Please help...... - page 2

I have found a EL Reference where these things are described. I will see what I can do.

(In the beginning, I thought it would be easy)

I do not understand very much.
My result does not look like the chart above :-(((

i've been sitting on my hands on this one... i thought it may be tougher than u expected! éet me know if i can help u debug!


Hello hugues,

I have done it mostly, although I cannot say if the results are the same as the original will give. This is because I don't understand what this indicator should give and I don't have a tradestation.

One main Problem was the ability of Easy Language to call a function on a specified bar using a syntax like x = myFunction( param1, param2)[5] which will call the function five bars back. The function then will get this bar as its actual one.

My problem is, that my indicator gets always more then 10 upFracs and therefore the calculated value is -1.

I have looked at this problem the whole evening yesterday and cannot find it.

I post you here what I have done so far. Maybe you can see it. I think, either I have taken one calculation wrong or I have a wrong condition in an if statement.

It's too bad, that there are no Debugger for the programs, this would make it easy to find such errors.

My codestyle is a bit different from yours, but I hope, you can understand it.

If you find something, give me a hint.

with regards, cori

/* ****************************************************************** */
/* ABillW_ActiveFractal                                               */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* I dont understand what is calculated here. All I have is a         */
/* badly documented programming example                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* Copyright and pricing                                              */
/*                                                                    */
/* This code was developed by coriFX 2005.                            */
/*                                                                    */
/* You can use this code to make money as much as you wish without    */
/* fee. If you have made your first million using my code, I would    */
/* ask you to send me 10%. contact me at { corifx at o2go dot de }.   */
/* I will send you the information for money transfer.                */
/*                                                                    */
/* ****************************************************************** */
#property  copyright "developed by coriFX 2005"
//---- indicator settings
#property  indicator_chart_window
#property  indicator_buffers 2
#property  indicator_color1  Blue
#property  indicator_color2  Red

// Indicator buffer
double     bufUpFrac[];
double     bufDownFrac[];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Definitionen of Standardvalues                                     */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define   NAME                "ABillW_ActiveFractal"
#define   VERSION             "0.1"

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Includes                                                           */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Imported functions and used libraries                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Parameters                                                         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern bool     debug = true;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Initialize                                                         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int init() {
    logOutput(  ": initialize" );
    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( "-----> Debug enabled" );

    // initialize indicator
    IndicatorShortName( NAME );

    SetIndexStyle( 0, DRAW_LINE );
    SetIndexLabel( 0, "upFrac" );
    if  ( ! SetIndexBuffer( 0, bufUpFrac ) ) {
        logOutput( "cannot set Index Buffer 0" );

    SetIndexStyle( 1, DRAW_LINE );
    SetIndexDrawBegin( 1, 20 );
    SetIndexLabel( 1, "downFrac" );
    if  ( ! SetIndexBuffer( 1, bufDownFrac ) ) {
        logOutput( "cannot set Index Buffer 1" );

    return( 0 );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* End. Free all resources                                            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int deinit() {
    logOutput( ": deinitialize" );
    return( 0 );

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Main routine. Called at every tick                                 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int start() {

    int counted = IndicatorCounted();
    int remain  = Bars - counted;
    int i;

    logOutput( StringConcatenate( ": start new cycle - counted: ", counted, ", remain: ", remain ) );
    if  ( counted < 0 ) {
        return( -1 );
    for ( i = 0; i < remain; i++ ) {
        calculateIndicatorValues( i );
    if  ( debug ) {
        for ( i = 0; i < remain; i++ ) {
            logOutput( StringConcatenate( ": Buffers - bufUpFrac[", i, "] = ", bufUpFrac[i],
                                         ", bufDownFrac[", i, "] = ", bufDownFrac[i] ) );

