equity of the open of the day

How can I obtain the equity in a variable of 0 hours in central Europe and update it daily?
Jimmy Reyes:
How can I obtain the equity in a variable of 0 hours in central Europe and update it daily?

Consult this function 

#property version   "1.00"
input int hours=0;//hour in the day to get the snapshot
input int minute=0;//minute in the day to get the snapshot 

datetime lastGmtSnapshot=0,nextGmtSnapshot=0;
double   lastGmtEquity=0.0;
void checkForEquitySnapshot(){
//date time structure for quick adjustments
  MqlDateTime mqt;
//Get current gmt time 
  datetime now=TimeGMT(mqt);
//if the current gmt time is bigger than the last gmt snapshot time 
  //then adjust and prepare next snapshot 
    mqt.hour=hours;//we set the hour 
    mqt.min=minute;//we set the minute
  //turn the mqt back to datetime 
    what did we do here exactly ? 
    We asked , is the GMT time bigger than the one we have calculated to be the next checkpoint in time for the equity snapshot ?
    If the answer is true then we keep this time within the parameters of the user , not just because we may have 
    skipped some seconds but also because the initial time is 0, so any time is bigger than that.
    But why ? because we will project the next time on this one 
    How will we do that ? we will simply dump 86400 seconds on it 
    //save the last snapshot just for display purposes 
    //simply , get the time we corrected to the users choice of hours and minutes for today
    //turn it to an integer
    //throw 86400 seconds on it 
    //turn it back to time
    //and of course , don't forget to get the equity snapshot
int OnInit()
void OnTick()
  Comment("Equity ("+DoubleToString(lastGmtEquity,2)+AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY)+")\nTaken("+TimeToString(lastGmtSnapshot,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)+"GMT)\nNext("+TimeToString(nextGmtSnapshot,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)+"GMT)");
Lorentzos Roussos #:

Consult this function 

Waoo, excellent thank you very much