how to output chars other than webdings?

I have been hunting for ages and tried various methods of ouputing a singal on the main charts instead the webdings.

e.g if the last high was higher than the pervious bar instead of setting using
the following code


I could "draw" Chars i.e if I would like to mark the signal with numerical value i.e
the value 1 and then the next signal would be a 2 and so fourth instead of just marking the signal with an arrow each time.
in my case the values I need to insert for the signals are numerical values between 1-9 .

can this be done an if so I am guessing its to do with strings.

I'm not after a complete indicator coding just some example to point me in the right direction.
Okay I worked out how to display Numerical numbers for signals.
using the following

if (num > 0 && num < 10) {
textVar = num;
ObjectCreate(""+textVar, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i+1],Low[i+1]-10*Point );
ObjectSetText(""+textVar, ""+DoubleToStr(num,0), 10, "Arial", White);

my last problem unless I work it out by then.

Once it cycles through this IF statement.. it will not display the characters 1 through 8 again. Now I don't want to delete the ones I have displayed on the chart already, but to be able to redisplay the same ones again where appropiate.
so I can display the Count above the appopiate bars something like
1,2,3,4,-,- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,-,- 1,2,-,-,-,-1,2,3 etc etc

I hope this explains it enough and someone can help
Its okay Don't worry about the above , I finally worked out to do it
Sorry to take up anyones time..