Problem with customer not responding and bad arbiteration status


Hello. Unfortunately I have had several customers so far who left the chat and never came back for payment. I had to open an arbitration case to get paid and this was added to my  arbitration history.

Is there a solution to get rid of those bad history of arbitration? Or to avoid such thing to happen again. Thanks.

Yashar Seyyedin:

Hello. Unfortunately I have had several customers so far who left the chat and never came back for payment. I had to open an arbitration case to get paid and this was added to my  arbitration history.

Is there a solution to get rid of those bad history of arbitration? Or to avoid such thing to happen again. Thanks.

I think that probably every experienced developer has had a number of arbitrations because of this. It is frustrating and annoying that these are included in the arbitration statistics. I believe that the arbitration count for developers should only include those that are found in favour of the customer. A high arbitration count looks bad for the developer even though he is not at fault.

You can't avoid it happening again as customers will just stop responding for no apparent reason. Then you have no choice but arbitration.

As for getting rid of bad arbitration history, no chance!

I had a job once where I started arbitration and the customer offered to cancel the job. It was a $30 job and I couldn't be bothered with it so I agreed to this. Now I expected that cancelling the job would also cancel the arbitration, but no. Not only was it included in the arbitration statistics, it was counted as found in favour of the customer! How can that be right? If I had known that would happen I would never have agreed to cancel the job. I would have continued with the arbitration as I would probably have won anyway. I complained about this to the service desk but they told me that there was nothing that they can do.

Yashar Seyyedin:

Hello. Unfortunately I have had several customers so far who left the chat and never came back for payment. I had to open an arbitration case to get paid and this was added to my  arbitration history.

Is there a solution to get rid of those bad history of arbitration? Or to avoid such thing to happen again. Thanks.

It stopped happening when :

Demo with expiration date for the exX deliverables with a link to the mql5 project discussion . Make it easy for them to find the project if they forget .

Now people will disagree with this tip but you deliver the source code after the last step goes through .

When they receive the source code they want to see the goodies .It's like when you go shopping and have bags or boxes in front of you. That is when it is very likely they get lost and forget about the finalization , and , since is not instagram or po*****hub , they are not likely to come back , and if they do , the notifications go "bing" only when they happen live .
Most times its not done deliberately , that is hard to believe but true. They are just happy about the new stuff and very very very unfamiliar with the site . If your code is clear as day and there are no errors , the chances of them forgetting increase . 

This is risky though expecially if you are dealing with clients from an area who have bargaining as a hobby :).If the client is from that specific area yeah risk sending the code anyway otherwise they will go to arbitration as they don't like losing arguments.  

Now be careful with my tip as technically the client has the right to go to arbitration if you say you will send the code after finalization . 

There is also a paragraph in the rules if i recall that states the job will be considered completed after 2 weeks in waiting for the clients finalization . I don't know if it still applies.

The best solution as always would be for our hosts to send little notifications to the clients that they have pending confirmations , but we won't be alive in the next century probably so ...

Take this advice with caution , be polite , offer ideas , close it while its hot . 

An alternative is don't give instructions for the source code when you deliver it . Just attach it and say here is the source code .
Then they will come back to ask , then you ask them to finalize , then you explain.

Edit : Here is the quote from the rules that has an OR in it indicating there is an automatic fulfillment period (if i'm not misinterpreting)

The required sum of money is automatically deducted from the Customer's account and added to the Developer's account by the Payment System upon the Customer's confirmation of the work delivery or the recognition of the Order as fulfilled after the expiry of the work acceptance period.
Keith Watford #:

I think that probably every experienced developer has had a number of arbitrations because of this. It is frustrating and annoying that these are included in the arbitration statistics. I believe that the arbitration count for developers should only include those that are found in favour of the customer. A high arbitration count looks bad for the developer even though he is not at fault.

You can't avoid it happening again as customers will just stop responding for no apparent reason. Then you have no choice but arbitration.

As for getting rid of bad arbitration history, no chance!

I had a job once where I started arbitration and the customer offered to cancel the job. It was a $30 job and I couldn't be bothered with it so I agreed to this. Now I expected that cancelling the job would also cancel the arbitration, but no. Not only was it included in the arbitration statistics, it was counted as found in favour of the customer! How can that be right? If I had known that would happen I would never have agreed to cancel the job. I would have continued with the arbitration as I would probably have won anyway. I complained about this to the service desk but they told me that there was nothing that they can do.

Exactly. In a few cases I also agreed to cancel orders in favor of clients although It was not my fault. But it turned all against me.

Lorentzos Roussos #:

It stopped happening when :

Demo with expiration date for the exX deliverables with a link to the mql5 project discussion . Make it easy for them to find the project if they forget .

Now people will disagree with this tip but you deliver the source code after the last step goes through .

When they receive the source code they want to see the goodies .It's like when you go shopping and have bags or boxes in front of you. That is when it is very likely they get lost and forget about the finalization , and , since is not instagram or po*****hub , they are not likely to come back , and if they do , the notifications go "bing" only when they happen live .
Most times its not done deliberately , that is hard to believe but true. They are just happy about the new stuff and very very very unfamiliar with the site . If your code is clear as day and there are no errors , the chances of them forgetting increase . 

This is risky though expecially if you are dealing with clients from an area who have bargaining as a hobby :).If the client is from that specific area yeah risk sending the code anyway otherwise they will go to arbitration as they don't like losing arguments.  

Now be careful with my tip as technically the client has the right to go to arbitration if you say you will send the code after finalization . 

There is also a paragraph in the rules if i recall that states the job will be considered completed after 2 weeks in waiting for the clients finalization . I don't know if it still applies.

The best solution as always would be for our hosts to send little notifications to the clients that they have pending confirmations , but we won't be alive in the next century probably so ...

Take this advice with caution , be polite , offer ideas , close it while its hot . 

An alternative is don't give instructions for the source code when you deliver it . Just attach it and say here is the source code .
Then they will come back to ask , then you ask them to finalize , then you explain.

Edit : Here is the quote from the rules that has an OR in it indicating there is an automatic fulfillment period (if i'm not misinterpreting)

You are totally right.