MT5 on Mac OSX Ventura



I have downloaded and can open the MT5 on my mac but cannot connect to get price feeds, I have tried multiple brokers that i have demo accounts with but no luck. I can log in using those credentials on the web trader version and it works fine but not the desktop version. The bottom right. just shows a spinning wheel or a red symbol. 

I do not have a firewall enabled, I am not using a VPN and my mac is a Intel based chip. I have talked with my brokers and not one is able to help they say my credentials work fine on there end when tested but they are not on a mac.

thank you for any help. 


Having the exact same issue. Tried 3 brokers. Been in contact with one a few times and they resorted to the classic "uninstall and reinstall", which obviously I've tried a few times. Not a helpful comment but just wanted to let you know you're not alone.

Hey Dan, 

I've got mine working. I had to install Parallels desktop so i can run Windows 11 on my MacOs Ventura and then install MT5 on the virtual Windows. Works great. Only downside is that it cost $130 a year to own. Hope that helps :)