How to trade mutipile account at the same time - page 3

Fernando Carreiro #:

In that case, why not "volunteer" to be the one and only moderator for the "comercial" section? You would only lose sleep! That would be fair, don't you think?

Good point .

Let's say i have a pizza place . I say , mr Fernando , would you mind standing at the entrance and keep track of who comes in and out ?

There is no pay , but i like the way you interact with pizza eaters so far .  

You agree . 

More people start coming , you get annoyed and tired .

You can :

  • Come to me and say I can't do this anymore 
  • Come to me and say get more people at the door 
  • Come to me and ask to be paid , i say no and you leave

If you do none of the above then there is something that is counter balancing your being annoyed .

Now the same thing that counter balances the annoyance may be diminished some day . Then you will start complaining but will still have hopes it will come back right ?

You can still come and say , bro , "it is not worth my time standing here at this empty pizza place anymore" . Right ? you can do it anytime ...


Lorentzos Roussos #: Good point . Let's say i have a pizza place . I say , mr Fernando , would you mind standing at the entrance and keep track of who comes in and out ? There is no pay , but i like the way you interact with pizza eaters so far .  You agree . More people start coming , you get annoyed and tired . You can : Come to me and say I can't do this anymore  Come to me and say get more people at the door Come to me and ask to be paid , i say no and you leave If you do none of the above then there is something that is counter balancing your being annoyed . Now the same thing that counter balances the annoyance may be diminished some day . Then you will start complaining but will still have hopes it will come back right ? You can still come and say , bro , "it is not worth my time standing here at this empty pizza place anymore" . Right ? you can do it anytime ... :)

No moderator is going to agree with you! You are using sophistry to try defend your point! Are you a politician by any chance?

Fernando Carreiro #:

No moderator is going to agree with you! You are using sophistry to try defend you point! Are you a politician by any chance?

There is no shame in that . 

You said MQ should pay them .

Well if they have something to gain from moderating isn't that a fair exchange for as long as they want to do it ?

To defend MQ here (oh my god) they did not do anything wrong . 

They said hey , its not paid , do you want it ? And the mods said yes . 

It does not mean all moderators have the same goal , someone likes forex maybe or has been with the community since its conception and loves it or likes helping people or gets more eyeballs to their shop . 

Now let's take a dying community and look at all these :

-someone who likes forex well they can still like forex and express it elsewhere

-someone who loves the community , will feel bad

-someone who loves helping , wont have anyone to help

-someone who gets eyeballs to their shop won't get eyeballs 

When these motivations that counter balance the work load a mod has to output its okay . 

When they don't they have the option to stop moderating .

Let me ask you this -while i clean up the coffee from my desk :P - . If all the moderators quit won't that alert MQ that they must compensate them ?

And i've said it before . I'm not helping newbies with code request because im a saint . Doing so gets eyeballs to my profile and i keep the little coding monkey in my head code-fit.
Lorentzos Roussos #: There is no shame in that .... Doing so gets eyeballs to my profile and i keep the little coding monkey in my head code-fit.

As far as I am concerned this is going nowhere nor is it going to change anything, so I will respectfully end my participation in the discussion at this point.

Lorentzos Roussos #:

There is no shame in that . 

You said MQ should pay them .

Well if they have something to gain from moderating isn't that a fair exchange for as long as they want to do it ?

To defend MQ here (oh my god) they did not do anything wrong . 

They said hey , its not paid , do you want it ? And the mods said yes . 

It does not mean all moderators have the same goal , someone likes forex maybe or has been with the community since its conception and loves it or likes helping people or gets more eyeballs to their shop . 

Now let's take a dying community and look at all these :

-someone who likes forex well they can still like forex and express it elsewhere

-someone who loves the community , will feel bad

-someone who loves helping , wont have anyone to help

-someone who gets eyeballs to their shop won't get eyeballs 

When these motivations that counter balance the work load a mod has to output its okay . 

When they don't they have the option to stop moderating .

