WebRequest(): how to handle HTTP 303 response downloading shared files from Google Drive? - page 3

Hello all.

Last month, I opened a service desk ticket with this bug report and, 2 days ago (December 15), I was notified that the problem is fixed in the latest release -- see screenshot attached... I checked the latest release notes (December 9) and don't see any mentions of this bug in WebRequest() so perhaps it's coming in the next update?

Not sure as they closed the ticket and I couldn't follow up... Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏾 and will test next week. 

@Dmitri Diall #: Last month, I opened a service desk ticket with this bug report and, 2 days ago (December 15), I was notified that the problem is fixed in the latest release -- see screenshot attached... I checked the latest release notes (December 9) and don't see any mentions of this bug in WebRequest() so perhaps it's coming in the next update? https://www.metatrader5.com/en/releasenotes.Not sure as they closed the ticket and I couldn't follow up... Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏾 and will test next week. 
Irrespective of the release notes, have you tested your code on the latest official build 3550 released yesterday?
Fernando Carreiro #:
Irrespective of the release notes, have you tested your code on the latest official build 3550 released yesterday?

I was away and couldn't test it... Just did on build 3550 -- here's a snapshot from the debugger after running the script attached to the original post (paraphrased in the code below):

int timeout = 5000;
string web_url = "https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1-PtADmc85Tws_RcRF9nGJ0LkkBvv3DWO&export=download";
string result_headers, headers = "";
char result_data[], post_data[];
int response = WebRequest("GET", web_url, headers, timeout, post_data, result_data, result_headers);
int error_code = GetLastError();
string file_data = CharArrayToString(result_data);

Debugger screenshot below, full copy of the string data in the attached text file.

This is how the HTML received renders:

I confess that this whole thing feels rather puzzling!! 😵


In the meantime, a friend of mine tested my script with the same URL and was successful... on both, MT4 and build 3553 of MT5!! ⭐👍🏾

Mine His

I'm somewhat dumbfounded, but hopefully will get this latest update soon -- I tried checking for Latest Release Version but no luck yet... Also checked for the Latest Beta Version, and it's available so I'll probably install it in a different folder later to try again (not sure if I want to mess my development environment with beta software).

Dmitri Diall #:In the meantime, a friend of mine tested my script with the same URL and was successful... on both, MT4 and build 3553 of MT5!! ⭐👍🏾

I'm somewhat dumbfounded, but hopefully will get this latest update soon -- I tried checking for Latest Release Version but no luck yet... Also checked for the Latest Beta Version, and it's available so I'll probably install it in a different folder later to try again (not sure if I want to mess my development environment with beta software).

Build 3550 is the latest official released build. Build 3553 is a "beta" release build.


OK, so I copied my portable MT5 installation into a separate folder and force an upgrade to the Latest Beta Version - build 3555 released yesterday. Testing the same script on the same URL, I'm still having the exact same issue as earlier today -- error HTTP 500. I wonder whether it could be something in my environment... Perhaps I should try a clean MT5 install or remove configuration files copied across from the original folder?