Looking for Bressert's Double Smoothed Stochastic for MT4

Would you provide the formula/calculation/explanation for it?
Hello Tonyc2a,

Here is the eSignal version I got off of the www.tssupport.com website

Description	: This Indicator plots DSS Bressert
Provided By	: Developed by TS Support, LLC for eSignal. (c) Copyright 2002 

function preMain()
    setStudyTitle("DSS Bressert");
    setCursorLabelName("DSS", 0);
    setCursorLabelName("Trigger", 1);
    setCursorLabelName("Overbought", 2);
    setCursorLabelName("Oversold", 3);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.blue, 0);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.red, 1);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.grey, 2);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.grey, 3);

var EMA_1 = 0;
var EMA1_1 = 0;
var EMA2_1 = 0;
vAA = new Array();

function main(pds,slw,triggerLen,overbought,oversold,emalen){
	if (pds == null) 
		pds = 10;
	if (slw == null) 
		slw = 3;
	if (triggerLen == null) 
		triggerLen = 5;
	if (overbought == null) 
		overbought = 80;
	if (oversold == null) 
		oversold = 20;
	if (emalen == null) 
		emalen = 9;
	var vHigh = getValue("High",0,-pds);
	var vLow = getValue("Low",0,-pds);
	var dClose = getValue("Close");
   	var K = 2 / (emalen + 1);
    	var K2 = 2 / (triggerLen + 1);
    	var aa = 0;
    	var dss = 0;
	var High = 0;
	var Low = getValue("Low");
	var aHigh = 0;
	var aLow = 10000000;
	var EMA1 = 0;
	var EMA = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < pds; i++){
        	if (High < vHigh[i])
        		High = vHigh[i];
        	if (Low > vLow[i])
        		Low = vLow[i];
   	if((High - Low) != 0)
   		EMA = K * ( (dClose - Low) / (High - Low) ) + (1 - K) * EMA_1;
   		EMA = EMA_1;
	if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR)
		EMA_1 = EMA;
	aa = EMA * 100;
	for(i = pds - 1; i > 0; i--)
		vAA[i] = vAA[i - 1];
	vAA[0] = aa;
   	for (i = 0; i < pds; i++){
        	if (aHigh < vAA[i])
        		aHigh = vAA[i];
        	if (aLow > vAA[i])
        		aLow = vAA[i];
	if (aHigh - aLow != 0)
		EMA1 = K * ( (aa - aLow) / (aHigh - aLow) ) + (1 - K) * EMA1_1;
		EMA1 = EMA1_1;
	if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR)
		EMA1_1 = EMA1;
	dss = EMA1 * 100;
	var EMA2 = K2 * dss + (1 - K) * EMA2_1;
	if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR)
		EMA2_1 = EMA2;
	return new Array(dss,EMA2,overbought,oversold);

and here is my attempt to convert it over the MT4
I am having problems coming to terms with how to construct an indicator in MT4, so maybe someone can see what I am doing wrong.

//|                                        Test.mq4                  |

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Yellow
#property indicator_color2 Red

//---- input parameters
extern int Periods=5;
extern int Trigger_Length=3;
extern int EMA_Length=3;

//---- buffers
double ExtMapBuffer1[];
double ExtMapBuffer2[];

// Globals
double vHigh = 0;
double vLow = 0;
double vClose = 0;
double Max_High = 0;
double Min_Low = 0;
double EMA = 0;
double Old_EMA = 0;
double K_Val = 0;
double K2_Val = 0;
double EMA1 = 0;
double Old_EMA1 = 0;
double EMA2[];
double Old_EMA2 = 0;
double AA = 0;
double vAA[];
double AA_Low = 0;
double AA_High = 0;
double DSS[];

int CompletedBar = 0;
int CurrentBar = 0;
int Counter = 0;
int Limit = 0;
int i = 0;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
   ArrayResize(vAA, Periods);

   if ( EMA_Length <= 2 )
      EMA_Length = 3.0;
   if ( Trigger_Length <= 2 )
      Trigger_Length = 3.0;
   if( Periods <= 5 )
      Periods = 5;
   K_Val = ( 2 / ( EMA_Length + 1 ));
   K2_Val = ( 2 / ( Trigger_Length + 1));
//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//---- TODO: add your code here
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int Limit = 0;
   int i = 0;
   int Counted_Bars=IndicatorCounted();
   K_Val = 0.5;
   K2_Val = 0.5;
   if ( Bars <= Periods )
   if ( Counted_Bars < 1 )
      ArrayResize(DSS, Periods);
      ArrayResize(EMA2, Periods);
      for( i=1; i<Periods;i++ )
         DSS[i] = 0.0;
         EMA2[i] = 0.0;
   i = Bars - Periods - 1;
   //Limit = Bars - Counted_Bars - Periods;
   if ( Counted_Bars >= Periods )
      i = Bars - Counted_Bars - 1;
   while( i >= 0 )
      vHigh = High[Periods];
      vLow = Low[Periods];
      vClose = Close[i];
      if ( vHigh == 0 || vLow == 0 || vClose == 0 )

      Old_EMA = EMA;
      Old_EMA1 = EMA1;
      Old_EMA2 = EMA2[0];
      //Max_High = Highest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, Periods, 0);   
      //Min_Low = Lowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, Periods, 0);
      Max_High = ArrayMaximum(High, Periods, 0);
      Min_Low = ArrayMinimum(Low, Periods, 0);
      if (( Max_High - Min_Low ) != 0 )
         EMA = K_Val * (( vClose - Min_Low ) / ( Max_High - Min_Low)) + ( 1 - K_Val ) * Old_EMA;
         EMA = Old_EMA;

      AA = EMA * 100;
      for ( Counter = Periods - 1; Counter > 0; Counter-- )
         vAA[Counter] = vAA[Counter-1];
      vAA[0] = AA;   
      for ( Counter = 0; Counter < Periods; Counter++ )      
         if ( Counter == 0 )
            AA_Low = vAA[0];
         if ( AA_High < vAA[Counter] )
            AA_High = vAA[Counter];
         if ( AA_Low > vAA[Counter] )
            AA_Low = vAA[Counter];
      if (( AA_High - AA_Low ) != 0 )
         EMA1 = K_Val * (( AA - AA_Low ) / ( AA_High - AA_Low )) + ( 1 - K_Val ) * Old_EMA1;
         EMA1 = Old_EMA1;
      DSS[0] = EMA1 * 100;
      EMA2[0] = K2_Val * DSS[0] + ( 1 - K2_Val ) * Old_EMA;
      ExtMapBuffer1[i] = DSS[0];
      ExtMapBuffer2[i] = EMA2[0];

It is just a Double Smoothed Stochastic
