Any way to stop browser open when statement saved

Is there anyway to stop the browser from opening when a statement is saved?
I don't get this happening.
What exactly are you saving and from where are you saving it - just wanting to make sure I'm doing what you are.

On the Account History tab, I right-click and hit Save As Report. It then saves it as a .html file which opens in my web browser.
Hmmm thats what I was doing - none of my installations of MT4 do this.

Maybe one of the MQ can shed some light ?
MetaQuotes, any ideas?
i don't understand your problem.many people need for instance opening of results after save. you need only one mouse move for application closing. and they need 10 mouse move for application opening
Well thank you, sir, for calling me lazy.

I was only asking if there was a way to turn the action off.
Its a minor annoyance...minor but still an annoyance.

What is wrong with you people? Why have all the MQ reps been so rude on this board. Is it really a language barrier or what? ....Forget it, it doesn't matter. I will just accept thats the way you are.
You know, I just don't get it.

We want the same thing...for Metatrader to be the best charting app out there. I belive in Metatrader and I did believe in the people behind MetaQuotes.

But at every instance, every time we say it needs to be this way or that way, you only respond with snide remarks and curt answers. Your last comment was just rude in light of everything else.

I don't understand what happened here. But you know what, I don't care. Do what whatever you like. If you don't make the best chart app there is, someone else will. You already have a good foundation. If you would just hear us out and let us konw your working on it, that would suffice. Heck, you could even just lie to us and say you were working on it, but you don't do that. You just day "no we won't do it".

This board is amazing to me. I haven't even been here for that long and even I'm drawing the wrath of the MQ nazi's. Oh wait, are you going to ban me for that?

Well thank you, sir, for calling me lazy.
I was only asking if there was a way to turn the action off.

i've answered on "MetaQuotes, any ideas?" and have explained why application opens saved reports, pictures and so on.