// Function to calculate the indicator values

void calculateIndicatorValues( int shift ) {

    double upFrac       = 0;
    double dnFrac       = 0;
    bool   stp_now      = false;
    int    i1           = 1;
    int    maxFracsBack = 10;

    double value1       = High[Highest( Symbol(), 0, MODE_HIGH, 3, shift )];
    double value2       = Low[Lowest( Symbol(), 0, MODE_LOW, 3, shift )];
    double value3       = 0;
    double value4       = 0;

    double blBlue       = calculateAverageHelper( High, Low, 13, 8 + shift ); // {blue}
    double blRed        = calculateAverageHelper( High, Low,  8, 5 + shift ); // {red}
    double blGreen      = calculateAverageHelper( High, Low,  5, 3 + shift ); // {green}
    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateIndicatorValues() - shift: ", shift,
                                      ", value1: ", value1, ", value2: ", value2, 
                                      ", blBlue: ", blBlue, ", blRed: ", blRed, 
                                      ", blGreen: ", blGreen ) );
    // Wenn dnFrac ueber blred liegt, dann ist es ungueltig
    // das vorhergehende frac wird dann getestet usw.
    stp_now = false;
    i1      = 1;

    value3 = calculateSwingLow( i1, Low, 2, 80, shift );
    while ( i1 < maxFracsBack && value3 != -1 && ! stp_now ) {
        if  ( value3 > blRed || value3 > value2 ) {
            i1     += 1;
            value3  = calculateSwingLow( i1, Low, 2, 80, shift );
        } else {
            stp_now = TRUE;

    if  ( stp_now ) {
        dnFrac = value3;
    } else {
        dnFrac = -1;

    if  ( i1 >= maxFracsBack ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( ": ", i1 ," mehr als ", maxFracsBack, " dnFracs" ) );
    // Wenn upFrac unter blRed liegt, ist es ungueltig.
    // Das vorhergehende upFrac wird dann auf Gueltigkeit getestet usw.

    stp_now = false;
    i1      = 1;
    value4 = calculateSwingHigh( i1, High, 2, 80, shift );
    while ( i1 < maxFracsBack &&  value4 != -1 && ! stp_now ) {
        if  ( value4 < blRed || value4 < value1 ) {
            i1     += 1;
            value4  = calculateSwingHigh( i1, High, 2, 80, shift );
        } else { 
            stp_now = TRUE;

        // I think this statement is not necessary
        // if date=930219 then print(d," ooh ",i1,stp_now,value4);

    if  ( stp_now ) {
        upFrac = value4;
    } else {
        upFrac = -1;
    if  ( i1 >= maxFracsBack ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( ": ", i1 ," mehr als ", maxFracsBack, " upFracs" ) );

    logOutput( StringConcatenate( ": upFrac: ", upFrac, ", downFrac: ", dnFrac ) );
    if  ( upFrac != 0 && upFrac != -1 ) {
        bufUpFrac[shift] = upFrac;
    } else {
        bufUpFrac[shift] = bufUpFrac[shift - 1];
    if  ( dnFrac != 0 && dnFrac != -1 ) {
        bufDownFrac[shift] = dnFrac;
    } else {
        bufDownFrac[shift] = bufDownFrac[shift - 1];


/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Internal routines                                                  */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

// function SwingHigh as provided from Alexantry 
double calculateSwingHigh( int occur, double price[], int strength, int length, int shift ) { 
     Description: Swing High
     Provided By: Omega Research, Inc. (c) Copyright 1999

    int     x       = 0;
    int     j       = strength;
    int     counter = 0;
    double  price1  = 0;
    bool    found   = false;
    bool    truth   = false;

    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateSwingHigh() inputs - occur: ", occur,
                                      ", price[", shift, "]: ", price[shift], ", strength: ", strength,
                                      ", length: ", length, ", shift: ", shift ) );

    if  ( j > 0 ) {
	     counter = 0;
	     while ( j < length && ! found ) {
		      price1 = price[j + shift];
		      x      = j + 1;
		      truth  = true;
		      while ( truth && ( x - j ) <= strength ) {
			       if  ( price1 < price[x + shift] ) { 
				        truth = false;
			       x += 1;
            x = j - 1;
		      while ( truth && ( j - x ) <= strength ) {
			       if  ( price1 <= price[x + shift] ) { 
				        truth = false;
			       x -= 1;
		      if  ( truth ) { 
			       counter += 1;
		      if  ( counter >= occur ) { 
			       found = true;
		      j += 1;
    if  ( ! found ) {
	     price1 = -1;
    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateSwingHigh() return: ", price1 ) );
    return( price1 );

