How to clearly view 40 tiled charts on one profile on MT5

Hi!I normally have on my watchlist 40 US stocks for trading on MT5

Normally I have 8 charts per profile thus 5 profiles for my watchlist.As I trade I am forced to move from one profile to another via mouse clicks (is there an easier way to navigate from one profile to another) which is cumbersome to repetitively do that for at least 6 hours.I have to keep doing the mouse clicks to find any new chart patterns that can be tradeable.

To avoid this cumbersome repetitive mouse clicks,I thought I could load and tile all my 40 charts on one profile so that I can see all my watchlist charts at one glance and not have to mouse click over several profiles.By putting all my watchlist charts on one profile then I can quickly see any chart patterns on any of my stocks and enter a trade on a chart pattern that I like asap.

However when I tile all the 40 charts on one profile it looks horrible as per screenshot attached.I quite understand that I am doing this on my 15.6 inch laptop screen thus chart looked squeezed as shown on screenshot buy my idea is to have another far larger 55 inch smart TV screen connected to laptop and extend screen to that TV thus enlarge the MT5 screen such that charts that look squeezed and distorted on a laptop screen are now visible on a 55 inch TV screen.However if I connect my laptop to a TV screen the view is still as squeezed as shown on screenshot from laptop.

The chart title,x and y axis do not shrink together with the chart (where the candlesticks are based)  as you tile more charts in a profile thus the distorted chart view on screenshot.How can one shrink chart title,x and y axis as one adds more charts on a profile so that when I extend my screen from laptop to large screen TV,I can see the chart clearly.I have tried scale fix from chart properties but it doesnt work.

I hope you understand what I am asking.Please assist if possible.


42_charts.PNG  83 kb
Joe Trader: .Please assist if possible.

Don't extend the desktop, create a second display. Increase the resolution of the larger screen. And move the terminal there.

William Roeder #:

Don't extend the desktop, create a second display. Increase the resolution of the larger screen. And move the terminal there.

Thanks for your response William.

Maybe you can give me the instructions on how to create the second display.