How to trade mutipile account at the same time - page 2

SungSungE #:

Cool I find somebody have done remote version ~

<Deleted> is a tool to copy trade remotely between multiple MT4/MT5 accounts at different computers/locations over internet

I need time to find out the dream version solution.

You have been told that discussion of market products is not allowed in the forum. I have deleted your reference to a market product.
Do not do it again or you can be banned.

SungSungE #Maybe this is not forum rule , for my personal opinion. I can agree with somebody can choose to discuss or not discuss the detail aoubt what he have done, especially for commercial solution. We can discuess it , people can choose to join it or not.

It is against forum rules to discuss or recommend 3rd party or Market products.

Each Market product has a dedicated comments and discussion section. So discuss it there.

As for CodeBase and Article publications, you should also use the dedicated discussion thread that is on each publication (which are reflected in one of the forum's sections for easier access).

SungSungE #:

Maybe this is not forum rule , for my personal opinion.

I can agree with somebody can choose to discuss or not discuss the detail aoubt what he have done, especially for commercial solution.

We can discuess it , people can choose to join it or not.

I agree but you can also message the seller and ask to be fair . 

SungSungE #:

Maybe this is not forum rule , for my personal opinion.

I can agree with somebody can choose to discuss or not discuss the detail aoubt what he have done, especially for commercial solution.

We can discuess it , people can choose to join it or not.

If discussion of market products was allowed in the forum, there would be thousands of topics opened by sellers trying to promote their products.

Not many people would like to see the forum flooded with those type of topics.

Keith Watford #:

If discussion of market products was allowed in the forum, there would be thousands of topics opened by sellers trying to promote their products.

Not many people would like to see the forum flooded with those type of topics.

There could be a commercial section . 

The rule could be you can promote one thing per week there or have your thread(s) there and update them daily but if you spam the main section , boot .

Lorentzos Roussos #: There could be a commercial section. The rule could be you can promote one thing per week there or have your thread(s) there and update them daily but if you spam the main section , boot .
The moderators already have their hands full with the current way and they don't get paid either. Imagine the work they would have if that came to be? It would be chaos!
Fernando Carreiro #:
The moderators already have their hands full with the current way and they don't get paid either. Imagine the work they would have if that came to be? It would be chaos!

Or it could be partly from what is posted on the market , like they do for the code base . When a product reaches X purchases , and it is not free , a thread opens up in that section for that product where non-buyers can chat it up . 

There will always be chaos . 

Lorentzos Roussos #: Or it could be partly from what is posted on the market , like they do for the code base . When a product reaches X purchases , and it is not free , a thread opens up in that section for that product where non-buyers can chat it up. There will always be chaos . 

I stand by my words. Even on the CodeBase and Article discussions, the moderators already have to deal with stupidity and much more. Please don't put more on their plate!

I find it appalling that MetaQuotes exploit moderators this way. They should be paid fairly for their contributions.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I stand by my words. Even on the CodeBase and Article discussions, the moderators already have to deal with stupidity and much more. Please don't put more on their plate!

I find it appalling that MetaQuotes exploit moderators this way. They should be paid fairly for their contributions.

I agree . Our hosts are a little ... stiff . In many things . But there's 2 types of chaos :

The chaos of growth , where you lose sleep


The chaos of decline , where you lose everything 

But i'll also play devil's advocate . 

If they gain nothing from moderating they can just stop being moderators . So , as long as they don't resign there is something to gain no ? (which is not wrong , its more than fair like you said )

Lorentzos Roussos #: I agree . Our hosts are a little ... stiff . In many things . But there's 2 types of chaos : The chaos of growth , where you lose sleep. and  The chaos of decline , where you lose everything 

In that case, why not "volunteer" to be the one and only moderator for the "comercial" section? You would only lose sleep! That would be fair, don't you think?