Importing data

Hi MT,

I am having trouble importing monthly usd/chf data.
Tried just about every format but still nothing.
Any suggestions as to what the trouble may be..

Thanks and have a great xmas :))
please send your file to
before sending compress your file with ZIP please. we'll think
Ok will do thanks, :))
fixed in the build 145
Hi MT,

I have a problem too.
I am trying to import big file of 1min data (56 MB, over 1.200.000 records)
File is in csv format, and is exported from MT 3.83
In version 3.83 I can export and import this data without problems.
In 4.0 I am receiving message "no memory".
Where is a problem?

Thanx and happy new year!
R.Zet try import data partially. or increase your computer's memory
I think it is not a problem with my comp (on the same machine I can import this file using ver. 3.83)
I have 512MB of RAM and no running other applications while I'm trying to do this.
ok, I will try make some parts and load it one after another.
we'll check

You are The Best !!!
In build 148 I can do my "big import" (re: my posts from 29.12.2004)

After this, is a small problem with displaing imported data in History Center.
When im scrolling down records to see one of the oldest, after records from november 2004 should be records from october, but there is a 1 row hole and are repeated the newest (january 2005)
It depends only displaing data in History Center. In the chart all data are correct.
This bad situation is in tools/history center/import window too. When i choose the file to import, in this window are records to be imported, and after scroll down between 11.2004 and 10.2004 is the same situation.
This problem is with 1min bars of course.

best regards
