Metatrader 4.0 - Sugestions


first of all, as a trader, I want to congratulate you Metatrader 4 and as a web design company CEO i want to congratulate you for the new web site.

A few sugestions:

[Web Site]
- You should post a list of brokers which use Metatrader 4 organized by countries. This is very usefull.
I use Oanda but i am looking for a good broker which uses Metatrader 4.

[Metatrader 4]
- The ability to use external .dll files as indicators or even procedures.
I use Matlab ( to create advanced studies.
Using dll's in Metatrader would be great to incorporate new stuff.

- Information of how to use Metatrader 4 API.
Clear information and even some examples would be great.

Well this is all for now.

I will keep posting my sugestions while i use Metatrader 4. Good thing you have a forum now.

some article about dll calls coming soon
mt4 api is not ready yet