MQL4 - is it like other programming languages?

Hi All,
I like the MetaTrader platform and have some ideas I want to program in, custom indicators and so on. Is MQL4 conceptually similar to other languages? I'm not a programmer, though I learned enough to do what I wanted to in MetaStock, but the MetaStock language is a lot different than the MetaTrader language. My question: would it be useful for me to read some books on basic C+ or Java or something to develop a feel for programming structure and logic so that I can start to do things in MQL4? The MQL4 Dictionary is not basic enough for someone without a programming background. Any recommendation are greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Scott
MQL4 is very similar to C language, and yes you do need a basic knowledge of programming to understand the structure of MQL4. Here is a site on C language to give you some idea:

Have fun programming.
Thanks Frank.

I found a nice C/C++ programming link that looks about my speed. Everyone from absolute beginners to experts could probably find something of insterest...
