MQL5 Chatbot EA and Code Creator. - page 2

@Prince the #: Fact: The cat is already out of the bag and if Metaquotes does not develop a coding AI someone else will and then Metaquotes loses that potential income stream. There is no point in acting like luddites or being an ostrich with its head buried in the sand think all is safe whilst the wolves hover in the near distance.

For you information, MetaQuotes has already added that AI functionality (called "CoPilot"), to MetaEditor, and did so shortly after this thread was first posted (because it was already in the works at the time).

So, you are a little late and somewhat uninformed about it. It is however, a paid "feature", but I doubt anyone seriously uses it.

Fernando Carreiro #:

For you information, MetaQuotes has already added that AI functionality (called "CoPilot"), to MetaEditor, and did so shortly after this thread was first posted (because it was already in the works at the time).

So, you are a little late and somewhat uninformed about it. It is however, a paid "feature", but I doubt anyone seriously uses it.

Some of the replies on here show a bad attitude to this type development which will only improve with time. Rather than picking a top just go with the flow. There's still money to be made.
Prince the #:
Fact: The cat is already out of the bag and if Metaquotes does not develop a coding AI someone else will and then Metaquotes loses that potential income stream.

There is no point in acting like luddites or being an ostrich with its head buried in the sand think all is safe whilst the wolves hover in the near distance.

MetaEditor, Open AI and ChatGPT  - summary thread about new feature in MT5 and MetaEditor
MetaEditor, Open AI and ChatGPT - Test version of MQ5 Copilot in beta 3647
MetaEditor, Open AI and ChatGPT - Test version of MQ5 Copilot in beta 3647
  • 2023.03.24
Test version of mql5 copilot in beta 3647. In today's beta version 3647, we've included the first version of copilot, a feature to enhance the editor's ability to write code. Besides, let's be honest, copilot is the poorest of all the candidates
A successful business should stay away from emotional trends and accept original ones. It seems that advertisements about artificial intelligence tools are more emotional and mostly use related words to attract customers. Such trends will disappear sooner or later.
Of course, sustainable material benefits have a great impact on the decisions of a successful and sustainable company like metaquotes.
Houman Salehi #:
Already I made 5 indicators for myself and they work very well! It is a great program. Doesn't cost me any!!!!

CAn I send you my code to have a look at ti, I can't seem to get it to run in MT5 but it compiles just fine