How to delete an MQL5 account?


Hi guys.

I really need help.

I accidentally register a new MQL5 accounts because I never login into my old account.

I tried to register to be a seller, but my application has been rejected because I have another MQL5 Account (previous one).

Can anybody help me how to activate my seller application?


Having two MQ accounts is against the rules! Ask the Service Desk to delete one:

Due to the problems to register as seller see here and follow the link:

Why I can't register as a seller?
Why I can't register as a seller?
  • 2019.03.12
Hi, could someone explain to me why I can't register as a seller and I uploaded all documents as requested...
I want to delet my account
Contact the service desk.
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Ehsanmk68 #:
I want to delet my account
Pls help me to delete my account get me money back to account 
abhishek pillai #:
Pls help me to delete my account get me money back to account 

If you are talking about your trading account, contact your boker.

If you are talking about your MQL5 account here, contact the Service Desk.