// function SwingLow as provided from Alexantry 
double calculateSwingLow( int occur, double price[], int strength, int length, int shift ) { 
     Description: Swing Low
     Provided By: Omega Research, Inc. (c) Copyright 1999

    int     x       = 0;
    int     j       = strength;
    int     counter = 0;
    double  price1  = 0;
    bool    found   = false;
    bool    truth   = false;

    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateSwingLow() inputs - occur: ", occur,
                                      ", price[", shift, "]: ", price[shift], ", strength: ", strength,
                                      ", length: ", length, ", shift: ", shift ) );

    if  ( j > 0 ) {
	     counter = 0;
	     while ( j < length && ! found ) {
		      price1 = price[j + shift];
		      x      = j + 1;
		      truth  = true;
		      while ( truth && ( x - j ) <= strength ) {
			       if  ( price1 > price[x + shift] ) { 
				        truth = false;
			       x += 1;
            x = j - 1;
		      while ( truth && ( j - x ) <= strength ) {
			       if  ( price1 >= price[x + shift] ) { 
				        truth = false;
			       x -= 1;
		      if  ( truth ) { 
			       counter += 1;
		      if  ( counter >= occur ) { 
			       found = true;
		      j += 1;
    if  ( ! found ) {
	     price1 = -1;
    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateSwingLow() return: ", price1 ) );
    return( price1 );

// function Average as provided from Alexantry 
double calculateAverage( double price[], int length ) { 
     Description: Simple Moving Average
     Provided By: Omega Research, Inc. (c) Copyright 1999

    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateAverage() inputs - price[0]: ", price[0],
                                      ", length: ", length ) );
    double sum      = 0;
    int    counter  = 0;
    double result   = 0;

    for ( counter = 0; counter < length - 1; counter++ ) {
	     sum += price[counter];

    if  ( length > 0 ) { 
 	     result = sum / length;
    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateAverage() return: ", result ) );
    return( result );

// Write information to the experts log with date and version of the caller 
void logOutput( string logText ) {
    Print( NAME, " (", VERSION, ") ", TimeToStr( CurTime(), TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS ), logText );

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Helper Routine for calling the Average with the functionality      */
/* from the original Easy Language                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

// This function builds an array with the calulation of ( high + low ) / 2
// in the given length.
// the values are taken from the periods at shift and before
double calculateAverageHelper( double price1[], double price2[], int length, int shift ) {

    double value[];
    int    i;
    int    j;
    double result;

    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateAverageHelper() inputs - price1[0]: ", price1[0],
                                      ", price2[", shift, "]: ", price2[shift], " length: ", length,
                                       ", shift: ", shift ) );
    ArrayResize( value, length );
    for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
        j = i + shift;
        value[i] = ( price1[j] + price2[j] ) / 2;

    result = calculateAverage( value, length );

    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateAverageHelper() return: ", result ) );
    return( result );
After testing another while, I have changed all double compares to int compares as I mentioned in another thread using MathRound, but it helps not.

I don't understand, why I get in the downFrac -1 and therefore, the line isn't painted. I have looked at the code again and again and can not find it.

Alexantry, please can you put some prints in your code, which are printing all the calculatet values on each run, so like value0 thru value4, the bl-lines etc. Post the protocol here, so that I maybe can see, what is happening.

greetings, cori
here is one : see my comment in the code.

// function Average as provided from Alexantry
double calculateAverage( double price[], int length ) {
Description: Simple Moving Average
Provided By: Omega Research, Inc. (c) Copyright 1999

if ( debug ) {
logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateAverage() inputs - price[0]: ", price[0],
", length: ", length ) );
double sum = 0;
int counter = 0;
double result = 0;

//HDB this loop misses one value: if length is 3, length-1 is 2 and the for loop does 0, 1 whereas it should do 0,1,2

for ( counter = 0; counter < length - 1; counter++ ) {
sum += price[counter];

if ( length > 0 ) {
result = sum / length;
if ( debug ) {
logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateAverage() return: ", result ) );
return( result );
btw, your code is very readable...the original though is a bit of a mess.. i still dont understand what it is supposed to do!

anyway, its late so good night and have a nice weekend !
Thank you, hugues, for taking a look.

