MT4 Slippage Solutions

Hi, there is a good comment by Golubev in the above linke about slippage.

So just to double check as I understand

1) MT4 does not provide Stop Limit Orders.

2) Stop orders will trigger at market, then it may be necessary to add a slippage to them (on OrderSend)

3) Limit orders do not need slipppage, then not an issue.

4) In the absence of STOP LIMIT orders on MT4,can we replicate reliably the limit condition buy entering a OP_BUYSTOP or OP_SELLSTOP with

a slippage limit or perhaps a condition like submitinh OrderSend (Market) once the price is in certain range and if the Bid/Ask at that time also are in a range?

Press review - U.S. GDP Revised Down to 2.6% in Fourth Quarter
Press review - U.S. GDP Revised Down to 2.6% in Fourth Quarter
  • 2019.03.28
In the initial estimate, the increase in real gdp was 2. 7b according to the  latest press release. Number of slippage points is displayed according to the price accuracy (number of decimal places) at the signal provider's side
Hey did you find any solution for stop limit orders? I really need an EA or script for it