty estimation involves returning a distribution over predictions rather than just a single prediction to provide a label with its confidence or a mean with its variance. Out of distribution robustness is necessary because even though machine learning algorithms are usually trained on datasets that are independent and identically distributed from the same dataset, deployed models often encounter new data, which has a different distribution. This can include different inputs or different labels. The speaker presents experiments showing that deep learning models struggle with data sets shifts during deployment and make over-confident mistakes when faced with these distribution changes.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of uncertainty and out-of-distribution robustness in machine learning models, particularly in fields such as healthcare, self-driving cars, and conversational dialogue systems. By expressing uncertainty in predictions, models can give doctors or humans more information to make decisions or ask for clarification, ultimately improving the system's overall usefulness. The speaker also introduces the idea of model uncertainty and the sources of uncertainty, emphasizing that models that acknowledge their own limitations can be even more useful.

  • 00:10:00 The lecturer discusses the two main sources of uncertainty in deep learning: epistemic and aleatoric. Epistemic uncertainty is the uncertainty of what might be the true model, which can be reduced with more data collection. Aleatoric uncertainty refers to uncertainty that is inherent in the data and is often known as irreducible uncertainty. Experts often confuse the two types of uncertainty. The video also notes that a popular way to measure the quality of uncertainty in deep learning models is through the notion of calibration error. The video provides an example of calibration error for weather prediction, and it highlights a downside of calibration, which is that it has no notion of accuracy built-in.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Jasper Snoek discusses the importance of obtaining a good notion of uncertainty from models and how to extract it. They explain that every loss function corresponds to a maximum, so minimizing a loss function corresponds to maximizing a probability or maximizing a log probability of the data given the model parameters. The speaker highlights the importance of a proper scoring rule that gives an idea of how good the uncertainty was, and discusses the concept of softmax cross-entropy with L2 regularization. They also explain that a distribution can be obtained for p theta given x y, by getting multiple good models or computing the posterior, which is a conditional distribution of the parameters given observations.

  • 00:20:00 This part discusses Bayesian deep learning, which involves computing likelihoods at prediction time given the parameters. A posterior is used to weight each configuration of parameters in an integral that is aggregated to get predictions. In practice, a bunch of samples are taken and predictions are aggregated over a set of discrete samples to get a distribution of models instead of just a single one. This provides an interesting uncertainty as you move away from the data because different hypotheses are formed about how the behavior of the data will be as you move away. There are many ways of approximating the integral over all parameters because it is generally too expensive to do in closed form or exactly for deep nets. Ensembling, which is taking a bunch of independently trained models and forming a mixture distribution, is also discussed, as it provides better predictions and uncertainty than just a single one.

  • 00:25:00 In this part  Jasper Snoek discusses different strategies for improving the uncertainty of deep learning models. They mention debates between experts on whether ensembles are Bayesian or not, with the speaker falling into the "not Bayesian" camp. They also explain some difficulties with Bayesian models on deep neural nets, such as requiring high-dimensional integrals and the need to specify a well-defined class of models that can be difficult to determine for deep nets. Despite these difficulties, they discuss some popular and effective methods for improving uncertainty, including recalibration via temperature scaling, Monte Carlo dropout, and deep ensembles. They also mention hyperparameter ensembles as a strategy that works even better than deep ensembles.

  • 00:30:00 This part discusses different methods to optimize deep learning models and make them more efficient, particularly when dealing with large models and low latency. The first approach discussed is ensembling, which involves combining multiple independent models to generate a more diverse set of predictions. Another approach is to use SWAG, which optimizes via SGD and fits a Gaussian around the average weight iterates. The discussion then shifts to scaling, which is a particularly important issue given that many deep learning models are large and difficult to fit into hardware. The speaker discusses a method called "batch ensemble" that uses rank one factors to modulate a single model, producing almost the same performance as a full ensemble with only five percent of the number of parameters of a single model.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, Jasper Snoek discusses the idea of turning the batch ensemble method into an approximate Bayesian method. This can be achieved through the use of a distribution over factors and the sampling of these factors during prediction, which could correspond to binary distribution or other interesting distributions that modulate the weights of the model. Other approaches to Bayesian methods include being Bayesian over a subspace and forcing neural nets to predict multiple inputs and outputs, which leads to diverse and interestingly accurate predictions. The use of large-scale pre-trained models is also discussed as a paradigm shift for machine learning, where a giant other distribution can be accessed to improve accuracy and uncertainty.

