How to include a file from parent folder?


The EA.mq5 file is located in the "MQL5\Experts\My_EA" folder ("MQL5\Experts\My_EA\EA.mq5").

The EA.mq5  file includes 2 header files:

// EA.mq5
#include "file1.mqh"
#include "subfolder\file2.mqh"

I can include file2 in file1 in the same way:

// file1.mqh
#include "subfolder\file2.mqh"

But is there a way to include file1 in file2? That is, can I somehow specify that the file is located in the parent folder?

// file2.mqh
#include "..\file1.mqh"
Alain Verleyen #:

Thank you very much! :)