Get Trendline price with calculation

I know there is the function "ObjectGetValueByShift" where you can get the price of the trendline, but i need to know how you can get the price of the trendline when you only know the values on which points the trendline is draw and then with the calculation you can get also the price, i am looking for such a function, can somebody help me?
Email Account: I know there is the function "ObjectGetValueByShift" where you can get the price of the trendline, but i need to know how you can get the price of the trendline when you only know the values on which points the trendline is draw and then with the calculation you can get also the price, i am looking for such a function, can somebody help me?

By using simple maths — namely the equation "y = m * x + c" ...

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Experts: Safe Trend Scalp

Fernando Carreiro, 2022.04.24 12:00

y = m * x + c

Let y = price
Let x = bar index

[price] = m * [index] + c


Price at Index 9 is 105 (10th bar)
Price at Index 1 is 100 (2nd bar)


m = Δy / Δx = (105 - 100) / ( 9 - 1 ) = 5 / 8 = 0.625

c = y - m * x = 105 - m * 9 = 100 - m * 1 = 99.375


y = 0.625 * x + 99.375

[price] = 0.625 * [index] + 99.375


What is trend-line price at bar index 5?

[price @ 5] = 0.625 * 5 + 99.375 = 102.5

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Experts: Safe Trend Scalp

Fernando Carreiro, 2022.04.24 12:31

Yes, obviously! It does not matter the slope as long as you clearly define the values for First and Last point.

Here is an example:


Price at Index 11 is 100 (12th bar)
Price at Index 1 is 105 (2nd bar)


m = Δy / Δx = (100 - 105) / ( 11 - 1 ) = -5 / 10 = -0.5

c = y - m * x = 100 - m * 11 = 105 - m * 1 = 105.5


y = -0.5 * x + 105.5

[price] = -0.5 * [index] + 105.5


What is trend-line price at bar index 5?

[price @ 5] = -0.5 * 5 + 105.5 = 103

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Experts: Safe Trend Scalp

Fernando Carreiro, 2022.04.25 01:13

No! Do you even understand what the ObjectGetValueByShif() does?

The function, does exactly the same thing as the "y=mx+c" equation. It calculates the price for the bars either inside or outside of the two connecting points of the trend-line.

Here is an example code of a Script, to demonstrate the two methods, that has been fully tested with log results:

#property strict
#property script_show_inputs

// Script input parameters
   input uint
      nStartPointBarShift  = 5,     // Bar shift of starting point of trend-line
      nEndPointBarShift    = 15,    // Bar shift of ending   point of trend-line
      nQueryPointBarShift  = 10;    // Bar shift of query    point of trend-line

// Script start event handler
   void OnStart()
      // Check if parameters are acceptable
         if( nStartPointBarShift == nEndPointBarShift )
            Print( "Invalid Parameters!" );

      // Calculate values
            nDeltaBarShift    = (int) nEndPointBarShift - (int) nStartPointBarShift;   // Change in bar shift

            dtStartPointTime  = iTime( _Symbol, _Period, nStartPointBarShift ),        // Time at starting point
            dtEndPointTime    = iTime( _Symbol, _Period, nEndPointBarShift   );        // Time at ending point

            dbStartPointPrice = iClose( _Symbol, _Period, nStartPointBarShift ),       // Price at starting point
            dbEndPointPrice   = iClose( _Symbol, _Period, nEndPointBarShift   ),       // Price at ending point
            dbDeltaPrice      = dbEndPointPrice - dbStartPointPrice,                   // Change in price
            dbLineSlope       = dbDeltaPrice / nDeltaBarShift,                         // Slope  is the value of "m"
            dbOffset          = dbEndPointPrice - dbLineSlope * nEndPointBarShift;     // Offset is the value of "c"

      // Draw trend-line object
         string sObjectName = "Test-Trendline";
         if( ObjectCreate( sObjectName, OBJ_TREND, 0, // Create trend-line object
               dtStartPointTime, dbStartPointPrice,   // Starting point of trend-line
               dtEndPointTime,   dbEndPointPrice ) )  // Ending   point of trend-line
            // Get price by both methods
                  dbValueByShift = ObjectGetValueByShift( sObjectName, nQueryPointBarShift ),
                  dbPriceByShift = dbLineSlope * nQueryPointBarShift + dbOffset;

