Could you please help me convert this pine script to mql4? Some of this like NZ function is very complex to me. - page 2

Vladislav Boyko #:

This is not an example of how to do it. It's just my funny story :)

Thanks .

Won't this be the same result (High-Low) unless there is a gap between the candles ?

return(MathMax(high - low, MathMax(MathAbs(high - prevClose), MathAbs(low - prevClose))));
Lorentzos Roussos #:

i see , what is src ? 

Edit : i assume it can only be price so here goes : 

Thank you so much, very much appreciated bro 
Runny Picasso #:
Thank you so much, very much appreciated bro 


Lorentzos Roussos #:

Thanks .

Won't this be the same result (High-Low) unless there is a gap between the candles ?

This has been copied from the documentation "as is". In order for the calculation results to match.

True range. It is max(high - low, abs(high - close[1]), abs(low - close[1]))

Vladislav Boyko #:

This has been copied from the documentation "as is". In order for the calculation results to match.

You are right actually , there were atr issues . Here is the atr i used :


And there were multiple errors in the  code too , here is the full fix (although i'm skeptical about where the arrows appear) Thanks @Vladislav Boyko

edits for better search : 

r-trend for metatrader , rtrend for mt4 

#property copyright "GO TO DISCUSSION"
#property link ""
#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- plot Label1
#property indicator_label1  "trend"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrCrimson
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  3
//--- plot Label1
#property indicator_label2  "trend2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrYellowGreen
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  3
enum _atr_mode{
atr_rolling=0,//rolling atr
atr_mt4=1//mt4 atr
input int hl_period=2;//HL Period (p1)
input _atr_mode atr_mode=atr_rolling;//Atr Mode
input int atr_period=2;//Atr Period (p2)
input int atr_ema_period=20;//Ema Atr Period
input double f=0.1;//coefficient
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE source_price=PRICE_CLOSE;//source price
input string note_a="<!>";//Arrow Settings 
input color buy_color=clrYellowGreen;//Buy color
input color sell_color=clrCrimson;//Sell color
input int arrow_width=2;//Arrow Width
input int buy_arrowcode=233;//Buy arrow code
input int sell_arrowcode=234;//Sell arrow code

//--- indicator buffers
double         trend[],trend2[],raw_atr[],atr[],atrEma[],m[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int deflekt=0;
string system_tag="RTREND_ARROWS_";
uint arrowid=0;
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
void reset(){
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
  int calcs=rates_total-prev_calculated;
  int from=calcs;
  int bottom=rates_total-deflekt*2;
  for(int i=from;i>=0;i--)
  //atr = 0.1 * nz(ta.atr(2)[1], ta.atr(2))
    if Not A Number it is replaced with the current atr otherwise use the previous atr
    But we have taken care of that by starting after 2 times the deflekt value so its hard to 
    get an empty value so , just get the atr
    //mt4 mode 
  //atr_ma = ta.ema(atr, 20)
    we are using an ema on the atr buffer , we need to start when we have atr_ema_period amount of 
    atr stored so :
  //m = (ta.highest(2) + ta.lowest(2)) / 2
    the highest and lowest of the 2 last bars by 2
  //what you want to plot was not clear but these are the calcuations for the components.
  //if you want to use them in a formula use the [i] index alongside them
  //example :
    //formula[i]=m[i]*atrEma[i]*atr[i];//this is an example i don't know what you wanted to do with these buffers
    double src=get_price(Open[i],High[i],Low[i],Close[i],source_price);
    //trend is color red and always fills , if we find trend>trend[1] or equal to a previous green
    //we then display the green buffer which is trend2
      //so most likely case first : 
        trend2[i]=trend[i];//green buffer appears
        }else if(trend[i]==trend[i+1]){
        //and trend 2 is not 0.0 on [i+1]
      //buy  arrow
        //was red is green
      //sell arrow 
        //was green is red 
        else if(trend[i+1]==trend2[i+1]&&trend[i]!=trend2[i]){
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
//create arrow 
void create_arrow(string _tag,
                  int    subwin,
                  uint   &_counter,
                  int    _arrowcode,
                  color  _col,
                  int    _width,
                  double _price,
                  datetime _time,
                  ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR _arrow_anchor){
string name=_tag+IntegerToString(_counter);
//get price
double get_price(double o,double h,double l,double c,ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE _src_price){
else if(_src_price==PRICE_HIGH){return(h);}
else if(_src_price==PRICE_LOW){return(l);}
else if(_src_price==PRICE_MEDIAN){return((h+l)/2.00);}
else if(_src_price==PRICE_OPEN){return(o);}
else if(_src_price==PRICE_TYPICAL){return((h+l+c)/3.0);}
else if(_src_price==PRICE_WEIGHTED){return((h+l+c+c)/4.0);}
/* ma of array */
enum ma_method{
double maOnArray(const double &which_array[],
                    int where,//start from where 
                    int period,
              ma_method mode,
                   bool is_series,
                    int calc_index,//this measures which calculation this is starting from 0
                 double previous_ma){//and this receives the previous value 
double result=0.0;
//starting point 
  int from=0;
  int step=0;
  int until=where;
  //sma or first ema or first smma 
    int i=from-step;
  //ema non first 
    else if(mode==ma_ema){
    double w=2.00/((double)period+1.0);
  //smma non first 
    else if(mode==ma_smma){
    else if(mode==ma_lwma){
    int i=from-step;
    double divider=0.0;
    int weight=0.0;

Lorentzos Roussos #: Won't this be the same result (High-Low) unless there is a gap between the candles ?
return(MathMax(high - low, MathMax(MathAbs(high - prevClose), MathAbs(low - prevClose))));
  1. Yes, that is the definition of “true range” vs “range”. It takes gaps into account. You are computing ATR, not AR.

  2. Simplified
    return MathMax(high, prevClose) - MathMin(low, prevClose);

William Roeder #:
  1. Yes, that is the definition of “true range” vs “range”. It takes gaps into account. You are computing ATR, not AR.

  2. Simplified

I didn't know that . Thanks @William Roeder , happy new year .