Does the optimizer

ignore the cache when i hit compile(meaning , code change) and retest with the same inputs  or do i have to change the version ?
Lorentzos Roussos: ignore the cache when i hit compile(meaning , code change) and retest with the same inputs  or do i have to change the version ?
Yes! When the modification date of the executable file is greater the the modification date of the cache file, it re-generates the cache with the new optimisation run results.
Fernando Carreiro #:
Yes! When the modification date of the executable file is greater the the modification date of the cache file, it re-generates the cache with the new optimisation run results.

Thanks , so its 100% my f

Lorentzos Roussos #: Thanks , so its 100% my f

You are welcome!

However, when I am unsure about cached data, as it sometimes gets corrupted (for reasons unknown), I have a batch file that deletes all cache files for me, so I can't start fresh.

I only use optimisations for debugging my code and testing ideias, so I never really do large or long-term optimisations anyway, so deleting all cache files is not a problem for me.

Fernando Carreiro #:

You are welcome!

However, when I am unsure about cached data, as it sometimes gets corrupted (for reasons unknown), I have a batch file that deletes all cache files for me, so I can't start fresh.

I only use optimisations for debugging my code and testing ideias, so I never really do large or long-term optimisations anyway, so deleting all cache files is not a problem for me.

Thank you , i think i was compiling the include , but i'm not sure . Time for a break i guess .

Better safe than sorry i guess

The folder is the common folder for the cache ?

Lorentzos Roussos #: Thank you , i think i was compiling the include , but i'm not sure . Time for a break i guess . Better safe than sorry i guess The folder is the common folder for the cache ?
The folder for optimisation cache is " <data folder>\Tester\cache\ ".
Fernando Carreiro #:
The folder for optimisation cache is " <data folder>\Tester\cache\ ".

Thank you . I close the terminal nuke it then reopen or it does not mind ?

Lorentzos Roussos #: Thank you . I close the terminal nuke it then reopen or it does not mind ?

You can delete the files even when MetaTrader is still open, as long as it is not running a test at the time.

However, it's best not to delete the folder itself while it's still open. It might not like that.

You can however, delete the folder when it is closed. It will recreate it again afterwards.

Fernando Carreiro #:

You can delete the files even when MetaTrader is still open, as long as it is not running a test at the time.

However, it's best not to delete the folder itself while it's still open. It might not like that.

You can however, delete the folder when it is closed. It will recreate it again afterwards.

Thank you @fmic (still can't tag you)

Lorentzos Roussos #: Thank you @fmic (still can't tag you)

Here is how to tag/reference someone ...

Fernando Carreiro #:

Here is how to tag/reference someone ...

i was using the popup list after @ .  😲

Thanks @Fernando Carreiro