MT4 broker server search no longer working in Windows 2012 R2?


Hi Metaquotes,

We started having problems with the broker servers search in MT4 today.

From testing it seems to be happening on Windows 2012 R2 VPS only?

I have tested Windows 2019 VPS by comparison and it works and does not have same issue.

Windows 2012 end of life is not for 1yr more with EOL on 10/10/2023.

Is this maybe a certificates or cipher issue reaching Metaquotes search API from Windows 2012 R2?

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Brandon S: We started having problems with the broker servers search in MT4 today. From testing it seems to be happening on Windows 2012 R2 VPS only? I have tested Windows 2019 VPS by comparison and it works and does not have same issue. Windows 2012 end of life is not for 1yr more with EOL on 10/10/2023. Is this maybe a certificates or cipher issue reaching Metaquotes search API from Windows 2012 R2?

I still use MT4 on a Windows 2008 R2 VPS and have no such problem, so I doubt it is related to Windows, or certificates, or ciphers.

I sometimes also use MT4 on Windows 7 as well at home and also have no issues with it.

Your case seems to be a of networking or ISP issue.


Ok interesting info.

MT4 has updated itself to lates Nov 9 build 1367

We have tried it from multiple locations and different network providers and is same.

I'll test that further the Windows 2008 just as a test.

Brandon S #: Ok interesting info. MT4 has updated itself to lates Nov 9 build 1367 We have tried it from multiple locations and different network providers and is same. I'll test that further the Windows 2008 just as a test.

Build 1367 is a beta build, it is not an official release. Beta builds are notorious for being unstable.

Don't use beta builds if you don't want to be a beta tester so don't connect to MetaQuotes demo accounts.

Connect only to reputable brokers that usually only push updates for official release builds.


Hi again,

Well build 1367 seems to have been pushed during new install by just using previous installer file i had.  I didn't choose anything beta intentionally.  Its what i got from new install of MT4

Also i just tested both Windows 2012 R2 and Windows 2008 R2 local installations i maintain under VMWare workstation and they both have the issue with the broker search failing.

Correction later: my Windows 2012 locally is not R2 so i will re-test it and confirm back

Brandon S #: Well build 1367 seems to have been pushed during new install by just using previous installer file i had.  I didn't choose anything beta intentionally.  Its what i got from new install of MT4. Also i just tested both Windows 2012 R2 and Windows 2008 R2 local installations i maintain under VMWare workstation and they both have the issue with the broker search failing.

If you run the download from the MetaQuotes site it will install beta builds. Use the installation from your broker.

My broker is supplying build 1356 but some brokers pushed out 1359.

Just overwrite your installation with files from an older build.

Thanks.  Will check that also

I've confirmed now on Windows 2012 R2 on a new iso install locally and fully Windows updated that it has the problem on both MT4 builds 1367 (Nov 9, 2022) and also build 1356 (May 5, 2022). 

Both have the issue where broker search does not work and returns no results

Brandon S #: I've confirmed now on Windows 2012 R2 on a new iso install locally and fully Windows updated that it has the problem on both MT4 builds 1367 (Nov 9, 2022) and also build 1356 (May 5, 2022). Both have the issue where broker search does not work and returns no results
What is the name of the trade server?. I will do a search on my setup and show a screen shot. Hopefully this test will show that either the problem is general or on your setup.

Ok thanks.

I was just searching any broker name like fxcm, pepperstone, icmarkets keywords.   

I've tried multiple locations, different VPS/network providers, and different installs for Windows 2012 R2

Windows 2016,2019 are not having the issue

This is not a problem just for me.  I'm an admin with mutual customers using MT4 having the problem
Brandon S #: I was just searching any broker name like fxcm, pepperstone, icmarkets keywords.  I've tried multiple locations, different VPS/network providers, and different installs for Windows 2012 R2

Windows 2016,2019 are not having the issue. This is not a problem just for me. I'm an admin with mutual customers using MT4 having the problem

I'm having no difficulty at all on build 1356, so the problem must be with your VPS ISP network connectivity or firewall policies and not with MT4 nor Windows.

The tests below are from my home location in Portugal ...