I have corrected the loop and the second line also shows up.

I don't know what it calculates, really not, but it was a good example to learn Easy Language, I now have a reference book - downloaded from Some things in there are for the programmers, which write code to forget, because it gets difficult to understand like the example I gave above with the [x] behind the function.

BTW: my favorite indicator is the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.

Ok, lets go. Alexantry, check if it might do what you expect. Compare it to your tradestation or whatever you have.

Picture ( USDJPY )

The code. Make a new custom indicator, name it as you want, and paste it there. - Ah, and don't forget to read the header of the code ;-)

/* ****************************************************************** */
/* ABillW_ActiveFractal                                               */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* I dont understand what is calculated here. All I have is a         */
/* badly documented programming example                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* Copyright and pricing                                              */
/*                                                                    */
/* This code was developed by coriFX 2005.                            */
/*                                                                    */
/* You can use this code to make money as much as you wish without    */
/* fee. If you have made your first million using my code, I would    */
/* ask you to send me 10%. contact me at { corifx at o2go dot de }.   */
/* I will send you the information for money transfer.                */
/*                                                                    */
/* ****************************************************************** */
#property  copyright "developed by coriFX 2005"
//---- indicator settings
#property  indicator_chart_window
#property  indicator_buffers 2
#property  indicator_color1  Blue
#property  indicator_color2  Red

// Indicator buffer
double     bufUpFrac[];
double     bufDownFrac[];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Definitionen of Standardvalues                                     */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define   NAME                "ABillW_ActiveFractal"
#define   VERSION             "1.0"

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Includes                                                           */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Imported functions and used libraries                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Parameters                                                         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern int      maxFracsBack = 10;
extern bool     debug        = false;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Initialize                                                         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int init() {
    logOutput(  ": initialize" );
    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( "-----> Debug enabled" );

    // initialize indicator
    IndicatorShortName( NAME );

    SetIndexStyle( 0, DRAW_LINE );
    SetIndexLabel( 0, "upFrac" );
    if  ( ! SetIndexBuffer( 0, bufUpFrac ) ) {
        logOutput( "cannot set Index Buffer 0" );

    SetIndexStyle( 1, DRAW_LINE );
    SetIndexDrawBegin( 1, 20 );
    SetIndexLabel( 1, "downFrac" );
    if  ( ! SetIndexBuffer( 1, bufDownFrac ) ) {
        logOutput( "cannot set Index Buffer 1" );

    return( 0 );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* End. Free all resources                                            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int deinit() {
    logOutput( ": deinitialize" );
    return( 0 );

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Main routine. Called at every tick                                 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int start() {

    int counted = IndicatorCounted();
    int remain  = Bars - counted;
    int i;

    logOutput( StringConcatenate( ": start new cycle - counted: ", counted, ", remain: ", remain ) );
    if  ( counted < 0 ) {
        return( -1 );
    for ( i = 0; i < remain; i++ ) {
        calculateIndicatorValues( i );
    if  ( debug ) {
        for ( i = 0; i < remain; i++ ) {
            logOutput( StringConcatenate( ": Buffers - bufUpFrac[", i, "] = ", bufUpFrac[i],
                                         ", bufDownFrac[", i, "] = ", bufDownFrac[i] ) );

// Function to calculate the indicator values

void calculateIndicatorValues( int shift ) {

    double upFrac       = 0;
    double dnFrac       = 0;
    bool   stp_now      = false;
    int    i1           = 1;

    double value1       = High[Highest( Symbol(), 0, MODE_HIGH, 3, shift )];
    double value2       = Low[Lowest( Symbol(), 0, MODE_LOW, 3, shift )];
    double value3       = 0;
    double value4       = 0;

    double blBlue       = calculateAverageHelper( High, Low, 13, 8 + shift ); // {blue}
    double blRed        = calculateAverageHelper( High, Low,  8, 5 + shift ); // {red}
    double blGreen      = calculateAverageHelper( High, Low,  5, 3 + shift ); // {green}