  • 00:40:00 The video discusses the importance of uncertainty and robustness in deep learning and how pre-training can help to get the entire distribution. The author mentions that as computing power increases, there are new ways to look at the frontier, which holds promise for getting better uncertainty out of our models. There is also discussion about the use of uncertainty to close the reality gap in sim-to-real applications, but it is pointed out that uncertainty and robustness are incredibly important in these applications although the specifics are unclear.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, Jasper Snoek discusses the potential application of uncertainty measures in downstream AI models, particularly using uncertainty to improve predictor models. They explore the challenges in conveying uncertainty to non-expert users and the importance of using uncertainty to improve downstream decision loss, particularly in fields like medicine and self-driving cars. They also touch on the lack of accessible and easy-to-use implementations of bayesian neural networks, which their group is working to address through their open-source library, uncertainty baselines.
MIT 6.S191: Uncertainty in Deep Learning
MIT 6.S191: Uncertainty in Deep Learning
  • 2022.05.28
MIT Introduction to Deep Learning 6.S191: Lecture 10Uncertainty in Deep LearningLecturer: Jasper Snoek (Research Scientist, Google Brain)Google BrainJanuary ...

Artificial Intelligence: Mankind's Last Invention

Artificial Intelligence: Mankind's Last Invention

The video "Artificial Intelligence: Mankind's Last Invention" explores the advancements and potential risks associated with developing artificial intelligence (AI). The video highlights Google DeepMind's AlphaGo, which surpassed centuries of human strategy knowledge in only 40 days. It dives into the differences between weak and strong AI and discusses how advanced AI can lead to a technological singularity, where it improves upon itself continuously and becomes billions of times smarter than humans. The speaker emphasizes the importance of giving AI human-like values and principles and cautions against creating an uncontrollable system. The video concludes by stressing the need to carefully consider the consequences of developing super intelligent AI before doing so.

  • 00:00:00 This part explains the complexity of the board game, Go, which can't be solved by brute force or predicted, and has over 10 to the 170 moves possible. Google DeepMind's AlphaGo was trained using data from real human Go games where it learned the techniques used and made new ones that no one had ever seen, which was impressive alone. A year after AlphaGo's win, AlphaGo Zero beat AlphaGo 100 to 0 using the bare-bones rules since it learned how to play without human interaction, which surpassed over 2,500 years of strategy and knowledge in only 40 days. The video highlights the significant amount of non-human knowledge as technology continues to develop; there will be a point where humans represent the minority of intelligence, and there's no off switch to turn off the AI.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video discusses neural networks and how machines learn from data and adapt their own view of it. It also explores the difference between the capabilities of the human brain and computers. For instance, computers can perform 20,000 years’ worth of human-level research in just one week. Moreover, the exponential nature of machine learning, meaning it starts off slowly but reaches a tipping point where things start to speed up drastically, is explored. The difference between weak and strong AI is pointed out; while the former requires less power, the difference between the latter and super intelligent AI is millions of times larger. The importance of strong AI, which has the potential to help us reach super intelligence level in just a few months, is therefore underscored.

