easier way to move trendlines?


Currently I plot some long-term trendlines which I require to move, though I need to keep the same angles - this is important. And I need to move and see them across differing timeframes.

The problem I have at the moment is to move a trendline, you need to double click it and move it by the middle point. Often this is out of view on the chart timeframe i'm working on and was wondering whether there's another way to move a trendline, keeping it's current angles?

Quite a lot of other charting packages I've demo'd have a toolbar option u can select that will allow the user to 'grab a hold' of an object and adjust it's entire position. Does MT4 have something similar that I don't know of ?

Hi Guys,

Just wanting to revisit this question.
I'm aware of the Shift key option to further manipulate trendlines and pressing Shift has often saved me from changing the long-term angle I've got set on my historical trendline.

The problem remains as explained above - trying to move the trenline higher or lower is quite a task especially if the middle 'grab' point is way way back in time and off the chart.

Is there a key combination (Shift+Ctrl+mouse or something else that works) that can be easily applied to any part of a trendline that will enable your users to move up and down without changing a trendline's angles ?

Any help you can lend here will be very helpful to many users that use historical trendlines.