    // int values for calculation
    int    intValue1    = MathRound( value1 / Point );
    int    intValue2    = MathRound( value2 / Point );
    int    intValue3    = 0;
    int    intValue4    = 0;
    int    intBlBlue    = MathRound( blBlue  / Point );
    int    intBlRed     = MathRound( blRed   / Point );
    int    intBlGreen   = MathRound( blGreen / Point );

    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateIndicatorValues() - shift: ", shift,
                                      ", value1: ", value1, ", value2: ", value2, 
                                      ", blBlue: ", blBlue, ", blRed: ", blRed, 
                                      ", blGreen: ", blGreen ) );
    // Wenn dnFrac ueber blred liegt, dann ist es ungueltig
    // das vorhergehende frac wird dann getestet usw.
    stp_now = false;
    i1      = 1;

    value3 = calculateSwingLow( i1, Low, 2, 80, shift );
    while ( i1 < maxFracsBack && value3 != -1 && ! stp_now ) {
        intValue3 = MathRound( value3 / Point );
        if  ( intValue3 > intBlRed || intValue3 > intValue2 ) {
            i1     += 1;
            value3  = calculateSwingLow( i1, Low, 2, 80, shift );
        } else {
            stp_now = TRUE;

    if  ( stp_now ) {
        dnFrac = value3;
    } else {
        dnFrac = -1;

    if  ( i1 >= maxFracsBack ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( ": ", i1 ," mehr als ", maxFracsBack, " dnFracs" ) );
    // Wenn upFrac unter blRed liegt, ist es ungueltig.
    // Das vorhergehende upFrac wird dann auf Gueltigkeit getestet usw.

    stp_now = false;
    i1      = 1;
    value4 = calculateSwingHigh( i1, High, 2, 80, shift );
    while ( i1 < maxFracsBack &&  value4 != -1 && ! stp_now ) {
        intValue4 = MathRound( value4 / Point );
        if  ( intValue4 < intBlRed || intValue4 < intValue1 ) {
            i1     += 1;
            value4  = calculateSwingHigh( i1, High, 2, 80, shift );
        } else { 
            stp_now = TRUE;

        // I think this statement is not necessary
        // if date=930219 then print(d," ooh ",i1,stp_now,value4);

    if  ( stp_now ) {
        upFrac = value4;
    } else {
        upFrac = -1;
    if  ( i1 >= maxFracsBack ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( ": ", i1 ," mehr als ", maxFracsBack, " upFracs" ) );

    logOutput( StringConcatenate( ": upFrac: ", upFrac, ", downFrac: ", dnFrac ) );
    if  ( upFrac != 0 && upFrac != -1 ) {
        bufUpFrac[shift] = upFrac;
    } else {
        bufUpFrac[shift] = bufUpFrac[shift - 1];
    if  ( dnFrac != 0 && dnFrac != -1 ) {
        bufDownFrac[shift] = dnFrac;
    } else {
        bufDownFrac[shift] = bufDownFrac[shift - 1];


/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Internal routines                                                  */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

// function SwingHigh as provided from Alexantry 
double calculateSwingHigh( int occur, double price[], int strength, int length, int shift ) { 
     Description: Swing High
     Provided By: Omega Research, Inc. (c) Copyright 1999
    int     x         = 0;
    int     j         = strength;
    int     counter   = 0;
    double  price1    = 0;
    bool    found     = false;
    bool    truth     = false;
    // Fields for calculation
    int     intPrice1;
    int     intPriceX;

