Array1[i] = i*1.5; Print(Array1[i]); prints only cero, why?

I tested several scripts with Arrays assigment and iam a little confused why them doesnt work (them only gets a cero value), for example:

// Channel
   for(i=0; i<limit; i++)
   for(i=0; i<limit; i++)
   for(i=0; i<limit; i++)

      Print(Array1[i]);  // HERE THIS ONLY PRINTS CERO
                                // EVEN WHEN I ASSIGN A VALUE DIRECTLY
                                // TO THE ARRAY

      Value1 = 100*Array3[i];
      Value2 = Array3[i] ;
      if (Value2 != 0) TS = Value1/Value2; else TS = 0 ;      
      UC = Highest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, i+21, i);  
      LC = Lowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, i+21, i);
      if (TS < 0) Plot3[i]=UC; else if (TS > 0) { Plot4[i]=UC; }
      if (TS < 0) Plot5[i]=LC; else if (TS > 0) { Plot6[i]=LC; }

if i do a simple example it dosent work too:

   for(i=0; i<limit; i++)
      Array1[i] = i*1.5; 
      Print(Array1[i]);   // PRINTS ONLY CERO

Any advice on how to solve this problem?

Alejandro Galindo

You got to dimension the array before to use it, otherway it will give you zeros.
ArrayResize(Array1, limit);
ArrayResize(Array2, limit);
for(i=0; i<limit; i++) {
. . . .
Dear Turcol,

Thank you, it works fine now :)

Is there a place where i can see a language reference for MQ4?

Thanks again.
Alejandro Galindo