how make on off button object


i try to make button on off , that mean when click button ,it change color different before click ,how can do

void createButton(string bName, color bgClr, color bClr, color tClr, int width, int height,int x, int y, string text){

plz correct me


i try to make button on off , that mean when click button ,it change color different before click ,how can do

plz correct me

Try this . You add one function and call it on an event 

#property strict
lets assume a button object 
You could then have a function that colors the button based on the switch state
So you would have :*/
void ReflectSwitchState(string _the_object_name,//the name of the object 
                           color _color_on,//your desired color for on(true) (just background for the example)
                           color _color_off){//your desired color for off(true) (just background for now)
//and we assume your object exists 
  //that means if the switch is true (on)
    //you color the object based on the on color 
  //and if the switch is false (off)  
    //you color the object based on the off color 

string SystemTag="TEST_";
int OnInit()
  //1.delete all the projects objects 
  //2.create your button 
    createButton(SystemTag+"_BUTTON",clrWheat,clrBeige,clrBlack,200,20,10,10,"Hello World");
  //and display its state 
    in other words you sent it the object name on which you want to 
    express the state of the switch 
    and the colors you would prefer for on and off
    If the state changes you need to call it again
    Where do you call it ? on Chart Event !

void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
  so if someone clicks on an object of the chart
    //and the name of that object is your button
          //and that is it
          //you can do more cool things like change the text depending on state 
          //or the size the text color the border color etc
void createButton(string bName, color bgClr, color bClr, color tClr, int width, int height,int x, int y, string text){

void OnTick(){}
Lorentzos Roussos #:

Try this . You add one function and call it on an event 