    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateSwingHigh() inputs - occur: ", occur,
                                      ", price[", shift, "]: ", price[shift], ", strength: ", strength,
                                      ", length: ", length, ", shift: ", shift ) );

    if  ( j > 0 ) {
	     counter = 0;
	     while ( j < length && ! found ) {
		      price1 = price[j + shift];
		      x      = j + 1;
		      truth  = true;
		      while ( truth && ( x - j ) <= strength ) {
		          intPrice1 = MathRound( price1 / Point );
		          intPriceX = MathRound( price[x + shift] / Point );
			       if  ( intPrice1 < intPriceX ) { 
				        truth = false;
			       x += 1;
            x = j - 1;
		      while ( truth && ( j - x ) <= strength ) {
		          intPrice1 = MathRound( price1 / Point );
		          intPriceX = MathRound( price[x + shift] / Point );
			       if  ( intPrice1 <= intPriceX ) { 
				        truth = false;
			       x -= 1;
		      if  ( truth ) { 
			       counter += 1;
		      if  ( counter >= occur ) { 
			       found = true;
		      j += 1;
    if  ( ! found ) {
	     price1 = -1;
    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateSwingHigh() return: ", price1 ) );
    return( price1 );

// function SwingLow as provided from Alexantry 
double calculateSwingLow( int occur, double price[], int strength, int length, int shift ) { 
     Description: Swing Low
     Provided By: Omega Research, Inc. (c) Copyright 1999

    int     x       = 0;
    int     j       = strength;
    int     counter = 0;
    double  price1  = 0;
    bool    found   = false;
    bool    truth   = false;
    // Fields for calculation
    int     intPrice1;
    int     intPriceX;

    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateSwingLow() inputs - occur: ", occur,
                                      ", price[", shift, "]: ", price[shift], ", strength: ", strength,
                                      ", length: ", length, ", shift: ", shift ) );

    if  ( j > 0 ) {
	     counter = 0;
	     while ( j < length && ! found ) {
		      price1 = price[j + shift];
		      x      = j + 1;
		      truth  = true;
		      while ( truth && ( x - j ) <= strength ) {
		          intPrice1 = MathRound( price1 / Point );
		          intPriceX = MathRound( price[x + shift] / Point );
			       if  ( intPrice1 > intPriceX ) { 
				        truth = false;
			       x += 1;
            x = j - 1;
		      while ( truth && ( j - x ) <= strength ) {
		          intPrice1 = MathRound( price1 / Point );
		          intPriceX = MathRound( price[x + shift] / Point );
			       if  ( intPrice1 >= intPriceX ) { 
				        truth = false;
			       x -= 1;
		      if  ( truth ) { 
			       counter += 1;
		      if  ( counter >= occur ) { 
			       found = true;
		      j += 1;
    if  ( ! found ) {
	     price1 = -1;
    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateSwingLow() return: ", price1 ) );
    return( price1 );

// function Average as provided from Alexantry 
double calculateAverage( double price[], int length ) { 
     Description: Simple Moving Average
     Provided By: Omega Research, Inc. (c) Copyright 1999

    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateAverage() inputs - price[0]: ", price[0],
                                      ", length: ", length ) );
    double sum      = 0;
    int    counter  = 0;
    double result   = 0;

    // Thanks HDB for finding my mistake interpreting a "For" loop
    for ( counter = 0; counter < length; counter++ ) {
	     sum += price[counter];

    if  ( length > 0 ) { 
 	     result = sum / length;
    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateAverage() return: ", result ) );
    return( result );

// Write information to the experts log with date and version of the caller 
void logOutput( string logText ) {
    Print( NAME, " (", VERSION, ") ", TimeToStr( CurTime(), TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS ), logText );

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Helper Routine for calling the Average with the functionality      */
/* from the original Easy Language                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

// This function builds an array with the calulation of ( high + low ) / 2
// in the given length.
// the values are taken from the periods at shift and before
double calculateAverageHelper( double price1[], double price2[], int length, int shift ) {

    double value[];
    int    i;
    int    j;
    double result;

    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateAverageHelper() inputs - price1[0]: ", price1[0],
                                      ", price2[", shift, "]: ", price2[shift], " length: ", length,
                                       ", shift: ", shift ) );
    ArrayResize( value, length );
    for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
        j = i + shift;
        value[i] = ( price1[j] + price2[j] ) / 2;

    result = calculateAverage( value, length );

    if  ( debug ) {
        logOutput( StringConcatenate( " - calculateAverageHelper() return: ", result ) );
    return( result );

Good luck, and again, thank you, hugues.


EDIT: I have set the debug Switch to false. If not it would fill up your log with garbage.

Thank you.