Increasing Homepage traffic



I am a developer. I started uploading a few products in my Market to sell more than a month ago. First month I could not sell many products but later I was lucky to sell over ten products is less than ten days. But now I have only sold one product in ten days. Why? Is there anything I can do to keep my homepage traffic high? Please I do not want to hear about ideas for presenting my products. I am just  curious what happened in those ten days that I had good sales. Finally do you suggest any services out there to make a monthly payment to increase my traffic?


Advertising is here strictly forbidden - one risk being banned!

But you can attract the people to you by answering questions (programming, using the indicators, etc.) here in the forum. It would show your skills and competence and someone who is interested may follow the links of your profile to see what you have made...

That would be an appropriate way.


There is no steady pace in anything and in Market sales too, maybe your good period was accidental, have you thought of that?

All sellers sales have ups and downs and general Market sales are subject to many external factors.

Continue working hard and if you have something interesting to sell, sales will come.

Carl Schreiber #:

Advertising is here strictly forbidden - one risk being banned!

But you can attract the people to you by answering questions (programming, using the indicators, etc.) here in the forum. It would show your skills and competence and someone who is interested may follow the links of your profile to see what you have made...

That would be an appropriate way.

Thanks. i appreciate your suggestion.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

There is no steady pace in anything and in Market sales too, maybe your good period was accidental, have you thought of that?

All sellers sales have ups and downs and general Market sales are subject to many external factors.

Continue working hard and if you have something interesting to sell, sales will come.

I am inspired by your suggestions. Thanks.


Congratulations first of all .

My one suggestion , although i am not a top seller , is video .

The new generations prefer searching on youtube rather than google and if you have the equipment , narration .

Its easier for people to have someone tell them what they are seeing and where it is .

so :

  1. If you use a screen recorder for your video make sure it can highlight where the cursor is , or record the cursor , but it should be visible
  2. Avoid background music , but if you use one avoid lyrics . 
  3. In your video thumbnail use up to 4 words , pick the one thing that is good and demonstrate that .
  4. In your video thumnails if you use a person don't pick a "model" , people will visit the video for the wrong reasons , they will leave the algorithm will punish the video :)
  5. And of course the best option , add the videos in their respective products in the screenshots tab of the product here on mql .

There's also a website that offers free clips and photos that can be used in your promotions with an attribution and its free, if the moderators allow i can share it here.

☕️ ☕️ ☕️

PS (edit) : You can also promote your products on Forex Factory , on their commercial section but beware that once you post there they will block access to all other topics for your account . 

Thanks ledge!

If I knew there are so many good advises here I would asked my question sooner.