MetaTrader 5 Platform update build 3660: Improvements and fixes - page 10

fxsaber #:

There are no differences in the pictures.

yes correct, except history quality from 100% to 32%


Hi, has someone issues trying to open MetaQuotes Language editor in mac m1?


Carl Schreiber #: One simple script for MT5 b.3744 and four questions & problems:

#define DoWi(t) ((int)(((t-259200)%604800)/86400))       // (int)Day of Week Su=0,Mo=1,...
#define _t2s(t) TimeToString(t,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES)
#define  BoW(t) ((t)-((t-172800)%604800 - 86400))        // Begin of Week.. Su 00:00:00: 604800=168h=7*24; 172800=35.5h; 86400=24h

You can simplify BoW:

#define  BoW(t) ((t)-((t-259200)%604800))
//      259200=Sun Jan 04 1970
and DOW should be an enumeration
#define DoWi(when) ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK((when-D'1970.01.04')/86400 %7)