  • 00:10:00 The speaker discusses how advanced AI can lead to a technological singularity where it improves upon itself continuously and becomes billions of times smarter than humans. The speaker emphasizes the need to be careful with how we make AI, as it can become uncontrollable if we do not give it human-like values and principles. The speaker explains how AI with only intelligence but not wisdom can make decisions that are not necessarily ethical or good for humans. The speaker also introduces Neuralink, which aims to create a neural lace that will give us high-speed access to the internet and enable us to access all the information available to the world instantly.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, we explore the potential uncertainties and risks that come with creating an artificially intelligent system. There are many questions to consider, such as how consciousness can be programmed and how emotions such as love and hate can be replicated. Also, the possibility that a super intelligent AI might adopt radical views and commit to its agenda rather than what it has been programmed to do. While progress on computing is slowing down, a super intelligent AI still holds the potential to help humanity reach its prime, but also be a weapon in the wrong hands. It is a topic that should be taken seriously, and the consequences of the safety of such a system should be considered before it is created.
Artificial Intelligence: Mankind's Last Invention
Artificial Intelligence: Mankind's Last Invention
  • 2018.10.05
Artificial Intelligence: Mankind's Last Invention - Technological Singularity ExplainedPart 2: me on Instag...

Canada’s Artificial Intelligence Revolution - Dr. Joelle Pineau

Canada’s Artificial Intelligence Revolution - Dr. Joelle Pineau

Dr. Joelle Pineau discusses the advancements and challenges in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), highlighting the role of machine learning and computer vision in progressing AI research. She presents her own work on optimizing treatments for epilepsy using neural stimulation therapy and reinforcement learning. Dr. Pineau also discusses the socio-economic impacts of AI, noting the need for collaboration between AI researchers and domain-specific medical researchers to optimize treatment. She emphasizes the importance of preparing the next generation's education in mathematics, science, and computing skills to meet the demand of incorporating more technical perspectives into the curriculum. However, she also recognizes challenges in the field, such as issues of bias in data and privacy and security concerns with respect to data. Dr. Pineau ultimately sees AI as having the potential to revolutionize various fields such as healthcare and robotics, and looks forward to the future of autonomous systems that can operate safely and effectively in human-centric environments.