            // Print out the values to the log
               PrintFormat( "Starting Point: %s @ %d",                            DoubleToString( dbStartPointPrice, _Digits ), nStartPointBarShift );
               PrintFormat( "Ending   Point: %s @ %d",                            DoubleToString( dbEndPointPrice,   _Digits ), nEndPointBarShift   );
               PrintFormat( "Query    Point: %s @ %d (by ObjectGetValueByShift)", DoubleToString( dbValueByShift,    _Digits ), nQueryPointBarShift );
               PrintFormat( "Query    Point: %s @ %d (by y=mx+c calculation)",    DoubleToString( dbPriceByShift,    _Digits ), nQueryPointBarShift );

            // Delete Object
               ObjectDelete( sObjectName );  // Delete trend-line object
2022.04.25 00:07:12.139 Compiling '(Test)\TestTrendlineValue'
2022.04.25 00:07:53.150 Script (Test)\TestTrendlineValue EURUSD,H1: loaded successfully
2022.04.25 00:07:56.080 TestTrendlineValue EURUSD,H1 inputs: nStartPointBarShift=5; nEndPointBarShift=15; nQueryPointBarShift=10; 
2022.04.25 00:07:56.111 TestTrendlineValue EURUSD,H1: initialized
2022.04.25 00:07:56.111 TestTrendlineValue EURUSD,H1: Starting Point: 1.07855 @ 5
2022.04.25 00:07:56.111 TestTrendlineValue EURUSD,H1: Ending   Point: 1.07973 @ 15
2022.04.25 00:07:56.111 TestTrendlineValue EURUSD,H1: Query    Point: 1.07914 @ 10 (by ObjectGetValueByShift)
2022.04.25 00:07:56.111 TestTrendlineValue EURUSD,H1: Query    Point: 1.07914 @ 10 (by y=mx+c calculation)
2022.04.25 00:07:56.111 TestTrendlineValue EURUSD,H1: uninit reason 0
2022.04.25 00:07:56.111 Script TestTrendlineValue EURUSD,H1: removed


Thank you for the help, can you show me with the following data how the calculation formular must look to get the trendline price for candel index 1 or 0

Trendline data:

price 1: 1.08971

candelstick index in the chart: 55

price 2: 1.09064

candelstick index in the chart: 33

chart period is M15

is it already possible to use your formular and calculate the trendline price with this data or is more data need?


Email Account #:Thank you for the help, can you show me with the following data how the calculation formular must look to get the trendline price for candel index 1 or 0

Trendline data: price 1: 1.08971, candelstick index in the chart: 55, price 2: 1.09064, candelstick index in the chart: 33, chart period is M15

is it already possible to use your formular and calculate the trendline price with this data or is more data need?

I have already provided you with two examples of how to apply the equation, with both positive and negative slope. I even provided a code example as well.

So, please apply yourself to reading the linked threads and using the equation with your own data.

Show your own effort in presenting the calculation and post it here for review.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I have already provided you with two examples of how to apply the equation, with both positive and negative slope. I even provided a code example as well.

So, please apply yourself to reading the linked threads and using the equation with your own data.

Show your own effort in presenting the calculation and post it here for review.

i will try it, i am not sure if i will be able to build the correct calculation, i am not good in matematics if you or somebody else want to help you can give a correct calculation example i think that is somethink what everybody wants. but of course your links can be helpfull maybe.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I have already provided you with two examples of how to apply the equation, with both positive and negative slope. I even provided a code example as well.

So, please apply yourself to reading the linked threads and using the equation with your own data.

Show your own effort in presenting the calculation and post it here for review.

