optimization starts but does nothing


Hey everyone. I am having an issue with the optimization process. I enable all my parameters and select what pair and such, and when I click "start" my computer ramps up and shows all the core connected cores, but does nothing. I had this optimization started lastnight before bed. I woke up and my office was warm from my PC, but the optimization showed no passes and no time started/remaining, and no errors. Has anyone had this issue?

screencast video if you want to see what i'm doing. https://www.screencast.com/t/DJbDg3DWX

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Devon Kapler:Hey everyone. I am having an issue with the optimization process. I enable all my parameters and select what pair and such, and when I click "start" my computer ramps up and shows all the core connected cores, but does nothing. I had this optimization started lastnight before bed. I woke up and my office was warm from my PC, but the optimization showed no passes and no time started/remaining, and no errors. Has anyone had this issue?

Possibly a problem in your code causing an infinite loop or something to the effect.

Do a single run and with the same parameters of the initial pass of the optimisation and see how long it takes for that single run.


Also, check your "Filters" for the Optimisation Results tab, as there may be results that are not being displayed for not being relevant.

Enable all of them to make sure that they are all displayed: