execution arrows not seen on MT4

I recently converted some of my MT3 experts to MT4 and allowed it to trade live on demo. I noticed that the execution symbols (entry/exit arrows) are not shown when the trades get executed. At times they are shown but instead of the designated color in OrderSend command, they come up as purple on entries and exits alike. Is there a trick to get these to show up or is this function not working in the current version?
I have tried to just simply make an expert that just sends an order every 5 min and buys at the market, but its arrow is still not plotted. Thank you for your help!
I do this:

color WingdingColor;
datetime WingdingTime;
double WingdingCode; // Wingdings font symbols used with Arrow objects.
                  // 233=long(up arrow), 217=long(up arrow)
                  // 234=short(down arrow), 218=short(down arrow)
double Price;
int ArrowSize=4;  // Should be from 0 to 7.
int err;

//void Wingding(datetime WingdingTime, double Price, double WingdingCode, color WingdingColor)
void Wingding(datetime ArrowTime, double Price, double ArrowCode, color ArrowColor, string ArrowAction)
 int err;
 string ArrowName = DoubleToStr(ArrowTime,0)+" VOOCHTEST "+ArrowAction;
   if (ObjectFind(ArrowName) != -1) ObjectDelete(ArrowName);
   if(!ObjectCreate(ArrowName, OBJ_ARROW, 0, ArrowTime, Price))
     //Print("error: can't create Arrow! code #",err," ",ErrorDescription(err));
     Print("error: can't create Arrow! code #",err);
   ObjectSet(ArrowName, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, ArrowCode);
   ObjectSet(ArrowName, OBJPROP_COLOR , ArrowColor);
   ObjectSet(ArrowName, OBJPROP_WIDTH  , ArrowSize);

int start()

// 1). Look at historical orders
TotalTrades = HistoryTotal();
if(cnt<0) { cnt=0; }
for(cnt=cnt;cnt<TotalTrades;cnt++) {
    OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY);
    if ( (OrderSymbol()==Symbol()) && (OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber) ) {
        if (OrderType()==0) {
            // Here, we're going to look at the long orders only
            if(OrderClosePrice()>OrderOpenPrice()) {
                // It was a profitable long
                Wingding(OrderCloseTime(),OrderClosePrice(),74,YellowGreen,"closedlong");  // Smiley Face
            } else {
                // It was an unprofitable long
                Wingding(OrderCloseTime(),OrderClosePrice(),77,Tomato,"closedlong");  // Bomb
        if (OrderType()==1) {
            // Here, we're going to look at the short orders only
            if(OrderClosePrice()<OrderOpenPrice()) {
                // It was a profitable short
                Wingding(OrderCloseTime(),OrderClosePrice(),74,Orange,"closedshort");  // Smiley Face
            } else {
                // It was an unprofitable short
                Wingding(OrderCloseTime(),OrderClosePrice(),77,Tomato,"closedshort");  // Bomb
// 2). Then I want to look at my active orders:
TotalTrades = OrdersTotal();
for(cnt=0;cnt<TotalTrades;cnt++) {
    OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
    if ( (OrderSymbol()==Symbol()) && (OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber) ) {
        if (OrderType()==0) {
            Wingding(OrderOpenTime(),OrderOpenPrice(),217,Lime,"long");  // Up Fractal OP_BUY
            // Here, we're going to look at the long orders only
            if(Bid<OrderOpenPrice()) {
                // It was a profitable long
            } else {
                // It was an unprofitable long
        if (OrderType()==1) {
            Wingding(OrderOpenTime(),OrderOpenPrice(),218,Orange,"short");  // Down Fractal OP_SELL
            // Here, we're going to look at the short orders only
            if(Ask>OrderOpenPrice()) {
                // It was a profitable short
            } else {
                // It was an unprofitable short

}  // end of start()

- Vooch