Trendline Improvements request

Hi Guys,

Is it possible for you guys to add in a simple 'left extension' to the Trendline ray option? Really good for long term trendline.

Hand in hand with the above, for long term trendlines, the current method for moving these trendlines is ONLY being able to grab the middle extension point and moving it up or down with the Shift key and mouse.

Is it possible to include the following: If Shift and another key plus mouse is used, the trendline can be moved by any grab extension point and maintaining the trendline's angle? Myself and my trading buddies use trendlines extensively and are really finding this frustrating. Other trading packages don't seem to require the double-click/extension points - trendlines can be moved by mousing over it and dragging it from any point of the ray/trendline.

We'd really appreciate your thoughts and time to improve this aspect of a fantastic package. Keep up the good work, guys.


I was going to request the very same thing but you saved me the trouble of all that typing :)

The above trendline stuff is really important to me as well, MetaQuote Fellows - how about it? Doesn't look like too much additional coding to give us users a left ray extension and an easier way to move reeaalllly long trendlines without having to scroll back to find one of these grab points.

Pretty please ? Please ?

Could I please have this functionality included or a timeline on the development cycle ? I see it as a minor addition/s which provides increased usability for the platform's userbase.

Best Regards