Copy-Trading: Any explanation for these slippages? - page 2

@adenauer692 #: About the Multiplicative Factor you say that it is "the average in points of the 340 transactions already copied with this specific broker-server configuration. But I see that these measures are also carried out on signals with 0 followers (I think it is not necessary to insert images...) But if there are 0 Followers, there cannot be "transactions already copied"... Because no follower has copied them. So how are those slip measurements actually made? Have I made a mistake in my logic chain? Did I understand something wrong?... Thank you.
It may have zero subscribers now, but it had subscribers in the past. The metrics were collect then.
Fernando Carreiro #:
It may have zero subscribers now, but it had subscribers in the past. The metrics were collect then.

Yes, Fernando, that would be an obvious explanation.

The problem is that there are signals with 2 weeks of life, with heavy losses, with 0 followers (and that never had followers (logical deduction))... And yet they have slip measurements with all their multiplicative factors...

So I think the mystery is still open, right?

adenauer692 #: Yes, Fernando, that would be an obvious explanation. The problem is that there are signals with 2 weeks of life, with heavy losses, with 0 followers (and that never had followers (logical deduction))... And yet they have slip measurements with all their multiplicative factors... So I think the mystery is still open, right?

Please send me links via PM so I can have a look myself. I will respond here but without mentioning the specific signals.


On the one example you send me, I saw that there were more than 180 entries for the slippage statistics which I found strange.

So I looked at a few random signals with and without subscribers, but with the same trade server in all cases. I then copied the metrics from those various signals onto a spreadsheet and sorted them alphabetically and compared them. To my surprise, I found they were all exactly the same.

It seems that these slippages metrics are not specific to the signal, but specific to the trade server being used for the signal source. In other-words, all signals using the same trade server, all share the same slippage metrics. Metaquotes must be collecting the metrics for all signals on that trade server, irrespective of the specific signal.

I then compared slippage metrics of different trade servers and found that those metrics were indeed different from the first ones I looked at.

In summary, my original assumption was that these metrics were signal specific, but it seems that they are not. They are specific to the trade server being used for the signal.

fernando carrero # :

En el único ejemplo que me envió, vi que había más de 180 entradas para las estadísticas de deslizamiento que encontré extrañas.

Así que miré algunas señales aleatorias con y sin suscriptores, pero con el mismo servidor comercial en todos los casos. Luego copié las métricas de esas diversas señales en una hoja de cálculo , las clasifiqué alfabéticamente y las comparé. Para mi sorpresa, descubrí que todos eran exactamente iguales.

Parece que estas métricas de deslizamiento no son específicas de la señal, sino específicas del servidor comercial que se utilizan para la fuente de la señal. En otras palabras, todas las señales que utilizan el mismo servidor comercial comparten las mismas métricas de deslizamiento. Metaquotes debe recopilar las métricas para todas las señales en ese servidor comercial, independientemente de la señal específica.

Luego compare las métricas de deslizamiento de diferentes servidores comerciales y descubrí que esas métricas eran realmente diferentes de las primeras que miré.

En resumen, mi suposición original era que estas métricas eran específicas de la señal, pero parece que no lo son. Son específicos del servidor comercial que se utiliza para la señal.

Good job and good explanation Fernando. Thanks!

Obviously I only sent you an example, because it is enough for a single terrestrial stone to "fall upwards" to question the law of Gravity (both Newton's and Einstein's)...

adenauer692 #: Good job and good explanation Fernando. Thanks!

You are welcome!