Let me ask you this -while i clean up the coffee from my desk :P - . If all the moderators quit won't that alert MQ that they must compensate them ?

And i've said it before . I'm not helping newbies with code request because im a saint . Doing so gets eyeballs to my profile and i keep the little coding monkey in my head code-fit.

Lorzento, moderators don't get paid but I feel that we are getting a lot of indirect "payment" from other things, by being active in the forum and helping others.

Payment isn't only expressed in money, there are a lot of forms of "earning" from this community, that's why I don't feel "exploited" in any way with my work in the forum and I hope other moderators feel that way too.

Having said that, I agree with the general rule of the forum and Fernando's opinion that if we accept personal suggestions and recommendations about brokers or products in the forum, would lead to a vicious circle and in chaos.

That can be very easily justified by a few topics that started that way and in a page or two got out of hand, making us moderators to delete them.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

Lorzento, moderators don't get paid but I feel that we are getting a lot of indirect "payment" from other things, by being active in the forum and helping others.

Payment isn't only expressed in money, there are a lot of forms of "earning" from this community, that's why I don't feel "exploited" in any way with my work in the forum and I hope other moderators feel that way too.

Having said that, I agree with the general rule of the forum and Fernando's opinion that if we accept personal suggestions and recommendations about brokers or products in the forum, would lead to a vicious circle and in chaos.

That can be very easily justified by a few topics that started that way and in a page or two got out of hand, making us moderators to delete them.

Exactly , nothing wrong with that . Reciprocal exchange of value .

But it is my opinion also that this community is losing ground fast . 

Not only because when someone asks a question he is very likely to be attacked by a member , but also because the new generation is not very familiar with this "style".

There is a "lack of interest" from MQ -in my opinion- to evolve this side of their operations . 

I can be mistaken of course . They may not have the capacity ,or the funds to support some things but the argument will become weaker as time goes by . 

So if the community declines , nothing is done toward its evolution because it was not deemed worth it (gain/expense) , then it declines further and it appears even "less" worthy of being addressed.

Fernando Carreiro #:

As far as I am concerned this is going nowhere nor is it going to change anything, so I will respectfully end my participation in the discussion at this point.

Good talk . 

Eleni Anna Branou #: Lorzento, moderators don't get paid but I feel that we are getting a lot of indirect "payment" from other things, by being active in the forum and helping others. Payment isn't only expressed in money, there are a lot of forms of "earning" from this community, that's why I don't feel "exploited" in any way with my work in the forum and I hope other moderators feel that way too. Having said that, I agree with the general rule of the forum and Fernando's opinion that if we accept personal suggestions and recommendations about brokers or products in the forum, would lead to a vicious circle and in chaos. That can be very easily justified by a few topics that started that way and in a page or two got out of hand, making us moderators to delete them.

@Eleni Anna Branou, please correct me if I am wrong or misunderstanding something, but the fact that you feel compensated by being active in the forum and by helping others is not related to you being a moderator.

The fact that you are an active poster, that you help others out, which indirectly leads to you being acknowledged and recognised, are due to your own efforts, and that would remain true even if you were not a moderator. Is it not so?

However, the actual moderator obligations, of removing spam, deleting offending material and upholding the rules, etc. are things that are not benefiting you much, and in fact can many times give you headaches and demotivate you. I don't think that is fair at all on moderators without being compensated by MetaQuotes. No mater if someone does something willingly or not, it is still exploitation to use people that way.

 hello sir i wanted to create an order and the money went into mql5 account how can i use it to create the order i wanted to create 
Balance: 100.00 USD
Fernando Carreiro #:
For each active account, you need to run another MetaTrader terminal.
Investor Ik #hello sir i wanted to create an order and the money went into mql5 account how can i use it to create the order i wanted to create 
Balance: 100.00 USD

Money in the MQL5 community account can only be used to pay for Market products, Signal subscriptions and Freelance jobs.

It cannot be used for trading operations. For that you need to work via a Broker (a financial institution licensed and regulated to be able to carry out financial transactions).