Vertical Indicator Window


Is it possible to provide a vertical Indicator window to the left or right of the price window? This will have a y-axis of price, the same as the price window (scaling the same way) and have a user definable x-axis.

The x-axis can then be used for an indicator related to price. I have a need to count the occurances of a price and show it as a horixontal bar graph next to the price.

sorry there is impossible

Could I put this in as a future feature request. It could be at a code level if needed.

What is the process to request new features? Would a vote help to determine how many people may be interested in it?

Here is an example of where it would be very handy. This screenshot shows an example.

The Price level profile is what I am trying to build. I have some rudementry code written, but need a vertical price array to display it.

there is very interesting. but impossible in the 4-th version. may be in the 5-th