Need Help with EAs seriously


Do you know anyone who has time to help me figure out how copiers and Expert advisors in MLQ5 work in MT4 and MT5. I’ve read articles, watched videos, asked for help on MLQ5 forum. They all assume that you know something about how they work. I don't. I have tried many times to follow the advise given. I even bought some EAs. I see some executing trades on my demo MT4s, but I don't even know who these are. I’m smart but I still don’t get it. <Deleted>


What about using an EA from the codebase?

  1. Watch it how it trades by using its indicators
  2. then study the code that creates what you have seen ...
MQL5 Code Base
MQL5 Code Base
MQL5 Source Code Library for MetaTrader 5
Joseph Karanja:

Do you know anyone who has time to help me figure out how copiers and Expert advisors in MLQ5 work in MT4 and MT5. I’ve read articles, watched videos, asked for help on MLQ5 forum. They all assume that you know something about how they work. I don't. I have tried many times to follow the advise given. I even bought some EAs. I see some executing trades on my demo MT4s, but I don't even know who these are. I’m smart but I still don’t get it. <Deleted>

If you mean Copier EAs in general , as in  "what do they use as a bridge" the answer is the common folder of all meta trader terminals.

Its location : C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common\Files

MT4 and MT5 terminals of the PC can read and write files in that folder.

So a copier is the development of a "talking" mechanism between the terminals that shares information about trades on the PC.

Here are 2 tests :

MT5 :

#property version   "1.00"
int OnInit()
  Alert("Common folder location : "+TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_COMMONDATA_PATH));
  int f=FileOpen("Bridge\\MT5"+IntegerToString(AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN))+AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_COMPANY)+".txt",FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT|FILE_COMMON);
  FileWriteString(f,"Hello from MT5 "+_Symbol+"\n");
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
void OnTick()

MT4 : 

#property strict
int OnInit()
  Alert("Common folder location : "+TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_COMMONDATA_PATH));
  int f=FileOpen("Bridge\\MT4"+IntegerToString(AccountNumber())+AccountCompany()+".txt",FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT|FILE_COMMON);
  FileWriteString(f,"Hello from MT4 "+_Symbol+"\n");
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
void OnTick()

I apologize if i misunderstood your querry 


The answers I have received so far show that you guys are really good at what you do. You know the insides and outsides of EA trading. But if you read between the lines of what I wrote at first, I have read plenty of similar guides, but I haven't found a teacher who understands my dilemma. I need a 1:1 coaching. I don't think that it will take long, but I need someone I can can ask questions, "someone who scratches where it itches."


Perhaps you are wondering, "Where is the itch and we can scratch it?" I am going to start asking some simple questions. Pls answer them one by one.

1) When I subscribe to a free or paid EA, where can I find that file or code on my computer or on my MT4 or MT5? I know how to subscribe to EAs for MT4 and MT5.

Joseph Karanja #: Perhaps you are wondering, "Where is the itch and we can scratch it?" I am going to start asking some simple questions. Pls answer them one by one. 1) When I subscribe to a free or paid EA, where can I find that file or code on my computer or on my MT4 or MT5? I know how to subscribe to EAs for MT4 and MT5.

This website has a Search function (top-right). It sometimes malfunctions but today it is working correctly.

Using the key phrase "how to download market product" ...!keyword=how%20to%20download%20market%20product

you will find, low and behold, the very first option of the search results, seems to be exactly what you need to read ...

Market How to buy an advisor on How to rent? how to update? how to install?

In other words, you don't need a 1:1 couch, you need to put in the effort of doing it on your own, because that is what it means to become a self-sufficient trader.

Retail traders, are loaners, they are freelancers, they rely on no-one, they cut their own trail and define their own path.

If you are unable to create that mindset in yourself, you will not be able to succeed at being a retail trader.

CobeBase and Market are two different things.