Open modify window of a certain position

How to open modify window of a certain position by code? 
Give me some hints

You cannot call the terminal's trading dialogue box from code.

You can either modify the position directly in code, without user intervention, or you can graphically make your own trading panel for user input.

Fernando Carreiro #:

You cannot call the terminal's trading dialogue box from code.

You can either modify the position directly in code, without user intervention, or you can graphically make your own trading panel for user input.

What about win api? but there's no documentation/refrence about it.
pavelion #: What about win api? but there's no documentation/refrence about it.

Using the WinAPI would be considered "hacking", so obviously there will be no documentation for it.

Fernando Carreiro #:

Using the WinAPI would be considered "hacking", so obviously there will be no documentation for it.

Ah thanks for the information. I considered it as tweking though