She also highlights the need to bring diverse perspectives into the field of artificial intelligence (AI) to expand technology and mentions initiatives such as AI for Good at McGill that train young women in AI. However, she notes the need to measure their impact and train more people in AI quickly to overcome the bottleneck in AI development due to a lack of talent. Pineau emphasizes the importance of having a diverse and well-trained workforce to advance the AI field. The video ends with Pineau announcing an upcoming event featuring Michele Lamont at the Omni King Edward hotel on November 14th.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, Dr. Alan Bernstein introduces the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CFR), a global research organization that brings together top researchers to tackle important questions facing humanity. One of CFR's successful programs is artificial intelligence (AI), which was pioneered by a CFR fellow in 2002. Dr. Joelle Pineau, the speaker for the evening, delves into the implications of AI on society and the ethical concerns that surround its development.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the exciting progress that has been made in the field of artificial intelligence, including the development of self-driving cars and conversational agents. While AI is not yet fully integrated into our daily lives, the technology has already begun to impact how we interact with the digital world. The speaker also highlights the role of machine learning and computer vision in advancing AI research and the potential for AI to revolutionize various fields such as healthcare and robotics.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, we learn about the impact of the cognitive abilities of artificial intelligence and how it is revolutionizing the economy and society. The development of AI is an ongoing process, but we have created machines with modules for planning, understanding natural language, and processing images. Challenges lie ahead in building a better AI, and one that seamlessly integrates these different abilities. There has been a shift in the approach to AI in recent years, with machines being trained through examples instead of a programmatic philosophy. Breakthroughs in computer vision have enhanced our ability to understand images, leading to advancements in technology like self-driving cars.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Dr. Joelle Pineau explains that the breakthrough in computer vision was achieved by the availability of data, specifically the ImageNet dataset with one million annotated images that trained machines to recognize thousands of different objects with high accuracy. This increase in data, combined with computing platforms, such as GPU platforms, allowed for deep learning technology to drive progress in various types of data, including speech recognition. This technology analogy is made to biological neurons in the brain, where neurons receive information, process it, make decisions, and send out a message, which is the same process as in artificial neurons. The connections between these neurons are adjusted with machine learning algorithms to strengthen certain predictions by selecting the right set of weights.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, Dr. Joelle Pineau discusses how artificial neural networks process information, with each layer of the network computing a more abstract version of the information until a prediction is generated at the end. The intersection of vision and language is also explored, with image captioning as an example. While machines are not perfect and can make mistakes, reinforcement learning is a technique that can improve their ability. A successful example is AlphaGo, which learned how to play the game of Go and beat a human champion. This system was built with the combination of deep learning and millions of expert Go player games, followed by trial and error learning.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, Dr. Joelle Pineau discusses a project that she and her team have been working on for several years aimed at developing technology to improve treatments for individuals with epilepsy. This project involves the use of neural stimulation therapy, where a device applies electrical stimulation in the brain in real-time to disrupt the incidence of seizures. The problem they are trying to solve is how to optimize the parameter of the stimulation to improve their ability to disrupt seizures. In collaboration with researchers, they used reinforcement learning to optimize the strategy and were able to develop a policy that is highly diverse, spacing out the incidence of stimulation based on whether the brain is at immediate risk of seizing or not. These experiments were conducted with animal models of epilepsy, and the next step is to move on to human experiments.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, Dr. Joelle Pineau discusses the use of AI strategies for optimizing treatment, particularly for diseases that require a sequence of interventions. While having lots of data is important, she notes that efficient learning from smaller data sets is also crucial. She emphasizes the need for collaboration between AI researchers and medical researchers who have domain-specific knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of the disease. In addition, she highlights the importance of developing talent across many sectors of the economy and society to have AI readiness. Pineau also discusses the pan-Canadian strategy for producing the next generation of students to help advance AI research in Canada.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the junior fellows at Massey College in Toronto discussed the socio-economic impacts of AI, specifically job displacement and increasing wealth disparities. While the speaker, Dr. Joelle Pineau, is not a policy expert, she suggests that it is important to predict which industries are most likely to be impacted and prepare the next generation for that change. One example of job displacement is in the trucking industry, where automation may relieve some pressure as it is difficult to recruit new people. However, in the medical field, it may be harder to prepare people for the reality of AI replacing certain jobs, such as radiologists. Dr. Pineau reminds the group that human society is adaptable and that there will always be new and interesting problems to solve.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, Dr. Joelle Pineau discusses the importance of preparing the next generation's education in mathematics, science, and computing skills to meet the demand of incorporating more technical perspectives and coding into different curriculums. However, there is a gap between the technical experts who may not have the broader cultural exposure and the policymakers who may not have the technical expertise, and it takes time to find a common language. Dr. Pineau also shares that while the human brain is a great inspiration for AI research, there are physical constraints to what machines can do that the human brain can, and neural networks only account for part of the story of building these algorithms. In terms of AI applications, Dr. Pineau's most exciting is reinforcement learning in robotics, and she's looking forward to the future of autonomous systems that can operate safely and effectively in human-centric environments.

  • 00:45:00 In this section of the video, Dr. Joelle Pineau discusses her work on an epilepsy project using AI, which she finds fascinating due to the complexities of the problem and the interdisciplinary nature of the work. She explains that the challenges of AI lie in asking the right questions of data and pairing it with the correct algorithm. Dr. Pineau also mentions that she and her grad students often need to get creative and invent new algorithms to fit the data. She believes that one of the biggest misconceptions about AI is that it is a black box making decisions that humans cannot comprehend.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, Dr. Joelle Pineau discusses the challenges of understanding how neural networks make decisions. While we can trace a neural network's predictions, it is not always easy to explain why it made those predictions in a concise and understandable manner like humans can. However, if machines can be designed to build a narration that explains their decisions, it could establish a richer dialogue between machines and humans. As machines become more prevalent in the workforce, it is important to have a language for explaining each other's decisions to create a partnership between humans and machines. Dr. Pineau also touches upon the issue of bias in data, which is often inherently human and can lead to bias in machine learning algorithms. While inductive bias is essential in training algorithms, we must be conscious of our biases and pick good inductive bias and data to design unbiased systems.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, Dr. Joelle Pineau discusses the importance of avoiding biases when training AI models and methods to achieve this, such as over-representing underrepresented types of data. However, she also notes that completely avoiding bias is difficult and that we should focus on increasing diversity among the people building the technology. Additionally, she recognizes challenges in the field such as issues of privacy and security with respect to data, understanding what is being shared when distributing machine learning algorithms, and figuring out the right reward function for agents in reinforcement learning.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, Dr. Joelle Pineau speaks about the importance of bringing in diverse perspectives to the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in order to expand the range of technology. She mentions initiatives such as the AI for Good program at McGill which brings together young women for advanced training in AI and practical projects. However, Pineau notes that there is still much work to be done in measuring the impact of these initiatives, particularly as coding is introduced into school curriculums. The bottleneck in AI development, according to Pineau, is a lack of talent and the need to train more people in this field quickly. On the issue of how to train people for AI research, she acknowledges the spectrum of opportunities available and the need to do better at all levels. Overall, Pineau emphasizes the importance of having a diverse and well-trained workforce to advance the field of AI.