Now after waisting another day and trying to build the correct calculation i am back to you Fernando, i am showing you my script and it would be nice if you can tell me what is wrong in my code, you should normaly write the name of the trendline into the script setting and then it should tell you the price of the trendline at the given index, but currently my script is showing me wrong values but i dont see where i have a error, so something with my current calculation formular is wrong, maybe you find where it is wrong:

//|                                               Trendlineprice.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
#property show_inputs

input string nam="";
input int Priceindexbar=0;
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
double price1=ObjectGet(nam,OBJPROP_PRICE1);
double price2=ObjectGet(nam,OBJPROP_PRICE2);
datetime time1=datetime(ObjectGet(nam,OBJPROP_TIME1));
datetime time2=datetime(ObjectGet(nam,OBJPROP_TIME2));
int bar1=iBarShift(Symbol(),Periode,time1);
int bar2=iBarShift(Symbol(),Periode,time2);
double value1 = price1-price2;
double value2 = bar1-bar2;
double value3 = value1/value2;
double value4 = price2-value3*1;
double price = value3 * Priceindexbar + value4;
Alert("Priceindexbar ",Priceindexbar,"  ",price,"  value3 ",value3);
Alert("bar1 ",bar1,"  bar2 ",bar2,"  price1 ",price1,"  price2 ",price2);
//|                                                                  |
Email Account #: Now after waisting another day and trying to build the correct calculation i am back to you Fernando, i am showing you my script and it would be nice if you can tell me what is wrong in my code, you should normaly write the name of the trendline into the script setting and then it should tell you the price of the trendline at the given index, but currently my script is showing me wrong values but i dont see where i have a error, so something with my current calculation formular is wrong, maybe you find where it is wrong:
double value4 = price1 - value3 * bar1;

I suggest you use variable names that have meaning. Otherwise you will get lost in your code.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I suggest you use variable names that have meaning. Otherwise you will get lost in your code.

Thank you for the correction Fernando, now it works.

Here is the script with the correction, for everybody hoe need it.

//|                                               Trendlineprice.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
#property show_inputs

input string nam="";
input int Priceindexbar=0;
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
double price1=ObjectGet(nam,OBJPROP_PRICE1);
double price2=ObjectGet(nam,OBJPROP_PRICE2);
datetime time1=datetime(ObjectGet(nam,OBJPROP_TIME1));
datetime time2=datetime(ObjectGet(nam,OBJPROP_TIME2));
int bar1=iBarShift(Symbol(),Periode,time1);
int bar2=iBarShift(Symbol(),Periode,time2);
double value1 = price1-price2;
double value2 = bar1-bar2;
double value3 = value1/value2;
//double value4 = price2-value3*1;
double value4 = price1 - value3 * bar1;
double price = value3 * Priceindexbar + value4;
Alert("Priceindexbar ",Priceindexbar,"  ",price,"  value3 ",value3);
Alert("bar1 ",bar1,"  bar2 ",bar2,"  price1 ",price1,"  price2 ",price2);
//|                                                                  |
Max Brown #: Hi Fernando, Thank you for your example script it is very useful.  I am designing something that uses elements of your code combined with ideas from this pivot thread:  How to use Pivot points in Forex trading? The strategy. - Best Forex Trading Strategy - Trading Systems - MQL5 programming forum. I'd be grateful for a little guidance.  I'd like nStartPointBarShift to correspond with the bar (20) that crosses below R1 at approx' 2.0220 and the nEndPointBarShift to be set to Bar 11 so it corresponds with the crossing of the PP at approx. 2.016.  Please can I have some guidance about how this can be done?

If even after all the above posts, example calculations and code samples (mine and the OP's), you are still unable to do it yourself, then you will need to hire someone to do it for you.

Fernando Carreiro #:

If even after all the above posts, example calculations and code samples (mine and the OP's), you are still unable to do it yourself, then you will need to hire someone to do it for you.

As I've written I've incorporated elements of the script in something I'm working on but my question isn't about how to calculate the equation of a straight line or ObjectGetValueByShift so the code examples etc. aren't helping but I will get there.  Sometimes it is better just written 'no I can't help'.

Max Brown #: As I've written I've incorporated elements of the script in something I'm working on but my question isn't about how to calculate the equation of a straight line or ObjectGetValueByShift.  Sometimes it is better just written 'no I can't help'.

Then please explain your question in more detail, because your point did not come across. What exactly are you asking then?