Symbol Suffixes


Hello All

Will A symbol with different suffix than mine be still copied from signal provider?

ex :

EURUSD_i will be copied if the copier symbol is for example EURUSD#   ?


It is related to the mapping (incl the FAQ with details explanation).
read this summary post where I collected everything related to it:
Signal copying for 'XXXXXX' is prohibited" - I've subscribed for a signal and my log looks like this - error messages of every trade that it tries to sync
Signal copying for 'XXXXXX' is prohibited" - I've subscribed for a signal and my log looks like this - error messages of every trade that it tries to sync
  • 2018.11.27
Hi guys, i've subscribed for a signal and my log looks like this - error messages of every trade that it tries to sync. 316 signal '51002904': position usdjpy skipped as no symbol found. 316 signal '51002904': signal copying for 'xauusd' is prohibited