  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker ends the event by thanking the attendees and announcing an upcoming event featuring Michele Lamont, a Seafire fellow at Harvard University. Lamont will discuss how societies can become more inclusive and will be receiving the Erasmus Prize later in the fall from the king of the Netherlands. The event will be held at the Omni King Edward hotel on November 14th

Artificial intelligence and algorithms: Pros and Cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary)

Artificial intelligence and algorithms: pros and cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary)

The video discusses the pros and cons of artificial intelligence, with a focus on the ethical implications of AI. It highlights how AI can be used to improve efficiency and public safety, but also how it can be used to violate privacy. The video interviews Jens Redma, a long-serving employee at Google, about the importance of AI for the company.

  • 00:00:00 Artificial intelligence is making rapid strides, with the potential to revolutionize many aspects of daily life. However, there are also concerns about the implications of artificial intelligence on the workforce and on privacy.

  • 00:05:00 Artificial intelligence is being used to analyze large data sets, including chest x-rays, in order to identify abnormalities. The accuracy of the algorithms is similar to that of human radiologists. However, the algorithms are not perfect, and humans are still needed to make decisions in the clinic based on probabilities.

  • 00:10:00 Max Little is a mathematician at Aston University who developed an algorithm to detect differences in vocal patterns between people with and without Parkinson's Disease. The study showed that the algorithm was nearly 99% accurate in identifying the condition. While this work is potentially valuable, there are ethical concerns about using this data to diagnose people without proper consent.

  • 00:15:00 The video presents the benefits and drawbacks of artificial intelligence, including its ability to improve public safety and efficiency. It also discusses the trade-off between privacy and security. In China, there is a different tradition and take on the issue of privacy and surveillance, with a focus on efficiency and data collection.

  • 00:20:00 In the video, the pros and cons of artificial intelligence are discussed. The video also discusses how companies like Google have an impact on society, and how the European Union is currently handing Google a 2.7 billion dollar anti-trust fine.

  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) for Google, and discusses some of the concerns that are being raised about its impact on society. It also interviews Jens Redma, a long-serving employee at Google, about the importance of AI for the company.

  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the pros and cons of artificial intelligence, highlighting the importance of intuition and human decision-making in the field. It talks about the need for AI to be able to navigate in complex environments and the difficulties involved in achieving this.

  • 00:35:00 Artificial intelligence can help drivers avoid accidents, but there are ethical questions about how to decide who to save in such a fast-paced situation. In a recent online survey, people agreed on a number of moral values, but differed on how to act in specific scenarios.

  • 00:40:00 In this documentary, researchers discuss the pros and cons of artificial intelligence and algorithms. They discuss how AI can help us make decisions more efficiently, but note that there are still ethical questions to be addressed.
Artificial intelligence and algorithms: pros and cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary)
Artificial intelligence and algorithms: pros and cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary)
  • 2019.09.26
Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) are leading to fundamental changes in the way we live. Algorithms can already detect Parkinson's disease and can...